
Chapter 811

hk799 Brave’s World promoted bonus!

Brave’s World, operated by Dream Entertainment, has won the title of Worldwide First online game. But Brave’s World’s start is not ideal. At least with Shi Lei’s pre-estimated situation, there is a certain discrepancy.

Prior to the opening of Brave’s World, Shi Lei formerly made an estimate. He refers to the CrossfIRE ‘s score, predicting that Brave’s World’s registered users, at least more than 30 Million people, active users have at least 20 Million to 25 Million people.

However, Brave’s World currently registers users, only to break through 10 Million people, active users are only about seven million people. Whether it is the registrant number or the number of active users, only one third is predicted by Shi Lei.

Although Brave’s World officially opened less than half a month, Shi Lei is still dissatisfied with such achievements, and his Hope Brave’s World’s score is better, at least to reach the expected 80%, is considered qualified.

Brave’s World unexpectedly failed to meet expectations, which made Shi Lei feel quite strange. Brave’s World is a Wuxia-style game that is the most in line with the flavor of Xia Nation Gamer.

But why is the total number of Gamers in Xia Nation not more than the total number of overseas Gamers? Shi Lei has been looking for reasons, but has not found it.

Isn’t Brave’s World’s enough to suck gravity? Although Brave’s World is more inclined to Motion Sensing Operation, the traditional game mode is also optimized, and the game feels good! ‘

Shi Lei originally thought that Brave’s World’s Ordinary game mode, which is the keyboard and mouse game mode, is very troublesome to control. But Shi Lei tried it, and the Ordinary gameplay was not a hassle. Even more than most games, the operation is more scientific and convenient.

“Izual, showing the percentage of the Ager age structure!” Shi Lei told Izual that he is ready to analyze the age structure from Gamer. [

“yes, sr.” Izual controls the picture of the projector. A histogram showing the percentage of the age of Gamer.

Shi Lei observed the age structure of Brave’s World’s Gamer and found that 18-24 had the largest number of Gamers, followed by 25-30-year-old Gamer, then 31-40-year-old Gamer total ranked Third, 18-year-old Gamer, but the number Very few.

Why was CrossfIRE so successful? The reason is that in CrossfIRE, there is a numerous underage Gamer, known as the 300 million minors in the shootout Dream. The purchasing power of the underage Gamer is very strong, not inferior to some High Grade Gamer.

Shi Lei held his chin and thought for a while. Finally, shaking his head, or giving up on CrossfIRE ‘s road, to attract underage Gamer to join the game. Ma Huatang can earn the money of the underage Gamer with a conscience, but Shi Lei will not do the unethical thing.

‘Chief Ma, Chief Ma, you still have a little more success than me. You know how to attract underage Gamer. And I don’t want to do that! ‘Shi Lei in the heart sighs.

Can’t take CrossfIRE ‘s road, Shi Lei chose a brand new road. Promote Brave’s World to attract more Gamer. Brave’s World already has many factors that appeal to Gamer. Including Outstanding’s story, numerous online Gamer interaction, exquisite graphics, intelligent Non-player Controlled Characters and more.

Shi Lei just needs to add another fire to Brave’s World, making Brave’s World famous in Worldwide.

“Izual, what is the highest Grade of Gamer?” Shi Lei asked Izual, and Shi Lei needed to know about Brave’s World’s before preparing to add a fire.

“sr, in Brave’s World. Gamer’s highest Grade is Sixteenth Grade, with a total of 1,400 Sixty-two names, reaching Sixteenth Grade. Gammers reaching Fifteenth Grade, more than 20,000 people.” Izual roughly responded to data information . It is not that Izual does not know the exact data, but reports it to Shi Lei for accurate data, and Shi Lei will not remember it. If Shi Lei needs accurate data, Izual will naturally report again.

I heard that the highest Grade was only Sixteenth Grade, and Shi Lei nodded with satisfaction.

The difficulty of Brave’s World’s Upgrade will increase with the promotion of Grade. If you let Gamer reach full level quickly, then the Game’s Gravity will be greatly reduced.

“Izual, on the OffiCIA l Website, announced a news information.” Shi Lei paused for a moment, “modify First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, the amount of bonus is unchanged, but the currency unit is changed to US Dollar!”

Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, originally from First Place 3 Million Xia Nation Yuan; Second Place to Fourth Name 300,000 Xia Nation Yuan; Fifth to Tenth Place to 100,000 Xia Nation Yuan; Eleventh to First One Hundred 1 Wan Xia Nation Yuan; First hundred and one to first thousand thousand named 1000Xia Nation Yuan.

If you change the currency unit of the bonus to US Dollar, according to Xia Nation Yuan and US Dollar, the ratio of one to eight is also eight times in other words. Eight times the whole!

If Gamer in the Xia Nation area wins First Place, it is the 3 Million US Dollar bonus! Even if you deduct tax from the accidental income tax, you also have 2400,000 US Dollar, EQ uivalent to 1920 million Xia Nation Yuan. [

2007 year, 1920 million Xia Nation Yuan, in the eyes of the Ordinary people can be described as an astronomical number. Even though at Li Jian Nation, 2400,000 US Dollar is also a huge sum for the Ordinary people!

Shi Lei intends to invest huge sums of money to lure the Gamers into Brave’s World. These Gamers are for the purpose of entering Brave’s World, even for the sole purpose of participating in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition.

Once Gamer enters Brave’s World, Shi Lei is full of confidence in Brave’s World, which can retain Gamer. Besides, those who entered Brave’s World and attempted to participate in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, can they beat other Gamer Expert without investing?

That is simply nonsense!

In order to win in the First Period Martial World Struggle For Power, unless it is the real Genius Gamer, but also need the luck of the day, it is possible to not invest, and enter the Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, and finally get First Place. Otherwise, how do they fight High Grade Gamer?

Just Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm, you will have half of the Level 40 Legendary Set. As long as Storm’s Grade reaches Level 20 and wears the first half of the glory, even though Level 30’s Gamer will not be Storm’s opponent!

“sr, is it confirmed to update the official web page news announcement?” Izual asked again.

Shi Lei nodded: “confirmed!”


Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website, after the opening of Brave’s World, there have been very few major news announcements. Even if there is any announcement. It is also an announcement of what has been achieved by Brave’s World.

The vast majority of Gamer, long ago no longer pay attention to Dream Entertainment’s OffiCIA l Website, but stayed at the Official Gamer Forum. In the Official Gamer Forum, they can exchange game experience with Gamer across the World.

In particular, there are some experience of Task aspect. Although Izual performs automatic logic generation for each Task, Gamer can still find some rules to help them accomplish Task.

At 9:09 pm on May 13th, Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website updated the bonus adjustment announcement for Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition.

Since there are not many Gamers concerned about OffiCIA l Website. After Izual’s self-determination, World Grade announcement was broadcast in Brave’s World.

“World Announcement: Dream Entertainment Official has made corresponding adjustments to the bonus for the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. For details, please refer to Game Entertainment OffiCIA l Website.”

World Announcement has been played three times in a row. Some of the current players in the current Brave’s World campaign have speculated. How will Dream Entertainment Official adjust the bonus?

Many of Gamer’s pessimistic beliefs. Dream Entertainment will downgrade the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. After all, CrossfIRE has threatened Brave’s World law, and Brave’s World has become World First’s online game. Dream Entertainment Company does not need to invest too much for a Player Activity.

An essential difference between Brave’s World and the Ordinary online game is when Gamer fights in the wild. Can’t quit the game at will. It takes a full three minutes of Safety time to quit the game, that is, it cannot be attacked, and the game character cannot move too much.

It was because of these three minutes that some of Gamer thought about it!

Gamers in the city. Quickly return to the personal space of the game character, Brave’s World’s personal space, you can directly browse the Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website and the game Forum.

Some careless Gamer, just staring at the specific data of the bonus, and ignoring the currency unit, immediately yelled at the Official Gamer Forum to protest against Dream Entertainment’s deception of Gamer’s feelings. There is nothing in the bonus of the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. Variety.

However, most of the Gamer found out that the bonus unit of the Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition changed from Xia Nation Yuan to US Dollar. These Gamers posted in the Official Gamer Forum.

There is also a huge number of Gamer, who started to call Dream Entertainment’s Official customer service phone, in an attempt to confirm to Dream Entertainment Company whether the bonus of Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle For Power is really promoted eight times!

Dream Entertainment’s Official customer service center is still taken over by Izual. Izual is more detailed than the human customer knows, the content of the reply is more accurate, and can also receive the numerous Gamer consultation, there is no emotional issue that may be generated by the manual customer service.

When the numerous Gamer got an accurate response from Izual’s, they posted a post verifying the information in the Official Gamer Forum. Some Gamer entered Brave’s World and told the news to Gamer who was still in the game.

In less than half an hour, almost all online Gamers in Brave’s World, all know, the bonus of the Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, the currency unit changed from Xia Nation Yuan to US Dollar, the actual prize amount The extent of promoted has reached eight times.

3 Million US Dollar, even some Nouveau Riche Gamer, can’t calm down! Perhaps for the guys like Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm, 3 Million US Dollar is nothing, but it’s quite tempting for Capital City’s Country Money-bags Thunderbolt.

As for the general Ordinary Gamer, 3 Million US Dollar is exactly an astronomical number, a number that can change a life.

Within the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, all discussion topics are related to the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. The Gamer, who has achieved the leading Grade status in Brave’s World, became the subject of the Official Gamer Forum.

Especially the current An Idea Turns Demonic by Grade Ranked First – Jun Regret!

Jun regret is not the first batch of Gamer to enter the game, but he can actually rush to the Ranking List Ranked First. Fortunately, Martial Strength Listings is not Ranked First. Martial Strength Listings Ranked First is Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm !

In addition to the followers of the Gamer, Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition’s bonus promotion, there are also some personnel, also watching the situation of Dream Entertainment.

For example, those who are staring at Dream Entertainment anytime, anywhere…

(To be continued…)

Ps: 3380 words, good faith.