
Chapter 1207

HK1190 returns to Shuangqing, tracking Raphael’s Expert!


Raphael and Mr. M are absolute enemies; Raphael and Shi Lei are friends. However, Mr. M is Shi Lei’s Sockpuppet. If Raphael knows that Shi Lei is Mr. M, what kind of expression will he have?

Regardless of the expression of Raphael, Raphael is now Shi Lei’s ‘good friend’!

“I can temporarily resist this. 200tflops’ distributed computing resources have successfully blocked the other side!” Raphael’s tone is easy, and completely different from the previous anxiety.

Shi Lei smiled and said: “Phinney, if you need other help, you can contact me anytime, anywhere.”

“Èn! I will!” Raphael said with a touch of emotion. “Right, the Hacker of the World Grade Summit of Mirror Science and Technology Group, can’t listen to your orders?”

Mirror Science and Technology Group What is the World Summit Grade Hacker, the existence of that illusory, isn’t Shi Lei’s Sockpuppet incarnation?

“Phinney, do you want to let the Mirror Science and Technology Group’s World Summit Grade Expert help you avoid tracking?” Shi Lei asked a little weird.

Raphael’s Hacker technology, which is World Summit Grade. Before, he didn’t have huge computing resources, and maybe he couldn’t get rid of Hacker Expert’s tracking.

But now Shi Lei has assigned 200tflops’ Interweave Net Miwang computing resources to him. With the end of the Raphael, it is not difficult to get rid of the Hacker with Grade.

“My Hope Mirror Science and Technology Group’s World Summit Grade Hacker, together with me, will find out who is back tracking my Hacker.” Raphael said his own thoughts.

Raphael was almost tracked to the real ipaddress by an unknown Hacker Expert, which made Raphael very uncomfortable. So, Raphael is ready to find out where the other person is, then yell at each other.

“This…Phinney, give me some time! The Mirror Science and Technology Group’s World Summit Grade Expert. If I want to mobilize him, I need to be authorized by the top.” Shi Lei once again created the image of Mirror Science and Technology Group .

Raphael was not disappointed, just nodded: “Okay! I will deal with the anti-tracking of my personnel!”

“Yeah. No issue!” Shi Lei laughed and ended the conversation with Raphael.

‘Which Expert is it, is it tracking Raphael? ‘Shi Lei walks back and thinks in the heart, ‘Is it the Wo Sang Nation’s Expert? This should be wrong! ‘

When Shi Lei went to Wo Sang Nation to capture Deity Plan, Raphael participated in Shi Lei’s plan and invaded the Power Grid System of Wo Sang Nation Tokyo Prefecture, causing a large power outage in Tokyo Prefecture. If you say Wo Sang Nation’s Expert, it’s okay to track Raphael. After all, Wo Sang Nation’s First Generation Hacker Organization Takama-ga-hara. The strength is very strong.

‘ Still not right! According to Raphael, tracking his personnel should be the rescuer who was going to attack Dream Entertainment, and the rescuer who came over. Who is that? ‘Shi Lei left to think about it, just can’t think of who it is. Tracking Raphael.

“Shi Lei brat, come over! We are still waiting for you to eat together!” He Zhenbang’s voice came over.

Shi Lei quickly put down the thoughts in the heart, no matter who is tracking Raphael, after Shi Lei returns to Shuangqing City for a while, personally participate in this matter, naturally there will be more clues.

“Come here!” Shi Lei hurried back to the Wooden Pavilion and glanced at the exquisite mountain treasures on the table. Said with a smile , “Commander He, you really wait for me!”

He Zhenbang deliberately joked: “Of course! I can listen to Shi An, Brat said, you still have the Hard Disk with twenty data. I think, after you unlock the Hard Disk password, Shouldn’t it be recommended to share Right with our Rongcheng Military District?”

Shi Lei licked his mouth. “Commander He, you put 120 hearts, LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter’s data, it is useless to me. When I found the data of LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter, I was ready to hand them over to your Rongcheng Military District! ”

He deliberately said ‘LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter’. Remind He Zhenbang that the Rongcheng Military District should not only take advantage of it, but also bear the corresponding responsibilities.

He Zhenbang has a lot of contact with Shi Lei. He has already figured out Shi Lei’s character and will never treat Shi Lei as a formly silly brat. At the beginning, He Zhenbang also regarded Shi Lei as a character paranoid issue teenager. At that time, Shi Lei was all acting!

“Eating food and eating! It’s cold if you don’t eat it!” He Zhenbang greeted, no longer mentioning LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter data.

After the meal was finished, Shi Lei in the heart also remembered the safety of Raphael, so he proposed to He Zhenbang the departure opinion, “Commander He, I have something to do in Shuangqing City, you arrange a Helicopter, send Let’s go back to Shuangqing City.”

“No issue!” He Zhenbang readily agreed.

Xia Nation Time, July 5, close to eight o’clock in the evening.

Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian flew directly to the Shu’an Village in Shuanghu District on the Helicopter of the Rongcheng Military District and landed at the Ruling Security Company training base. With the return of the two, there is only one Second Generation Dawn. The Second Generation Dawn, originally driven by Tao Wenxian, returned to Nanyue Nation with Ye Feng.

The Second Generation Dawn, owned by Ma Liang, was temporarily handed over to Tao Wenxian for driving.

The two returned to Jingya Garden, separated in the tenth building of Building Ten, Shi Lei was the No. 3 room in 2001, and Tao Wenxian was the No. 4 room in 2001. Although the two are neighbors of the door, the two rooms are completely two Worlds due to the soundproofing measures in place.

Shi Lei’s 2001 No. 3 room is the same as Ordinary’s home except for some High-tech Safety Systems. However, the No. 4 room in which Tao Wenxian is located is completely a computer World.

In the No. 4 room in 2001, there are quite a few computer EQ uipment, Tao Wenxian just returned home, sitting on the ergonomic health chair, started talking: “A’Li, I am not in the days, you still Ok?”

“Jazz, I am very good, just some miss you!” A clean and attractive female voice with no emotional fluctuations, responding to Tao Wenxian.

“hā hā !A’Li, I miss you too!” Tao Wenxian responded.

If you don’t know the situation, I think Tao Wenxian golden house to keep one’s mistress, but what about the fact?

In the No. 3 room in 2001, Shi Lei naturally didn’t know the bad taste of Tao Wenxian. Shi Lei opened the Number One Server and then told Izual: “contact Raphael !”

“yes, sir!” Izual icy and soundless.

In the Bluetooth headset, there was a beeping sound, the phone was quickly connected, and the Raphael anxious voice came over. “You, Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Expert, have you obtained the transfer authorization?”

“Well? Phinney, isn’t your situation right?” Shi Lei in the heart was surprised. Did Raphael get an unrecognized Expert after losing 200tflops’ distributed computing resources?

“, the guy who tracks me is a real Expert!even though I have mastered 200tflops distributed computing resources, and the other person can chase after me, I need your help!” Raphael said seriously.

“Phinney, my friend, please rest assured, I have been authorized by the Mirror Science and Technology Group executives, and have already contacted the Network Expert belonging to our Mirror Science and Technology Group. You gave me a defense interface, I handed it to that Expert. Also, Phinney, I got the 200tflops distributed computing resources authorization again, I will call you right away!” Shi Lei said what she can help.

Raphael is surprised and said: “Thank you! Thank you!”

“It doesn’t matter! We are friends!” Shi Lei responded with a bit of sensibility, but Raphael was very useful.

“That’s right, we are friends!” Raphael sighed, “My friend, it seems that you are only!”

Shi Lei tapped a line of source code on the keyboard, and then said: “Phinney, 200tflops distributed computing resources, has been assigned to you, or just the interface.”

Raphael looked at the computing resources a little, and responded with affirmative response: “I have received the computing resources. If it’s okay, first hang up the phone, I have to concentrate on this tracking my son. ”

“Okay!” Shi Lei returned to complied and hang up the phone.

Shi Lei put the cell phone on the computer desk, his hands quickly tapped on the keyboard, and entered the defense interface provided by Raphael. When he entered, Shi Lei proactively indicated identity.

‘Hello, Mr. Dulles, follow Mr. Shi Lei’s order and come to assist you. You can call me. ‘Shi Lei’s self-introduction of the meaning of Xia Nation in text, representing ‘wisdom’!

‘Hello, in order to facilitate communication, please enter the following voice chat address! ‘Raphael sent a connection directly, it is a secret Voice Communication Channel.

In the contest of Top Level Hacker, how can I have time to type and chat?

Shi Lei is ready to change the voice of the microphone, change the sound from the hardware-level, the reason is not simply use software to change the sound, this is to prevent the sound from being restored, thus tracking him.

“Mr. Dulles, I am coming!” The microphone that changed the voice changed Shi Lei’s voice into a hoarse middle-aged man.

“Hurry up to help me, I am responsible for resisting the opponent’s offense; you are responsible for anti-tracking his real ipaddress. No issue Right?” Raphael asked.

Shi Lei replied affirmatively: “Okay, Mr. Dulles, I will act now!”

For ipTracking Technology, Shi Lei is still in the line. This mysterious Hacker can be called Raphael, and Shi Lei is very interested to know, who is the Hacker who tracks Raphael!

