
Chapter 1196

HK1179 important information!


Mitra military base.

Samara released the information that intercepted four black robots through the Broadcast System and showed four black robots that have captured the Levitation Slate.

Emodi didn’t understand why Samara did this, so she asked Samara and waited for Samara to give an answer.

“Emodi Senior Officer, we have just analyzed it, these black robots, the ultimate purpose is exactly as stated Floating Sacred Stone, isn’t that right?” Samara explained to Emodi.

“Well, that’s right!” Emodi nodded.

“Since their target is Floating Sacred Stone, what about leaving Floating Sacred Stone to them? Floating Sacred Stone, how long have we studied? How long has the Indra base been studied? They studied the whole twenty years, Nothing results?” Samara asked again.

Emodi seems to understand some of Samara’s opinion, “Samara, are you saying that we give up Floating Sacred Stone and preserve more important data?”

“Yes!” Samara nodded affirmatively. “The six black robots, if they break through the three No. 17 areas, they will definitely break into the final line of defense. If they get in, I think the consequences you know. Right?”

Emodi didn’t speak.

“Emodi Senior Officer, you see the three No. 17 surveillance areas, the six black robots, have stopped, they really recognize the natural language!” Samara’s tone is full of surprise.

Without waiting for Emodi to speak, Samara continued to use a kind of praise: “This black robot is really powerful! Not only has the autonomous Control System, but also the Natural Lion guage Processing System. The power of this technology is in the whole There are only a few in World!”

In the Underground Base, six Second Generation Dawns in the Rongcheng Military District, when they heard the broadcast by Samara with Yinjia Lion guage, Shi An immediately told the crowd to stop.

“System, the language before translation.” Shi An told Dawn’s Operating System.

“please wait a moment , due to the loss of internet conNEC tion with the Main System , the natural language translation System will take some time. Is it necessary to join the rest of the Dawn body, joint execution the Task? Note that when Dawn implements the Task, all computing resources will be used for natural Language translation. Dawn will be temporarily stopped.” Dawn’s Operating System, gave a prompt for information.

Shi An immediately explained this in the on-board Communications System, and then six Second Generation Dawns, like puppets, stopped in place to jointly translate the information that Samara had said before.

After about fifteen seconds, the collection of six Dawn’s computing resources finally accomplished the recognition and translation of natural language, Dawn’s Operating System, and translated the words of Samara intact.

“Well? Is it Captain Ye? They found the Levitation Slate? Yinjia Nation guy. Is the Levitation Slate the Floating Sacred Stone?” Shi An said as he said to himself.

“Group Head Shi, what do we do now?” No. 2 asked Shi An, “Group Head Shi, why don’t we withdraw the Underground Base Right? Second Generation Dawn’s combat power, in the Underground Base. At least 80% is suppressed! ”

Shi An thought for a while, and it seems that there is a bit of realism in the information that determine Samara said. Finally, Shi An decided to believe Samara, after all, the use of Yinjia Lion guage, and did not say their purpose.

If it wasn’t for Ye Feng, they found the Levitation Slate, how did Samara know that their target is the Levitation Slate?

“Retreat! Leave the Underground Base!” Shi An issued the order. Six Black mAT&T e’s Second Generation Dawn speeds up the pace of departure. As No. 2 said, Dawn was very much suppressed in the Underground Base, and they didn’t like it.

Samara and Emodi From the Safety Monitoring System, watching the six Second Generation Dawn retreat, Samara hāhā laughed. “Sure enough! Sure enough! Emodi Senior Officer, now understands Right? Their target is Floating Sacred Stone, as long as they get Floating Sacred Stone, they will not continue to stay in the base. After all, Northern Overall Army Unit and Indian West Air Force Base. Powerful reinforcements have been dispatched, and the operators behind them are afraid to leave them at our Mitra military base!”

Shi An retreats with Dawn from the Rongcheng Military District. When they have just retreated less than two hundred meters, Shi An hears Dawn’s Operating System and prompts to reconnect to the Main System.

I haven’t waited for Shi An to ask, Shi Lei’s voice came out of the on-board Communications System, “Number One, retreat immediately! Levitation Slate has arrived!”

“No. 0, we are currently retreating. We just translated the broadcast of the base. The other party has found that the Levitation Slate has been stolen, and currently arranges to block Captain Ye.” Shi An thought that Samara really arranged the power to block Ye Feng. They, but in the Underground Base, there is no too much Armed Might.

The entire Underground Base is biased towards military research, not Armed Might!

“Hey?” Shi Lei was a little surprised. He was faintly aware of something wrong, but he couldn’t say why. “Number One, you are careful, I doubt those Indians, maybe there is a conspiracy!”

The Indians did have a conspiracy, but not to destroy Dawn, but to get Dawn away as soon as possible. After the three No. 17 areas, there is a big secret!

“Please rest assured, No. 0, we only need three minutes, we can come out!” Shi An gave an accurate response.

Shi Lei took a look at the timing, now only eleven minutes, from the 30mkiFighter, arrived at the Mitra military base, at least Twenty-nine minutes.

Anyway, Shi An they have plenty of time to come out!

“Sir, the interior of the Mitra military base was cleared, and we lost two Fearless Lion d Combat Systems.” Izual reported the situation. Within the Mitra military base, there were more than two hundred members of Yinjia Nation’s defense personnel, and after seventeen Fearless paid two damages, they eliminated everyone’s defense personnel.

“Very good!” Shi Lei was very satisfied with the damage of Fearless. In any case, Fearless’s positioning was also cannon fodder. Now Fearless lost a total of five, which is a very good record.

After waiting for about a minute, Ye Feng reported to Shi Lei on the Dawn on-board Communications System: “Boss, we have come out of the Underground Base, Levitation Slate, everything Safety!”

Shi Lei looked at the time, started talking: “Go to the No. 3 retreat!”

“Received!” Ye Feng immediately took the three members of the Punishment Merc Warsquad and retreated to No. 3.

After Shi Lei issued the order, he also made a move to the No. 3 retreat point. The ultimate goal of the invasion of the Yinjia Nation military base has been reached. Now it is necessary to consider how the Safety will bring the Levitation Slate back to China and bring it back to Shuangqing City. And still can’t be found.

“Izual, the Fearless Lion d Combat System, is distributed inside the Mitra military base and hidden inside the building bunker!” Shi Lei issued an evil command to Izual.

The Fearless Lion d Combat System is the cannon fodder of this operation. Shi Lei does not bring them back to China. Their maneuvering speed is too slow, and the cost is low. Therefore, it is not suitable to bring back.

The twenty-seat Fearless Lion d Combat System, all equipped with a special Self-destruct System, hides a high-explosive bomb inside Fearless that is enough to blow them up into pieces!

After their accomplish mission, the Self-destruct System will be opened and no evidence will be given to Yinjia Nation’s Third Brothers. However, before they ruined, they also had important Tasks.

Shi Lei hides them inside the Mitra military base, for the ground resucue personnel of the Northern Overall Army Unit upon arrival, and then the ground rescue personnel of the Northern Overall Army Unit.

Powered by the Fearless Lion d Combat System, they will definitely reapthe life of the numerous Northern Overall Army Unit ground rescue personnel. This is the Fearless Lion d Combat System, the most powerful hit before the final self-explosion!

“Sir, through the System automatic calculation, thirteen Fearless Lion d Combat Systems will be distributed in the following 13 locations. The other two Fearless Lion d Combat System, one of which will be fixed at the entrance of the Underground Base as a communication relay station. The other will be in the Underground Base, clearing the activity target.” Izual responded to Shi Lei after calculating according to Shi Lei’s plan.

Shi Lei looked at Izual’s layout on hudMonitor, and Shi Lei showed satisfaction for Izual’s intelligent calculation results.

“Yes, Izual, just arrange it like this!” Shi Lei gave affirmation and appreciation, even if Izual didn’t understand what it was called appreciation.

When Izual placed thirteen Fearless Lion d Combat Systems, Shi An finally took five Second Generation Dawns out of the Underground Base.

“Number One, go immediately to the No. 3 retreat!” Shi Lei gave the order to Shi An.

“Receive, understand, currently implement command!” Shi An replied to Shi Lei, indicating that he understood the command and immediately implemented.

When Shi An left, Izual issued a reminder, “Sir, Western found six high-speed moving objects, seven kilometers from the Mitra military base, flying High Degree less than one hundred meters, and the system’s initial determination was Armed Helicopter.”

Yinjia Nation arrived in a new wave of air support and learned the trick of ultra low altitude sneak attack!

This time, Shi Lei did not play any more crafty plots and machinations, but prepared to compete with Yinjia Nation’s Armed Helicopter in the air!

“Hēng! Seven kilometers? Izual, when these six Armed Helicopters entered the effective range, immediately use Swift Arrow b-Air-To-Air Guided Missile to kill them!” Shi Lei didn’t want to be at the last minute, what happened unexpectedly Happening. Therefore, it is not intended to be in close contact with Yinjia Nation’s Armed Helicopter, preferring to consume more Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile.

“yes, sir!” Izual quickly prepared, the on-board radar locked up at six Yinjia Nation’s Armed Helicopter.

“Big Brother Stone, Big Brother Stone, I found an important information!” Tao Wenxian suddenly said in the Communications System.

Shi Lei complexion changed, is it that Tao Wenxian has to be incarnate crow?

