
Chapter 1200

HK1183’s trapof The Steel and Iron


Su 30mkiFighter arrived at the Mitra military base in advance, and Shi Lei chose to return to the Mitra military base, which is the only temporary safety solution.

If the 12 Dawn arrives at the 30mkiFighter and does not return to the Mitra military base, and continues to implement the escape plan, then they will definitely be Su 30mkiFighter attack.

The kh-30dAir-To-Surface Guided Missile carried by Su 29mkiFighter is not the Small-scale Air-To-Surface Guided Missile of the Swift Arrow type, which is close to 4 meters and has a weight of more than 600 kg. Guidance program. Once Su 30mkiFighter locks Dawn from the air and launches kh-29dAir-To-Surface Guided Missile, even if Second Generation Dawn’s is very powerful, it can’t escape.

It was because of this situation that Shi Lei chose to return to the Mitra military base.

At the beginning, Shi Lei was preparing to hijack some of the hostages in the Mitra military base, allowing Yinjia Nation to let them go, but when Su 30mkiFighter actually arrived and hovered over the Mitra military base, Shi Lei wanted to understand Yinjia Nation. Opinion.

Yinjia Nation does not care about the personnel safety of the Mitra military base. Or, in the choice of personnel safety and data security, Yinjia Nation chose data security.

LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter’s research personnel are not all located in the Mitra military base, but are distributed throughout the country’s research bases. The Mitra military base’s research on LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter is more similar to the final overall performance test and assessment, rather than the all kinds of basic research.

Based on this situation, Yinjia Nation will not care more about the personnel safety inside the Mitra military base. However, under the premise of guaranteeing data security. The Northern Overall Army Unit is also the research personnel of the Hope Rescue Mitra military base.

Therefore, after arriving at the Mitra military base, Su 30mkiFighter did not directly launch the Guided Missile against the Mitra military base. Instead, it circulated the patrol surveillance and waited for the ground forces to meet.

The Underground Base entrance of the Mitra military base, where the 12 Dawn gathers. Originally it was just a relatively simple action. I didn’t expect to develop to the present level. It was actually stared at by Su 30mkiFighter. If you don’t solve Su 30mkiFighter, they can’t break through.

Tao Wenxian Although he is a World Grade Hacker, he is only sixteen years old. I have never experienced such a danger. At this moment, Tao Wenxian was very scared. In the Dawn’s on-board Communications System, he whispered: “Big Brother Stone, are we going to be caught by the Indians? Will they kill us?”

“Jazz, haven’t reached the worst. Don’t worry!” Shi Lei comforted, and then in order to increase credibility, Shi Lei continued, “Su 30mkiFighter is indeed more powerful, under normal circumstances, we have no way to deal with it. Fight. But now, we don’t necessarily have no chance!”

If Su 30mkiFighter. Flying above the Three Thousand meters, then neither The Steel and Iron nor Dawn can harm the Su 30mkiFighter.

The original Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, in front of the 30mkiFighter, is completely child’s play, as pale as a child’s toy, without any threat.

Shi An As a professional military personnel, he is very clear about the gapbetween them and Su 30mkiFighter, according to Shi An’s determinee. They are now trapped by Su 30mkiFighter and can’t escape anyway.

“No. 0, do you have any way to get us out of trouble?” Shi An asked, and he made up his own brain to make a plan that Shi Lei might propose. Continue to say, “If you take the Research Base of the Underground Base as a hostage, I am afraid we can’t escape. Yinjia Nation doesn’t care about the personnel safety of the Mitra military base!”

The proposal of the Underground Base’s research personnel has long been abandoned by Shi Lei. Although this is the only solution that seems to be feasible, it is definitely not successful.

“Number One, what you said, I understand!” Shi Lei explained without hesitation, “Want to fight against 30mkiFighter, what do you think weapon can succeed?”

As a normal matter, against the advanced Su 30mkiFighter, it must be the same as the Grade, or even more powerful Fighter; or the advanced Air-To-Air Guided Missile; or the supernormal weapon, including the laser and Electromagnetic Pulse weapon and so on.

All in all, to fight against the 30mkiFighter, only the 12 Second Generation Dawn, and fifteen The Steel and Iron, which is a basic accomplishable Task.

“Su 30mkk?” Shi An replied in a tentative manner.

Su 30mki and Su 30mkk can be described as a pair of twins. The difference is that Su 30mki is sold by Soviet Russia to Yinjia Nation, and Su 30mkk is sold to Xia Nation. Both Fighters have their own advantages, and they want to score a winner and loser. They also need technical contests between pilots.

Shi An would say Su 30mkkFighter, because the Rongcheng Military District has Su 30mkkFighter.

“Number One, don’t think too much, here is Yinjia Nation, Su 30mkkFighter is absolutely impossible to come in.” Shi Lei directly denied Shi An’s guess.

Shi An sorry for the inconvenience coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, then asked: “No. 0, then how do we defeat Su 30mkiFighter? Do we rely on our current strength?”

“Of course! There are only two Su-30mkiFighter, we have a fight!” Shi Lei said with excitement, like Amway lecturer, to confuse everyone to promote Amway products.

Ye Feng didn’t understand how Shi Lei would deal with Su 30mkiFighter, but Ye Feng unconditionally trusted Shi Lei. He asked: “Boss, what should we do?”

Shi Lei slowly explained it in Dawn’s on-board Communications System. In about six minutes, Shi Lei told the plan two times. After confirming everyone understands, Shi Lei said seriously: ” We only have one chance. Once we missed it. We only destroyed one Su-30mkiFighter, then the other one will quickly take off. We will be dangerous! So, no matter what, we can’t miss it. Understand?”

“Understand!” Ye Feng responded first, and others followed and answered.

Shi An is thinking in the heart. Given the current form, according to Shi Lei’s plan implement, it should be the best way. Even though plan failed. Can the situation be worse than it is now?

Anyway, they have been trapped in the Mitra military base by Su 30mkiFighter. If they want to escape, they can’t escape. It’s better to let go and have a chance.

If you don’t resist, let Su 30mkiFighter delay the time. They will definitely be trapped in the Mitra military base!

“Since you understand, take the biggest skill and prepare yourself! You are ready to prepare, I will implement the advance action!” Shi Lei said, passing Dawn contact Izual and ordering Izual to start.

“Izual, launching the first First Generation Dawn. Report the number of Guided Missile carried by First Generation The Steel and Iron.” Shi Lei asked.

Izual on the Second Generation Dawn’s hudMonitor, listed specific data, ten First Generation Dawn, only six carrying the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, each carrying only one Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile. In the previous action, six First Generation The Steel and Iron, have launched six Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, and 12 Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air Guided Missile.

“There are only six Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile? Yes, it’s just to attract attention!” Shi Lei said to himself, followed. “Izual, the ten First Generation The Steel and Iron took off quickly and rushed over to the two 30mkiFighters. After the High Degree reached the launch conditions, six Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missiles were launched directly.”

Izual reminded: “Sir, use Swift Arrow a type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile. Attack Su 30mkiFighter, success rate is less than 1%, is it attack?”

“attack! After launching the Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, try to use mp7attack Su 30mkiFighter.” Shi Lei issued a crapcommand.

mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun attack Su 30mkiFighter ? This is absolutely funny!

“yes, sir!” Izual began the implementation of Shi Lei’s command, and the ten First Generation The Steel and Iron took off from the bushes, approached the ground for a long Low-altitude Flight, and then quickly lifted off.

First Generation The Steel and Iron flew at low altitudes to avoid exposure to hiding places. In the grove, in addition to the ten First Generation The Steel and Iron, there are five Second Generation The Steel and Iron.

Second Generation The Steel and Iron is the main force against Su 30mkiFighter!

Ten First Generation The Steel and Iron, just flew two hundred meters high, six The Steel and Iron carrying the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, launched the Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile. Six Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, flew away to two Su-30mkiFighter.

Currently, two Su-30mkiFighter directional cruises in the sky sounded in the cockpit.

“Warning, the body has been locked by the radar, 2,700 meters away, found Guided Missile, please pay attention to avoid.”

M’Ballo was shocked by the warning of the on-board system. When he looked at the specific information, he couldn’t help but laughed. “hā hā hā, laugh at me. What is this Guided Missile?” The speed of each second is only 240 meters?”

“Long machine, found six Guided Missile, currently close to us, please instruct!” The driver of the driver Tereytin has a bit of tone, apparently did not put six Swift Arrow a Guided Missile in the eye.

“Let’s take a look at where the six Guided Missiles were launched. In addition, since the other party wants to destroy us with Guided Missile, then we give each other a chance to catch up with the six Guided Missile and see if they chase them. Do you have us?” M’Ballo has been playing for a while, ready to take advantage of the Outstanding performance of the 30mkiFighter and Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile.

“Understood, long-haul!” Tereytin looked at the radar scan feedback information and finally found ten currently close First Generation The Steel and Iron on the edge of the radar. He immediately reported the situation to M’Ballo.

“The speed of movement is only Sixty, the meter of the aircraft? It should be the Helicopter! Are these attackers ready to fight against us with the Helicopter?” M’Ballo’s face was very strange, as if he saw a cow flying in the sky.

Helicopter and Fighter fight, what a marvel idea?

“Long machine, according to the basic situation determinee, the ten aircraft should be Helicopter.” Opposite Tereytin responded.

M’Ballo took a moment to think about it and made a decision. “Don’t worry about the Helicopter, let’s get rid of Guided Missile and then play with those Helicopters. Let them know the difference between Fighter and Helicopter!”

“Okay, long machine!” Dear Tereytin is only twenty years old. For this proposal, Tereytin is very happy and can use the Fighter to bully Helicopter. It feels great!

However, neither M’Ballo nor Tereytin knows that this is just a trap…



Blond blue steel skirt girl, looking at the man wearing a mysterious clothes in front, the voice is firm and clear: “sevantsaber, follow the summon, I asked, is it my master?”

Shi Lei scratched his head and looked around all the way around. The black clothes on the body were turned into a black kimono. He looked at the blond girl in front of him with a faint smile and whispered: “I It’s your servant, Madam Queen!”