
Chapter 1312

HK1296 sinister plan! The discovery of tourists!

The night was hurried, and overnight.

On July Twenty-nine, at 8:00 in the morning, Shi Lei’s default alarm clock sounded. According to Shi Lei’s habit, I would never get up so early. This is because Shi Lei needs to deal with more things today.

Li Jian Nation announced in a high-profile manner that he would like to seize the Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat and Shi Lei gave them a chance to let them catch The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat.

In order for Li Jian Nation to be satisfied with The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, Shi Lei had to make some modifications to The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat.

The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat currently uses electrical energy based on the N235 Metal Second Phase Application Plan. The N235 Metal of the Second Phase Application Plan releases the uranium nuclear fuel, the 3% of the complete Nuclear Fission.

Such a complicated power supply solution, even if Shi Lei affirmed Li Jian Nation, absolutely cannot copy the related technology, but Shi Lei is not exposed to Li Jian Nation in Hope N235 Metal.

The technology of Li Jian Nation is very niú bāi. No one knows whether Li Jian Nation can research the relevant Science and Technology of N235 Metal or the related technology of N235 Metal after getting N235 Metal.

Shi Lei is preparing to replace the N235 Metal in the Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat with the Thunderclash Electrolyte. N235 Metal dissolves in Thunderclash Electrolyte and is more stable in nature. Li Jian Nation will be more difficult to study.

In particular, N235 Metal has changed the physical properties in Thunderclash Electrolyte. If you want to study Thunderclash Electrolyte and derive N235 Metal, it is basically not possible!

Other than that. The Rongcheng Military District can also be reassured by replacing the N235 Metal in the energy compartment with the Thunderclash Electrolyte on The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat.

If The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat is captured by Li Jian Nation, it will definitely be a full World announcement, and the Rongcheng Military District will definitely know the relevant situation. Thereby determining the power of Thunderclash Electrolyte Second Phase.

There is also a benefit to replacing N235 Metal in the energy compartment of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat with Thunderclash Electrolyte. That is saving N235 Metal.

Even with only one cubic centimeter of N235 Metal, Shi Lei is still reluctant to waste. If it is the same volume of Thunderclash Electrolyte, the required N235 Metal only needs 0.1 cubic decimeter.

But in order to save limited resources. Plus two other reasons. Shi Lei is happy to replace the energy source of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. As for N235 Metal and Thunderclash Electrolyte, different ultra-high speed multi-frequency current drives are required, which eliminates the need to replace the Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator. I only need to replace the Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ with Izual. The driver for uency Electric Current Stimulator.

Early in the morning, Shi Lei came to the 18th floor of the Emerald Lake Building, the temporary Research and Development Manufacturing Center.

Li Cai didn’t come to work so early in the morning, Li Cai still needs to deal with things in school. Coupled with the shackles of Wen Ruoyun, Li Cai is now checking in.

eight thirty. Li Cai finally came to the 18th floor of the Emerald Lake Building and was ready to continue her research on yesterday’s unaccomplished experiment. Li Cai has been researching recently, from the data of LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter obtained by Yinjia Nation, Shi Lei handed it to Li Cai, let Li Cai play it.

“Hey, Big Brother Stone, why are you here?” Li Cai looked at Shi Lei very strangely and slammed some chemicals.

Shi Lei is an arm-flinging shopkeeper, not to mention the Research and Development Manufacturing Center, which is exactly as stated Dream Entertainment Company’s Office, Shi Lei is also very rare. Not to mention the current time so early?

Li Cai is very strong in mechanical design and manufacturing. The chemical aspect is weak. He doesn’t see what Shi Lei is doing.

“Little Plum, go, I am busy at the moment!” Shi Lei responded without turning his head. He currently makes a solution of Thunderclash Electrolyte, which is a rare metal that is stable in Exceed Grade and usually does not occur. Any chemical changes.

But Izual gave a formula that allowed N235 Metal to dissolve in it, not what Shi Lei discovered, or what Zheng Sanpao developed.

Li Cai didn’t talk any more, but looked at Shi Lei and kept slamming all kinds of chemical raw materials.

About an hour later, Shi Lei, under the LIP Lens-type Information Processor and Izual’s reminder, complied with the dissolved solution configuration of Thunderclash Electrolyte.

Shi Lei is only equipped with a liter of Thunderclash Electrolyte, which is one cubic decimeter, which happens to be the energy compartment capacity of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. One liter of Thunderclash Electrolyte dissolves 0.1 cubic metre N235 Metal and dissolves it. Thunderclash Electrolyte does not increase in volume.

“Little Plum, take the Bulletproof Glass bottle to me!” Shi Lei told the Bulletproof Glass bottle that he had been haode for a long time. Before the Shi Lei dupe Rongcheng Military District, they custom-made these Bulletproof Glass bottles.

Li Cai took the Bulletproof Glass bottle, placed it on Shi Lei’s bench for chemical experiments, and opened the stopper. Looking at the milk-white liquid, Li Cai couldn’t help but reveal a different smile.

Shi Lei took a long-necked flask and poured the Thunderclash Electrolyte into a Bulletproof Glass bottle. What makes people feel amazed is that the Thunderclash Electrolyte in the long-necked flask has not flowed into the Bulletproof Glass bottle, and there is no residue left in the flask.

After Thunderclash Electrolyte was injected, Shi Lei personally closed the lid of the Bulletproof Glass bottle, then shaken the Bulletproof Glass bottle and smiled and said: “Little Plum, yesterday on the side of Wen Ruoyun?”

Li Cai’s face was red, and the answer was: “Big Brother Stone, LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter’s miniaturization work, made progress in breakthrough. We used 3dPrint Technology to print raw materials with 99.99% Four Nines Fine Silver. More miniaturized Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator.”

“Hey?” Shi Lei was clearly transferred to Li Cai by the topic. “How far can it be?”

Perhaps the 2007 years of the era, many people have never heard of 3dPrint Technology. I even think that 3dPrint Technology is a printed thing with a 3d stereo effect.

However, as another Shi Lei who has experienced another Life Journey. It’s very clear that 3dPrint Technology, especially after the proliferation of XweiXdPrint Technology in near Weilai, 3dPrint Technology, can create unusual sorts and varieties of strange toys.

Even using 3d printers to make firearms is not an issue!

It is because of familiarity with 3dPrint Technology. Shi Lei knows the power of 3dPrint Technology, and he vaguely expects the most small-sized of the Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator.

“hēi hēi. Big Brother Stone, you will never believe that the Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator based on the new Power Source Second Phase Application Plan, the smallest size. It can already do one-half cigarette case. Volume,” Li Cai pleased said.

Shi Lei is not yet in my mind. Establishing the concept of one-half of the volume of the cigarette case, the LIP Lens-type Information Processor has been accomplished with the basic composition and displayed on the Virtual transparency screen.

This is exactly as stated LIP Lens-type Information Processor is advanced!

“So small?” Shi Lei was a little surprised. “Is there any restriction on the energy output aspect?”

Li Cai pleased’s shaking his head, “There is no restriction! As long as we design the route to withstand, the current within the tolerance range, there is no pressure at all.”

“So to speak. All of our supplies, all can be changed. Isn’t that right? Even including Shadow Dragon and Lion d Combat System Explorer!” Shi Lei has a strange radiance in his eyes.

“Shide! Big Brother Stone, such a large Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator, can be installed in all of our Equipment.” Li Cai affirmed Shi Lei’s idea.

“Very good! So what about LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter?” Shi Lei went back to the previous topic and asked.

Li Cai stretched out his right hand and made an action in the air. Then on the ceiling, he quickly lowered the three-sided projection cloth. Izual controlled the projector and showed the relevant information.

“Big Brother Stone, this is our LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter design!” Li Cai pointed to the projection sermon.

Shi Lei hēi hēi smiled and pointed to the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, “Little Plum, I wear the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, you can let Izual directly project data onto the LIP Lens-type Information Processor.”

Li Cai glimpsed, then said: “Damn Xie Hui, why is my LIP Lens-type Information Processor, he will not send it to me?”

“Little Plum, you have arranged the staff of the Ruling Security Company to send you! Old Xie will be too busy to eat even in the recent period of time, where is he free?” Shi Lei said the truth.

Shi Lei wants to build a virtual network platform based on the LIP Lens-type Information Processor. The relevant content, as well as the corresponding negotiations, all need Xie Hui.

For example, the LIP Lens-type Information Processor requires a restaurant to provide an electronic menu for the user of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, which can be browsed in the network.

In the early stage of the Virtual Network Platform, the Dream Entertainment aspect was definitely required to contact the restaurant, and even some benefits were needed to enable the restaurant to provide an electronic menu.

Of course, once the Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Virtual network grows, the status of both parties will change. At that time, it is not that Dream Entertainment needs to contact others, but someone else actively contacts Dream Entertainment and pays a portion of the fee to allow admission to the Virtual Network.

“Okay! Big Brother Stone, look here, according to the latest research, I am going to design LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter as Ultra-small Supersonic Fighter. I am going to install Laser Weapon and Electromagnetic Weapon this Fighter. On Guilded Missile, I am afraid that only 23 Small-scale Guided Missile will be equipped for the occasional need.” Li Cai pointed to the image of the projector and told Shi Lei.

Even Laser Weapon and Electromagnetic Weapon, whether it is power, attack accuracy, or attack distance, are very powerful. However, Guided Missile is still an essential weapon. In some cases, you must use Guided Missile to achieve its goal.

In the simplest case, if you want to quickly destroy an 3-Layer small building, then using Laser Weapon or Electromagnetic Weapon is not ideal.

Especially in the Supersonic state, Laser Weapon and Electromagnetic Weapon can’t meet the requirements. at this time. Only Guided Missile weapon can be the easiest to achieve.

Therefore, Shi Lei is also the LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter of Hope miniaturization. The Guided Missile is designed with a hanger.

“Little Plum, LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter of miniaturization, when can it be successfully developed?” Shi Lei in the heart.

Li Cai reluctantly said: “Big Brother Stone, we have solved the energy supply solution. Where is it so easy to accomplish? Right, Big Brother Stone, I have made a good toy for you!”

“What thing?” Shi Lei curiously asked.

“Come here!” Li Cai smiled mysteriously. Take the lead in front and walk to the workbench on the other side.

When the two came to the workbench, Li Cai pointed to the workbench. A silver-white metal case with an anodized surface.

The LIP Lens-type Information Processor quickly identifies the appearance of this silver-white metal box with a length and width of five centimeters. The thickness is two centimeters.

“Little Plum. What is this thing?” Shi Lei looked at the square metal box, and the melons were stitched together like a metal block.

Li Cai did not speak, but rotated the metal box by one hundred and eighty degrees and presented the back of the metal box in front of Shi Lei’s.

Behind the metal box, a section of two centimeters of High Degree is lined up with a line of interfaces. Includes two usb ports and five round holes similar to the 3.5mm audio interface.

The three round holes are yellow. The two are blue, and the five interfaces Shi Lei don’t understand what it is, so they asked Li Cai.

“Big Brother Stone, this is the standard power transfer interface. Two blue, through the power adapter cable, can be extended into a two-phase socket of Xia Nation standard. Three yellow interfaces, precisely as stated three-phase socket. If needed Standard sockets can also be plugged into other standard outlets.” Li Cai explains the situation.

Shi Lei turned over roll one’s eyes. “I am going to go, isn’t it Power Bank?”

“Well, that’s right, it’s Power Bank. But built-in Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator based on the new Power Source Second Phase Application Plan, the energy stored internally, if you use a notebook, use dozens of casually There will be no power failure in the year. This means that carrying this Power Bank will carry a very large power supply with you, and you don’t have to worry about the lack of power in your portable equipment.” Li Cai said with an indifferent attitude.

Shi Lei hā hā smiled. “It turned out to be! Very good, Little Plum!”

Although Li Cai’s Power Bank has no actual market value, after all, the new Power Source is adopted, and it is not possible to promote it to the market. That is not worth the effort.

But this Power Bank, Shi Lei can use it by itself!

This kind of weapon, with the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, is completely Exceed Grade!

“Little Plum, thing, I will take it first! I am still dealing with you. Do you continue to study LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter or study Levitation Slate?” After Shi Lei robbed the Levitation Slate, the research work was almost stagnant.

Tao Wenxian and Jian Wushuang, these two young people are all focused on genetic technology. Li Cai does not seem to be interested in research. The Leviation Slate, like the Shannon, seems to have been abandoned.

“Hey? Big Brother Stone, I am still studying LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter. As for the Damaged Stone, what else is it besides Levitate?” Li Cai complained. “The Damaged Stone blocks all kinds of detections. I don’t know its material structure. And its hardness is very big. We tried to cut with a knife, hammer it, even use our Electromagnetic Artillery bombardment, I didn’t knock it down. A so stubborn Damaged Stone Wait until you have time, and then slowly clean it up.”

Li Cai’s tone is full of complaints, “Big Brother Stone, I heard that we acquired dip Communications Research Company? Their Neutrino technology may be used to study the Damaged Stone. I don’t believe it, that Damaged Stone, Can block Neutrino detection.”

Shi Lei nodded. “En! Let’s talk about it later, I will go!” Shi Lei put the Bulletproof Glass bottle of Thunderclash Electrolyte in a suitcase and left the temporary Research and Development Manufacturing with a suitcase. Center.

With Thunderclash Electrolyte, Shi Lei has a sinister plan, and Shi Lei wants to give The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat to Li Jian Nation. The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat did not use any standard components. Instead, the high-definition wave-proof design of the entire hull of The Splitting Waves chose 3d integrated printing.

Also in other words, Li Jian Nation is simply not available in The Splitting Waves. Find any evidence about the ownership of The Splitting Waves. Even they will find a surprise!

With a suitcase with Thunderclash Electrolyte, Shi Lei takes the elevator. Down on the fifteenth floor, hand the suitcase to Li Zifeng and then tell Li Zifeng to take the suitcase to Móng Cái City in Nanyue Nation.

When the clock pointer came, it arrived at 6 pm Forty.

Thunderclash Electrolyte has arrived at Móng Cái City and Li Zifeng quickly returned to Shuangqing City after handing Thunderclash Electrolyte to Ye Feng. Not ready to stay at Nanyue Nation.

Although Thunderclash Electrolyte has arrived, The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat will take a day. To reach Móng Cái City. At this time, Shi Lei has been busy building the Virtual Network community of Mirror Science and Technology Group.

At the same time, Shi Lei also needs to process the Image Recognition Engine. Shi Lei recently found some ideas for the camera to recognize static Graphical. And carry out analysis.

Above the sea. The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, riding the Splitting Waves in the lonely ocean. Deviated from the mainstream channel, The Splitting Waves did not encounter any trouble.

Second Heavens, The Splitting Waves arrived in Móng Cái City in the evening.

Ye Feng replaced the Power Source for The Splitting Waves according to the plan. After replacing accomplish, The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat immediately set foot on the journey again.

This time, the destination of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. Not far from Móng Cái City, just in Guam, east of Fei Lu Nation.

Guam is a tourist Heaven. Also a duty free shopping Heaven! At the same time, Guam is also the overseas possession of Li Jian Nation. The island is 549 square kilometers, and about a quarter of it is the military base of Li Jian Nation.

Shi Lei did not rush to attack the Guam Li Jian Nation military base with a The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. Shi Lei just took the initiative to send The Splitting Waves to Guam and gave it to Li Jian Nation investigate.

The departure time of The Splitting Waves is already Xia Nation Time, which is more than 9:00 in the evening; the corresponding conversion is Guam time, which is more than 11 o’clock in the evening. From Nanyue Nation to Guam, it takes about six hours to seven hours.

Shi Lei is not possible to sit in front of the Number One Server and wait for The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat to sail. He washes early and sleeps in bed.

The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat Going to Guam’s plan, everything is ready, Izual can handle accomplish completely completely.


Local time, July 31, five o’clock in the morning.

Two male and one female youngsters nestled together, sitting on the beach, waiting for the sunrise.

The sunrise of Guam, from Li Jian Nation’s earliest sunrise, as the beginning of Li Jian Nation, always attracts some literary character couples.

“Steven, what is that thing over there?” A female voice rang in the dim.

“Where?” the man named Steven replied, “Jenny, are you mistaken?”

Jenny turned on the flashlight and pointed to the beach in the distance. “Steven, my Dark vision is better than you. On the beach there, there is a thing, it looks like it is a person?”

“Jenny, you are kidding me, are you?” Steven still didn’t pay attention.

Jenny’s tone became serious. “Steven, let’s take a look at it. It seems to be really a person. There is no movement on the beach. Let’s go see it!”

“Okay!” Steven walked helplessly in front, keeping Jenny behind, and holding a flashlight in his hand. Once the situation was wrong, Steven would use a flashlight as a weapon.

The two walked on the beach, and there was a wave of waves hitting the beach. When they were about five meters from the person’s thing, Steven prevented Jenny from moving on. Instead, he shouted: “嘿,Do you need help?”

On the beach, a thing about two meters or so, covered with sand, and with a dark sky, even with a flashlight, it is impossible to tell if it is a person.

“Jenny, you are here, I used to look at it!” Steven turned on the flashlight, spurred his courage and walked over.

When he walked over and found out that it was not a person, but an odd boat, he was sighed in relief. “Jenny, you can come over, not a person, just a boat.”

Jenny hurried over and the two flashlights illuminated the boat. The boat was very weird, like a solid canoe, but the overall shape was spindle-shaped, and the material of the hull looked very advanced, full of Science and Technology. .

“Steven, have you found out that this boat is very familiar?” Jenny revealed a doubt in his eyes.

Steven thought a little, then suddenly widened his eyes. “Jenny, I know, I know, this is the boat, the boat that attacked Yinni Nation Jakarta Port, and also attacked us two Nation military. Naval vessel and a Scientific Expedition Ship !”.

(To be continued…)

Ps: Continue the two-in-one update chapter!

Next Monday, impact the premium quality badge, Hope everyone genuine subscription!