
Chapter 805

hk793 super.natural.force

The Sky Manor in Beiyu District has good security facilities. But there is no too much Security personnel, this is to give the owners more privacy, to prevent some bad Security personnel, and to infringe the privacy of the owners.

Shi Lei walked into the nine villas of Thirtieth in Sky Manor. Although the villa was filled with a pungent smell, the villa’s exhaust system was quite Outstanding. After the prior investigate, Li Zifeng opened according to Shi Lei’s arrangement. Venting System minimizes the effects of tearing.

“zī zī zī ~ ”

Shi Lei In the hall of the nine villas in Thirtieth, there was a sound of current in the Bluetooth headset, and Li Zifeng’s voice was intermittently transmitted, “Boss …we…currently…Basement …”

“Zifeng, you are coming out!” Shi Lei nervously told me.

In less than a minute, Li Zifeng led three other Squadron members and appeared in front of Shi Lei. Li Zifeng said with a nervous expression: “Boss, the situation is a bit wrong, the thing in Basement is weird!”

“Leading ahead!” Shi Lei certainly knows that Basement’s thing is weird, but it’s the top-secret Intelligence data of the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, a mysterious slate that can be run by the Interference Electronic Equipment.

The current sound from the Bluetooth headset, and the intermittent sound that Li Zifeng passed, should be exactly as stated and the interference of mysterious slate.

Shi Lei followed Li Zifeng and passed a downward stairway into a Basement with approximately Sixty squares. The Basement has an empty height of three meters and is equipped with electronic energy-saving lamps on the ceiling. [

However, at this moment, the electronic energy-saving lamp is currently flickering, like a haunted! Central in the basement, a wooden box out of thin air Levitate. Increased the haunted atmosphere.

Li Zifeng complexion is a little nervous, whispered: “Boss, the wooden box is weird, there is no thing support under it, and there is no thing pulling on it.”

Shi Lei looked at the wooden box, and the heart was deeply shocked!

No wonder Li Zifeng wants to say that there is something weird, Your Mother, this unscientific situation, anyone who sees it, will feel strange!

fortunately. Shi Lei has even experienced even more weird things. A Levitate wooden box, compared to the rebirth of six years ago, is nothing.

Shi Lei took a deep breath, will be in the hands of Notebook Computer, Bluetooth headset. And the cell phone came out together and handed it to Li Zifeng: “Zifeng. Help me hold it!”

Li Zifeng quickly picked it up. When he looked at Shi Lei and went to the wooden box, he immediately became nervous: “Boss, what are you doing? The wooden box, maybe a very dangerous. Boss, come back, I will get it!”

Shi Lei turned to look at Li Zifeng. With a smile, Li Zifeng is the earliest Core Member, and is truly loyal to Shi Lei’s personnel. Only the thing inside the wooden box. There is no danger at all.

If the mysterious slate inside the wooden box has a danger, the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters will not be shipped simply, and the Devil Mercenary Corps intelligence operations team may not be able to snatch it easily.

“Zifeng, don’t worry, it’s not dangerous. Ok, let’s go down, this thing is classified as a top secret event, and you don’t allow any word to be leaked!” Shi Lei told him, after he finished, Shi Lei took a deep breath. Going to the wooden box.

The appearance of the wooden box is very vicissitudes, with a sense of history. It is out of thin air at Levitate, showing to Shi Lei that it is not an ordinary’s thing.

Shi Lei bent slightly and pressed his hands on the lid of the wooden box and slowly opened. Just opened a gap, the electronic energy-saving lamp on the ceiling, suddenly burst into a spark, and then completely extinguished.

Li Zifeng shouted nervously: “Boss, what happened? Do you have anything?”. As he asked, he turned on the tactical flashlight.

“I’m fine!” Shi Lei covered the lid of the wooden box, thinking about the situation just in the heart. ‘After opening the lid, the ceiling’s electronic energy-saving lamps burst directly, apparently subject to a stronger interference. It seems that this wooden box can suppress the scope of mysterious slate? ‘

Shi Lei holding the wooden box, started talking: “Zifeng, you go out to martial law first, we are ready to retreat. Yes, you replace me as the whole operation, Notebook Computer and cell phone are temporarily placed in you, this ghost thing, can be interference Operation of Electronic Equipment.”[

“Understood!” Li Zifeng took Shi Lei’s Bluetooth headset, and he guessed in the heart that Shi Lei should know exactly what thing in the wooden box. Otherwise, Shi Lei will not know that it can interoperate with the operation of Electronic Equipment.

Li Zifeng led the Squadron member out of the Thirtieth No. 9 villa, sitting in the black Audi 6l sedan and observing the surroundings. When they found Shi Lei holding the wooden box and coming out of the villa, Shi Lei made a retreat to them.

Tenth Squadron’s member immediately left the black Audi 6l. Shi Lei took the wooden box and came to the specially remodeled Audi 6l sedan.

Shi Lei’s Audi 6l sedan has been specially modified to remove all Electronic Equipment and is only mechanically operated to prevent electronic interference from mysterious slate. This is called a special case where the safety performance is higher.

Driving the black Audi 6l sedan, Shi Lei rushed to Shuanghu District. Along the way, Shi Lei discovered a strange phenomenon, that is, every once in a while, about five minutes or so, the vehicles along with him, as well as the vehicles in front and rear, there will always be uncontrolled lighting. Even when a traffic light was encountered, a red car on the right side of Shi Lei appeared to be turned off; moreover, the traffic lights were also subject to interference.

Shi Lei in the heart secretly thinking, is this phenomenon caused by mysterious slate?

If the interval radius of the mysterious slate is small, then the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters can be transported by the internal space bigger transport Helicopter. Shi Lei found that even if the distance is about 100 meters, the lights will be uncontrolled flashing when the interval comes.

‘Damn, is this mysterious slate, and an Interval Eruption Period? ‘Shi Lei guessed the specifics of mysterious slate. If you really have the Interval Eruption Period, then you can understand. Why use the Large-scale transport Helicopter to ship.

Because when the Eruption Period arrives, the Large-scale transports the Helicopter, and it is not allowed to be tragic!

Shi Lei took the mysterious slate carefully, returned to the Shuanghu District from Beiyu District, and went directly to the Emerald Lake Building. When you walk into the Emerald Lake Building lobby, you are welcoming the Interval Eruption Period of mysterious slate. Shi Lei clearly saw that the Emerald Lake Building elevator suddenly failed and stopped at the Eighth Building.

This discovery dispels Shi Lei’s plan to take the elevator. The ghost knows to sit in the elevator. This damn mysterious slate, will it suddenly burst out, let the elevator out of control?

On the 18th floor of the Emerald Lake Building, the plan was remodeled as a testing ground for Li Cai and has not yet begun to be remodeled. The 18th floor also maintains an empty pattern, which is exactly Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian. A good venue to test mysterious slate.

Shi Lei is holding mysterious slate. I chose the way to take the stairs and went up to the 18th floor.

On the 18th floor of the Emerald Lake Building, Tao Wenxian has been accomplished to the test site. The main purpose is to install the Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner, as well as related equipment, including night vision cameras, acoustic detectors, radiation detectors, and even a Small-scale x-ray detector. And computer EQ uipment protected by lead plates.

Shi Lei When I walked into the 18th floor of the Emerald Lake Building, Tao Wenxian was ready for everything, just waiting for mysterious slate go on stage.

“Big Brother Stone, you are here!” Tao Wenxian walked over to Shi Lei. Reach out and get ready to take the wooden box in Shi Lei’s hand.

Shi Lei shook his head and said: “jzz, this wooden box is weird, you are careful. I am playing with the test piece, you are going to operate the computer instrument.”

Tao Wenxian did not refuse, immediately behind the computer EQ uipment protected by the lead, started talking: “Big Brother Stone, put the test sample on the opposite workbench!”

The single floor area of ​​the Emerald Lake Building is full of Three Thousand flat aspects, half a meter, vertical Sixty meters, and a diagonal of seventy-eight meters. The computer EQ uipment and the detection instrument were installed in one of the corners, and the workbench was installed diagonally to maintain the maximum distance.

Shi Lei, holding the wooden box, walked to the workbench. When he came to the workbench, Shi Lei pranked the wooden box above the workbench and suddenly let go his hands as if to let the wooden box fall vertically.

Tao Wenxian was also prepared to ask Shi Lei what to do, but when he saw the wooden box and Levitate was about fifty centimeters above the workbench, he exclaimed.

“Damn!” Tao Wenxian ran to the workbench. As he ran, he asked, “Big Brother Stone, what kind of toy did you bring back?”

Shi Lei shook his head. “I don’t know! But obviously, this toy is not very simple.”

“Crap!” Tao Wenxian obsessed with Levitate’s wooden box, even if it was an Idiot, and knew that the wooden box was not simple. In this scientific world, what thing can be done without relying on external forces, directly Levitate in the air?

Tao Wenxian stretched out his right hand, under the wooden box, waving unwillingly, trying to find the organ under the wooden box. However, obviously there is no institution, the wooden box is simply relying on its own Levitate.

“Big Brother Stone, this toy, where did you get it?” Tao Wenxian showed a strange radiance in his eyes.

Shi Lei did not conceal Tao Wenxian and explained: “This is the Peak-secret Intelligence item of our Xia Nation, Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters. However, it was hijacked by Devil Mercenary Corps and I found it back. Prepare research studies.”

Tao Wenxian’s strange radiance is more prosperous, “Big Brother Stone, have you heard of supernturlfore?”.

“Supernatural Force?” Shi Lei frowned, in fact, Shi Lei would rather believe that mysterious slate is a scientific item, such as a magnet, with a special strange magnetic field that can restrain Earth’s heavy Force Field.

But Supernatural Force, there are some too shocked!

“Yes! Supernatural Force!” Tao Wenxian touched the wooden box with both hands, as if stroking the younger sister. “Big Brother Stone, maybe, I know what this thing is thing!”

(To be continued…)

Ps:World, very strange!