
Chapter 806

hk794 Supernatural Force :Levitation !

Miracle, appears in every corner of life.

For example, on the 18th floor of the Emerald Lake Building, a mysterious and ancient wooden box out of Levitate, which is exactly as stated a Miracle, a Miracle that uses scientific power to interpret it temporarily.

Shi Lei stared at Tao Wenxian and asked as calmly as possible: “jzz, do you know what it is?”

Tao Wenxian caressed and touched the wooden box with a fascination in his tone. He asked: “Big Brother Stone, do you believe in the existence of Supernatural Force?”

Shi Lei hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

Although Shi Lei in the heart, he is more willing to lean toward one side of science, but it is his bizarre resurrection six years ago, or the mysterious appearance of Izual, these things, with a trace of Supernatural Force.

‘Perhaps, Supernatural Force, the real existence! , Shi Lei in the heart speculated.

“jzz, your opinion is, the thing inside the box, there is Supernatural Force. Maybe it’s just a strange substance, with a special magnetic field?” Shi Lei asked with an uncertain question.

Tao Wenxian knocked on the surface of the wooden box with the joint of the right middle finger and the index finger, and made a crisp sound. “Big Brother Stone, I don’t know, have you noticed the pattern on the top of this small wooden box?”[

Shi Lei looked at the pattern on the top of the small wooden box. At the top of the small wooden box, there were some patterns like the Lotus Flower. Shi Lei didn’t notice it before!

“jzz, these patterns, it seems to be Lotus Flower?” Shi Lei is not sure.

Tao Wenxian nodded, “It’s not like Lotus Flower, they are Lotus Flower! This is the symbol of the ancient religion of Yinjia Nation, which symbolizes the things of Holy.”

“Hey?” Shi Lei in the heart guessed, is this small wooden box, origin in Yinjia Nation?

“Big Brother Stone, you go to “Laser” for the Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner, let’s scan the box first.” Tao Wenxian did not answer Shi Lei’s doubts, but was prepared to test the test first.

Shi Lei shrugged and walked to the Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner and shouted: “Jzz, are you ready?”

“ok!” Tao Wenxian erected the small wooden box for the Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner.

Shi Lei in the notebook, “Fuck” for the three-dimensional Graphical reconstruction software, launched the Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner, across the distance of seventy-eight meters, through the Laser Generator, scanning the front of the small wooden box.

Three minutes later, Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian worked together and had accomplished a five-sided scan of the small wooden box, leaving only the bottom scan unaccomplished. However, an invisible hidden “fluctuation” fluctuates with a small wooden box as the center, spreading toward all around.

Shi Lei currently On the notebook keyboard, enter the relevant data content. However, with the arrival of the hidden “sexual” fluctuations, the Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner’s green “color” scanning light suddenly went out; the Notebook Computer’s picture suddenly appeared to appear, and then Notebook Computer automatically restarted. .

“Izual, what happened just now?” Shi Lei called Izual through a Bluetooth headset, trying to learn more through Izual.

“Sr just interrupted communication · physical internet conNEC tion interrupt, currently re-access. Read System Log, Notebook Computer in twenty seconds before twenty · all hardware sudden power failure, System automatically restarts.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Tao Wenxian looked over here, loudly: “Big Brother Stone, what happened? Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner has failed?”

“No! We restarted scanning, this time faster!” The notebook was restarted, but the data just measured was not saved.

Shi Lei analyzes the accident just after measuring. ‘Notebook Computer’ is not spared from the difficulty of the one-centimeter-thick lead plate. It seems that the electronic interference of mysterious slate is more strange than the power of the radiation. , [

The attack of the radiation, or the peep of the all kinds of Particle Detector, is generally protected by lead plates. In the ggle map, some buildings have obvious white spots on the roof of the building. They are accurately as stated and laid with lead plates to prevent peeks from the satellite.

This time, in less than four minutes, Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian took the scan test. After Shi Lei saved the data, he actively closed Notebook Computer, waited for the Eruption Period of mysterious slate, and interrupted the Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner. After that, open Notebook Computer.

Tao Wenxian walked to Shi Lei and asked, “Big Brother Stone, what happened?”

Shi Lei briefly introduced the electronic interference of mysterious slate, started talking: “jzz, you haven’t said that that mysterious slate, what exactly is that?”

“Big Brother Stone, I need to be further confirmed!” Tao Wenxian in the notebook, observing the digital clone model of the small wooden box, especially at the bottom of the small wooden box. He zoomed in on the digital clone model several times and finally found some secrets in the bottom digital model.

At the bottom of the digital clone model of the small wooden box, after zooming in five times, some symbols similar to the Yinjia text appeared. Tao Wenxian immediately ordered: “Izual, translate this paragraph!”

“mrjzz, please parse the corresponding text language slightly.” Izual extracted the text information in the 3D Graphical reconstruction. After about three minutes, Izual reminded: “sr, whether close computer, according to System detection, the last system interrupt, It has been four minutes and thirty-eight seconds. According to the System statistics data, there are two 12 seconds, and the System will restart the exception close.”

“close System, set after 30 seconds, start regularly.” Shi Lei commanded.

Tao Wenxian is next to frowns, “Big Brother Stone, those words are not Yinjia Lion guage. If it is Yinjia Lion guage, Izual has already recognized and translated everything in three minutes.”

“I know.” Shi Lei nodded and replied, “We only need silent waiting. After Izual translates accred, we will tell us the specific situation.”

After two 12 seconds, like the data of Izual statistics, mysterious slate broke out with strange fluctuations, infecting the operation of Electronic Equipment, including the Bluetooth headset that Shi Lei and Izual connected.

After the electronic interference dissipated, Izual connected the Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian Bluetooth headsets and reported: “Sr has determined the language of the corresponding text, which is the branch of the ancient Yinjia Lion guage. The translated content is: ‘Come To The Blessings and Gifts of Buddha !,.”

Tao Wenxian flashed a strange light in his eyes, “Big Brother Stone, I want to show you a data!” After that, Tao Wenxian quickly connected to a private server address in the notebook, in the Server, opened a Data.

“Big Brother Stone, combined with the small wooden box Levitate, the Lotus Flower pattern on the top of the box, and the text on the bottom of the box, I finally know what it is! Look, is this thing?” Tao Wenxian opened a picture.

In the picture, a piece is about ten centimeters long, about five centimeters wide, and has a thickness of about one centimeter. The color of the color is a light green slate, and Levitate is in the air.

The light green slate has no decoration and is as flat as glass.

After Shi Lei finished reading, he removed the Bluetooth headset on his ear and ran to the small wooden box on the diagonal lane workbench. Standing in front of Levitate’s small wooden box, Shi Lei opened its top cover.

Just opened a gap, the original Notebook Computer, Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner, immediately received the interference. Laser Three-dimensional Graphics Scanner’s Laser Generator, “shooting out” the green “color” radiance off; Notebook Computer automatic power failure, forced close.

When Shi Lei completely opened the small wooden box, in the small wooden box, Levitate had a light green slate, exactly the same slate as the picture.

“jzz, what is this thing?” Shi Lei looked towards Tao Wenxian who came over, with an unquestionable taste in his voice, indicating that Tao Wenxian must answer.

“This is the Levitation Slate, the ancient Yinjia Nation legendary magical object, the rumored person with this kind of object, and finally the same strength as the Levitation Slate, can be Freedom Levitate in the air.” Tao Wenxian looked at the Levitation Slate with his eyes.

“jzz, are you kidding Right?” Shi Lei held the Levitation Slate in his right hand and didn’t feel any weight at all, but from the touch of the sense, it was indeed stone.

Tao Wenxian shook his head seriously. “Big Brother Stone, I am not kidding. In fact, the topic of Levitate, although lacking scientific evidence, does not exist. At least, in our World, there are many, many such examples, and It was recorded by photos and videos.”

“Eh? Is there such a thing?” Shi Lei is a World Summit Grade Hacker, immersed in Hacker technology and not too concerned about other things.

Tao Wenxian nodded. “Of course there is such a thing! In 1910 year, Great Britain famous Explorer Peter. Yabal found a Levitation monk in the remote mountains of Myanmar, and used cameras to record photos from various angles. Poland and Soviet Russia, there are also such cases. Even our Nation, there are such examples!”

Tao Wenxian said excitedly, “Explorer Owen of France in the year of 1912. Rooney, in our Xifan Province in Nation, he found a local monk as a guide. The monk walked in the snow and turned out to be A way of Levitate. And, while crossing a canyon, the monk also flew over the canyon with Owen. All of these things have photos as evidence.”

Listening to the description of Tao Wenxian, Shi Lei in the heart began to shake.

‘Mo Fei, this little slate, really there is Supernatural Force? Shi Lei looked at the slate in his right hand. If it wasn’t for the mysterious Levitate, it didn’t have any surprises at all.

“Big Brother Stone, if you still don’t believe it, I still have evidence! Recently, you told me to invade the network of Yinjia Nation, isn’t that right?” Tao Wenxian swallowed aqueduct: “I am at Yinjia Nation In the network, I found an interesting piece of information. So, I queried the data related to Levitation.”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗