
Chapter 1313

HK1297 dismantled The Splitting Waves, really Li Jian Nation?



Local time, less than six in the morning.

The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, according to Shi Lei’s plan, successfully arrived at Guam and ran aground on Guam’s beach.

The Stranded Waves, stranded, was discovered by two youngsters waiting for the sunrise, and based on the conversation between the two youngsters, they should be visitors to the Great Britain EmpIRE.

On the dimly lit beach, Steven confirmed the identity of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, immediately took out the cell phone, dialed a number, waited for a moment, and a response came from the handset.

“Hello, Scotland Yard, may I help you?” English-style English, more or less different from American-style English. This difference, even for Xia Nation people, can be easily distinguished after watching American TV and English drama.

“Hello, here is Steven, we found a ship in Guam.” Steven said some disorder, this is not yet a good word.

“Mr. Steven, what kind of boat is it?” Although Steven couldn’t tell, the operator of Scotland Yard didn’t ignore Steven.

Scotland Yard is the Police Department of the Great Britain EmpIRE. The name is the name, not the title of the Dark Power.

Steven combed the rhetoric and then explained the situation in detail, letting the operator of Scotland Yard understand his opinion. After some explanation, Steven concluded: “Yes, that boat, at least looks very similar.”

“Mr. Steven, the information you provided is very important to us. Now, we need you, and your girlfriend, use the sand to bury the ship and wait in place. We will arrange the relevant staff personnel immediately. Your position, dealing with the ship.” The voice of another middle-aged man came from the receiver. The tone is very calm and heavy, it sounds like the top of Scotland Yard.

Steven nodded. “Okay! But you’d better hurry! I’m not sure if this ship will still work, if there is any positioning equipment. There is Li Jian Nation’s military base, if found by Li Jian Nation My situation with girlfriend is very dangerous.”

“Please rest assured, Mr. Steven, up to 30 minutes, our staff personnel, you can reach your location! We are in Guam, there are related staff personnel. Everything will be very smooth, your contribution to Great Britain EmpIRE Will be remembered by the Great Britain EmpIRE, you will receive the 300,000 pound reward!” The high-level suspected of Scotland Yard, promised on the phone.

“That’s great!” Steven smiled with a happy face.

“So, Mr. Steven, please use sand immediately. Cover the traces of the ship!” On the phone, the person suspected of the top of the Scotland Yard, once again issued an order.

As if I didn’t feel at ease, I suspected the person at the top of the Scotland Yard, added: “Only by helping us get the ship, we can cash in!”

“Reassured, sir, absolutely no issue! You have arranged staff personnel. After arriving near, let them call me.” Steven promised.

After the call, Steven turned to girlfriend Jenny and whispered: “Dear, let’s cover up the ship with sand. If you cover up the ship, we have 300,000 pounds. Our house, Our wedding is not an issue!”

“Ah?” Jenny cry out in surprise, good news for this pie-like pie. Jenny’s face is full of joy, “Dear, what are we waiting for?”

Two youngsters waiting for the sunrise, as quickly as possible, covered the sand on the boat of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat.

After about twenty minutes, the three dressed casual middle-aged men walked over to Steven and Jenny, and Steven watched Jenny behind him, watching the three middle-aged man vigilantly.

The three casual-aged middle-aged mans didn’t have any radical moves. Instead, they took out the cell phone and dialed a number, and the cell phone on Steven rang.

When Steven’s cell phone, ringing, the middle-aged man holding the cell phone shook his cell phone against Steven, started talking: “Mr. Steven?”

“Yes, are you?” Steven put aside some vigilance. According to Steven’s speculation, these three should be the relevant staff members arranged by Scotland Yard?

In fact, Steven guessed it wrong!

The three are not the relevant personnel arranged by Scotland Yard, the Scotland Yard is only the Police Department, and the three are the staff members of the Great Britain EmpIRE Intelligence Organization mi6MI6 Bureau.

“Mr. Steven, let’s receive the goods!” Holding the cell phone’s middle-aged man, answering Steven.

Steven pointed to The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, which was buried in the sand. “There is a buried inside, do we need help?”

“Thank you very much, Mr. Steven, you are temporarily helping us to pay attention to the situation around you, okay?” Holding the cell phone’s middle-aged man, euphemistically rejected Steven’s help proposal.

I saw three middle-aged man, quickly dealing with the sand buried outside the Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. When the whole hull appeared, one of the men took out a huge canvas bag and took the Splitting Waves. Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat is caged inside.

The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat is designed to weigh less than 220 kilograms. Three middle-aged men can quickly move The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat.

“Mr. Steven, thank you very much, your contribution to Nation, Nation will not forget! After you return home, you will receive relevant rewards. However, we Hope you remember, you have found nothing today!” The middle-aged man’s tone is a bit serious.

Steven is a wise man, with the slightest hesitation started talking: “Who are you? Want to watch the sunrise with us?”

“see you again later!” middle-aged man understands Steven’s opinion, carries The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, and quickly leaves the beach.


Xia Nation, Shuangqing City, Jingya Garden.

Local time, July 31, nine points for Forty three points in the morning.

Shi Lei wakes up naturally and wakes up from the bed. He leans on the bed and asks: “Izual. What is the situation?”

“Sir, are you asking about The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat? Or asking about the construction of the Virtual Network Platform? Or the derivation of Image Recognition Engine?” Izual asked Shi Lei.

These jobs are the Tasks of Izual currently implement, and Shi Lei does not specify the exact work. Izual does not know exactly what Shi Lei is referring to.

“Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, at what position? Is it discovered? What is the relevant situation?” Shi Lei asked again, this time, Shi Lei pointed out the clear event object.

Izual reminded Shi Lei: “Sir. Please wear the LIP Lens-type Information Processor and the relevant data has been sent to the LIP Lens-type Information Processor.”

Shi Lei puts the LIP Lens-type Information Processor on the bedside, and the Virtual transparent screen suddenly shows a series of information. Among them, a huge mapshows the topographic mapof Guam. Note the location of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat.

“Sir, The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, stranded on the beach according to the scheduled plan, and pretending to lose power. During the stranding of The Splitting Waves, I sneaked a speech information. Did I listen to it myself?” Izual asked Shi Lei.

Shi Lei nodded. The Bone-sense Transmission Earpiece of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor quickly played a dialogue between Steven and Scotland Yard and the middle-aged man under the control of Izual’s.

‘what? Was it got the hand of Great Britain EmpIRE? Is this all God’s will? God is helping me? ‘Shi Lei’s face showed a happy expression.

Initially, according to Shi Lei’s plan, The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat should be given to Li Jian Nation. Just make sure that Li Jian Nation gets The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat and Shi Lei will build momentum in the network. Through the pressure of public opinion, Li Jian Nation was forced to capture The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, and then the Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat was dismantled in an open to the public state to determine the ownership of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. .

But the current situation is better than Shi Lei plan!

As the saying goes, man proposes, Heaven disposes, even if Shi Lei’s plan is very good. But after all, there are better ways, isn’t it?

It seems that Fortune Goddess, like Shi Lei!

The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat is in the hands of the Great Britain EmpIRE, and Great Britain EmpIRE will definitely find a way to figure out The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. Which power belongs to which.

Because, the two military naval vessels of Great Britain EmpIRE, a Scientific Expedition Ship, suffered a Destroy blow from The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat!

Shi Lei is now thinking about an issue. Do you want to publish the Great Britain EmpIRE and capture the news of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat in the network?

According to the call record of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, Shi Lei understands that The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat is in the hands of Great Britain EmpIRE, only the Great Britain EmpIRE knows.

In case of Great Britain EmpIRE, concealing it, then all the efforts of Shi Lei are not in vain?

Shi Lei thought of another situation. At present, the plan of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat has progressed very smoothly, even surpassing the script written by Shi Lei, and is developing in a better direction.

If Shi Lei crosses the interference, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no issue. After all, in the view of Great Britain EmpIRE, they can get The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, which is completely arranged by God.

If Shi Lei suddenly announced the Great Britain EmpIRE in the Internet and captured The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, what would the Great Britain EmpIRE think?

Great Britain EmpIRE is sure to think with horror. They fall into a terrible trapand even have natural doubts about the disassembly of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat.

‘Mother’s Egg ! Wait and see it is getting better! ‘Shi Lei in the heart secretly made a decision, even if the Great Britain EmpIRE, the final choice of peace of mind, Shi Lei will be exposed in the Internet, can not achieve the ultimate goal?


Great Britain EmpIRE.

A few hours ago, the three agents of the mi6MI6 Bureau successfully acquired The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. In spite of the fact that the sky was not yet bright, they returned to Great Britain through special channels with The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. EmpIRE.

Great Britain EmpIRE, the famous Clyde Shipyard, this shipyard is very niú bāi, arguably the most advanced shipyard of Great Britain EmpIRE, with many honors.

This time, the Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat was intercepted, which was handed over to Clyde Shipyard. The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat was dismantled to ensure the ownership of the Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat through the internal parts of the hull.

Inside the Clyde Shipyard, a separate maintenance warehouse, Clyde Shipyard’s most outstanding Engineer, and the most outstanding Old Boatman. Gathered together to study the structure of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat.

In addition to Clyde Shipyard’s Engineer and Old Boatman, the top level of the mi6 Intelligence Sixth Bureau also came to the scene. Even the senior officials of the Great Britain EmpIRE Foreign and Commonwealth Office are waiting for the results.

The party to The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat currently has two suspects, one is Xia Nation. One is Li Jian Nation. For these two suspects, to be honest, Great Britain EmpIRE is more Hope is Xia Nation.

The reason is that this year, the relationship between Great Britain EmpIRE and Xia Nation is very bad. Great Britain EmpIRE There is evidence that Xia Nation’s Official Organization, Hacker personnel, launched a network electronic attack on the Great Britain EmpIRE’s financial and business network.

This Nation Official Gradation’s network Hacker action. Far more than the size and severity of the Ordinary Hacker. For example, Ordinary Hacker rarely touches the Four Great type network, while Official Hacker likes Four Great network.

Together with The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, it seems that it was developed and manufactured by Xia Nation Rongcheng Military District. Once the Great Britain EmpIRE confirmed the The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, it really belongs to Xia Nation.

Then, there will be diplomatic disputes between Great Britain EmpIRE and Xia Nation. Even a big contradiction has occurred. For example, in the years of 2008, Prime Minister Brown of Great Britain EmpIRE was very likely to refuse access to Xia Nation.

Clyde Shipyard Independent maintenance warehouse, Vice-chief Dawson Warren of mi6MI6 Bureau, asked about the situation. “What is the situation of this ship? Do you have any way to dismantle it?”

A gray-haired man looks about five Sixty years old. This is Old Boatman Colbert of Clyde Shipyard, who has worked for Forty for many years at Clyde Shipyard and has a wide range of Experience.

“Mr. Warren, we are currently researching the overall structure and manufacturing process of this ship. We have no way to give an accurate answer beyond the study of accomplish.” Although Colbert is just a boatman, he does not have the feeling of being mean and kneeling, but he is not humble.

Cedde Shipyard’s Engineer Edmund, with a flattering look on his face, “Dawson Bureau Chief, we still need a little time. The structure of this boat is amazing, using a standard symmetrical spindle-shaped hull structure, and a double arc pair Cut the structure. At the same time, the entire hull is an integrated structure, and there is no solder joint at the bottom of the hull!”

“What does this mean?” Dawson is a layman who doesn’t understand what it means.

Edmund Engineer explained the opening. “This represents the technology of making this boat, not conventional technology!”

“What technology is that made?” Dawson asked with patience.

“3dPrint Technology!” Old Boatman tapped the hull of the Special-type alloy with a ‘哐哐哐’ sound. “Most of the place is a hollow design, this is to ensure sufficient buoyancy for the hull. In addition, this One side should be positive. The guy who designed this boat is really Genius. It integrates all the equipment into such a small hull! Just, how can such a small hull carry numerous Power Source?” Old Boatman The eyes are full of confusion.

Edmund was a little dissatisfied with Old Boatman’s interjection, but Old Boatman had a very high status at Clyde Shipyard, and even if he was an Engineer, he had to endure Old Boatman.

“Old Colbert, this ship, what is the fault that you determined to come out? Why is it stranded on the beach? Is it good now or bad?” Edmund made a series of issues.

Dawson’s eyes, with a sneer, but did not say anything, but let Edmund help him to issue an issue.

“For the time being, I don’t know what’s wrong! As for the reason for the stranding on the beach? Let’s take a look, here’s the answer!” Old Boatman patted the hollow down the bottom of the boat. “Edmund, do you know what the reason is?”

Edmund’s face was slightly stiff. “This is a sign of high-speed collision! So, is this boat rushing to the beach at very high speed? But what made it rush to the beach?”

“How do I know?” Old Boatman dissatisfied with snorted.

Edmund in the heart is not good, once again asked: “Old Colbert, is this ship now usable?”

Colbert looked at Edmund contemptuously. “Edmund, when can you work hard? Do you have investigate the data of this ship? If you have investigate its data, then you should know. If the ship is still good, it I have sent us to Heaven to see God!”

Old Boatman is clearly aware of the deeds of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat!

In Old Boatman’s opinion, if The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat is still good, the laser is now launched and cut them all in half.

The expression on Emmond’s face is ugly, and the SoCIA l Relations Expert Dana of Great Britain EmpIRE Foreign and Commonwealth Office, lightly coughed.

Dana is more than just SoCIA l Relations Expert. It’s also a specialist, “Mr. Colbert, can you please open this boat and keep the equipment inside, not destroyed?”

Old Boatman Colbert thought, then shook his head. “Mr. Dana, I just said that this ship uses 3dPrint Technology, and we don’t know anyone. What is inside it, whether it is directly integrated with the self-destruction device inside it. We have nothing in these situations. Knowing that this ship is all-metal, even though x-rays are not able to detect the internal conditions.”

“That… Mr. Colbert, according to your rich experience, how high is the success rate of dismantling this ship?” Dana is a specialist in personal relationships, silently holding Colbert and letting Colbert smile.

Old Boatman Colbert thought for a while, sighed. “You can only try it! According to the data I know, this ship has a Laser Weapon platform. Now, this Laser Weapon platform should shrink into the interior of the hull. According to the structure of the Laser Weapon platform, we should be able to pass Disassemble the Laser Weapon platform, open a window and continue to study the internal structure of the boat.”

Dawson of mi6MI6 Bureau. I hurriedly asked: “How much is it?”

Old Boatman said: “80%!”

“Remove immediately! Immediately follow your plan!” Dawson can’t wait to say.

Old Boatman doesn’t care nod, “no issue!”

On the other side of World, the distant Xia Nation, Shi Lei is passing The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. Eavesdrop on Clyde Shipyard’s conversational information. Listening to all kinds of concerns over there, Shi Lei couldn’t help but want to tell them: ‘Your Mother is going to be dismantled! There are no self-destructing devices and no tampering means! ‘

Unfortunately, Shi Lei can’t say it! Everything can only go with the flow of nature!

Clyde Shipyard, in the independent repair warehouse, Old Boatman Colbert currently slowly unpacking the Ruby Laser Artillery. It must be said that the Old Boatman’s technology is in place and there is hardly any big movement during the entire operation.

Even though a slight shake is also very rare!

This is to prevent the self-explosion device inside the departure, although there is no, but Old Boatman does not know, can only avoid the issue as much as possible.

When the Old Boatman was dismantled, the other three came to the Bulletproof Glass compartment and watched the Old Boatman show through Bulletproof Glass. To be honest, Old Boatman is admirable. Once the Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat is really installed with a self-destructing device, Old Boatman will definitely be a tragedy!

Old Boatman was busy for almost an hour, finally successfully dismantling Ruby Laser Artillery, then through the camera into the cabin, quickly studied the internal structure of The Splitting Waves Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, a simple determine There is no self-explosion device inside the hull.

“Safety!” Old Boatman reported the Safety’s information to the three people in the Bulletproof Glass compartment via a microphone.

The three quickly came out, and Dawson was the most active. He asked: “Mr. Colbert, what is the situation with this ship? Which Nation is it? Xia Nation? Is Li Jian Nation?”

Old Boatman knocked on the metal of the hull and pointed to the dismantled Ruby Laser Artillery. “This one has the characteristics of Li Jian Nation.”

Dawson’s face changed slightly, this is not Dawson Hope’s answer, Dawson and Hope is Xia Nation.

“So, is it really Li Jian Nation?” Dawson, with the last Hope, asked Old Boatman, Hope Old Boatman to say a ‘but’ to let the answer make a god turn.

But Shi Lei has a sophisticated plan, how can there be an accident?


Ps:currently launches a charge on the premium quality badge!

The final result next Monday, Hope everyone help, support the genuine subscription!