
Chapter 1269

HK1252 was implied just by being present, when it was shield!


Bermuda Islands, an unknown western restaurant.

Shi Lei just cut the well-done’s steak, poured the pepper juice, prepared for the gorge oneself, and passed it with a tender voice. Shi Lei looked up and saw a young girl with a light gray shawl haircut and a delicate white skin. Next to the girl, there was a muscular, sharp-eyed middle-aged man.

“Well?” Shi Lei looked with a doubt and thought about the identity of the girl and the middle-aged man. Just a few seconds, Shi Lei remembered the girl’s name.

“Aphra Alberta?” Shi Lei asked a less certain question.

This girl, formerly saved Shi Lei’s life. At the beginning, Shi Lei and Ye Feng cooperated and chose the hostage of Ye Feng, and then fainted in the rain channel of the Shuanghu District.

Although there was no danger in the storm drain, it was the girl who saved herself, even though Shi Lei and Aphra Alberta did not meet, only for a period of email contact. Through the name of the other party, Shi Lei or determinee came out of Aphra’s identity.

After all, I have seen this girl in the state of Shi Lei dizzy and confused!

“Yes, big brother of dizzy and confused, how do you know me?” Aphra Alberta asked with a smile.

Standing in front of Aphra, the white middle-aged man looks at Shi Lei sharply. Once Shi Lei’s answer is wrong, or if Shi Lei is too aggressive, he will definitely rise like a Cheetah.

Shi Lei seems to have not seen the vigilance of the white middle-aged man, using a stainless steel fork. I forked a well-done steak and fed it into my mouth and chewed it down. I responded: “Because, the kind of weak state I only appeared once. According to the Shuanghu District Police’s information, and what you call me, I can easily determine your identity. Thank you again for your Life- Saving Kindness, if you don’t mind, sit down and have something to eat!”

Dizzy and confused is a very weak state, in that state. Life safety is handed over to other people. If there is a choice again, Shi Lei will never choose dizzy and confused.

Aphra Alberta showed a smile in a small dimple. “Well, I am just a little hungry!” said Aphra Alberta turned to look towards the white middle-aged man and asked, “Kain. Do you want something to eat? ”

Kain shook his head and refused. “Young Miss Aphra, I don’t need it.” As the bodyguard of Aphra Alberta, he must be vigilant anytime, anywhere, especially when facing an unknown person like Shi Lei.

Although they saved Shi Lei, who can guarantee it. Shi Lei is not a long line fishing big fish, set a trapat the beginning, for the purpose of Aphra Alberta?

“Okay!” Aphra Alberta didn’t force Kain, she knew Kain’s duties. Aphra Alberta picked up the menu and looked at it casually. Then glanced at Shi Lei’s white plate in front of him, a small piece of well-done steak. She laughed softly.

Shi Lei seems to understand Aphra’s opinion, “Aphra, can I call you like this?”

“Of course.” Aphra Alberta’s identity is special, not only the family is prominent, but also another special identity. Therefore, she has almost no friends. On Shi Lei’s, Aphra Alberta didn’t feel anything to please her, or to feel her. Therefore, she is willing to become a friend with Shi Lei.

“Aphra, do you think eating a well-done steak is weird?” Shi Lei said, and then forked a small piece of well-done steak in his mouth and slowly chewed it.

Kain, standing next to Aphra’s seat, showed a smile on his serious face.

Aphra Alberta nodded: “Dizzy and confused big brother, why do you like the stem of well-done? Well-done’s steak, the taste is too heavy, and the original beef is lost.”

“ke ke, Aphra, my name is Shi Lei. You can call me Stone, or you can call me Stone.monster.” Shi Lei can’t stand the name of ‘dizzy and confused big brother’, and introduces himself.

Aphra Alberta’s slightly pale face, revealing a crescent-like smile, looks particularly elegant and pure.

“Stone.” Aphra Alberta snorted.

“Yeah.” Shi Lei returned to complied, then continued to fork the well-done steak into his mouth and chew. “Aphra, what do you want to eat? Just eat whatever, I treat you!”

Aphra Alberta turned over the menu and finally ordered a cup of coconut milk.

Shi Lei is a bit strange: “Aphra, how do you drink only a glass of water?” According to the truth, entering the coffee shop, usually eat a little thing, not a single juice.

Aphra Alberta thought a little and started talking: “I am waiting here, just met you by chance.”

“Is there anything?” Shi Lei’s brow slightly wrinkled. “Aphra, you are my life-saving benefactor. If there is anything I need help, I will help you.”

“I…” Aphra Alberta was interrupted without saying anything.

“Young Miss Aphra!” Kain stared at Shi Lei with a vigilant look.

Coincidentally, at this time, a young man who looked twenty years old came over to Aphra. The man wore sunglasses, beach pants, and a pair of slippers, quite a bit of dandy.

“hello, afra!” In the eyes of young men, it seems that only Aphra alone ignores the existence of Shi Lei and Kain.

Kain glanced at the young man and then looked at the door of the cafe, where two tall, middle-aged men stood, the youngster’s bodyguard.

“Rottes Aldrich, please call me the full name Aphra Alberta, my relationship with you, not close enough to the extent that you can call me Aphra.” Aphra Alberta’s face was cold, melancholy, and affectionate.

Rottes Aldrich put away his smile and took off his sunglasses. A handsome face with a full bloom. Quite a few attractive qualifications. However, the person he faces is Shi Lei. Shi Lei doesn’t like men at all. Even if Rottes Aldrich is handsome, he can’t attract Shi Lei.

“Who are you?” Rottes Aldrich said arrogantly, “Hey, what qualifications do you have with Aphra? Get out!”

Shi Lei glanced at Rottes and didn’t speak. Directly pull out the satellite phone, call Shi An, use Xia Nation: “Shi An, I am in the card shop, there is a little trouble, you bring someone to solve it!”

In public, Shi Lei does not have a position called Shi An. Instead, call his name.

Shi An agreed without saying anything, “Shi Lei, you are careful, I will bring someone over!”

After Shi Lei finished the call, he placed the satellite phone on the table and used English: “Who am I? What qualifications do you know?”

Listen to Shi Lei’s answer. Aphra Alberta’s face once again showed a smile like a crescent moon.

Rottes Aldrich showed an angry look. “Damn guy, what are you talking about?” Although Rottes was very angry, he did not speak the language of racial insults. The Bermuda Triangle is still a territory of Great Britain EmpIRE. In the event of a language of racial discrimination, even if his background is very deep, it can cause great trouble.

“Hēng!” Shi Lei snorted lightly, ignored Rottes, looked towards Aphra, and asked: “Aphra, is this the person you have to wait for?”

Aphra Alberta ordered a cute little head. Although the foreigner developed earlier, the 15-year-old Aphra looks really a lovely girl without a mature taste.

Rottes Aldrich looked at Shi Lei and Aphra, and the bonfire in his eyes was more prosperous. He looked at the two bodyguards at the door and gestured to them to find a reason and teach Shi Lei.

In Rottes Aldrich’s view, the thin and weak Shi Lei has no threat at all. His two bodyguards can definitely teach Shi Lei easily.

After the two bodyguards of Rottes received the instructions of the master, they immediately came over to Shi Lei. Coincidentally, at this time, Shi An took the five people from the Rongcheng Military District and walked into the cafe.

Shi Lei showed a smile on his face, using Xia Nation: “Shi An, the two men!” Shi Lei said, pointing to the two bodyguards of Rottes.

Suddenly, two Elite warriors from the Rongcheng Military District rushed to the two bodyguards of Rottes. Two of Rottes’ bodyguards, when Shi Lei pointed to them, realized that it was wrong. When the Elite warriors of the Rongcheng Military District rushed over, they did not have First time to be overturned.

The four people in the coffee shop are coming to fight with me. However, the Elite warriors in the Rongcheng Military District are better than nothing. In less than 30 seconds, the two bodyguards of Rottes are subdued.

Shi Lei looked at the staff of the cafe, using English started talking: “All losses, I will be responsible, don’t worry.”

The originally anxious cafe staff, suddenly relaxed. They are most afraid of a fight in the cafe, and no one is responsible.

Rottes Aldrich looked at Shi An with amazement. He knew very well how powerful his two bodyguards were, but did not expect that he would be subdued by such a simple.

“You!” Rottes turned to look towards Shi Lei, revealing a fear in his eyes, and then strong self-supporting face: “You don’t mess, do you know who I am?”

Shi Lei lightly said with a smile : “Sorry for the inconvenience, I don’t know you.”

Shi An walked over to Shi Lei, and Rottes was even more nervous, fearing that Shi An would ignore him. At this time, Aphra made a clearance for Rottes, “Stone, let Rottes Aldrich leave!”

Shi Lei shrugged and said that there was no issue, and Rottes quickly ran outside the cafe, not even his two bodyguards. Shi Lei gave a color to Shi An, indicating that two bodyguards of Rottes were placed. I don’t know Rottes’ bodyguards, and I won’t follow Rottes in the future.

“Shi Lei, are you gonna have a Right?” Shi An walked up to Shi Lei and asked in Xia Nation. He looked at Aphra and he took his eyes back and didn’t look much.

Shi Lei waved his hand. “Nothing, the issue has been solved, Shi An, go back first!”

Shi An stopped talking and finally did not say it. He left with the Elite personnel of the Rongcheng Military District. Originally, Shi An wanted to remind Shi Lei to treat He Wanqiu well, but he found that he had no position to say so.

After Shi An and others left, Aphra Alberta looked at Shi Lei again and again. “Stone, Aldrich Family is a nobleman of Great Britain EmpIRE. It is very powerful on the side of Su Gran. If you hurt Rottes, you will be not small. Trouble.” Aphra seems to explain why I have to let go of Rottes.

Shi Lei nodded and understood.

Great Britain EmpIRE Although it is Developed Nation, there are some Grade systems that retain very old habits. For example, those aristocrats, even the hereditary Inheritance, are hard to imagine.

“Stone, are you traveling to the Bermuda Triangle?” Aphra Alberta asked, but her voice was, Shi Lei came to the Bermuda Triangle, what purpose?
