
Chapter 804

hk792 annihilates Devil!

Unknown, not non-existent.

On 12 Day in May, close to 12 in the evening. Jingya Garden In 2004, Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian currently wrote the source code of Three-dimensional Graphics Reconstruction Technology. Shi Lei developed a unified structural standard and then worked with Tao Wenxian to write a different program sub-module.

“Big Brother Stone, I’m done here, how long have you been?” Tao Wenxian stood up and stretched out, stretched his muscles and asked Shi Lei.

Shi Lei’s hit the keyboard with both hands, responding: “wait a moment, there is a hundred lines of code!”

After more than ten minutes, Shi Lei finally knocked out the last line of code and told him: “Izual, retrieve source code, fill in the basic logic code for verification and debugging.”

“Yes Sir!” Izual’s icy voice came out of the speaker.

Tao Wenxian walked to the balcony of the living room and looked out from the balcony to see the bustling backstreet. Even if it is late night 12 point, the backstreet is still bustling, and the voice is full of people.

“Big Brother Stone, let’s go eat late!” Tao Wenxian suggested.

The two were tired for a night, although they were only writing source code, but the hands and fingers kept moving at high speed, and the High Degree was concentrated. It is impossible to say that it is not tired. [

“First wait, Izual debugged the program, and after we experimented, went out to eat late at night,” Shi Lei responded.

Tao Wenxian nodded and agreed to Shi Lei’s proposal. In the afternoon, Huanshi Security Company had sent the Laser Generator, or Li Zhiyue’s cousin Li Hao, personally sent it.

Tao Wenxian walked into the living room from the balcony and assembled the Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner.

Shi Lei sat on the sofa, holding a large group of plasticine with his hands and making a model of knockoff mysterious slate. Making the knockoff model of mysterious slate is not for raccoon dog exchanged for crown prince, deceiving Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters.

After all, according to the data provided by Shen Xiaoheng, mysterious slate has a strange power to suppress the operation of electronic products. This magical effect, what knockoff products can be achieved?

Knockoff mysterious slate model, just to verify whether the Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner is useful, can you follow the Shi Lei’s idea, through the optical scanning technology, the shape of the digital clone object.

“srThree-dimensional Graphics Reconstruction Technology wrote accomplish, debug accomplish line by line, no program logic error.” Izual sent a feedback report.

“jzz, the Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner, connected to Notebook Computer, let Izual install its driver, ready to start the experiment.” Shi Lei “揉” pinched the plasticine group and told Tao Wenxian.

“Okay, I am currently “fucking”!” Tao Wenxian connected the Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner to the notebook and told Izual to install the driver. He himself adjusted the position of the Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner.

Less than a minute later, Izual installed accomplished the driver for the Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner, and Tao Wenxian also adjusted the connection rotation device of the Laser Generator.

“Big Brother Stone, knockoff goods are not ready yet?” Tao Wenxian urged.

Shi Lei stood up from the sofa and started talking: “Get it, you can experiment now!”

Knockoff goods made of plasticine mysterious slate, about twenty centimeters long, about 15 centimeters wide, and about two centimeters thick, like a textbook textbook.

On the plasticine knockoff goods, Shi Lei portrays a lot of strange patterns, which are more complicated than the complex, but full of the ultimate beauty.

Tao Wenxian looked at the patterns and asked strangely: “Big Brother Stone, what are these opinions?”

“I don’t know!” Shi Lei shook his head. In fact, Shi Lei really didn’t know what the optics represented, and even Shi Lei didn’t know why he portrayed those patterns.

Originally, Shi Lei only intended to sculpt a little pattern on the knockoff goods to test the accuracy of the Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner, whether it can completely depict the surface features of the scanned object and the overall image.

But when Shi Lei took the knives and prepared to paint the patterns, his mind inexplicably showed a complex and complicated pattern. The patterns were somewhat similar to a circle, with a Six in the middle of the circle. -pointed Star shape. For the rest of the mysterious symbols, Shi Lei does not know what exactly is the opinion.

“Eh!” Tao Wenxian looked at the pattern that Shi Lei portrayed, speculated: “Big Brother Stone, why would you also describe what the charm of the charm Charm?”

“Well, don’t say, let’s test it!” Shi Lei put the plasticine on the wooden table, then “followed” Notebook Computer, controlled the Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner, and began scanning the front of the plasticine. Graphical.

In just ten seconds, the Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner scans the accomplish, portraying the complex pattern of the plasticine front Graphical, and Shi Lei observes the restored image of the Three-dimensional Graphics Reconstruction Technology on the notebook and discovers that they developed Software, the effect is surprisingly good!

Because, the image restored by Three-dimensional Graphics Reconstruction Technology, in addition to the color of the color is not the same as the original object, the other details of the issue, there is no gap, or the gapbetween the human naked eye Seize.

“Big Brother Stone, we have succeeded!” Tao Wenxian stood behind Shi Lei and said excitedly.

Shi Lei shook his head. “Don’t be in a hurry. Just change the sample to a face. We have to test the complete six faces to see if we can synthesize a complete object.”

Independent Scanning a surface, Three-dimensional Graphics Reconstruction Technology performs perfectly. But Shi Lei needs Three-dimensional Graphics Reconstruction Technology to scan a complete object.

If Three-dimensional Graphics Reconstruction Technology can withstand the test, it will come in handy tomorrow’s take-off action. If it’s not useful, you can only use a long-focus SLR camera tomorrow, take a picture of the mysterious slate’s all kinds angle, and then study it according to the picture.

After nearly ten minutes of tossing, Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian finally accomplished all the tests. Three! Male shape reconstruction technology does not disappoint Shi Lei’s high hopes, it is perfect to clone the digital plasticine model.

Even if there is no comparison, Shi Lei can only determine the images restored by Three-dimensional Graphics Reconstruction Technology. The complex and more beautiful patterns are exactly the same as the patterns he has personally portrayed.

“ok complete accomplish test! jzz, let’s go eat late!” Shi Lei clapher hands, call Tao Wenxian, and leave the room together.

At 8:10 am on May 13.

Shi Lei takes the Bluetooth headset and contacts the elite member of the Ruling Security Company through the cell phone network. This time against Devil Mercenary Corps, Shi Lei sent five elite Squadrons from the Ruling Security Company.

In addition to the five elite Squadron remaining in the five elite Squadron in the Yellow Triangle Region, all were dispatched, and even the company of Mirror Science and Technology used only Ordinary Security personnel.

“Boss, all Squadron arrives at the desired location.” Second Mid Captain Li Zifeng, in the cell phone network communication channel, reports to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei sits in a café in Victory Road, Beiyu District, where he enjoys Sunlight in the early summer, with a Notebook Computer in front of him like an Ordinary business person.

“According to the plan implement, this action does not require any hostages. I am not Hope, you have any casualties, start acting!” There is no one around Shi Lei, he does not need to deliberately lower the voice, just pay attention to the service staff of the cafe.

“Sixth Squadron received!”

“Ninth Squadron received!”

Five Squadrons reported the receipt in turn, and then started the action. Sixth Squadron, Seventh Squadron, and Eighth Squadron tracked the intelligence operations of three Devil Mercenary Corps in Rongcheng City.

Ninth Squadron is responsible for Group B of Shuangqing City. Tenth Squadron is led by Second Mid Captain Li Zifeng and personally confronts the Intelligence Unit of Devil Mercenary Corps of the 212 Victory Road in Beiyu District.

Devil Mercenary Corps’s three action groups in Shuangqing City are only trio, they are in the Thirtieth Nine Villas of the Skyscraper at the 12 Skyscraper in Beiyu District.

Li Zifeng drove a black “color” Audi 61 sedan and successfully entered the sky manor through a pre-prepared owner card. The black “color” Audi sedan is parked behind the 38 villas, only thirty-nine villas, less than fifty meters away.

Izual has taken control of the Sky Manor’s Safety Monitoring System, and Li Zifeng can move forward without worrying about being discovered.

“Zifeng, your location Safety directly enters thirty-nine villas by plan, with tears to meet any resistance, directly annihilating, leaving no live.” Shi Lei driving Shadow Dragon, through the hanging Small-scale Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector It has identified the interior of 39 villas with three heat sources of human appearance.

Li Zifeng received Shi Lei’s remote information support and immediately rushed to the outside of the three No. 19 villas with three Squadron members. The diamond cutting knife broke through the villa’s glass and threw a few tears into the interior.

The tears of this thing, although it is also a contraband, but not much damage, so the management is not strong. Rongcheng Military District gave a lot of tears to Shi Lei to help Shi Lei arm the Ruling Security Company.

If you change your tears into a grenade, it is absolutely impossible to hand over to Shi Lei’s in Rongcheng Military District!

Tears spread inside the Thirtieth No. 9 villa, and three members of the Devil Mercenary Corps fell into a violent cough. They didn’t even think that they would be attacked during the day.

This is also one of Shi Lei’s tricks, not to choose a night raid. Relative to the daytime, Devil Mercenary Corps’ intelligence action group member has a higher vigilance at night.

The Tenth Squadron Elite member led by Li Zifeng rushed into the Thirtieth No. 9 villa, and with the sound of the silence pistol, the members of the three Devil Mercenary Corps immediately became dead.

“Boss, Tenth Squadron accomplish Task.” Li Zifeng reports from the news channel.

Five Elite Squadron and Shi Lei’s contact are one-way communication, their voices, only Shi Lei can hear, and will not affect other Squadron’s Task.

Shi Lei’s contact with five Elite Squadrons can be either single mode or multiple modes. After the Tenth Squadron accomplishment Task, Shi Lei chose a single communication model with Tenth Squadron.

“Zifeng, you check, are they dead? If they don’t die, fill them with a shot.” Shi Lei gave a cold-blooded command. The member of Devil Mercenary Corps, the combat power is very embarrassing, and the result of tragedy will happen if you are not careful.

“Boss, confirmed, three people have died!” Li Zifeng replied to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei took a sip of coffee and closed the Notebook Computer in front of him, started talking: “I will come over!”

Out of the cafe, Shi Lei sat on a specially modified black “color” Audi 61 sedan. Although it is not a black car without a license, it is also an illegal deck vehicle. The law reveals Shi Lei’s head.

This specially modified Audi 61 sedan was mainly replaced with all Electronic Equipment and changed to a purely mechanical transmission power mode. Although the power “sex” and “sports” control can be reduced a lot, but in special circumstances, Safety “sex” can be promoted a lot.

Driving the specially modified Audi 6l sedan, Shi Lei successfully used the owner’s card, passed the Sky Manor’s Access Control System, and then went straight to the backyard of the nine villas in Thirtieth, where he kept talking to Li Zifeng. “Zifeng, have you found Basement?”

Li Zifeng’s tone was a little scared: “Boss, we found it, but the situation is a bit wrong…”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗