
Chapter 1197

HK1180 LCA shines!


Tao Wenxian In this action, it is completely the crow’s attribute. Every time he talks, it brings all the bad news.

Now, Ye Feng has already obtained the Levitation Slate, is preparing to retreat, arrives at the Mitra military base from Su 30mkiFighter, and has twenty minutes for twenty, Shi Lei, they can completely retreat.

Unless Tao Wenxian acts as crow’s character again, report an Exceed Grade bad news!

“Jazz, what important information do you have? Please, tell me a good news, don’t say any bad news!” Shi Lei asked in Dawn’s on-board Communications System.

Tao Wenxian hā hā smiled and said: “Big Brother Stone, rest assured, rest assured, this is definitely good news. We have a long story, let A’Li show you the information I found.”

“A’Li?” Shi Lei asked inexplicably.

“Ah hā hā hā , Big Brother Stone , what are you talking about? Right, Big Brother Stone, take a quick look at the information Izual shows you. I intercepted the information of the Northern Overall Army Unit and found out the specifics of the Mitra military base. The original Mitra military base was actually the base of Yinjia Nation’s independent research on Fighter.” Tao Wenxian said with a sense of self-satisfaction, this time, he could find a bad news.

Shi Lei’s eyeball turns, Yinjia Nation’s self-researched Fighter?

“Jazz, is it LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter?” Shi Lei asked.

“Hey? Big Brother Stone, how do you know it is LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter?” Tao Wenxian asked strangely, “Big Brother Stone, did you know that there is a design of LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter inside the Mitra military base? Data ?”

“What? Jazz. You mean that there is LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter’s design data in the Mitra military base?” Shi Lei was surprised to ask.

Tao Wenxian knew that Shi Lei didn’t know the Mitra military base before. “Yes, Big Brother Stone, in the Mitra military base. It has the design data of LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter, and there is also an experimental prototype. It is because of LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter that Yinjia Nation is so Crazy, all kinds of reinforcements are sent out one after another.”

“Mother’s Egg, so to speak, we seem to have implied just by being present?” Shi Lei said depressedly.

Tao Wenxian gave a positive answer. “Big Brother Stone, don’t waste time, Su 30mkiFighter has about twenty minutes to arrive. We have twenty minutes and enter the Mitra military base to find the design and data of LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter.”

“Jazz. You wait for Wait!” Shi Lei suddenly flashed in his mind. In Dawn’s on-board Communications System, he asked Shi An: “Number One, you said before, you know that Ye Feng has already obtained Levitation Slate.” Do you explain the situation quickly?”

Shi An explained it quickly, “No. 0, is there an issue?”

Shi Lei thought for a moment. Putting the whole thing back and forth straightened out the logic, then said: “Number One, where did you previously in the Underground Base? Can you still find it?”

“Yes! I still remember the previous route.” Shi An responded, “No. 0, do we still need to enter the Underground Base? Is the Levitation Slate Fake?”

“No! But according to my speculation, the Person-in-charge of the Underground Base should deliberately let you know about the information, in order to let you leave.” Shi Lei said his own inference.

Shi Lei didn’t give Shi An specific instructions, just started talking: “Number One, you immediately bring people into the Underground Base. Find the location where you retreated. A’Feng, you take people with Number One, help Number One them, look for one Data. You have a total of 18 minutes, including the withdrawal time.”

“Boss. Let’s go into the Underground Base and look for what data?” Ye Feng asked.

Shi Lei thought about it a bit and decided to say it. Anyway, he couldn’t get through the Rongcheng Military District. It was better than poised and calm. “LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter’s design drawings data!”

Shi An exclaimed, “What?! It turned out to be the design drawing of LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter? No. 0, are you confirmed?”

“Of course! If it weren’t for LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter’s design drawings, do you think that Yinjia Nation sent Su 30mkiFighter to participate in the war? Is it just to intercept us?” Shi Lei smiled and then said in a calm tone, ” Together with the time of retreat, you have a total of seventeen minutes!”

“Boss, we act now!” Ye Feng responded.

Shi An also said quickly: “Understood, No. 0, we will act now!”

“A’Feng, you leave the Levitation Slate, pass me the location information, and I will take it away!” Shi Lei is not ready to enter the Underground Base, he is ready to go to the No. 3 retreat.

“Okay, Boss, location information has been sent.” Ye Feng responded.

Izual prompts Shi Lei to receive the location information, and according to Izual’s guidelines, Shi Lei rushed to the location of the Levitation Slate.

The ten Second Generation Dawns have just left the Underground Base and will now re-enter. Shi An leads the way, and the remaining nine Dawns follow.

When Shi An took the Dawns and entered the Underground Base, Emodi and Samara got nervous again. The two stared at the surveillance screen. Emodi started talking: “Samara, hurry up and urge the Northern Overall Army Unit, these Robots, Not what we can deal with!”

Samara immediately took the microphone and contacted the Northern Overall Army Unit to report the situation.

“The Northern Overall Army Unit received the information, Second air support force, and currently rushed to the way, it will take up to three minutes, please be patient!” The Northern Overall Army Unit immediately responded.

The Mitra military base is valued and protected by the High Degree of the Northern Overall Army Unit for LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter.

“Emodi Senior Officer, Northern General Army Unit has once again dispatched air support forces, which can take up to three minutes.” Samara conveys the information of the Northern Overall Army Unit.

Emodi nodded, “Samara, these robots, didn’t they take the Floating Sacred Stone? Why did they come in? Right, look at Floating Sacred Stone, still not on them?”

Samara looked at the surveillance video carefully and shook his head: “They didn’t carry Floating Sacred Stone! It seems that the situation on the ground has been controlled by the other party! As for these Robots, why come in again, the controller behind them, intend to kill To the last one?”

In the Underground Base’s Fearless Lion d Combat System, a clear plan has been launched, and Fearless searches for the active target in the Underground Base.

However, limited to the distance of the communication distance, Fearless’s clearance in the Underground Base is limited, and it is not deployed in the entire base.

“Samara, are you scaring me isn’t that right?” Emodi asked nervously, he didn’t want to die!

Both Emodi and Samara know that if they let the Robots come in the Underground Base, they will definitely be tragedy, and they will certainly escape the fate of being killed by Robot.

“Emodi Senior Officer, the current situation, there are only two! First, behind the scenes of this group of Robot Black Hand, got Floating Sacred Stone, they are not going to take these Robots. So, behind the scenes Black Hand to the Robot Killing the Task, let these robots play the final role.” Samara took a deep breath.

“Second, who controls Robot’s behind-the-scenes personnel, got the message from LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter. So they sent Robot again into the Underground Base looking for LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter’s design drawings data.” Samara analyzed, although Samara is just a Communication Specialist, but his logical reasoning ability is very strong.

“Isn’t it possible to have a Third species?” Emodi asked bitterly.

Whether it’s a First or a Second, it’s not a good thing. In the first case, Emodi has a very large possibility of direct sacrifice; Second is possible, although it reduces the possibility of death, but after the event, Emodi will be very miserable.

“Emodi Senior Officer, I can’t analyze the possibility of Third for the time being!” Samara sighed. For Samara, he prefers the possibility of Second, that is, the other party knows about LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter.

Anyway, this black pot is not Samara to go back, of course, Hope is the possibility of survival is greater.

Samara and Emodi looked at the Monitoring System. When they watched the 10 Black mAT&T e Second Generation Dawn and rushed directly to the monitoring area of ​​Thirty-seventh, they already understood that the other party must know the situation of LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter. .

Emodi’s face showed a surprised and angry. “How do they know that the three No. 17 surveillance area is behind the LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter test site?”

Samara’s heart is stealing. In Samara’s view, those robots will get out of LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter’s design drawings. They have a great chance of surviving and will not be killed unconsciously.

Shi An took nine Dawns and quickly arrived at the monitoring area of ​​Thirty-seventh. Then he followed Ye Feng: “Captain Ye, we came here before, and those Indians released a broadcast, telling you to take the Levitation Slate. Then I took the person away.”

Ye Feng looked at all around and pointed to the front: “Go ahead, the target we are looking for should be in front!”

Ten Second Generation Dawns moved forward again, but in front of them stopped an allied door, Shi An was prepared to open violently, but Ye Feng blocked Shi An, he punched the password verification device and then put a Wireless Communications Equipment, connected to the password verification device, remotely calculates data through Izual, ready to unlock the Access Control System.

In the Underground Base, even though the communication relay of the Fearless Lion d Combat System is passed, the signal is still light and the Decryption is not too fast.

About a minute later, the antique door was opened. Behind the antique door was a huge Underground hall. Ten Dawns sneaked in. In the Underground hall, a light combat airplane was parked. It was the LCA’ developed by Yinjia Nation. Radiant’ Fighter !


Ps:Tao Wenxian :A’Li ~

Jian Wushuang :……

Chen Zhi: chii