
Chapter 1194

HK1177 slate falls, race against time


In this action, Tao Wenxian seems to be a crow, always bringing ‘bad news’.

“How did the Northern Overall Army Unit know about this?” Shi Lei was a little depressed, and the troublesome things, one by one, were too anxious.

“Big Brother Stone, according to the information origin determine, should be First Wave Air Support, report to the Northern Overall Army Unit.” Tao Wenxian answered Shi Lei.

In fact, it was indeed the case of First Wave Air Support Report. After Second Generation The Steel and Iron, after killing six Yinjia Nation’s Armed Helicopter, the Number One machine’s Mullar was reported to the Northern Overall Army Unit.

Shi Lei sighed, to Tao Wenxian, “Jazz, according to dplan, you go to No. 3 to retreat in advance, ready to retreat!”

“This… Big Brother Stone, I want to be with you when you advance and to advance and retreat!” Tao Wenxian said firmly.

“Jazz, follow the command implement! The current form is not good for us. It is possible to retreat the plan at any time. You just have to implement the first step.” Shi Lei forced Tao Wenxian to the No. 3 retreat.

Tao Wenxian Although driving the Second Generation Dawn, Tao Wenxian does not have strong combat capabilities. Therefore, at the time of action, Tao Wenxian was appointed by Shi Lei to retreat the personnel for First SEQ uence.

“Okay! Big Brother Stone, I understand!” Tao Wenxian also understands his situation, “Big Brother Stone, I will continue to monitor the situation of the Yinjia Northern Overall Army Unit.”

“Èn! Right, the new Air Force support, when will it arrive?” Shi Lei asked.

“The specific information is not clear. I only know the new batch of air support. It is slightly weaker than the previous air support. There are only six Armed Helicopters.” Tao Wenxian finally gave a good news.

Shi Lei is slightly sighed in relief, “okay. Fortunately!”

After cutting off the communication with Tao Wenxian, Shi Lei asked Izual, “Izual, two Fearless Lion d Combat Systems, have you built a communication relay station?”

“Sir.please wait a moment , currently for communication adjustment. Fearless Lion d Combat System’s on-board communication device, currently retrieved to search Dawn’s Communications Network.” Izual explained in detail.

Although the Fearless Lion d Combat System can build a communication relay station at the entrance and exit of the Underground building, it wants to be in a complex Underground environment. Searching for Dawn’s Communications Network is not an easy task.

Shi Lei secretly sighs in the heart, Dawn’s combat capability is very powerful, but due to the issues of the Communications Network, it has many shortcomings. ‘If you can develop a new communication solution, Dawn will never have any drawbacks! ‘

The communication scheme currently used by Dawn. Thanks to the participation of the Rongcheng Military District, it has basically reached the most advanced level of the current Science and Technology standard, but there is still no way to avoid signal shielding.

Unless the epochal’s Neutrino Communications Resolution solution is developed, it is possible to completely get rid of the signal-masked issue.

About half a minute later, Izual responded to the information, “sir, temporarily unable to retrieve to Dawn’s Communications Network signal. System automatically controlled the Fearless Lion d Combat System and went deeper into the Underground Base to try to search Dawn’s Communications Network.”

The Underground space of the Mitra military base is very large. Two Fearless Lion d Combat systems are at the door. After the retrieve is less than Dawn’s Communications Network, Izual controls one of the Fearless Lion d Combat Systems and goes deeper into the Underground building.

Fearless Lion d Combat System, completely controlled by Izual, through the Fearless Lion d Combat System, Izual can detect the signal shielding range size and distance of the Underground Base.

Izual controls the Fearless Lion d Combat System. Exploring in the Underground Base, due to the signal issue, the Fearless Lion d Combat System is slowly moving, on-board communication equipment in the Underground building. Retrieve the surrounding Wireless signal information.

About three minutes later, Izual reported to Shi Lei: “Sir, detected Dawn Communications Network, currently docking communication, limited to data transmission bandwidth issue, only voice communication communication, unable to provide combat data information processing for Dawn.”

“Izual, hurry up to connect Ye Feng!” Shi Lei gave an order to Izual.

“please wait a moment , currentlyly connected…”

In less than ten seconds, in the Dawn’s on-board Communications System, Ye Feng’s voice came. “Boss, is the remote data service restored?”

“A’Feng, now it’s just a resumption of the Communications System. To make a long story short, we are in trouble now. You have a twenty twenty time to find the Levitation Slate. If you don’t find the Levitation Slate within the specified time, you can immediately build it from the Underground. Come out. Do you understand?”

“Understood! Boss, is the reinforcement of Yinjia Nation very powerful?” Ye Feng asked more.

“En! We just killed the Armed Helicopter of the 12 Yinjia Nation and lost ten of The Steel and Iron. In addition, the Northern Overall Army Unit sent another six Armed Helicopter air support. At the same time, there are two ground forces. Support. These are not big troubles. The key is the Indian West Air Force Base, which sent two Su-30mkiFighter. If the two Fighter arrive at the Mitra military base, we will be very passive.” Shi Lei did not hide the situation. Ye Feng They have privilege to know the current situation.

“Su 30mki?” Ye Feng’s tone was a little shocked. “Indian of Yinjia Nation, how is Crazy?”

In fact, Yinjia Nation is such a Crazy, in addition to the fact that the Mitra military base is very important, taking on the research of Yinjia Nation’s many cutting-edge Science and Technology, and also because of the tragedy of the previous Nanyue Nation.

Nanyue Nation’s secret military base was baptized by the ‘unknown forces’. This incident had a very big impact on the surrounding Nation, and the surrounding Nation was very vigilant. Once something similar happened in the country, the surrounding Nation chose to deal with it.

“I don’t know!” Shi Lei naturally didn’t realize that Yinjia Nation was like Crazy, and it was actually related to their previous actions. “This time, the Third Brothers seem to be a little Crazy. When the Armed Helicopter group of Yinjia Nation met The Steel and Iron, they launched the Air-To-Air Guided Missile with the slightest hesitation. Otherwise, The Steel and Iron How can you lose ten?”

“Boss, the situation is not right! Maybe the Mitra military base has an issue! Maybe it not only stores the Levitation Slate, but also stores other important things.” Ye Feng was very cleverly aware of the issue.

Shi Lei also noticed the issue and agreed with Ye Feng’s speculation. “A’Feng, I have such doubts. In short, you should be careful, our target is the Levitation Slate. You turn on the emp electromagnetic protection mode, be careful of the Levitation Slate. Electromagnetic interference.”

“Well, Boss, we know… Wait, Boss, we found the Levitation Slate!” Ye Feng suddenly exclaimed.

Mitra military base, Underground space.

Ye Feng kept talking with Shi Lei while looking at the situation. He walked in front of the team. As he walked past a corner, he suddenly found the Levitation Slate in front of him.

In front of Ye Feng, in a Room partitioned by Bulletproof Glass, Levitation Slate peaceful Levitate, Ye Feng stopped and communicated with Shi Lei.

The highest military Senior Officer Emodi Kensin of the Mitra military base passed the monitoring system inside the base and found that Ye Feng stopped and his face showed a pleasant surprise.

“hā hā hā hā ! These Robots are really made by Floating Sacred Stone! I know that Floating Sacred Stone will beat those Robots!” Emodi laughed loudly, Ye Feng, they found the Levitation Slate, which is actually Emodi. Guided in the dark.

By controlling the channel switch in the Underground Base, Emodi successfully led Ye Feng to the Levitation Slate field, and Hope used the Levitation Slate to deal with the Ye Feng group of ‘Robot’.

When Ye Feng reported to Shi Lei, he stopped and did not continue to move. This was mistaken by Emodi, and the Levitation Slate interfered with the action of ‘Robot’.

Have to say, this is a big misunderstanding!

Emodi didn’t know, Ye Feng, they attacked the Mitra military base, and the ultimate goal was to get the Levitation Slate. And Emodi thought that Ye Feng, they invaded the military base for another secret Technical Information!

It was because of misunderstanding that Emodi took the initiative to give the Levitation Slate ‘to Ye Feng, and it was silly to think that the Levitation Slate suppressed Ye Feng, a group of ‘Robot’.

“Samara, look, you see, this group of robots is suppressed by Floating Sacred Stone!” Emodi happily greeted Samara behind him.

Samara is still in the repair communications system. When he turned his head and looked at it, he found that the Second Generation Dawn driven by Ye Feng was not suppressed by the Levitation Slate, but went to the Levitation Slate step by step.


“A’Feng, you found the Levitation Slate? Take the Levitation Slate and take it away!” Shi Lei nervously ordered.

“Okay, Boss, I immediately brought the Levitation Slate out!” Ye Feng responded affirmatively.

Shi Lei thought about it a bit and added: “Yes, A’Feng, remember to use Shielded Cage! Although the Second Generation Dawn’s emp protection mode can block the electronic interference of the Levitation Slate, it is placed in the Shielded Cage, which is more safe. “”

“Well, I know, Boss! I am currently ready to get the Levitation Slate!” Ye Feng reports on his actions.

Shi Lei squeezed his fists. At this moment of competition, Ye Feng successfully discovered the Levitation Slate, which is really gratifying. As long as Ye Feng comes out with the Levitation Slate, Shi Lei can arrange to retreat the plan.

“A’Feng, Number One?” Shi Lei suddenly found an issue. In Dawn Communications System, she did not find Shi An’s communication connection!

