
Chapter 1268

HK1251 tragedy, encounter!


The seven people in the Rongcheng Military District, driving the dilapidated Helicopter, left the Seeking Dragon Scientific Expedition Ship and flew to the Bermuda Triangle, accompanied by seven First Generation The Steel and Iron.

Shi An drove the worn Helicopter, flying very low, only about 30 meters from sea level, in order to prevent accidents, even though Helicopter crashed into the sea and would not fall directly.

The Seeking Dragon Scientific Expedition Ship, Qian Muliang, originally in the current command room, tried to restore the data of the integrated integrated console. When he heard the sound of the propeller rotating, he quickly watched the worn-out when he ran to the deck. Helicopter, has already flown to the distance.

“What is this all about?” Qian Muliang asked loudly.

Staff member of the Helicopter apron, started talking: “Captain, just Group Head Shi ordered us to keep it up for Helicopter, then fly away with Helicopter!”

“What?” Qian Muliang’s face gloomy and uncertain, “Do they have anything left?”

“No! Fly away directly!” The staff member of the Helicopter apron, surely shook his head, said the Rongcheng Military District entire group, without leaving any account.

‘Damn Shi An, damn Shi Lei, you two bastards, what is the name? What is the purpose of Rongcheng Military District and deep diving here? ‘Qian Muliang is thinking in the heart.

Qincheng Naval Base did indeed lend the hl submarine to the Rongcheng Military District for The Steel and Iron. However, Qincheng Naval Base did not lend The Seeking Dragon Scientific Expedition Ship to the Rongcheng Military District. The reason for sending the Seeking Dragon Scientific Expedition Ship is precisely as stated for a glimpse of the secret of the Rongcheng Military District.

what a pity. The personnel of Rongcheng Military District is too cautious, and there is no chance for Qian Muliang at all!

‘Is it straight away? So what is their purpose? In the deep sea. What is the thing that has been salvaged? Still in the deep sea, what is the thing worthy of their shot? ‘Qian Muliang slowly returned to the command room and thought while walking.

As Shi Lei guessed, Qian Muliang did not know at all what the purpose of the Rongcheng Military District was. Qian Muliang couldn’t make up his mind for a time. After all, he arranged for the hl submarine to dive again, or he ended up happily and returned to Qincheng Naval Base.

‘No! Can’t just let it go halfway! ‘After repeated thinking. Qian Muliang made up his mind that the hl submarine must be dive again and look for any traces in the deep seabed.

In the unlikely event that the hidden secret of the Rongcheng Military District was found, then Qian Muliang made a great contribution and will definitely be rewarded when he returns. To take a step back, even if you don’t find any clues, what are the losses?

After making up your mind. Qian Muliang immediately ordered to arrange the crew of The Seeking Dragon Scientific Expedition Ship, ready to let the hl submarine dive again.

It is now the local time in Bermuda, just after 10:30 in the morning, the weather is fine, basically no sea breeze. The wave’s High Degree is less than twenty centimeters, and the conditions for diving are ideal.

“Remember the previous hl submarine, the exact location of the dive when it was Right?” Qian Muliang asked about the capstan operating personnel.

The hl submarine is connected to the capstan of The Seeking Dragon Scientific Expedition Ship by special steel cables and cables. It is responsible for the operation of the capstan personnel. It is very clear where the hl submarine is launched.

“The captain is at ease. I remember!” capstan operation personnel nodded affirmatively.

“Very good!” Qian Muliang praised it after a series of adjustments. The capstan operating personnel position determined, then put down the hl submarine, directly at the maximum dive speed, ready to sneak into the deep sea close to 4200 meters, looking for the hidden secret of the Rongcheng Military District.

However, Qian Muliang ignored one thing!

The hl submarine has been dive at the maximum dive speed. Although the sea level looks calm, it is not the case below sea level. There is ocean current in the ocean.

When the hl submarine dive to the 400 meters, it encountered a current, and under the influence of the current, it gradually deviated from the initial descending position.

If the Capstan of The Seeking Dragon Scientific Expedition Ship is not full speed, let the hl submarine Freedom dive. Then, with the pull of capstan and the cable, the hl submarine will gradually return to the bottom of the capstan and return to the vertical descending trajectory.

However, the Capstan of The Seeking Dragon Scientific Expedition Ship does not have any restrictions, letting the hl submarine dive at maximum speed and lose the pulling effect of capstan, naturally without correcting the dive trajectory of the hl submarine.

Although the hl submarine is only offset by a slight angle of the ocean current, this angle, after zooming in at a depth of 4,200 meters, the position of the offset has been considerable.

When the hl submarine descended to four kilometers, Qian Muliang was only quiet looking at the video image returned by the hl submarine. There was no urgency at all, and there was no opinion to reduce the dive speed. Until 4150 meters, Qian Muliang ordered to reduce the dive speed.

However, the dive speed of the hl submarine has dropped, but the new situation has emerged!

Qian Muliang clearly remembers that the depth record of the Rongcheng Military District is 4183 meters. But now the depth of the hl submarine dive has reached 4197 meters, how can it still not go to seabed?

The hl submarine reduced the dive speed, dive one meter per second, continued to dive slowly, and tested the depth.

Qian Muliang looked at the chart and his face changed slightly. He said to himself: “It turned out to be the waters of the Puerto Rico Trench. The seabed in the vicinity is undulating. Maybe it happened to have just met the sunken seabed.” Qian Muliang comforted himself. With.

“Captain, do you continue to dive?” The first officer asked Qian Muliang. The first officer also remembered that the previous diving record of Rongcheng Military District was only 4183 meters. Now the depth of the hl submarine has exceeded 4200 meters, obviously not Rongcheng Military District. The location you were looking for before.

Qian Muliang hesitated for ten seconds, started talking: “Stop…”

On the display wall, there were large and large snowflake images, indicating that the video transmission had been interrupted.

Looking at this scene, Qian Muliang and the first officer, his face changed dramatically at the same time. Because, in this case, there is only one possibility, that is, the camera of the hl submarine has failed, and the failure of the camera is likely to indicate that the submarine has failed.

“Hurry up and let the hl submarine come up!” Qian Muliang yelled loudly.

More than an hour later, the hl submarine was pulled up by capstan, and when Qian Muliang looked at the hl submarine, his face was as black as a pot of ash.

Because, hl submarine has been compressed into a group of broken copper and iron, as if an empty can is forced to squeeze the image. The powerful seawater pressure makes the hl submarine completely tragic.

Originally at 4183 meters, it has seriously exceeded the safety design depth of the hl submarine, but when Qian Muliang second time dive, the tragedy was washed away from the current, so it fell into the Puerto IX of the First N235 Metal vein. In the Rico Trench.

The depth of the Puerto Rico Trench is about 6000 meters. The hl submarine is naturally impossible to dive in. When it reaches the 4200 multimeter, it finally surpasses the extreme pressure and is crushed.

“Damn Your Mother’s Rongcheng Military District!” Qian Muliang shouted loudly, “Pick up the thing to return!” After Qian Muliang vented, he was ready to return to Qincheng Naval Base, regardless of whether the Rongcheng Military District needed The Seeking Dragon Scientific Expedition Ship.

Qian Muliang now needs to think about how to deal with the damage to the hl submarine.


The sea, a large seven small eight Helicopter, flying against the sea.

Qian Muliang’s tragedy experience/meeting with , Shi Lei and others naturally do not know, and are not interested in knowing. Because, they are always facing the rhythm of tragedy. The dilapidated Helicopter is too unreliable, making Shi Lei and others fearful.

After flying for nearly four hours at a speed of less than two hundred kilometers per hour, Shi Lei entire group finally ended the danger flight and returned to the Bermuda Triangle.

When the dilapidated Helicopter landed, Shi Lei wanted to say that his feet were soft on the beach, but it was scared out of the aftermath! The Helicopter, which is going to be scrapped in the scrapped field, is more exciting than the 360° flipping roller coaster for ten consecutive times!

“Group Head Shi, I said I was scared!” Shi Lei said with a serious look.

Shi An’s face is a little pale. “Shi Lei, I am the driver, I was scared!”

The crowd abandoned the dilapidated Helicopter and let it stop on the coast, not only not afraid of being stolen, but someone in Hope could steal it. Just Hope, the guy who stole the Helicopter, don’t be scared to pee!

After all, this dilapidated Helicopter, which suddenly shuts down in the air, is basically the norm!

After returning to the Ocean Exploration Company, established in the Rongcheng Military District, Shi Lei handed a special metal container with N235 Metal to Shi An. Shi An locked it into the safe and arranged a staff twenty four-hour guard.

Shi Lei took a break and was ready to go out for lunch. They left the Seeking Dragon Scientific Expedition Ship at ten o’clock in the morning, and after nearly 4 hours of flight, it was almost two o’clock in the afternoon, and Shi Lei was hungry.

After a round of greetings, Shi Lei went out alone, just found a coffee shop and ordered some Western food. Although it is often said that Xia Nation has a lot of dishes, there is really no Xia Nation restaurant in the Bermuda Islands.

At least in this era, this area, Shi Lei did not find it!

Shi Lei cuts the well-done steak with a knife and fork. For Shi Lei, the three-pointed steak with a bloodshot is definitely not what Shi Lei likes. As for the near-life and the familiar, in Shi Lei’s opinion, it is definitely anti-human cooking!

Some Film and Television works and novel works, said the four-pointed and six-pointed steak, Shi Lei only wants hē hē a smile, does Steak have this Grade division? Shi Lei really doesn’t understand that those works by Film and Television are good, novel works or not. I don’t understand the division of steak. Why not check the data?

Just as Shi Lei poured pepper on the steak, a slightly tender voice came. “Oh, it’s you, dizzy and confused big brother!”
