
Chapter 1208

Impliated just by being present in HK1191 is always NHK!


Shuangqing City, Shuanghu District.

Shi Lei puts on the ‘Sockpuppet’ and joins the battle between Raphael and the unknown Hacker. Shi Lei just entered the defense interface provided by Raphael and immediately found the issue.

Raphael obtained the distributed computing resources of 400tflops provided by Mirror Science and Technology Group, which did not have the upper hand and could block the other side.

Although Interweave Net Miwang’s computing resources are distributed computing resources, but 400tflops’ computing resources are also very small.

Shi Lei scanned the Raphael’s Defense System. After the Raphael’s defense, in the heart, probably had a concept, he quickly began to try to track down the Raphael’s Mysterious Hacker.

“Mr. Phinney, I have started reverse tracking the real ipaddress of the intruder.” In the name of Shi Lei, he said to Raphael by changing the microphone of the sound.

“Received!, defense aspect has no issue for the time being, you don’t have to worry.” Raphael made a guarantee.

Shi Lei’s mouth was a smile, Raphael was bullied so wrong, Shi Lei in the heart felt very funny. “Okay, Mr. Phinney. The matter of the defense aspect is handed over to you!” After that, Shi Lei cut off the power of the voice-changing microphone to facilitate communication with Izual.

Normally, the control of voice channel sound input and cut-off work is controlled by Izual automatically. But this is a voice communication with Raphael. If Izual determine mistakes, it will be flawed. Raphael will know Shi Lei exactly as stated, and even speculate that Shi Lei is Mr. M.

In order to seek insurance, Shi Lei directly closes the power supply of the voice-changing microphone, and there is absolutely no accident. Anyway, only the power of the microphone is closed, and it is not shielding the sound of the headphones. If there is anything in the Raphael, it is in the Voice Communication Channel. Shi Lei can also receive it.

“Izual, Interweave Net Miwang’s remaining computing resources, ready to accomplish Right?” Shi Lei asked.

Interweave Net Miwang brings together a large amount of distributed computing resources, but the utilization of distributed computing resources. Far from catching up with Supercomputer’s intensive computing resources.

However, Mirror Science and Technology Group also owns Supercomputer Lightning!

Supercomputer Lightning’s computing resources, under the control of Izual’s, have full access to 300tflops’ resources, and have not released any data yet, and are kept secret.

Interweave Net Miwang and Supercomputer Lightning, combined with each other, Interweave Net Miwang’s distributed computing resources, optimized by Supercomputer Lightning, will become more efficient.

“Sir. Interweave Net Miwang resource integration accumlish 720tflops; Supercomputer Lightning’s computing resources, which combines 88tflops. Interweave Net Miwang and Supercomputer Lightning’s remaining computing resources to maintain the basic needs of Brave’s World’s operations and Endless Defense System.” Izual Response Shi Lei and all the computing resources interfaces are shown for Shi Lei.

Shi Lei accesses the 720tflops distributed computing resources provided by Interweave Net Miwang. Through these distributed computing resources, Shi Lei began to quickly track the intruder’s connection ipaddress.

Thanks to the huge computing resources, Shi Lei’s anti-tracking is very fast and very concealed. The first connection ipaddress of the intruder was implanted in a First Grade Zombie.

Although the intruder’s First Grade Zombie performs well, it is called Small-scale Supercomputer, but only 2tflops is calculated. How can you block the 720tflops’ computing resources controlled by Shi Lei?

In an instant, Shi Lei controlled Interweave Net Miwang’s computing resources, and broke the First Grade Zombie’s defense, grabbing the intruder’s connection ipaddress.

‘Hey, what is Raphael doing? The technology of this intruder does not seem to be so powerful. He is actually uncertain? ‘Shi Lei in the heart thinks secretly.

By anti-tracking the intruder’s connection ipaddress, Shi Lei easily broke the intruder’s First Zombie Server, and the whole process didn’t take up to a minute. Shi Lei didn’t feel anything, and the intruder’s technology was powerful.

‘Is the technology of Raphael retrogressed? ‘Shi Lei thought of shaking his head. Then follow the connection ipaddress captured in the first Zombie Server and trace it to the next Zombie.

The intruder’s Second ipaddress relay server still does not bring any trouble to Shi Lei. Shi Lei seems to be eating and drinking, and naturally enters the Second Zombie Server.

In the next few minutes, Shi Lei continuously killed the intruder’s eight transit servers. Plus the previous two, also in other words In less than five minutes, Shi Lei will break the invaders Ten Platform Zombie!

‘Damn? This is what Raphael called Expert? ‘Shi Lei in the heart again has doubts, ‘is it an Offensive-type Expert? ‘

In Hacker World, Hacker can be roughly divided into three categories: Offensive-type, which is proficient in all kinds of intrusion techniques, the intrusion is extremely sharp, and the defense is terrible. The representative is the Xia Nation Second Generation Hacker Organization, Hacker Union’s Second Leader Black Tiger.

Black Tiger’s intrusion technology can reach Exceed Class and even higher. But the defense technology, there is no World Third-rate standard, or a big issue.

The Second type is exactly as stated Defensive-type , which is the opposite of Offensive-type. Usually, this type of Hacker will generally turn to Security Field development. The Nation’s Cyber ​​Security organization, the vast majority of Security SpeCIA list, falls into this category.

The last type, and the most powerful type, is exactly as stated, the all-round Hacker. The so-called omnipotent type is only relative, not to say anything, but to be able to attack and defend.

Shi Lei is one of the best, the attack is extremely sharp, and the defense is powerful and unmatched!

In addition to these three types of Hacker, there are other categories, such as proficient anti-tracking, this type can be counted as Defensive-type Hacker, usually this type of Hacker, also developed into the Security SpeCIA list field; proficient in tracking, then Can be counted as Offensive-type Hacker.

There is also Hacker who is proficient in encryption and Decryption. The Hacker, who is proficient in encryption, can also develop into the Security SpeCIA list field; Decryption’s nature is counted as the Offensive-type Hacker.

Intrusion tracking Raphael’s Hacker, from the current situation, should be an Offensive-type Hacker. The aspect of the technology of intrusion and tracing, this unknown Hacker, shows an extremely powerful side.

But in the defense and anti-tracking aspects, this unknown Hacker, like rookie, does not match the offensive technology.

‘If the opponent is an Offensive-type Hacker, then his courage is really big! ‘Shi Lei secretly admired the unknown invaders in the heart.

Usually, it’s not a versatile Hacker, and it rarely dies with other powerful Hackers. Unless it is an Offensive-type Hacker and a Defensive-type Hacker, it will work with other Hackers.

Similar to the simple attack Hacker, basically won’t fight the other powerful Hacker!

Raphael is also a World Summit Grade Hacker, the general Offensive-type Hacker, even if it reaches the strength of World Summit Grade, it will not be hard against Raphael.

Who can be a fool of the World Summit Grade Hacker? Isn’t there a hatred to kill the father, to hate the wife, is it necessary to make you dead and alive?

Shi Lei, who broke ten Zombie Servers, only slightly hesitated in the heart, and continued to carry out anti-tracking work. For this mysterious Offensive-type Hacker, Shi Lei also wants to know who the other person is, for what reason and Raphael irreconcilable until death.

From the Tenth Zombie Server, find the connection ipaddress as a clue to the next Zombie Server, and Shi Lei follows the clue tracking.

However, when tracking the intruder’s Eleventh transit server, Shi Lei finally felt a little bit difficult. However, in the next moment, Shi Lei’s face showed a strange expression.

Shi Lei first turned on the power switch of the voice-changing microphone, and then in the Voice Communication Channel, said: “Mr. Phinney, I have tracked the intruder’s Eleventh transit server. However, this one is a server, a little issue.”

“What is the issue?” Raphael responded immediately. “Is the defense of the other party very powerful and can’t crack the Defense System of Zombie Server?”

“No, Mr. Phinney!” Shi Lei did not sell the goods and said directly: “Eleventh Transit Server is the web server of NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website. I heard that Mr. Phinney, one of your opponents, likes to go with NHK Television Station? ”

The intruder’s Eleventh Transit Server is indeed the OffiCIA l Website webServer of NHK Television Station. For such a result, Shi Lei felt extremely strange.

Is this God helping him?

The mysterious intruder’s transit server, selected NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website webServer, as long as Shi Lei slightly guides, Raphael will suspect, tracking the invasion of his Mysterious Hacker, exactly as stated Mr. M.

“What?, you identified the Inventor’s Eleventh Zombie Server, which is the web server of NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website?” Raphael in the heart.

Mr. M likes to find NHK Television Station, which is open to the public secret in Hacker World, plus Mr. M always likes to find Raphael troubles, all with Raphael and NHK Television Station The Hacker event is always easy to suspect on the head of Mr. M.

After all, Raphael is the Hacker of World Summit Grade. How can the average Hacker bully Raphael? Only Mr. M is the best suspect and the best back-pot object.

“I’m sure! Mr. Phinney, what should we do now?” Shi Lei’s Sockpuppet, asked Raphael, the next step.

