
Chapter 1270

HK1253 cell phone project?


Aphra Alberta knows that Shi Lei is a Xia Nation Shuangqing City person, between Xia Nation and the Bermuda Islands. The traffic is very inconvenient and there are no direct flights.

The most convenient way to get from the Xia Nation to the Bermuda Islands is to fly from Xia Nation to Li Jian Nation and then fly to the Bermuda Islands.

Such a troublesome flight voyage, if it is only to travel to the Bermuda Triangle, is not a good excuse!

At least, if Shi Lei used tourism as an excuse, Aphra Alberta did not believe it.

Shi Lei chewed the well-done’s steal, and he could hear the words of Aphra. “Aphra, I am here, there is a very important thing to deal with. Well, that thing is confidential and cannot be easily said. “Shi Lei said with a serious face.”

Aphra Alberta’s delicate white face reveals a faint smile, and Shi Lei did not use travel to perfuse her, which made Aphra very happy.

“Aphra, then, what are you doing in the Bermuda Islands?” Shi Lei asked.

“I Ah?” Aphra Alberta took a sip of coconut juice and revealed a pair of sorry for the inconvenience. There was a bit of aggrieved expression. “I was originally traveling. But when I arrived, I was told. I still need to be in love with the Rottes.”

“Eh?” Shi Lei’s expression started slightly, then laughed. “Aphra, are you 12 years old, or thirteen?”

Aphra Alberta protested: “I am fifteen years old!” said Aphra Alberta also looked toward the side of Kain. “Kain, you prove it to me. I am fifteen years old!”

Kain nodded. “Mr. Stone, Young Miss Aphra is indeed fifteen years old.”

Shi Lei deliberately staggered: “Is fifteen years old? Fifteen years old can be blind date!”

“You!” Aphra Alberta snorted, “Stone, if you continue to make jokes, I will ignore you!”

“Okay, okay, I apologize. Aphra, your family. Hope, are you with Rottes? I look at the Rottes and seem to like you very much.” Shi Lei asked casually.

Aphra Alberta sighed, “My situation is a bit complicated, my father Mama, is neutral about this matter, or. They can’t object, my grandfather Hope I am with Rottes. Not only because of my grandfather and Rottes’ grandfather had an agreement, and because of Rottes’ family, she would give out a large part of the benefits and hand it over to our family. So, my grandfather Hope, I can marry Rottes.”

“Ah?” Shi Lei was surprised. “It turned out to be in the Great Britain EmpIRE, and there is also the existence of an aranged childhood marriage!”

“What is an aged childhood marriage?” Aphra Alberta asked without understanding.

Shi Lei explained some of the aged childhood marriage, “Aphra, you know, in the eyes of most Xia Nation people. Great Britain EmpIRE is an Extremely developed Nation, much more civilized than Xia Nation. But. There are very few things in our Xia Nation, but you Great Britain EmpIRE, there is such a ridiculous thing, it is amazing!”

This kind of statement that is really black is actually satirizing the Great Britain EmpIRE! Shi Lei This guy, quite a bit black, inadvertently smeared the Great Britain EmpIRE, but also makes people in the fog in the fog is not clear.

Aphra Alberta glanced at Shi Lei, but she understood that Shi Lei was satirizing the Great Britain EmpIRE, but Aphra did not refute.

“Aphra, you are my life-saving benefactor, I have to remind you that the Rottes is not a good thing, you better not to be with him!” Shi Lei a worried tone, as if afraid of Aphra fooled.

This is not what Shi Lei has tried for Aphra. After all, Aphra is still a 15-year-old girl, and Shi Lei is no more evil, and it is impossible to have any attempt at Aphra.

Besides, is Shi Lei an animal like that?

No need to explain, Shi Lei is!

Aphra Alberta stared at Shi Lei, her eyes were on her eyes, Shi Lei didn’t hide a bit, and her eyes looked at Aphra clearly. After almost a minute, Aphra regained her gaze. “I know. Rottes’s bad reviews are in our Great Britain. His name often appears in The Sun’s scandal.”

Shi Lei grinned. “Aphra, I am a little curious. What kind of interest will come out in the Rottes home, let your grandfather make such a decision.”

Shi Lei originally wanted to say, ‘Let your grandfather sell you to Aldrich Family’, but after thinking about it, Shi Lei still didn’t say so harsh. After all, the relationship between Shi Lei and Aphra has not yet reached the point where it can be said.

It’s always disgusting to talk deeply.

Kain coldly snorted, as the bodyguard of the Alberta Family arranged around Aphra, Kain is not just a bodyguard, but also a half mentor of Aphra.

“Mr. Stone, please pay attention to your words.” Kain reminded him.

Aphra Alberta did not respond to Shi Lei, but asked: “Sonte, I am also very curious, you have something important in the Bermuda Islands.”

Shi Lei hā hā laughed and said: “It’s better to exchange secrets with each other? Telling you that it doesn’t matter, I received a secret message and found a shipwrecked ship in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle. Then I set up an Ocean Exploration Company and am going to salvage the ship.”

Aphra Alberta’s eyes lit up, “Shipwreck? Gold?”

“Well, that’s right!” Shi Lei said affirmatively, anyway, blowing niú bì no taxes, no illegal. Law gives the people, privilege of Freedom’s remarks, isn’t it?

Kain’s mouth showed a sneer sneer, and in Kain’s opinion, this was an excuse for being too bad to be rotten.

However, Aphra Alberta is surprisingly convinced of Shi Lei, and she does not know what the reason is. In short, she believes in Shi Lei.

“Stone, have you found it?” Aphra asked.

Shi Lei pretended to shake his head. “Not yet! Aphra, should you say Right?”

“Young Miss Aphra. Family things, please don’t rumor.” Kain stopped.

Aphra Alberta took a calm look at Kain. Although Aphra is only fifteen years old, the growing environment makes Aphra have her own ideas. She is not an Ordinary little girl.

Kain was watched by Aphra, and there was a dim started talking: “Young Miss Aphra, please…”

“Kane!” Aphra’s tone is very dull. Kain but retreat a step, no more.

Shi Lei glanced at Kain and smiled. “Mr. Kain, do you think I am villain? Or, do you think that I am close to Aphra? Is it purposeful? It seems that you don’t know me, it doesn’t matter, I can introduce myself.”

Kain looked at Shi Lei with surprise.

Shi Lei continued: “My name is Shi Lei. I am from Xia Nation Shuangqing City. I am the CEO of Dream Entertainment Company, the director of Mirror Science and Technology Group implement, and the regional director of Mirror Science and Technology Group Great Xia Nation.”

“You!” Kain didn’t play games, but Mirror Science and Technology Group and Dream Entertainment Company, Kain still heard. Especially this company. It was an incomparable acquisition of AMD Company.

Know the AMD Company, but the High-tech Company of Li Jian Nation, and the Science and Technology Company, which has mastered Nation’s secrets, since it was successfully acquired by Dream Entertainment Company?

If you follow the normal acquisition channel, Dream Entertainment Company will never succeed! However, Dream Entertainment Company has the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. The trick was to acquire enough absolute holdings from Stock Market. Directly bypassed the Li Jian Nation Securities Regulatory Commission and successfully acquired the AMD Company.

This matter, in the whole world, has aroused the attention of High Degree, which made Dream Entertainment Company take a name.

“How? Mr. Kain, do you still think that I am close to Aphra with ulterior motives?” Shi Lei said with pride that it is only the market value of Dream Entertainment Company, which is now over Ten Billion US Dollar, although the outside world does not know. Shi Lei has a lot of shares in Mirror Science and Technology Group, but Shi Lei’s worth, in the outside guess, is no less than 2 Billion US Dollar.

Aphra Alberta looked at Shi Lei with his head in his head. “Stone, you meet us first time, it’s totally different!”

“Yes! So, I can recognize you at First time. Because, I am in a weak and passive situation, only once!” Shi Lei said with a smile.

Aphra Alberta smiled and nodded. “I didn’t expect to save a billionaire! Stone, since the situation is like this, it doesn’t matter if you tell me. Aldrich Family, ready to take out the shares of France’s cell phone company 50%. , handed it to my family operation.”

“What cell phone Company?” Shi Lei in the heart, Shi Lei is also preparing to enter the cell phone field.

Aphra Alberta did not hide and responded: “SAGEM cell phone, a French native brand, was established in 2000 year, and it has been in the middle for three years. 2004 was once again active, and our family valued its future prospects.”

Shi Lei in the heart Think about the SAGEM cell phone’s information. This is not a well-known brand in Worldwide. Shi Lei has no impression at all. In fact, this is true. After the SAGEM cell phone launched the last cell phone in 2008, it disappeared and there was no more audio.

“Hey, what brand is this? Although the cell phone business is currently in a rising period, what is the future of a small brand that is not known?” Shi Lei tells the truth.

The era of 2007 is not the end of the cell phone into the diyModule of the era, whether it is hardware, or shape, homogenization is serious, no need for any technology, you can toss a cell phone.

Now the technical content of this era, cell phone is still quite high, the average small manufacturers, can’t play this rank!

Even though Shi Lei, who wants to plunge into the cell phone ranks, is also actively preparing, and does not have to plunged in, so as not to bump into the blood.

However, since the Alberta Family wants to enter the cell phone industry, what key technologies do they have?
