
Chapter 1199

HK1182 is not scientific in advance go on stage!

Mitra military base, ten Second Generation Dawn, carrying paper data of numerous LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter, and twenty multiple computer Hard Disks, leaving the Underground Base.

The base of the highest military Senior Officer Emodi, there is no way to block the ten Dawn, can only force the Northern Overall Army Unit, as soon as possible to send support.

“Northern Overall Army Unit, here is the Mitra military base, attacking our enemies. The data of the numerous LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter has been taken away. If your rescue force does not arrive again, I am afraid the enemy will leave!” Emodi holds The microphone, loudly yelled at the liaison to the Northern Overall Army Unit.

If at ordinary times, Emodi will also be very polite to talk to the liaisons of the Northern Overall Army Unit. But now, if the data of the LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter at the Mitra military base is taken away by the attackers, Emodi will be severely punished. Therefore, Emodi has no good tone at all.

“Emodi Senior Officer, I am sorry to inform you that the Second Wave air support we sent has been annihilated by the other party. At present, the nearest support from you will take about 15 minutes.” The liaison of the Northern Overall Army Unit, tone Nothing changed, but Emodi reported an almost Despair’s information.

“It still takes fifteen minutes?” Emodi Despair cut off the newsletter and turned to look at Samara, crying and sulking: “It’s over, it’s over, everything is over!”

Losing the data of LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter, Emodi will be judged by the military court, and the final trial result is very likely to be life imprisonment!

Samara comforted: “Emodi Senior Officer. The situation has not reached the worst level. The Indian West Air Force Base sent two Su-30mkiFighter to rescue us. It’s a time. It should arrive soon!”

In fact, Samara does not care about the life and death of Emodi. The two 30mkiFighters of the Indian West Air Force Base will take fifteen minutes to reach the Mitra military base.

However, Samara is into prophecy!

When the twelve Second Generation Dawn, with the data of LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter, arrived at the No. 3 retreat. Shi Lei took a look at the retreat time, leaving 13 minutes left.

According to Shi Lei’s plan, they only take five minutes. You can escape the search scope of Su 30mkiFighter.

“Izual, ready to retreat!” Shi Lei told Izual.

Izual controls fifteen The Steel and Iron, and although The Steel and Iron has not yet reached the No. 3 retreat, The Steel and Iron is faster than the Second Generation Dawn. They can catch up at any time.

“yes. Sir!” Izual returned to complied, then took control of fifteen The Steel and Iron and flew over to the No. 3 retreat.

Tao Wenxian stood up and closed the military use notebook. He asked: “Big Brother Stone, are we going back now?”

“Èn! Whether it’s the Levitation Slate or the LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter’s data, we’ve got it! And the Indian West Air Force Base sent two Su-30mkiFighter over, about thirteen minutes later. The two Fighter will Arriving at the Mitra military base, if we are still not running, I am afraid I will wait for a while to get a bad luck!” Shi Lei responded.

Ye Feng replied: “Boss is right. We are too passive to fight with XIUXmkiFighter, which is too bad for us.”

“Hey, let’s hurry up! I don’t want to be chased by Fighter! I’m tired of the ghost of this bird!” Tao Wenxian just finished, Dawn’s on-board Communications System, it sounded sharp The sound of the alarm.

“Warning! Warning! Radar System scan found 12 degrees west to south, there are high-speed moving flying objects, flying High Degree 8000 meters, flying speed 580 meters per second, thirty-seven kilometers from Mitra military base. According to System automatic determinee, the data Very close to the Su 30mkiFighter!” Izual’s cold voice reminds everyone of the No. 3 retreat.

Samara’s big crow, Su 30mkiFighter, arrived in advance more than ten minutes!

“Jazz, what’s going on?” After Shi Lei heard the Izual’s alert, First time asked Tao Wenxian.

The information of Su 30mkiFighter was provided by Tao Wenxian. If it wasn’t for Tao Wenxian to participate in the action, Shi Lei even suspected that Tao Wenxian was ready to smash them!

“Big Brother Stone, I don’t know what’s going on! According to the Indian West Air Force Base’s information for the Northern Overall Army Unit, the two 30mkiFighters, it takes 13 minutes to reach the Mitra military base. “Tao Wenxian is not sure what the situation is. He is going to open the military use notebook, but it was stopped by Shi Lei.

“Jazz, no need to check again, our time is too late! Come on, we will return to the Mitra military base! Only hiding in the Mitra military base, the two Su-30mkiFighter, will not dare to attack us!” Shi Lei issued Command, take the lead and act now.

For a distance of thirty-seven kilometers, for the speed of 580 meters per second, only only Sixty-three seconds is needed!

Fortunately, the distance between the No. 3 retreat point and the Mitra military base is only one minute for the Second Generation Dawn. Before Shi Lei reserved two minutes for Ye Feng, it gave ample time to budget.

Fifty-six seconds later, the 12 Second Generation Dawn returned to the Mitra military base and all entered the Underground Base. As they entered the Underground Base, the whistle of Fighter was already heard in the air.

Above the eight-kilometer sky, two Su-30mkiFighters form a battle formation.

“hū called the long plane, the radar did not find the air target!” The driver of the 30mki fighter was a twenty-year-old recruit named Tereytin. Although it was a recruit, the driving skills were very good.

The driver of the long plane is Experience’s rich Veteran M’Ballo. Although M’Ballo is not a ace pilot, the gapbetween his flying skills and the ace pilot is not obvious.

“Shock, prepare to lower High Degree, expect High Degree to be one kilometer, pay attention to Safety!” M’Ballo reminds Tereytin that for Armed Helicopter, the one-keight High Degree is considered high, but for high-speed Fighter, The kilometer can only be considered low.

“Understanding!” Tereytin responded.

The two 30mkiFighter formations descended from the sky, and the 30mkiFighter’s maneuverability is very advanced. With a vector engine, it can drop more than two hundred meters per second. Similarly, the climbing speed of the Su 30mkiFighter is more than two hundred meters per second.

From the height of eight kilometers to the position of one kilometer, the two 30mkiFighters spent Forty seconds, they did not reach the maximum reduction speed.

In the low-altitude area of ​​one kilometer, the speed of the two Fighters has dropped from the beginning of 580 meters per second to less than 200 meters per second. In the low-altitude area of ​​the kilometer, the two Fighter rotated in a clockwise direction around the Mitra military base, constantly searching around.

However, they have nothing at all!

The 12 Second Generation Dawn entered the Mitra military base; fifteen of The Steel and Iron landed in the bushes and were perfectly hidden.

“Hey, what’s the discovery?” M’Ballo of the long plane did not find anything, so he asked for the opportunity to take off Tereytin.

Tereytin also found no suspicious circumstances. “Long machine, the machine did not find any suspicious circumstances.”

M’Ballo immediately contacted the Northern Overall Army Unit to prepare an enquiry. “Northern Overall Army Unit, here is the formation of the 30mkiFighter mt07 of the Indian West Air Force Base. I formed a team over the Mitra military base and found no suspicious circumstances.”

“The mt07 formation, here is the Northern Overall Army Unit, and you arrived at the Mitra military base in advance?” the liaison officer of the Northern Overall Army Unit asked with surprise. According to the contact information between the Indian West Air Force Base and the Northern Overall Army Unit, the two 30mkiFighters should arrive in more than ten minutes!

“Yes, my formation arrived at the destination in advance. What is the current situation? I did not find any abnormal conditions.” M’Ballo asked again.

When the 12 Dawn re-enters the Underground Base of the Mitra military base, Emodi has reported to the Northern Overall Army Unit, which is naturally known about the Mitra military base.

“The mt07 formation, the intruder of the Mitra military base, currently within the current Mitra military base, your formation only needs to hover over the Mitra military base to prevent intruders from escaping. After twenty minutes, there will be ground forces arriving!” Northern General Army Unit Contact the personnel and issue an order to the mt07 formation.

This order, on behalf of the Northern Overall Army Unit, gave up the personnel safety inside the Mitra military base. They also only care about the data security of LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter, not the Security Issues of the personnel.

“Received!” M’Ballo, the long-distance pilot of the 30mki formation, responded. M’Ballo and Tereytin all expressed no opinion on the orders of the Northern Overall Army Unit.

Can’t let Su 30mkiFighter fall after the ground with the ground personnel?

In the Underground building of the Mitra military base, the 12 Dawn did not penetrate the interior of the base, but was near the exit.

Shi Lei used the Fearless Lion d Combat System to check the situation outside. “Izual, can the radar scan the 30mkiFighter?”

“Sir, the radar can scan to the 30mkiFighter. Currently, the two 30mkiFighter, the High Degree is 1000-1100 meters, the flight speed is 200-220 meters per second, and the current Mitra military base is the center point, with a radius of two kilometers. Fly clockwise.” Izual reports.

Shi Lei’s face is a hi, ‘Only a high degree of flying about a kilometer, and the speed is only two hundred meters just passed, if this is the case, Su 30mkiFighter, can not be defeated! ‘

(To be continued.)

Ps:ps: How to beat Su 30mkiFighter?