
Chapter 1311

HK1295 Li Jian Nation’s satellite to help!


The waters of the Bermuda Triangle, July Twenty-eight, noon.

The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, located outside Forty, N235 Metal, found three Great Britain EmpIRE ships, two of which were military naval vessels and the other suspected Scientific Expedition Ship.

In order to keep the secret of N235 Metal, Shi Lei decided to kill the three ships. However, the Ruby Laser Artillery on The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat could not destroy three ships in a flash, and the WIRE less interference equipment on The Splitting Waves did not have enough power to cut off the communication of the three ships. .

Therefore, Shi Lei can only find another way. Shi Lei didn’t think about it, let The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat attack the Radio Communications Module of three ships.

The scheme has a certain degree of clarity, and the Ruby Laser Artillery of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat can indeed kill their Radio Communications Module before the three ships of the Great Britain EmpIRE.

But this plan has a fatal flaw!

Whether it is Shi Lei or Izual, I don’t know where the Radio Communications Modules of these three ships are. There is no attack target, so what about the attack?

“Izual, Mosquito series Drone to Yinjia Nation and Ao Ya Nation, why haven’t there been any news yet?” Shi Lei suddenly asked.

Shi Lei arranged two waves of Mosquito series Drone to fly to Yinjia Nation and Ao Ya Nation. If everything is ok, Yinjia Nation and Ao Ya Nation should have fallen out of the way, accusing Li Jian Nation of sending a Drone invasion.

But whether it is Yinjia Nation or Ao Ya Nation, it seems that it has not been invaded by the Drone. This is not scientific.

“Sir, System temporarily loses control of the Mosquito series Drone, and currently tries to reconnect.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei was surprised. “How long has it been lost?”

“Nine hours and thirty-seven points, according to the default plan. System will remind System Administrator after two hours of Twenty-three points.” Izual responded to Shi Lei. The so-called System Administrator, precisely as stated Shi Lei, he is the only administrator of High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Izual’s.

Shi Lei sighed. Izual is only High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence, not True ArtifiCIA l Intelligence. If Izual has true self-reflective thinking, Mosquito series Drone has been in contact for so long, and should have contact Shi Lei instead of dragging it to the present.

“Izual, the location and time of the last lost contact of Mosquito series Drone is displayed!” Shi Lei told Shi Lei that with Shi Li’s LIP Lens-type Information Processor, Shi Lei’s voice commanded, and did not make a real sound. It is done in a silent way.

At the same time, Izual directly controls the LIP Lens-type Information Processor and displays the relevant information on the transparent screen of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual for easy viewing by Shi Lei.

LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual’s transparent screen. A nautical chart is shown, followed by two red spots, one in the Bay of Bengal and the other in the Yinjia Ocean to the north of Ao Ya Nation.

Next to the two red dots, there is also a string of red time markers. The two times are exactly the same, but it is not bad for one second!

“Strange! What is the situation? Is Li Jian Nation’s standby Control System? Or Li Jian Nation taking the initiative. Destroy these Drones?” Shi Lei said to himself.

From a time of no less than a second, Li Jian Nation is more likely to take the initiative to destroy two waves of Mosquito series Drone. Because Li Jian Nation doesn’t want to invade other Nation’s airspace because of Mosquito series Drone.

Li Jian Nation is very clear that the Mosquito series Drone is under the control of mysterious forces, but this can be said. Will Yinjia Nation and Ao Ya Nation believe?

Perhaps to avoid trouble, Li Jian Nation chose to end the Mosquito series Drone by himself, so as not to cause big trouble. After all, these Mosquito series Drones have fallen into the scandal of bombing Jakarta International Airport. If there is another scandal, Li Jian Nation is also very embarrassing.

After trying to understand the reason, Shi Lei’s face showed a cool color, ‘Damn Li Jian Nation, do you think you can stay out of it? ‘

Shi Lei tried to drag Li Jian Nation into the pit of the international public opinion, precisely as stated. In order to let Li Jian Nation not pay attention to him, how could Li Jian Nation be allowed to pull out?

“Izual, do we keep the link to Li Jian Nation Spy Satellite?” Shi Lei asked Izual. When controlling the Mosquito series Drone, the communication channel linking Li Jian Nation Spy Satellite was established by Mosquito series Drone and Shi Lei. .

“Sir, System retains the communication channel, but System does not have Li Jian Nation Military Network Identification Code and cannot connect to Li Jian Nation’s military use Spy Satellite.” Izual responded.

Shi Lei has a smile on his face. Li Jian Nation’s Military Network Identification Code, Shi Lei is familiar, and the most important thing is that Shi Lei holds the Li Jian Nation’s Military Network Identification Code!

Last time, Shi Lei sent a Second Generation Dawn to Li Jian Nation to kill Gabriel, and Shi Lei took control of a radar station on the east coast of Li Jian Nation.

This radar station can directly access Li Jian Nation’s outer space military satellite, and there is also a non-attack command authority.

Shi Lei puts his hands on the keyboard and enters a series of commands that link to the radar station on the East Coast. Then, the military network of the radar station is connected to Izual’s control area through the temporary node of Interweave Net Miwang.

“Izual, through the radar station to connect to the Spy Satellite link channel, use Spy Satellite to perform high strength satellite Signal Interference on three Great Britain EmpIRE ships.” Shi Lei is clearly preparing to implement Destroy Great with Li Jian Nation’s Spy Satellite. Britain EmpIRE The activities of three ships.

For Shi Lei’s command, Izual issued a warning, “sir, warning, according to System detection, Li Jian Nation’s Spy Satellite, not directly above the three ships of Great Britain EmpIRE, if the Spy Satellite implement changes the angle command, Li Jian Nation will find out. At the same time, if the Spy Satellite implement WIRE less satellite Signal Interference will cause some permanent damage to the satellite body, the Satellite Control System will alarm the first time.”

Shi Lei’s face was tight, and then said: “Izual, if you are backed by Interweave Net Miwang and Supercomputer Lightning, can you crack the Li Jian Nation Spy Satellite’s Operating System?”

“Sir, can’t be remotely cracked.” Izual came with bad news.

“After the implement command. Li Jian Nation, in what time, can you retake the Controlling Right of Spy Satellite?” Shi Lei changed an issue, and couldn’t capture the Controlling Right of Spy Satellite. Can you use Right for a while?

“Unable to predict time.” Izual gave an uncertain answer again.

Shi Lei scratched his head and sighed: “Damn! Izual, once we temporarily control Spy Satellite, mobilize all the computing resources that can be mobilized, and guard the Spy Satellite’s Safety to get as much time as possible. Well, start the implement command. Let’s go!”

Distant Li Jian Nation On the east coast, on top of an inconspicuous mountain peak, the control authority of a radar station is quietly controlled by Izual. A command to change the angle is then issued, followed by an instruction to the Satellite Signal Interference.

After the two commands implement, the Virtual transparency screen of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor issues a red triangle warning information indicating Li Jian Nation’s military Cyber ​​Security Specialist. Spy Satellite has been discovered, and currently attempts to restore control of Spy Satellite.

In the waters of the Bermuda Triangle, three Great Britain EmpIRE ships were not aware of the arrival of Doomsday.

Great Britain EmpIRE’s ‘The Lord Celtic ‘Scientific Expedition Ship, accidentally discovered the Seeing Dragon of Xia Nation, using Great Depth Diving Equipment for deep sea operations. then. The Scientific Expedition Ship, which discovered the incident, suspected that it had been carried out. After the departure of The Seeking Dragon, it also conducted a deep depth exploration of the nearby waters.

The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship does not have doubts about Xia Nation’s Scientific Expedition Ship. What new Power Sources were discovered in the deep sea, they simply did not think about this aspect.

After all, this is not a well-known news, how can the Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship suddenly suspect the new Power Source?

Let The Lord Celtic really have a cause for doubt. It was the Great Depth Diving Equipment of Xia Nation Scientific Expedition Ship, who suspected Xia Nation’s Great Depth Diving Equipment, which installed military aspect equipment in the deep sea.

The Bermuda Triangle is part of the Great Britain EmpIRE’s overseas territory. If Xia Nation is installed in the Bermuda Triangle, what military aspect equipment is installed, what kind of danger may be generated for the Great Britain EmpIRE.

For this reason, The Lord Celtic even called for two military naval vessels stationed in the Bermuda Triangle. However, since the situation has not yet been determined, neither the The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship nor the Navy of the two military naval vessels have reported their current investigates to higher levels.

When Izual controlled Li Jian Nation’s Spy Satellite and forced the Satellite Signal Interference, three Great Britain EmpIRE ships immediately discovered the issue.

The captain of The Lord Celtic, using the WIRE less communicator, tried to contact the captains of the other two military naval vessels, but he found that the WIRE less communication, only the voice of zī zī zī, could not be contacted at all.

Before he could figure out what was going on, a dazzling red light was suddenly formed in the air and then hit one of the military naval vessels.

The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat’s Ruby Laser Artillery claims to penetrate the 30mm thickness of the Special-type metal armor within a hundred kilometers. If the laser continues, this breakdown thickness will increase.

Shi Lei is the Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat and the attack target selected is the Missile Launcher of the military naval vessel. The Missile Launcher’s defense was very weak. When Red’s laser touched it, it not only broke through the weak defense, but also hit the Guided Missile, causing Guided Missile to explode.

“hōng hōng hōng hōng ~ ~~~”

The Quadid Missile continually exploded, a military naval vessel of the Great Britain EmpIRE, which was directly blown into two sections and quickly sank down. The huge shock wave of the Guided Missile explosion made the Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship sway, and the crew on the Scientific Expedition Ship seemed to lose their ability to think for a moment.

The next moment, more intense explosions and shock waves hit!

The Military naval vessel, which is closer to The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship, was also attacked by The Splitting Waves. It also hit the Missile Launcher, causing the explosion of Guided Missile, and the General ship sank.

Two powerful Guilded Missile Frigates were so easily destroyed.

The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship suffered a violent shock wave and suffered some damage, but it did not hurt the root. However, when the Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship had not had time to escape, a red laser. Hit the boiler room of The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship.

The powerhouse’s boiler room was hit by Destroy, and The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship suddenly lost momentum, smashing clay chickens and pottery dogs.

“Sir, three seconds later. System will release Li Jian Nation Spy Satellite. At the same time, Li Jian Nation’s east coast radar station, System has been unable to keep it, was discovered by the Li Jian Nation military.” Izual reminded Shi Lei, at the same time Countdown.

Shi Lei frowned , The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship has no Destroy yet!

“Sir, Li Jian Nation regains Controlling Right of Spy Satellite!” Izual prompts again.

Shi Lei coldly snorted, “Izual, continue to attack The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship.” Shi Lei is absolutely impossible to let go of The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship, and things have reached this point. Even if The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship issues an information, Shi Lei will attack the Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship.

Shi Lei is not afraid of the exposure of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. Regardless of the outside world, the party to The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat has only two candidate lists.

One is the Rongcheng Military District of Xia Nation. One is Navy of Li Jian Nation. Li Jian Nation’s suspicion is not small because of the Mosquito series Drone, the bombing of Jakarta International Airport.

Shi Lei thought for himself, if this time, The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, even the three Great Britain ships, as well as Li Jian Nation’s Spy Satellite. Li Jian Nation’s suspicion should be even bigger.

Shi Lei has no doubt that The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship can determine out, just interference their satellite signal, is Li Jian Nation’s Spy Satellite. This also requires many thanks Li Jian Nation to suddenly recapture the Spy Satellite’s authority, cancelled the Interference System.

Otherwise, The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship is in the state of interference. It’s really not likely to find Li Jian Nation’s Spy Satellite in the interference.

If Shi Lei expected the same, the technical personnel of The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship found that the interference satellite signal was the technology of Li Jian Nation, and immediately sent the recovered satellite signal to the Great Britain EmpIRE. Report of the Jian Nation attack.

When they just sent the report, it took less than half a minute. Izual controls The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat and has destroyed the Radio Communications Module of The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship.

The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship was smashed by red laser for more than half a minute and slowly sinking. As the crew did not sink in an instant, the crew of The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship had time to board the lifeboat.

However, they obviously ignored The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat!

When three lifeboats filled with The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship staff personnel were removed from the currently sinking The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship, Shi Lei without the slightest hesitation chose attack.

The red laser reappeared, and in less than ten seconds, the red laser annihilated three lifeboats.

The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, staying close to The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship, waited for the Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship, and after sinking for more than half an hour, determined that there was no surviving personnel, Shi Lei ordered Izual control Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat left.

Li Jian Nation’s Spy Satellite did not observe the situation of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, because the weather was not very good, even the Laser Weapon power of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat was suppressed. What about optical observation from outer space?

Li Jian Nation Although the whole process was not observed, Li Jian Nation monitored the Spy Satellite’s personnel and clearly knew one thing, that is, their Spy Satellite, which had three Great Britain EmpIRE ships.

This is another trouble!

Sure enough, after leaving the Splitting Waves for less than half an hour, the Great Britain EmpIRE’s Fighter appeared in a place where three ships sank.

The Great Britain EmpIRE, which sank three ships and confirmed it, personally issued a diplomatic diplomacy to Li Jian Nation based on the information returned by The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship.

Although Great Britain EmpIRE and Li Jian Nation are strong allies. But as Nation of the top five of the World Military, how can the Great Britain EmpIRE be grateful to be Li Jian Nation?

Although it is still uncertain that Li Jian Nation, all kinds of evidence indicate that Li Jian Nation and Li Jian Nation are the most suspect. What’s even more refreshing is that The Lord Celtic Scientific Expedition Ship and the two sunken military naval vessels did not report their actions to the Great Britain EmpIRE executives at the last minute.

Therefore, the reason for this attack has not been related to Xia Nation!

He Zhenbang First asked Shi Lei, Shi Lei is just a light explanation. This is to protect N235 Metal, so He Zhenbang has no following.

In addition, Great Britain EmpIRE has been clamoring with Li Jian Nation, and there is no involvement in Xia Nation. He Zhenbang is relieved. This one thing. Let He Zhenbang look at Shi Lei again, and he admires Shi Lei to play Great Britain EmpIRE and Li Jian Nation.

Only ah, He Zhenbang is watching Shi Lei!

All of this is a coincidence, not a deliberate arrangement by Shi Lei. Have to say, maybe God is helping Shi Lei?

The quarrel between Li Jian Nation and the Great Britain EmpIRE evokes the desire of Yinni Nation to fight. They are obviously biased towards the Great Britain EmpIRE and questioned Li Jian Nation.

Li Jian Nation can only push the responsibility to Xia Nation, saying that the Unmanned ship carrying Laser Weapon was developed by Xia Nation Rongcheng Military District.

For such an answer. Not to mention that a few countries will not believe that other Nation, even if it is an ally of Li Jian Nation, will not believe it.

Who doesn’t know Li Jian Nation’s hype about Xia Nation, they definitely want murder a person with a borrowed knife!

Li Jian Nation is the matter of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. Made a little bit of a hot feeling, in desperation, Li Jian Nation can only say that they will trace to The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, when the disassembly analysis of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat ,determine The The ownership of Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat.

When Shi Lei was in the middle of the night, he looked at the Li Jian Nation Department of Defense’s external declaration. Shi Lei’s face was a strange smile.

‘Want to Seize to The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat? Hēng hēng, as long as you can catch it, it doesn’t matter if you are caught by you! ‘Shi Lei in the heart hēng hēng.

“Sir, The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, where do you go next?” Izual asked Shi Lei.

Shi Lei takes a tired look through the Virtual transparency screen of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor. I chose a location, which is the Móng Cái City of Nanyue Nation.

Móng Cái City is the base of Shi Lei at Nanyue Nation, the power of Shi Lei, which is very strong in Móng Cái City.

“Sir, please plan the relevant route.” Izual asked Shi Lei again. The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, what route should I take to enter Móng Cái City in Nanyue Nation.

Shi Lei prefers to bypass Cape of Good Hope, then bypass Ao Ya Nation, from Tasman Sea and Coral Sea, into the waters east of Fei Lu Nation, then into Xia Nation’s South Ocean, and finally to Móng Cái City .

“Izual, according to the plan just planned, choose to circumvent. Also, avoid all the channels and try to avoid conflicts!” Shi Lei issued the order.

“yes, sir!” Izual confirmed the order and immediately took control of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat and rushed to Nónue Nation’s Móng Cái City according to the route planned by Shi Lei.

Shi Lei, in the middle of the night, called Ye Feng through Izual. Waiting for about a minute, Ye Feng’s voice sounded, “Boss, is there anything?” Ye Feng didn’t have any dissatisfaction, even if it was Shi Lei’s phone, he woke up his sleep.

“A’Feng, I sent you a file in the past. After you read it, write down the Task and delete the document.” Shi Lei will need the things that Ye Feng did, all written in the document, so that the dictation does not appear. What is missing.

“Understand!” Ye Feng responded briefly, but it was definitely not a perfunctory thing, but an absolute guarantee. Ye Feng has never let Shi Lei down, no before, no future!

“A’Feng, this thing is very important, don’t do it!” Shi Lei shouted.

Sending The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat to Nanyue Nation Móng Cái City is not about recycling The Splitting Waves, but Shi Lei and other plans. If the whereabouts of The Splitting Waves are discovered, or if Ye Feng is not well handled, the news is leaked, which will create a very passive situation for Shi Lei.

It might even be possible to get Dark Hell and Lonely Massacre to be removed from Nanyue Nation! With such serious consequences, Shi Lei has to be treated with caution!

“Boss rest assured that absolutely no issue will happen!” Ye Feng promised.

Shi Lei yawned, “Okay, keep resting!” Shi Lei also plans to rest, no matter what plan Shi Lei has to target Li Jian Nation, but also need enough sleep before he has the energy to plan.

Hope Li Jian Nation likes the gift that Shi Lei gave them…



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