
Chapter 1206

HK1189 behind the scenes hero Raphael ?


Rongcheng Military District, the original ecological garden of the Wood Pavilion, the unusual sorts and varieties of the unknown woods, constantly come up.

When Shi Lei was preparing for a welcoming start, Izual suddenly received a request for assistance from Raphael.

Raphael has been around for a while and has no contact with Shi Lei. The most recent contact, before Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, Raphael told Shi Lei that there would be some great Hacker who attacked Dream Entertainment during Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. .

It is because of this news that Shi Lei has been sitting in Dream Entertainment, ready to fight, defending Dream Entertainment and Brave’s World’s network.

However, from the Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, until July 3rd, the educational institute cup power struggle competition and the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition ended, Dream Entertainment’s network did not suffer any attack, even one There is no tentative nature of the attack.

Shi Lei did not pay too much attention to the fact that during the Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, there was no Hacker attack. In Shi Lei’s view, Dream Entertainment Company’s network, with Interweave Net Miwang and Supercomputer Lightning’s computing resources, plus Endless Defense System, this combination, for now, I am afraid there is no Hacker, can be silent Rush in.

The First Giant, including the Angel Parliament, doesn’t work either!

Even if violence rushes in, it is not an easy task. Unless First Giant mobilized numerous computing resources at any cost, Supercomputer Lightning was forced to restart, crashing Interweave Net Miwang, and Endless Defense System was forced to terminate due to lack of computing resources. Only in this case is it possible to enter the network of Dream Entertainment Company.

Otherwise, it is impossible to enter the network of Dream Entertainment Company!

Including the computer and personnel inside the Dream Entertainment Company, due to the existence of the Izual’s authority Grade system, the internal personnel wants to enter the Core of the Internal Network. It will also be blocked by authority.

‘Raphael’s help? ‘Shi Lei in the heart is a bit strange, Raphael is not weak, although in the World Summit Grade, it is a relatively low Gradation. But that is also World Summit Grade. ‘Does Raphael this funny, nothing to provoke Elite in First Generation Hacker? Still provoke the Security SpeCIA list of the Li Jian Nation military? ‘

“Commander He, sorry for the inconvenience, I have something to do, I need to make a call.” Shi Lei said to He Zhenbang, no matter what Raphael is asking for help, since it is for help, as Raphael’s ‘good friend’, Shi Lei can’t care about Raphael.

He Zhenbang took the satellite encrypted phone in the chair next to it and handed it to Shi Lei. “Shi Lei, in the Military District, there is no cell phone signal, what phone to call, use this to play!”

Shi Lei smiled and shook his head. Extend your right index finger and gently tapon the Bluetooth earphone on your right ear with a fingertip. “Commander He, although there is no cell phone signal, but the network signal is owned. I use a network phone, no satellite. Encrypted phone.”

Said while. Shi Lei got up and walked outside the gazebo. When he walked out of the gazebo, Shi Lei suddenly turned his head and joked: “Commander He, you eat slowly, leave me some!”

He Zhenbang and Big Shot of Rongcheng Military District. All hā hā laughed. Shi Lei didn’t feel any sorry for the inconvenience and went inside the grove.

Inside the Wooden Pavilion, He Zhenbang looked towards Tao Wenxian, and his eyes showed a strange color, then asked: “Little boy. What is your name?”

Tao Wenxian knows He Zhenbang’s identity, and he replies with kindness and respectfulness: “Commander He, hello! My name is Tao Wenxian, Sujiang Province.”

“Sujiang Province?” He Zhenbang’s expression is even more strange. He repeatedly looked at Tao Wenxian. The kind of gaze almost made Tao Wenxian think that the gentle-commander of the Rongcheng Military District is good for Longyang.

Tao Wenxian has a nervous face. He secretly thinks, if He Zhenbang really has that kind of hobby, what should he do?

‘Damn Big Brother Stone, I left me alone. If He Zhenbang, the Old Ghost, really has broken sleeves, is Young Master not tragedy? ‘Tao Wenxian in the heart is sad.

If He Zhenbang can see the idea of ​​Tao Wenxian in the heart, it will definitely start from the table. He is a gentleman-commander in the Rongcheng Military District, and will be on the ascend to the commander. How could he have a hobby of Brokeback Mountain? Besides, even if you have such a hobby, you will definitely not find Tao Wenxian!

“Well, that’s right, it’s Suzhou City in Sujiang Province.” Due to He Zhenbang’s identity, Tao Wenxian had to answer.

He Zhenbang, who has been looking at Tao Wenxian, slammed his hands, which made Tao Wenxian almost scared to jump out of the chair. “Little boy, is your father called Tao Jingcheng?”

“Eh!” This is the turn of Tao Wenxian. He looks at He Zhenbang strangely, because Tao Wenxian’s father is really called Tao Jingcheng, but how does He Zhenbang know?

He Zhenbang hā hā laughed. “It turned out to be the son of the old man! Little Tao, I have a friendship with you, father.” After determining the identity of Tao Wenxian, He Zhenbang’s attitude changed immediately.

On the other side, in the grove, Shi Lei told Izual to call Raphael through the network phone and modify the label information of the phone number. The phone was quickly switched on, and the Raphael’s anxious voice was conveyed.

“, I need your help!” Raphael get right to the point.

Shi Lei curiously asked : “Phinney, what happened? How do you need me to help you?” Although in the heart is full of curiosity, Shi Lei still has not forgotten what kind of help Raphael needs.

Shi Lei will have a good relationship with Raphael until Raphael has not seen Shi Lei!

“, I need your Dream Entertainment Company’s computing resources! There is a strange Hacker, currently tracking my real ipaddress, the other is Expert, has broken my four First Grade Zombie, if you let the other party continue, I am afraid the other party will catch Stay with me!” Raphael said quickly, the tone was a bit anxious, and obviously the enemy who played the offensive and defensive with Raphael belonged to Expert.

Shi Lei didn’t make a joke, definitely said: “No issue! With my authorization, you can call about the distributed computing resources of 200tflops. If you want more computing resources, I need to ask Headquarters, which will consume a certain amount. Time.” Shi Lei snarls the unwelcome Headquarters, filling the image of Mirror Science and Technology Group anytime, anywhere.

Raphael replied affirmatively: “200tflops’ distributed computing resources are also good! You should first apply to your Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Headquarters. If you can get higher computing resources, that’s the best result!”

“Phinney, you wait a moment, I immediately issued a command to Group’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System.” Shi Lei pretended to give Izual a command, and then told 200tflops’ distributed computing resources interface to Raphael. “Phinney, you test it, can you use it?”

Raphael immediately launched a simple test, and then quickly responded on the phone: “No issue! 200tflops of distributed computing resources can be used. hēng hēng, with this 200tflops distributed computing resources, this tracking my bullshit, I Be sure to give him a lesson.”

Shi Lei smiled and the heart of gossip was soaring. “Phinney, which Hacker is tracking you? I heard that the powerful Hacker can distinguish the identity of the other person by means of the opponent’s attack or tracking method. “”

Raphael lightly coughed, slightly shouted: “Which Hacker is tracking me, I have no definitive answer yet. However, this beast. I will not let him go!”

“I didn’t know it!” Shi Lei deliberately showed a disappointment, and then said: “Phinney, this powerful Hacker, because of what, is it necessary to get entangled with you?”

Normally, the battle between Hacker and Hacker does not involve the Reality issue. Hacker is not a Security SpeCIA list, they are not too enthusiastic about tracking the real ipaddress of other Hackers.

“Not because of your Dream Entertainment Company!” Raphael said with no anger.

Shi Lei’s face was amazed. “Because our Dream Entertainment Company?Phinney, you talk about it, why is it because of our Dream Entertainment Company? I don’t remember, our Dream Entertainment Company has hired you to help us solve the problem on the network. The target.”

“Hēng!” Raphael snorted, “I didn’t tell you before, there are some great Hackers, ready to attack your Dream Entertainment network when you are in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, isn’t that Right ?”

“There is such a thing! But those Hackers don’t seem to be coming!” Shi Lei said affirmatively. “Do they know that our Dream Entertainment Company’s Defense System is very advanced, and dare not come over? Ah hā hā hā !”

“shit!” Raphael cursed, “Bulshit’s dare! The reason they didn’t come, it’s because I helped you Dream Entertainment Company, blocking the Hacker who was preparing to invade!”

“What?” Shi Lei said in amazement. “Phinney, why are you helping us with Dream Entertainment Company?”

Raphael casually said: “I am bored anyway, isn’t it?” Then he laughed and laughed. “If I knew this thing was so troublesome, I wouldn’t bother to help you Dream Entertainment Company!”

“Don’t you be chased after you, because you helped us with Dream Entertainment Company, and then those who were supposed to invade the Dream Entertainment Company, are all looking for trouble?” Shi Lei curiously asked.

“Almost! Those Hackers who are going to invade your Dream Entertainment Company, after they were defeated by me, invited a powerful rescuer!” Raphael said with a bit of depression.

“It turned out to be like this! Phinney, can you resist it alone?” Shi Lei in the heart hā hā laughed.

Raphael turned out to be a hero behind the scenes, blocking the muzzle of Dream Entertainment in Dark, which is really a little funny!



Chen Zhi: Chii, are we going to play a game? Very fun!