
Chapter 1193

The strength of HK1176 Second Generation The Steel and Iron!


Whether it is Dawn, The Steel and Iron, or the Fearless Lion d Combat System, it is designed for a specific area of ​​operations.

The Fearless Lion d Combat System tends to combat the complex environment of the ground, mainly to solve the inside of the building, as well as the enemy inside the Underground building.

The Steel and Iron is primarily targeted at ground targets, including individual and armor targets. The air target is limited to the Helicopter category; Dawn’s combat area focuses on urban street fighting, and the battle in the city, Dawn is almost invincible.

But now the situation is that Yinjia Nation sent Fighter!

The performance of Su 30mkiFighter is very powerful. Whether it is Fearless Lion d Combat System and The Steel and Iron, or Dawn, it is not an opponent of Su 30mki. It is not a power level.

This Fighter has a top speed of more than 2,100 kilometers per hour. This exaggerated speed, even though Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air Guided Missile, can’t catch up with Su 30mkiFighter.

If Forty minutes later, Su 30mkiFighter arrived at the Mitra military base, and Shi Lei’s action was not accomplish, no Levitation Slate was found, I am afraid I will be left by Su 30mkiFighter.

In fact, Shi Lei should have less than 30 minutes of action time. Because they still need a certain time to retreat, if there is not enough Safety distance, they simply can’t escape the search of Su 30mkiFighter.

However, before considering the big trouble of 30mkiFighter, it is now necessary to deal with the trouble of the Yinjia Northern Overall Army Unit. The first batch of Armed Helicopter air support dispatched by the Northern Overall Army Unit showed too strong radical behavior.

The ten The Steel and Iron were destroyed by 12 Air-To-Air Guided Missile, and Shi Lei and Izual quickly adjusted the position of the remaining Steel and Iron. In Super Low-altitude Flight, it is avoided to continue to be attacked.

Yinjia Nation’s Armed Helicopter does not dare to attack the ultra-low-altitude target. The Air-To-Air Guided Missile is flying fast, facing the ultra-low-altitude target. Air-To-Air Guided Missile is easily brought inside the pit and crashes into the ground.

“Sir, Second Generation The Steel and Iron is accomplish, is it launching attack?” Izual asked Shi Lei.

The performance of Second Generation The Steel and Iron is very Outstanding, whether it is machine power and explosive power, or attack power. Fully surpassed First Generation The Steel and Iron. If it is not a cost issue, First Generation The Steel and Iron will be eliminated.

“attack!” Shi Lei immediately issued the order.

Izual controlled five Second Generation The Steel and Iron, which increased the energy output in a short period of time, adjusted the muzzle of Third Generation Electromagnetic Artillery, and aimed at the five Yinjia Nation’s Armed Helicopter.

“suo suo suo suo suo ~ ~~”

Five high-speed objects cut the sound of the air. The third generation Electromagnetic Artillery’s projectiles flow at a speed of 2,800 meters per second. Although the quality of the projectiles is low, the kinetic energy is very large. Three of them, the Yinjia Nation Armed Helicopter, immediately appeared an issue and fell to the ground. .

The location of the other two shots is not very important, but there have also been some slow-release issues.

Counterattack by Second Generation The Steel and Iron. Leting Yinjia Nation’s Armed Helicopter get scared, they didn’t even know what was being attacked, and they lost three Armed Helicopters.

Yinjia Nation Armed Helicopter Squadron, the driver of the Number One machine, which is Little Captain Mullar, quickly shouted: “attack! Use Guided Missile attack that fifteen ultra low-altitude targets!”

“Received the order!” The drivers of the remaining eight Helicopters responded and then launched Guided Missile.

Nine Air-To-Air Guided Missile, flying from high altitude, Shi Lei sneered. Yinjia Nation’s Third Brothers, are you too much to see yourself? Do they think Air-To-Air Guided Missile is invincible?

“Izual, pay attention to Guided Missile!” Shi Lei is concerned with five Second Generation The Steel and Iron, which are worth a lot more than First Generation The Steel and Iron!

Izual controls fifteen The Steel and Iron, using Interweave Net Miwang. Supercomputer Lightning’s computing resources, such a large computing resources, almost let Izual pre-determine the flight path of each of The Steel and Iron, and how to avoid the Guilded Missile flight.

Fifteen The Steel and Iron, under the control of Izual’s, continued to think of a lower High Degree landing, nine Air-To-Air Guided Missile, with the slightest hesitation chasing The Steel and Iron.

When the Air-To-Air Guided Missile went straight down, less than three hundred meters, Izual quickly pulled the High Degree of The Steel and Iron. Air-To-Air Guided Missile’s original advantage of flying quickly became a disadvantage. They couldn’t be as flexible as The Steel and Iron, and they hit the ground straight.

“hōng hōng hōng ……”

The numerous explosions, in addition to illuminating the night sky, seem to have no use.

Mullar found Air-To-Air Guided Missile, when there was no attack to The Steel and Iron, there was some worry, and then ordered again, “Continue attack! Kill them!”

Yinjia Nation’s Armed Helicopter group once again launched Guided Missile, but this time Guided Missile’s flight speed is not consistent, although almost simultaneously launched, but part of Guided Missile is in front, and part of Guided Missile is behind.

Izual combined the optical observation system of The Steel and Iron, and obtained a conclusion through data calculation. “Sir, the enemy’s Guided Missile of this round of attack, part of the Air-To-Surface Guided Missile. System Automatic Logical Analysis, enemy There is no Air-To-Air Guided Missile.”

“Well? Is there no Air-To-Air Guided Missile? hēng hēng, and then consume the other round of attack, then they are the Tiger without teeth, just how we clean up!” Shi Lei sighed in relief.

Fortunately, the other party did not carry too much Guided Missile, or the Steel and Iron may not be able to win in the Guided Missile duel.

Izual controls fifteen of The Steel and Iron, and has a flexible and keen evasion of two rounds of Guided Missile’s attack. At the same time, Second Generation The Steel and Iron launched a counterattack and once again destroyed the other three The Steel and Iron.

There are only six Armed Helicopter’s Northern Overall Army Unit support, and there is no threat from Guided Missile. Fifteen The Steel and Iron are quickly launched. When arriving at a certain High Degree, six carry the Swift Arrow Series Guided. Missile’s First Generation The Steel and Iron, with the slightest hesitation launched the Swift Arrow bAir-To-Air Guided Missile.

In general, it is difficult for Helicopter to evade attacks by Air-To-Air Guided Missile, especially in the case of close range launches. After all, Helicopter is not Fighter, does not have fast maneuvering combat, and wants to avoid Air-To-Air Guided Missile, it is impossible to accomplish things.

As for the use of infrared interference bombs against Swift Arrow bAir-To-Air Guided Missile, this is also a way, but the effect is very bad. Because, Swift Arrow bAir-To-Air Guided Missile, operating within the line of sight, it is directly controlled by Izual’s, the flight track has long been calculated accomplish, will not be intercepted!

Mullar looked at the fire in Dark, and he exclaimed with a loud voice: “Be careful of Guided Missile!”

However, just after Mullar issued a warning, there was already a Yinjia Nation’s Armed Helicopter hit.


The struck Armed Helicopter, which turned into a group of Fireballs in the sky, far surpassed the previous shocks that were destroyed by Third Generation Electromagnetic Artillery.

The quality of the third generation Electromagnetic Artillery’s projectile was too small to hit the Armed Helicopter and it would not be an explosion. It would only damage the internal components of the Armed Helicopter and cause the Helicopter to crash.

Although it was a crash, the Helicopter driver, more or less, has the opportunity to survive, instead of being a fire group directly in the air, it is absolutely dead!

“hōng hōng hōng ~”

Mullar only watched others become air fire groups, and it was his turn to become a fire group.

The First Wave support of the Yinjia Nation Northern Overall Army Unit was directly blocked by The Steel and Iron. The 12 rack carried the Armed Helicopter of Guided Missile and was thoroughly Destroy.

However, Shi Lei also paid a price for this one side, and the five teams of The Steel and Iron were reduced to fifteen. However, the loss of the The Steel and Iron is not important, their original definition is exactly as stated cannon fodder.

The Steel and Iron carrying the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, none of them were destroyed; Second Generation The Steel and Iron, there was no damage at all. Therefore, Shi Lei has one side loss, but the loss is minimal.

“Izual, dispatched The Steel and Iron to explore the six crashed Yinjia Nation Armed Helicopter, to make sure that the other person’s driving crew did not survive. If there is a surviving personnel, you are welcome!” Shi Lei commanded the lore.

“yes,sit!” Izual is a High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. It doesn’t have any human emotions at all. Izual has no pity for kill to the last one.

After Shi Lei issued the order, he quickly passed Dawn’s on-board Communications System contact Ye Feng, ready to tell Ye Feng to be faster. Don’t delay the time, they met big trouble.

However, Ye Feng and others have entered the underground building of Mitra’s military base. The Second Generation Dawn they drove has been disconnected from Izual’s data connection and cannot receive Shi Lei’s information.

“Damn!” Shi Lei cursed, this is really a house leak, even the night rain, tragedy one after another.

“Izual, do we have a way to contact them on Ye Feng?” Shi Lei asked Izual.

Izual quickly replied: “Sit, ten Dawns have been disconnected from the Main System’s data and cannot get contact. According to the ten Dawn’s last position trajectory, ten Dawns entered the Underground building. Want to recover with the ten Dawns. Contact , you can send two Fearless Lion d Combat System, build a communication relay station at the entrance of the Underground building, and try to re-establish the data connection.”

Shi Lei sighed in relief, but the data connection can be restored. If the data connection cannot be restored, Shi Lei can only enter the underground of the Mitra military base in a dangerous way.

“Izual, order Fearless Lion d Combat System, set up a communication relay station!” Shi Lei ordered.

However, Tao Wenxian once again appeared very crow. “Big Brother Stone, Northern Total Army Unit knows that First Wave support has been completely destroyed. They have sent air support again!”
