
Chapter 1201

HK1184 Steel and Iron Bait!


Over the Mitra military base, two Su-30mkiFighters are followed by six Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, flying at only 240 meters per second, and tracking speed can reach The 580mkiFighter of 30 meters per second is a complete joke.

When six Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, tracking the 30mkiFighter, and seeing the upcoming 30mkiFighter, the two Su-30mkiFighter suddenly accelerated, from the original speed of 200 meters per second, suddenly promoted Up to 500 meters per second!

In just three seconds, the distance between the two 30mkiFighters and the six Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile has been more than one kilometer.

“Long machine, six Guided Missile tracking ours, a total of four kilometers flight, is expected to reach the range limit in a short time.” Tereytin driving the crash, reported to the long-distance driver M’Ballo.

Small-scale Guided Missile’s range is usually not too long. Tereytin keeps track of the flight of six Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missiles to prevent Guilded Missile from exploding and injuring them.

“Received! Keep a distance of more than one kilometer from Guided Missile!” M’Ballo ordered that the distance between the two 30mkiFighters could be guaranteed by more than one kilometer.

The Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile has a range of only five kilometers. They track two Su-30mkiFighters, reach the range limit and explode in the sky.

The two Su-30mkiFighter did not suffer any damage at all!

Shi Lei was not disappointed with this result. Anyway, Shi Lei did not expect to rely on Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile to deal with Su 30mkiFighter.

“Izual, control as many as possible of First Generation The Steel and Iron near Su 30mkiFighter. Use on-board mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun, attack Su 30mkiFighter !” Shi Lei issued the order again.

Ten First Generation The Steel and Iron, under the control of Izual’s, continue to climb the High Degree. However, the maximum climb rate of First Generation The Steel and Iron is only six meters per second. Currently. The flight High Degree of the ten First Generation The Steel and Iron is only eight hundred meters.

First Generation The Steel and Iron’s ultimate high-level flight, the High Degree, reached 1,800 meters, and they can continue to promote High Degree, aiming for a height of one kilometer.

Two Su 30mkiFighter, now temporarily maintaining the X Degree of 1000-1100 meters, this High Degree for First Generation The Steel and Iron. Not difficult, High Degree, they are at least the same High Degree with Su 30mkiFighter, with the basic conditions of attack Su 30mkiFighter.

However, the same High Degree is just the basic condition!

To put it bluntly, the effective range of the mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun is only 200 meters. This distance is completely the rhythm of close combat for air combat. How could Su 30mkiFighter allow First Generation The Steel and Iron to be so close to it?

Exceeding the effective range of 200 meters, the power of the mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun, even if it hits the 30mkiFighter, is as weak as the boots.

All in all, First Generation The Steel and Iron can’t beat Su 30mkiFighter!

Unless Su 30mkiFighter’s driver Shithead. Driving the 30mkiFighter and hitting First Generation The Steel and Iron in front of it will crash. Otherwise, in any case, First Generation The Steel and Iron can’t help Su 30mkiFighter.

Above the height of the kilometer, two Su-30mkiFighter sang six Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, let them reach the extreme range and automatically explode, which makes M’Ballo and Tereytin very cool.

“Long machine, the flight High Degree of ten Helicopters, has reached a kilometer. Do we want to Destroy them?” Tereytin asked the M’Ballo of the long plane after checking the enemy’s situation in the radar scan of the aircraft.

M’Ballo also looked at the Scan System and said, “Don’t waste Guided Missile. Let’s take a closer look. What is the situation with these Helicopters! Promoted the High Degree of 300 meters, pay attention to avoiding the impact.”

“Received!” Tereytin responded.

Two Su-30mkiFighter climbed the High Degree of 300 meters and flew over the top of the 10 First Generation The Steel and Iron. Two pilots of 30mkiFighter looked at the Ten First Generation The Steel and Iron from the sky.

M’Ballo said eccentrically: “Departure, according to my determine, these Helicoptes should be Unmanned Remote Control Helicopter, and Ultra-small’s Helicopter!”

Tereytin also discovered the same situation through observation. “Long machine, I also observed the same situation. Do we want to test the attack?”

“Use the cannon to dive attack! Try the depth of these Helicopters! Note, don’t be too close to these Helicoptes, lest they have a self-explosion type attack!” M’Ballo is an experienced old pilot, for the attack that Helicopter might launch, Have a very deep understanding.

First Generation The Steel and Iron This Unmanned driving Small-scale Helicopter is very likely to launch a self-explosion type attack!

Two Su-30mkiFighters dive down from the ten First Generation The Steel and Iron, 30mm’s cannons roared, and two flames slid over the top of the First Generation The Steel and Iron, like the flame of fiend whip.

Three First Generation The Steel and Iron were hit by guns!

The 30mm caliber gun is definitely a Destroy hit for the first generation of 1.5 m. The three First Generation The Steel and Iron that were hit, disintegrated directly in the air, turned into a shard of Steel and Iron.

There is also a First Generation The Steel and Iron, the pieces of the three Steel and Iron that were unfortunately destroyed, hitting the main propeller, causing the main propeller to bend and deform, and the whole The Steel and Iron in the air with a random flight path. , falling to falling down.

The two 30mkiFighters, just a round of 30mm caliber attack, lost four of the 10 First Generation The Steel and Iron, and the exhaust of the First Generation The Steel and Iron even the 30mkiFighter.

This is the gapbetween Fighter and Helicopter!

Try to challenge the real Fighter with Helicopter, it’s definitely asking for it!

Su-30mkiFighter’s long-distance driver, M’Ballo in the on-board Communications System, hā hā laughed, “These Remote Control Helicopter, simply unable to withstand a single blow!”

“Yes! Long-term, do we want to destroy them all?” The driver, Tereytin, commented, then degraded the Northern Overall Army Unit. “The two waves of air support before us were defeated by this garbage Remote Control Helicopter.” It’s incredible!”

M’Ballo is rather calm, did not step on the Northern Overall Army Unit, but said fairly: “This Small-scale Remote Control Helicopter is not weak. They are equipped with Guided Missile to deal with the same level. Armed Helicopter, definitely not an issue!”

Tereytin didn’t talk, and M’Ballo didn’t attack Tereytin’s enthusiasm. He continued: “Take down, the rest of the targets are handed over to you, practice air combat technology, solve them all! This kind of practice opportunity, usually not easy to find !”

“Okay! Thank you for your long drive!” Tereytin’s tone was full of thanks. Usually, the downtime is only responsible for the work of the cover, and the offensive action is usually carried out by the long machine.

The driver of the downtime, who wants to improve the standard of air combat, needs numerous time. Now, M’Ballo is giving Tereytin such a good practice opportunity, and Tereytin in the heart is full of gratitude.

Tereytin drove the 30mkiFighter and rushed to the sky again. He prepared to dive the attack to destroy the remaining six First Generation The Steel and Iron.

After five dive attacks, six First Generation The Steel and Iron were finally killed. Tereytin’s dive attack technology is still a bit worse. After the accomplish attack, Tereytin asked in the on-board Communications System: “Long-range, these Remote Control Helicopters, how do I feel so familiar?”

“Hey? Do you know their origin?” M’Ballo asked in surprise.

Tereytin thought in his mind, trying to recall the information about First Generation The Steel and Iron, and finally started talking: “Long machine, I think of it, this Remote Control Unmanned Helicopter, I know there are three places. This is a The ground force’s Comrade-In-Arms tells me about the information. This Remote Control Unmanned Helicopter, which seems to be called The Steel and Iron, belongs to Xia Nation next door to us. However, it is not Xia Nation’s exclusive The Steel and Iron. Because, in the Yellow Triangle Region and Nanyue Nation, this Remote Control Unmanned Helicopter was also discovered.”

M’Ballo was surprised. “Is it because Xia Nation is attacking us?”

The relationship between Xia Nation and Yinjia Nation is not very harmonious. LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter and Xia Nation’s sword 15series Fighter are also the most direct competition.

If Xia Nation sent a special war Squadron to attack the Mitra military base, this statement can be accepted by Yinjia Nation and it is considered to be more reliable.

Mitra military base, the entrance to the Underground Base.

“Sir, the ten First Generation The Steel and Iron are completely destroyed.” Izual reports to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei didn’t care about the loss of the ten First Generation The Steel and Iron. In Shi Lei’s plan, the ten First Generation The Steel and Iron were completely cannon fodder.

Even in order to escape, Second Generation The Steel and Iron was also used by Shi Lei as an object that can be abandoned!

“Izual, controlling four Second Generation The Steel and Iron carrying the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, implement Second Phase Task!” Shi Lei issued an order to Izual.

Second Phase Task, exact as stated Using four Second Generation The Steel and Iron, like First Generation The Steel and Iron, try using Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, attack Su 30mkiFighter.

Thanks to the first time of the First Generation The Steel and Iron, the two 30mkiFighters may not value the four Second Generation The Steel and Iron. As long as the drivers of the two 30mkiFighters relaxed their vigilance, they were close to Second Generation The Steel and Iron.

So maybe four of the Second Generation The Steel and Iron will kill two Su-30mkiFighter!
