
Chapter 1205

HK1188 World essence, Raphael for help!

Yinjia Nation time, six points twenty points in the morning; converted to Xia Nation Time, it is already 7:56 in the morning.

The Himalayan Mountains, near the side of Xia Nation, are just bright. The 12 Black mAT&T e’s Second Generation Dawn is parked on a flat beach filled with gravel at the foot of a mountain in the Himalayan Mountains.

The only surviving Second Generation The Steel and Iron hovered over a kilometer and watched the surrounding situation. If there were any surprises, Shi Lei would be notified at First time.

Shi Lei is now at the Rongcheng Military District, let the Rongcheng Military District dispatch the Helicopter and pick them up. This is the Xifan Province area, which is far from the Rongcheng Military District. It is definitely not a fun thing to drive the Second Generation Dawn back to the Rongcheng Military District.

“Division Head Lu, our location information, has sent you the past, the 12 Dawn is all intact, and each Dawn’s weighs more than 1700 kg. When you dispatch the Helicopter, can you take all the Dawn away? “Shi Lei said to Lu Qiang on the secret phone.

Rongcheng Military District’s transport Helicopter, also stays in the Serbia Russia 8 transport Helicopter’s era, each 8 transport Helicopter, can only carry 4 tons of objects.

Although 3 tons can be hung outside, you can’t hang the Second Generation The Steel and Iron hanging outside.

A meter 8 transports Helicopter, which can only transport two Second Generation Dawns. If you want to transport the 12 Second Generation Dawn, you need at least six meters of 8 to transport the Helicopter.

“Shi Lei, we can’t send the transport Helicopter to your current position to pick you up. Your position is too close to Yinjia Nation. Once there is an issue, it is easy to leave Yinjia Nation. I will give you an address, there is us Rongcheng Military District base in Xifan Province. After you arrive at the Xifan Province base, return to Transport Helicopter.” Lu Qiang responded to Shi Lei.

In the current sensitive period, the movement of the six-meter 8 transport Helicopter is absolutely beyond the Yinjia Nation. Shi Lei didn’t mind being discovered by Yinjia Nation, but the Rongcheng Military District didn’t dare!

What if Yinjia Nation is upset?

In fact, Yinjia Nation is now on the verge of getting up. Big Shots of the Northern Overall Army Unit. For the attack on the Mitra military base, there is always no effective solution.

In the end, the Big Shot of the Northern Overall Army Unit. Was forced to report the situation to Yinjia Nation’s National Defense Strategy Department, and transferred the decision-making power of the event to the National Defense Strategy Department.

Think tanks of the National Defense Strategy Department. After the emergency study of the specific situation. He did not make up his mind to send troops to Xia Nation, or to dispatch relevant personnel to attack the important military research base of Xia Nation.

They chose to condemn and appeal!

Yinjia Nation’s National Defence Strategy Department held a Press Conference early in the morning to inform the whole world that Xia Nation dispatched a special War Squad to enter Yinjia Nation and smashed more than a thousand people. And took away the data of the lca aura Fighter inside the Mitra military base.

This condemnation at the Press Conference is useless for Xia Nation. Xia Nation is an expert in playing this trick. How could it be scared by Yinjia Nation?

For Yinjia Nation’s Press Conference, Xia Nation explained at First Time, and the news spokesperson of Xia Nation’s Foreign Affairs Department spoke a lot, and the combined opinion was only a little. That is, if Yinjia Nation wants to blame Xia Nation, it is best to have evidence.

Most of Nation around Xia Nation and Yinjia Nation are optimistic about the show. Whether it is Xia Nation or Yinjia Nation, it is a vast country with a vast territory. The small Nation around them can’t wait for the conflict between the two big countries, and they can survive in the cracks.

It was some extremist of Ba Ji Nation, a high-profile announcement that admitted to the personnel attacking the Yinjia Nation Mitra military base, from their Ba Ji Nation, not from Xia Nation.

Ba Ji Nation has a very good relationship with Xia Nation. It can even be said that Ba Ji Nation is an important chess piece for Xia Nation to deal with Yinjia Nation. Folk rumors have rumored that Ba Ji Nation has the atomic Nuclear Weapon technology, which is in fact secretly provided by Xia Nation. Of course, this is just an irresponsible gossip, without any scientific evidence and reliable evidence.

For the confession of Ba Ji Nation extremist, the Yinjia Nation authorities are very helpless, even if they know that Ba Ji Nation extremist is just nonsense, it can’t be ignored. After all, there are people who don’t know the truth. They don’t care if they are Ba Ji Nation. They only know that Ba Ji Nation has admitted, and that’s why you should pack Ba Ji Nation.

Xia Nation Time, just after 10 am on July 5th.

Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian returned to the Rongcheng Military District with Shi An. The only surviving Second Generation The Steel and Iron did not return to the Rongcheng Military District, but instead carried four N235 Metal Power Source Cores. Over the border of Xia Nation, fly to the Meishan Island base in Nanyue Nation. Although it is daylight, Izual automatically controls Second Generation The Steel and Iron to evade humans and do Ultra Low-altitude Flight without fear of being discovered.

Ye Feng Four people were transported to the Nanyue Nation border by the XIXX transport Helicopter of the Rongcheng Military District. Shi Lei has contacted Ma Liang who stayed at Nanyue Nation and asked Ma Liang to meet Ye Feng.

After returning to the Rongcheng Military District, Lu Qiang had arranged for the rest of the Room, Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian to eat a little porridge and steamed buns and went into sleep.

Shi Lei slept in the Rongcheng Military District hū hū, simply ignoring the already ups and downs of Yinjia Nation, or in Shi Lei’s opinion, this action was not flawed, Yinjia Nation wanted to investigate, and at most investigate to the head of Rongcheng Military District On, and not his Shi Lei to back the pot.

Yinjia Nation As a Nation force, the investigate Mitra military base invasion incident, only need to investigate to Xia Nation Rongcheng Military District, has already achieved the investigate purpose. As for the person in the Rongcheng Military District, the invasion operation, for Yinjia Nation, there is no difference. Who is it, isn’t it sent by Xia Nation Rongcheng Military District?

In fact, it was true that the Rongcheng Military District planned the invasion, but Shi Lei took advantage of the investigate flaw of Nation’s forces and let the Rongcheng Military District take a black pot.

When Shi Lei woke up. Almost six o’clock in the afternoon, he asked for Izual with a Bluetooth headset. “Izual, the guy of Yinjia Nation, are you angry and angry?”

LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter is very important to Yinjia Nation. Just like the importance of sword 15Fighter to Xia Nation, if the foreign spy personnel break into Xia Nation and steal the data of sword 15Fighter, Xia Nation executives will be very angry!

“Sir. As of the current position, Yinjia Nation has held three Press Conferences in succession, repeatedly condemning Xia Nation. Asking Xia Nation to give Yinjia Nation an account.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei’s mouth showed a smile, since Yinjia Nation chose to condemn, which shows that Yinjia Nation is preparing to mute coptis chinensis and swallow this bitter fruit.

Simply groomed. Shi Lei came to the next door. Ringing the room door of Tao Wenxian, Tao Wenxian opened the door in a confused way, squinted and looked at Shi Lei, started talking: “Big Brother Stone, what time is it, what do you call me?”

“Diet!” Shi Lei said simply.

Tao Wenxian eyes bright, “Diet? Good. Wait for me, I wash my face!”

Less than a minute. Tao Wenxian accomplished the washing, obviously the whole process is very sloppy, it may be that the toothbrush does not use the rhythm of toothpaste.

This brat is also starved!

Shi Lei took Tao Wenxian and found Shi An. Previously, Shi An handed in the paper data of LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter and got the attention and praise of the High Degree of Rongcheng Military District.

Shi An, who gets the benefit, can’t be fattened naturally. He has ordered subordinate people and is ready to stop the sumptuous dinner.

“Group Head Shi, what are some delicious?” Shi Lei asked.

Shi An smiles mysteriously. “Shi Lei, you can rest assured that this time you will definitely be satisfied.”

“Then, let’s talk about it, what is it?” Shi Lei is not good dupe. For diet, it is not easy to satisfy Shi Lei.

“Shi Lei, I just said the same! We prepared the wild matsutake of Xiang Ge Region this evening! How?” Shi An pleased said.

Shi Lei has a look, “The wild matsutake of Xiang Ge Region?”

Matsutake is known as ‘King of Fungus’, ‘God Fungus’, etc. It is known as eating matsutake ‘to make a shape’. Xia Nation’s matsutake production is about 2000 tons per year. In addition to Old Growth, Young Growth and Damaged Growth, the high quality matsutake is less than 1000 tons.

And matsutake can’t be artificially cultivated!

“Yes! hā hā hā, how, matsutake can satisfy you Right?” Shi An pleased said.

Shi Lei is considering a deeper Gradation issue. According to Shi An’s level, it is too difficult to get a rare premature matsutake in July.

“Well, the wild matsutake of Xiang Ge Region, this is good thing!” Shi Lei responded, then followed Shi An and went to the place to eat.

About ten minutes later, Shi An took Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian to a hidden wood. In the woods, there is a Wooden Pavilion, Shi Lei looks intently, and He Zhenbang and other Big Shots in the Rongcheng Military District are already sitting in the pavilion.

Shi Lei’s mouth reveals a smile, matsutake’s issue, which seems to be solved by He Zhenbang, or the Rongcheng Military District. When Shi Lei walked over, the Big Shots of the Rongcheng Military District, which was originally chatting, all stopped.

He Zhenbang took the lead in breaking the slightly quiet scene and smiled and said: “Shi Lei, your sly brat, and designed a trap, let us Rongcheng Military District get stuck!”

Shi Lei was pretending to be innocent and smiled. “Commander He, what are you talking about? I don’t understand!”

“Less garlic! You deliberately hand over the data to our Rongcheng Military District. Isn’t it Hope? Our Rongcheng Military District is in front of attracting the attention of Yinjia Nation? Although this is not very authentic, our Rongcheng Military District likes that. A data, it will not be with you!” He Zhenbang big said with a smile.

Shi Lei in the heart sighed in relief, took Tao Wenxian to the table, looked at the empty desktop, complained, “Commander He, good wine good food? Not yet?”

“Good! Serve!” He Zhenbang greeted the service staff next to him. Rongcheng Military District got the data of LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter, He Zhenbang is very happy, it is also a significant achievement for He Zhenbang.

Although He Zhenbang has actually mastered the Rongcheng Military District, Xia Nation executives have not officially appointed. Therefore, He Zhenbang needs more achievements to get the highest position in the Rongcheng Military District. LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter’s data, excellent as stated a great achievement, a great achievement that can strengthen He Zhenbang status!

In the face of such free big achievements in the sky, He Zhenbang can not be happy?

As for what the Rongcheng Military District is under the pressure of Yinjia Nation, it doesn’t need to be too nervous. The interaction between countries is sometimes so complicated as the conspiracy theorists imagine.

Old Ancestor has a right sentence, and it will be beaten behind!

Yinjia Nation lags behind some aspects, just as Shi Lei is advanced in some aspects, and Shi Lei needs Yinjia Nation’s Floating Sacred Stone, the Levitation Slate. Therefore, Shi Lei without the slightest hesitation chose the Mittra military base of attack Yinjia Nation.

Just like in a world dominated by force, the powerful want to snatch the treasure of the weak, what reason and excuses are needed? Is there any privilege for the weak?

The real World has always been World by force, not law and morality. The ultimate nature of the issue is still going back to the origin of Powerhouses Are Respected.

When all kinds of original yummy dishes came up, Shi Lei suddenly received Izual’s information.

“Sir, Main System received an assistance from Angel Parliament Raphael…”

Shi Lei’s eyes are slightly startled, Raphael is asking for help. What is the situation?

(To be continued.)

Ps: essence, exactly as stated with Powerhouses Are Respected…