
Chapter 1195

HK1178 Levitation Slate is here!


After participating in the Ten Dawn who captured the Levitation Slate, after entering the Mitra military base, in order to find the Levitation Slate as soon as possible, he chose to split the two. The six Second Generation Dawn belonging to the Rongcheng Military District is separated from Ye Feng by Shi An.

Ye Feng explained the Shi Lei and pulled out the Alloy Heavy Sword. Followed by Shi Lei, Zheng Sanpao, took out the Shielded Cage and prepared to charge the Levitation Slate.

“Women are divided into two ways?” Shi Lei brows slightly wrinkle, “Izual, controlling the Fearless Lion d Combat System, retrieve other Dawn’s Communications Network.”

“Sir, no other Dawn’s Communications Network has been searched yet, beyond the communication link.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

“Damn!” Shi Lei whispered, and at this moment of scoring, she couldn’t get contact. Of course, Shi Lei is not blaming the six Dawns in the Rongcheng Military District. After all, the six Dawn’s original intentions are just to find the Levitation Slate faster.

“Izual, quickly mobilizing a Steel and Iron. In the past, enter the Underground Base and look for the six Dawns in the Rongcheng Military District!” Shi Lei had to split a Steel and Iron without the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile to the Underground. Base looks for the six Dawn’s where the Rongcheng Military District falls.

“yes, sir!” Izual immediately took control of The Steel and Iron, which did not carry the Guided Missile, and flew over to the Mitra military base.

Mitra military base, Underground space.

Ye Feng drove the Second Generation Dawn, armed with Alloy Heavy Sword, and slammed it on the wall of the Bulletproof Glass. Only after breaking the Bulletproof Glass curtain wall, was able to get the Levitation Slate.

On the other hand, the top military senior officer Emodi Kensin of Mitra military base, through the Monitoring System, looked at Ye Feng’s movements. He looked shocked and muttered to himself: “This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Floating Sacred Stone has Powerful electromagnetic interference, how can those robots not be affected by the interference!”

Instead, Samara saw a few points. He said with a dignified expression, “Emodi Senior Officer, I am afraid we have a big problem. These Robot Equipment have empElectromagnetic Pulse protective EQ uipment. Ordinary’s Electromagnetic Pulse is useless to them!”

“Samara. Even if these robots have empElectromagnetic Pulse protective EQ uipment, but remotely manipulate their Wireless information? Can it also counter Electromagnetic Pulse?” Emodi is not a straw bag, knowing some scientific situations.

Samara thought about it and said with difficulty: “Emodi Senior Officer, are you sure that these robots have been stagnant when they first came into contact with Floating Sacred Stone?”

“I’m sure!” Emodi nodded firmly. “We can get the previous monitoring record!” He said as he operated the mouse and took the previous situation out to see it with Samara.

Samara looked after it. The face is a bit ugly, “Emodi Senior Officer, I am afraid these Robots, have an automatic Control System. We did a wrong thing, these robot targets. Not as we imagined, their ultimate target is Floating Sacred Stone! ”

“What! This…the targets of these Robots are Floating Sacred Stones? They…but electromagnetic interference, they are Robots, how do you determine Floating Sacred Stone?” Emodi said something about the disorder.

Samara definitely nodded. “Yes, Emodi Senior Officer, their target is Floating Sacred Stone! I was wondering why they have empElectromagnetic Pulse protective EQ uipment because of the small scope of application and the high cost. Now I understand that their targets are Floating Sacred Stone, empElectromagnetic Pulse protective EQ uipment , exactly as stated to counter the electromagnetic interference of Floating Sacred Stone!”

“What should we do?” Emodi’s original pleased look. It became a panic, and he volunteered to take the Floating Sacred Stone to the hands of those robots!

If you are held accountable, Emodi will carry the biggest pot!

“Emodi Senior Officer, I am afraid we… bad. Emodi Senior Officer, hurry up and see the No. 17 surveillance area!” Samara’s original face waschanged, but suddenly panic pointed at the monitor screen of the computer screen.

In the picture taken in the three No. 17 surveillance area, six black mAT&T e ‘Robot’, walking in the current underground channel, the six black mAT&T e Robots are exactly the same as the Robot near Floating Sacred Stone.

The only difference is the exact as stated, the six robot’s shield, with some damage.

Emodi looked at Samara’s prompts. When he looked at the course of the six robots, his face was tense. “Damn! How did the six robots appear here?”

“I don’t know! Emodi Senior Officer, let’s hurry up and find a way. If you don’t stop the six robots, I’m afraid they will find the secret, the manipulate behind them will definitely be recognized!” Samara is also anxious.

Levitation Slate’s research site, Ye Feng used Alloy Heavy Sword, slammed the same place in Bulletproof Glass for dozens of times, and finally broke Bulletproof Glass.

“Warning! Warning! empElectromagnetic Pulse protective EQ uipment, is about to reach the limit.” Ye Feng just got inside the Bulletproof Glass curtain wall where the Levitation Slate was located, and received the Second Generation Dawn’s Operating System warning.

Obviously, this Bulletproof Glass curtain wall has the obvious use of reducing the electromagnetic interference range of the Levitation Slate.

Ye Feng immediately reported the situation to Shi Lei and asked Shi Lei what to do.

“A’Feng, you’d better get out of Dawn, manually install the Levitation Slate into the Shielded Cage, and then follow the Dawn’s prompt to see the Levitation Slate in the Shielded Cage, whether it will interfere with the Dawn.” Shi Lei Say the treatment plan.

Before leaving Ye Feng, Shi Lei added: “Yes, A’Feng, kill the Monitoring System! Don’t be photographed by the other party and expose Dawn’s bottom.”

“Received.” Ye Feng responded by immediately arranging to Zhu Mingxuan and Chen Xingrui, who used Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery to explode the surveillance camera directly.

Currently, Emodi and Samara, which focus on the three No. 19 surveillance areas, did not find this situation at all. Ye Feng personally determined that the Monitoring System was blown up and issued a command to the Second Generation Dawn’s Operating System to learn to drive the inner cabin.

After a burst of mechanical activity, Ye Feng walked out of the inner cabin and took the Shielded Cage from Dawn, driven by Zheng Sanpao, into the curtain wall of the Bulletproof Glass.

The electromagnetic interference of the Levitation Slate is fatal for electromechanical devices, but it does not pose a major hazard to the human body. Ye Feng took the Shielded Cage and came to the Levitation Slate, pulling the Levitation Slate out of the air and loading it into the Shielded Cage.

After closing the Shielded Cage, Ye Feng did not return with the Shielded Cage. Instead, he placed the Shielded Cage on the ground. He returned to the Second Generation Dawn’s, entered the inner cabin, and re-closed the inner cabin. Step by step to Shielded Cage.

This time, Second Generation Dawn’s Operating System did not prompt Ye Feng empElectromagnetic Pulse protective EQ uipment to reach the limit. The Shielded Cage, which combines empElectromagnetic Pulse protection technology with Magnetic Confinement technology, works!

“Boss, we got the Levitation Slate!” Ye Feng hangs the Shielded Cage on Dawn’s external interface and reports to Shi Lei. “Are we looking for Number One?”

“No! Quickly leave the Underground Base!” Shi Lei commands directly.

Ye Feng responded with a little hesitation: “Boss, in case they…”

“I have arranged The Steel and Iron and the Fearless Lion d Combat System to find them in the Underground Base. Once they have established a connection with their Communications Network, they will be notified to leave. You will find them, but a new issue may appear. , understand?” Shi Lei explained.

Rongcheng Military District’s six Second Generation Dawn, it is absolutely impossible to issue, Shi Lei is not ignorant, but he promised He Zhenbang, if there is an issue, He Zhenbang will definitely make Shi Lei look good!

“Oh, understand!” Ye Feng responded, and said: “Sorry for the inconvenience, Boss, I shouldn’t doubt…”

Ye Feng has not finished, and Shi Lei interrupted. “Okay, I know, you hurry to quit, Dawn has no remote data support, your combat power has dropped at least 8-Layer, don’t stay In the danger!”

“Received!” Ye Feng gave a positive answer, saying that they would come out as soon as possible.

At Ye Feng, when they came out, a Steel and Iron entered the Underground Base from the entrance to the Underground Base. First Generation The Steel and Iron is a compact figure that can be shuttled through the Underground Base.

After entering the Underground Base, The Steel and Iron quickly searched Shi An for their Communications Network. The Steel and Iron chose the opposite direction to the Fearless Lion d Combat System, which would make it easier to find Shi An’s whereabouts.

After all, as long as The Steel and Iron’s own communication device sends a local network scan and connects to Dawn’s Communications Network, they can send a retreat command to Shi An.

The Steel and Iron entered the Underground Base. Emodi and Samara didn’t care. They were still watching the three No. 17 surveillance areas. Emodi tried to guide the Shi An Dawn through the opening and closing passages. Leave, but obviously failed!

“Samara, think about it, they will arrive at their destination!” Emodi said anxiously.

After thinking about it, Samara entered a string of code in the Monitoring System, then an alarm sounded in the Underground Base, and then in the broadcast system, said Yinjia Lion guage: “All personnel please note that all personnel please note that Four black robots, stealing the Floating Sacred Stone, all the people who meet the Black Robot, please stop them! Allow all weapon and means!”

“Samara, what are you doing?” Emodi asked inexplicably.

