
Chapter 1209

HK1192 Powerful Zombie!


Xia Nation Time, July 5, close to nine o’clock in the evening. It was only 8 o’clock in the morning when it was converted to Li Jian Nation time.

Raphael was attacked by Mysterious Hacker early in the morning. After getting the help of Shi Lei incarnation Sockpuppet, an important clue was traced.

The mysterious intruder’s Eleventh station relay server, is the web server of NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website!

Hacker World Recently, what is the most famous thing?

The answer is definitely two World Summit Grade Hacker, with NHK Television Station as the battlefield, and many wonderful Hacker showdowns!

The two World Summit Grade Hackers are precisely as stated Raphael and Mr. M. NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website’s webServer is only in the implied just by being present.

Today, NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website’s webServer suddenly became the Mysterious Hacker invading Raphael, controlling the Eleventh Transit Server. Even without Shi Lei reminder, Raphael itself will generate Lenovo about Mr. M.

“, I don’t believe you. Just, you know my relationship with Mr. M, there is so…forget about it, don’t say this, your anti-tracking has a record Log? Can you show me the log? Raphael asked.

Raphael is not too impulsive. I heard the webserver and Mr. M of NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website, and I have to argue with Mr. M.

The anti-tracking record Log proposed by Raphael will definitely generate the Log automatically recorded by the System during the anti-tracking process.

Shi Lei didn’t hesitate, agreed directly, and then passed the System Record Log to the Raphael through the Voice Communication Channel. “Mr. Phinney, about your relationship with Mr. M, our Mirror Science and Technology Group. I know it well. Now, Mr. M has a bad relationship with our Mirror Science and Technology Group. So, Mr. M is Our common enemy.”

Raphael quickly browsed Shi Lei’s past anti-tracking log and personally confirmed the Eleventh transit server of the mysterious intruder. It is indeed the webserver of NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website!

“Do you suspect that this is Mr. M, is it a ghost behind it?” Raphael asked Shi Lei.

Shi Lei thought a little and took the initiative to make a false opinion. “I don’t know! However, according to my understanding of Mr. M, his defense technology can’t be so bad. So, I think it shouldn’t be Mr. M.”

Although Shi Lei volunteered that the mysterious intruder is not Mr. M, this is the case. It is better than directly indicating that the intruder is Mr. M. If Shi Lei voluntarily stated that the mysterious intruder is Mr. M, Raphael would suspect that the mysterious intruder is not Mr. M.

However, Shi Lei volunteered that the mysterious intruder is not Mr. M. In the heart of Raphael, the more mysterious intruder is Mr. M.

This kind of performance is called confrontational psychology. The human heart usually involuntarily rebuts the views of others, especially in the case of only two people, usually does not agree with the statement that the person is first open.

Shi Lei took advantage of this mentality and designed a pit for Raphael to let Raphael jump inward.

“Maybe it’s not really Mr. M!” Raphael replied, “This invades my scorpion. His invasion is different from Mr. M.”

Shi Lei in the heart is a little surprised, is he speculating about the psychological error of Raphael? Or is Raphael too convinced?

“However, I also feel that Mr. M! This time the Hacker invaded, the more unlike Mr. M, the bigger the suspicion of Mr. M. I really can’t think of it. Which one Hacker is in my performance? After you have enough strength, you have to fight with me.” Raphael speaks again.

Shi Lei in the heart Slightly sighed in relief, he thought that Raphael really agreed with his own statement, and did not doubt Mr. M!

If Raphael does not doubt Mr. M. That is so good to frame the opportunity of Mr. M, Shi Lei can only helplessly give up.

“Mr. Phinney, the mysterious intruder, is it Mr. M, we don’t know for a while. However, as long as we follow it, we have the opportunity to know the true ipaddress of the other party and then analyze the identity of the other party.” Shi Lei made a suggestion .

“That’s right!” Raphael seconded, “, continue to track the intruder’s real ipaddress. Defense aspect, let me handle it.”

Shi Lei replied affirmatively: “Okay, Mr. Phinney, I will inform you as soon as I find any useful clues.” After that, Shi Lei cut off the power of the voice-changing microphone again.

“Izual, analyze the webserver connection ipaddress of NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website!” Shi Lei issued an order to Izual, and he himself thought about how to use this matter for the greatest benefit.

“Sir, System retrieve to the NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website’s webServer, a total of more than ten Ten Thousand ipaddress are connected. After the system auto-scan analysis is excluded, the following suspicious connection ipaddress is listed.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Reverse tracking ipaddress is not a simple job, it can even be quite complicated.

For example, a Hacker has five transit servers as Zombies, where aServer is the most terminal springboard, and Hacker’s terminal is connected to ipaddress, all of which is the ipaddress of aServer.

Then, to track down to the Hacker hidden behind the five transit servers, first find the connection ipaddress connected to bServer in aServer.

Don’t assume that this is a simple job, just find the connection ipaddress of bServer in aServer. If you know the address of bServer or the label information in advance, and then look for it in the connection ipaddress of aServer, it is indeed an easy task.

But what if you don’t know beforehand?

The connection ipaddress of accessing aServer is usually more than one bServer, but thousands of connections, even dozens of connections ipaddress.

Want to find the correct connection ipaddress in so many connections ipaddress, it is really not easy! To accurately determine the connection ipaddress you need to find, you need to analyze the connection data and trace it to the First Grade Server according to the data flow at the end of the aServer. Thus First Grade First Grade tracks up and finally finds the source of the data flow.

With the help of Izual’s, Shi Lei tracks the data flow of mysterious intruders step by step. At the same time, it is also necessary to avoid being discovered by intruders, so as to avoid the mysterious intruder and directly cut off the data flow.

Although the way to directly cut off the data flow is a bit rough, disconnecting the intrusion in this way will be a powerful anti-tracking of the person to find the final source. But if the source’s real ipaddress is irrelevant to the intruder, then it makes no sense.

In order to ensure that the mysterious intruder can be traced and the Identity Information of the mysterious intruder is ascertained as much as possible, Shi Lei’s anti-tracking is very careful.

More than ten minutes passed, and Raphael asked: “Is there any new clues?”

Shi Lei turned on the power switch of the voice-changing microphone and replied: “Mr. Phinney, sorry for the inconvenience, I am still tracking. The intruder’s transit server, the strength of the defense has increased a lot. If there is any latest news, I will immediately Notify you.”

“Okay!” Raphael responded with a bit of frustration.

Shi Lei Regardless of the idea of ​​Raphael, close the power switch of the voice changer again and continue to track the clues of the mysterious intruder with Izual.

After almost ten minutes, Shi Lei finally met the powerful Zombie!

Shi Lei All the tempted offenses were all resisted by the powerful Zombie of the mysterious invaders. This powerful Zombie, with Shi Lei’s query, has at least 10tflops!

This computing performance is the same as Izual’s Parent Server, which is Supercomputer Origin. In the World Top 2006 Supercomputer in the first half of 500, you can also rank in Fiftieth nine.

In the face of the powerful Zombie with 10tflops in computing performance, Shi Lei did not mobilize more powerful computing resources, directly breaking through the defense of the other party, but carefully testing System Flaw.

Shi Lei holds a lot of System Flaw, and it is a flaw that has not yet been announced. Shi Lei needs to test it now, whether the unpublished flaw he has mastered can enter this powerful Zombie.

More than ten unpublished flaws have been tested in succession, but this powerful Zombie Server System, without any response to information, Shi Lei could not help but be a little surprised.

To know that Shi Lei is a born-again person, he knows the flaw, but it will be announced in the future. However, this powerful Zombie with 10tflops in computing performance does not have the flaw of Shi Lei’s temptation.

This illustrates one thing!

The mysterious intruder is really powerful! At least he also mastered more than a dozen unreleased flaws that Shi Lei had tested before, and in the linuxOperating System Core Procedure, he added the corresponding flaw.

‘I don’t believe, this damn intruder has mastered all the flaw information! ‘Shi Lei in the heart coldly snorted, decided to come up with a lethal card.

This lethal card is the flaw that Shi Lei personally discovered, and it is the unpopular System Ground Level code flaw, which belongs to the very high authority of the authority, and Shi Lei named him the ‘ground thorn’.

This means that this kind of attack, like the spikes that suddenly emerge from the Underground, is hard to defend.

With the Blade of the System Ground Level code level, Shi Lei finally entered the powerful Zombie with 10tflops. In this powerful Zombie, Shi Lei found some information.

Some information about the mystery intruder identity!



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