
Chapter 1192

HK1175 is more than awesome, radical Third Brother! [To: nonsense alliance lord plus]


Mitra military base, as the largest secret military research base of Yinjia Nation Northern, its important status is self-evident.

When the Mitra military base reported on the attack’s request for assistance, the Northern Overall Army Unit immediately dispatched air support. Now, this wave of air support has arrived at the Mitra military base, which is more than one and a half ahead of the scheduled arrival time!

“Sir, Second Generation The Steel and Iron’s radar system, scanning to southwest to a position of 30 kilometers, the emergence of high-speed mobile aircraft, the total number of 12, according to the high-speed mobile aircraft displacement speed and flight High Degree, the preliminary determine for Helicopter. Izual reported on information to Shi Lei.

Tao Wenxian reported at almost the same time, “Big Brother Stone, Yinjia Nation Northern Overall Army Unit, dispatched Second and Third support reinforcements!”

“Know it! Your brat hurry to retreat a distance and hide in the woods. The First Wave rescue force of the Northern Overall Army Unit has appeared, a total of 12 Armed Helicopter. Oh! They really can see us!” Shi Lei told Tao Wenxian, let him retreat into the woods, borrow the cover of the woods to avoid being discovered by Helicopter.

“Èn! Ok, Big Brother Stone! I will pay close attention to the situation of the Northern Overall Army Unit!” After receiving the Shi Lei’s order, Tao Wenxian immediately took the military use notebook and retreated backwards.

In the place where Tao Wenxian is located, two kilometers backward, it is exactly as stated a small grove. Although this forest is not very luxuriant, it provides a shelter for Tao Wenxian, and there is still no issue.

“Izual, withdrawing the ten The Steel and Iron inside the Mitra military base, immediately control all The Steel and Iron, lower the flight High Degree, and adjust the position of all The Steel and Iron. Set a semi-enveloping trapfor the southwest-oriented Helicopter! “Shi Lei is in the middle of the command.

Within the Mitra military base, the actions of the ten The Steel and Iron were not small, but seventeen Fearless Lion d Combat Systems. It can also cope with the rest of the situation. Therefore, Shi Lei temporarily dispatched The Steel and Iron.

Twenty five The Steel and Iron form a semi-encircled trapthat can definitely hit the Armed Helicopter reinforcement sent by Yinjia Nation. The reason why the whole encirclement is not formed is to give the other party a way to live, so that the other side is not afraid of the beast.

Ancient Era people know the truth of the three missing ones, Shi Lei can’t understand!

Under the command of Shi Lei’s. Izual controls the five First Generation and Second Generation The Steel and Iron, and a semi-circular encirclement is formed two kilometers away from the southwest of the Mitra military base.

And all of The Steel and Iron, all landed on the ground, under the cover of the night, the naked eye is hard to find. The Steel and Iron landed on the ground for ambush. The benefits of this are obvious, neither making noise nor generating high-intensity infrared heat radiation at the exhaust vents due to the high speed of the engine. At the same time, it will not be scanned by the radar.

Of course, not all Helicopters can play such an ambush. Although Helicopter’s requirements for landing and landing are far less demanding than Fighter, it is not a place to land.

Only the ‘pocket’ Helicopter like The Steel and Iron. In order to find a place wherever you are, you can land.

Currently, Yinjia Nation Armed Helicopter air support from southwest is never imagined, they will be surrounded by Helicopter encircling the ground.


Mitra military base, southwest direction, seventeen kilometers, eight hundred meters high.

Armed Helicopter of the 12 Yinjia Nation, quickly and rushed to the Mitra military base. Although on the hurry, the alertness of this Helicopter group is very high.

Not only has the radar scanning and the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector been turned on, but the Night Vision Optical System is also on. The situation is observed by the co-pilot.

“Mullar, guess what attack on the Mitra military base?” said the number one Tekasi, the co-pilot of the Number One machine, despite the Northern General Army Unit. It shows that the Mitra military base is currently being invaded by very powerful forces. But the entire reinforcement of the Helicopter group, no one believes.

In their view, the defense of the Mitra military base is too weak, especially in the face of air strikes!

“How do I know this issue! Tekasi, no matter which force, attacked the Mitra military base, in short we are still careful!” Mullar, the driver of Number One, responded to co-pilot Tekasi.

Tekasi snorted and picked up the communicator and chatted with the rest of the Helicopter’s co-pilot, apparently not taking the ‘powerful intruder’ seriously. Although Mullar reminded Tekasi to pay attention to the intruders, he did not stop Tekasi’s chat behavior. Obviously, it also defaulted to Tekasi’s statement, but it was not convenient for verbal recognition.

When the Helicopter group came four miles outside the Mitra military base, Tekasi suddenly saw an unusual situation in the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector.

“Hey, Mullar, look at the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector. How do you have a lot of sources of heat radiation on the ground? Hey, I counted it, there are twenty heat radiation sources, and their position is very regular! Tekasi reminded Mullar to let Mullar pay attention.

The twenty heat radiation source was generated by the Engine of the First Generation The Steel and Iron, although Shi Lei had already landed The Steel and Iron on the ground, but after the previous flight, the heat generated by the First Generation The Steel and Iron Engine, It won’t disappear so quickly. Like a continuous car, the Engine will slowly cool down without cooling down quickly.

Shi Lei is not unaware of this situation, just the source of infrared heat radiation on the ground. In general, Helicopter will not pay attention to it. Besides, the thermal radiation image produced by First Generation The Steel and Iron Engine is just a very, very small dot. It is not like any known weapon, and it is easy to be ignored.

Mullar obviously didn’t pay much attention to it. “Don’t worry about them. I remember that there is a bush and rocky ground below. What kind of animal might it be! The area of ​​the heat radiation source is only so small, what else can it be?”

“Okay!” Tekasi scratched his head. He apparently had some trouble with a bit of trouble. He suggested: “Mullar, wait a minute for us to fly over the heat radiation sources. I want to launch a flare to see if it is What toy!”

“No! We have to deviate from the current channel to fly over those heat sources. We can’t waste time. We are in the rescue rescue Task!” Mullar refused Tekasi. His principle is stronger.

Tekasi didn’t give up, he took the communicator, and after watching it, started talking: “No. 7 machine, No. 7 machine, here is the Number One machine. Note the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, one kilometer ahead Below, there are twenty unknown sources of infrared radiation, please launch a flare exploration!”

“No. 7 machine received! Understand!” The co-pilot of the No. 7 machine gave a positive response. This is because Mullar is the Captain of this Helicopter Squadron. Tekasi’s status is naturally high, and the No. 7 machine cannot reject his orders.

Mullar snorted, but did not blame Tekasi, anyway, just a lighting bullet!


The bright and dazzling flares suddenly lit up over the five steels of The Steel and Iron, and the co-pilot of the No. 7 machine fired the flares. Use the optical observation system to see the situation below.

When he discovered The Steel and Iron on the ground, he immediately issued a warning information in the Helicopter group. “All personnel noticed that the ground found suspicious targets, the ground found suspicious targets, and collectively fired flares!”

Shi Lei never dreamed that his well-planned plan was destroyed by a casual Helicopter co-pilot. This is simply an implied just by being present. Is that co-pilot a funny comparison for Monkey? Can’t afford it!

When the Yinjia Nation Helicopter cluster fired the flares, Shi Lei made a decisive command: “Izual, started the Steel and Iron without the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, Armed Helicopter in the attack sky. Control the other The Steel and Iron Low-altitude Flight, ready to fight back.”

Ten First Generation The Steel and Iron without the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile. Nature is the bait and the abandonment. Shi Lei rationally chose the Sacrifice The Rook To Save The King to let the 10 First Generation The Steel and Iron, which did not carry the Guided Missile, attract the firepower of the Yinjia Nation Armed Helicopter, and then wait for the counterattack of Yinjia Nation. Armed Helicopter.

“Izual, charging Electron Artillery for Second Generation The Steel and Iron, ready to attack anytime, anywhere!” Shi Lei told again.

In the air, Yinjia Nation’s Armed Helicopter group found suspicious targets to rise from the air and rushed over them. The 12 Armed Helicopter group quickly dispersed, and then selected the targets and launched Air-To-Air Small-scale. Guided Missile.

Ten dazzling fires, dragging the tail flame, move towards ten First Generation The Steel and Iron, which did not carry Guided Missile. Looking at such a scene, Shi Lei in the heart suddenly, ‘damn Third Brother, even so radical, directly use Guided Missile? ‘

Izual controls ten First Generation The Steel and Iron, performing all kinds of difficult evasive operations, but there are still up to eight First Generation The Steel and Iron, fireworks in the air!

Ten Air-To-Air Guided Missile, wrecked eight First Generation The Steel and Iron, which is a very good record! First Generation The Steel and Iron, experience/meeting with the most serious loss since its birth!

“shuā shuā shuā ~”

In the sky of Dark, four lights were lit again. The Third Brothers, for the two of The Steel and Iron, launched the Air-To-Air Guided Missile again, and even extravagantly launched a double number of Guided Missile. This is to ensure that nothing is lost!

“Damn Your Mother, do you want to be so serious?” Shi Lei whispered, and Shi Lei used to be bullied by weapon. This time the situation turned out to be reversed!

Two of The Steel and Iron stepped into the front of the Detroy of The Steel and Iron, and did not escape the Air-To-Air Guided Missile attack. How to say again is Air-To-Air Guided Missile designed for Aircraft, and First Generation The Steel and Iron has no dust-collecting anti-interference system. How could it escape the Air-To-Air Guided Missile?

“Sir, System automatically detects that Yinjia Nation is armed, with four Guided Missile and Unable to Judge four Guided Missile attributes.” Izual finally reported a good news.

However, Tao Wenxian immediately brought a big tragedy information!

“Big Brother Stone, major event is not good, Indian West Air Force Base, sent two Su 30mkiFighter over, and it is expected that only Forty minutes will be able to arrive at us!”

If the Top 10 rack The Steel and Iron was shot down, it was just a small problem. So, now the two 30mkiFighters sent by the Indian West Air Force Base are absolutely insurmountable!

Su 30mkiFighter, that is beyond the powerful character of Li Jian Nation f-15Fighter!


Ps: Thanks to the alliance lord: nonsense, Second Plus sent, accomplish all debts.

Seek all kinds of support!