
Chapter 1191

HK1174 disconnected and supported arrival! [To: nonsense alliance lord plus]


Shi An drove the Second Generation Dawn and rushed into the Mitra military base. However, it is not the applause and laughter that greets him, but the dense rocket!

Before Anick told the cronies to leave, it was just to transport the rocket launching nest to assist the hole in the defense d6 area. Although the defense personnel of the d6 area, after two rounds of Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery and The Steel and Iron, have suffered heavy losses.

However, the operation of the four rocket nests fired soldiers, cleverly hiding in the building bunkers, and there was no trick. The four rocket nests were also not hit by stray bullets and survived intact.

When six Dawns rushed in, Anick personally operated a rocket nest and launched an attack on the Second Generation Dawn!

Second Generation Dawn’s on-board Operation Control System and Izual scanned the ballistic trajectory of the rocket launch rocket in advance, intelligently assisted Shi An to drive the Second Generation Dawn, launched the defense mode, and blocked the Alloy Shield in front of him. Keeping the crouch position, the Second Generation Dawn’s body is covered behind the Alloy Shield.

The other five Second Generation Dawns also launched the same defense mode, silently bearing the rocket nest to launch rockets!

“hōng hōng hōng hōng hōng ~ ~~~”

Four rockets fired nests, each with 12 rockets and four Forty-eight rockets. The dense rockets hit the Second Generation Dawn’s Alloy Shield, and the six Second Generation Dawns were under tremendous pressure.

Fortunately, the six Second Generation Dawn’s drivers, all of them are the Elite of the Rongcheng Military District, which is equipped with an intelligent auxiliary control system between the electric and the Flint. Let the six Dawns form a semi-circle, which will make the Alloy Shield a piece, blocking the rocket.

Senior Officer Anick, the top military officer of the Mitra military base, watched the rockets hit the enemy and his face smiled. Can’t help but shouted: “Good job!”

The defense personnel in the base also cheered!

In their view, the six rockets were absolutely not spared when they were hit by the Forty-eight rockets. Yinjia Nation’s Third Brother doesn’t know Dawn. He can simply use Dawn as a robot. If it is the Robot of Ordinary. The Bombardment of the Forty-eight rockets, the thoughts of the Third Brothers are also right, it is impossible to be spared.

However, Dawn’s essence is Metal Exoskeleton, the defense force is stronger than the robot too much too much!

Outside the base, Ye Feng is on the on-board Communications System. He heard the shock and angry sound of Shi An, and then came a dense explosion. He quickly asked: “Number One, Number One, how is your situation?”

However, no matter how Ye Feng calls, from the on-board Communications System. Only a dense explosion came.

After the explosion of the Forty-eight rocket, the numerous soot was stirred up. Under the illumination of the flare, the smoke slowly fell. Six Black mAT&T e’s Second Generation Dawn, which looks a bit dusty and stained a lot of dust, looks a bit off.

The six-sided special Alloy Shield was also smashed by rockets and even somewhat deformed, but it did not break.

“ke ke !”

“ke ke ~ ”

“ke ke ke !”

In the on-board Communications System, a cough sound came. “Captain Ye, I can’t die, but the System prompts that the Respiration Filter System has an issue. It has been smashed!” Shi An sounded.

“Reporting Captain Ye, No. 2 is in good condition!”

“Report Captain Ye , No. 4 machine Respiration Filter System failure.”

A series of reports, let Ye Feng know the six Second Generation Dawns that entered the Mitra military base, without sacrificing, the most serious damage, and only the Respiration Filter System has failed.

When the six Second Generation Dawns came out in a piece of smoke and took a heavy step, the defense personnel of the Mitra military base looked at the six Second Generation Dawns in horror.

The ‘Robot’ that has withstood the Forty-eight rocket strike has not been Destroy yet, and they have plenty of reasons to be alarmed!

Even the Anick, the highest military deputy Senior Officer of the base, couldn’t help but smile, swallowed saliva and said, loudly: “attack !attack! Our reinforcements are coming, don’t be afraid of these robots!”

Although Shi An can’t understand Hindi, it is connected to Izual’s on-board System and automatically translates the Anick language in hudMonitor.

“Robot ?Hēng!” Shi An coldly snorted, pulling out the epee on the back of Dawn, in the on-board System, shouted: “Kill!”

The other five drivers of the Rongcheng Military District, when they were just suppressed by the rockets, were in the heart of grievances and fears. Fortunately, Second Generation Dawn’s defense was really powerful enough. Let them survive and have not suffered much damage. Now, they only want to retaliate against these Yinjia Nation’s Third Brother!

Ye Feng heard the inside and the member of Punishment Merc Warsquad said: “We are rushing in, can’t let them dominate the battle!”

Four Second Generation Dawns rushed through the hole and joined the sequence of defense personnel. At the same time, the Fearless Lion d Combat System also arrived in time to join the battle.

Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian exchanged information on the reinforcement of Yinjia Nation, five Second Generation The Steel and Iron, hovering at high altitude, monitoring the surrounding airspace. According to the information intercepted by Tao Wenxian, the Yinjia Nation Northern Overall Army Unit has sent support. I just don’t know when the support of the Northern Overall Army Unit will arrive.

“A’Feng, Number One, lead your people to find target items, solve the debt personnel, and hand them over to Fearless Lion d Combat System!” Shi Lei issued a new order on the on-board Communications System.

The ten Second Generation Dawn’s Tasks, instead of chasing the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, went inside the base to find the Levitation Slate that Shi Lei needed. If you simply want the Destroy military base, you don’t have to worry about it. Just launch the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile and you can accomplish the Task.


“Roger that!”

Ye Feng and Shi An responded, and then each took their own Squadron’s personnel, not entangled with the base’s defense personnel, looking for the entrance inside the base.

Anick discovered ten ‘Robot’ attempts to enter the base, and he screamed: “Block them! Don’t let them enter the base!”

In the view of Anick, these robots are not even bad for rockets. If they are inside the base, isn’t that invincible? However, the base’s defense personnel have long been scared by these dark ‘Robot’, how dare to stop ‘Robot’?

Ten Second Generation Dawns entered the base smoothly, but when they first entered the base, they received an on-board System prompt.

“Warning, the on-board system is about to disconnect the data connection from the Main System. At that time, the remote computing resources will be lost. The system will automatically call the local computing resources service. During the local computing resources service, Dawn’s driving System will not provide intelligent auxiliary operations. Provides ballistic pre-judgment calculations and cannot provide Dynamic Behavior predictions.”

This tip, whether it is Ye Feng or Shi An, has not been seen before, and ten Dawn’s drivers havetened to ask about the on-board System details.

Originally connected to Main System Izual, their natural language recognition was very fast, but after disconnecting from the Main System, using the Dawn’s own mini computer, even the Natural Lion guage Processing program slowed down a lot.

After the driver made a question, the on-board system gave the answer in about three seconds: “Disconnect the data connection from the Main System. In short, it is precisely as stated. Dawn’s is difficult. The driver can implement Ordinary action. However, the difficult action will be automatically locked by the on-board system. In case of circumstances, please drive the driver.”

“Captain Ye, what do we do now?” Shi An asked Ye Feng.

“wait a moment, I contact Boss and ask Boss what to do.” Ye Feng tried to contact Shi Lei through the on-board System, but the on-board System prompted that it could not connect to the Main System, so it was not possible to contact Shi Lei. .

“Number One, all of you are on standby, let me go out and restore the connection to the Main System. The damn base, it seems to use Electromagnetic Shielding Technology?” Ye Feng is cursed in the on-board Communications System.

Fortunately, the Second Generation Dawn is equipped with a local network communication system. Even if they are in an electromagnetically shielded area, Dawns can still form an Internal Network without losing contact with each other.

In fact, Dawn’s biggest flaw, exactly as stated, Dawn and Main System Izual lost the internet conNEC tion. Dawn’s Operating System, which requires numerous computing resources support, if there is no computing support, Dawn is half of the disabled.

Fortunately, they are driving a Second Generation Dawn. If it is a First Generation Dawn, the data connection to the Main System is disconnected, and the situation is even worse. Second Generation Dawn’s built-in mini computer makes the Second Generation Dawn maintain considerable combat power. Ordinary’s shooting and basic wrestling, there is no issue.

However, if you want to carry out a difficult close combat, or a flower-like parkour performance, it is absolutely impossible. Of course, there is no pressure at all such simple melee combats.

Ye Feng exits from the base and the on-board System prompts to reconnect with the Main System to restore a series service. Ye Feng immediately contacted Shi Lei. After explaining the situation, he asked: “Boss, what do we do now?”

Shi Lei was not surprised by Ye Feng’s situation. Shi Lei often went to Lin’an Underground Base. In these military bases, it was normal to shield the internet conNEC tion.

“You turn on empdefense protection, be careful inside the base, keep the sword shield mode, and find the mini computer of the Levitation Slate !Second Generation Dawn on-board as soon as possible, you can provide basic computing resources for you! Well, you can quickly get a quick fix. Come out to the guests!” Shi Lei quickly told me, and regardless of whether Ye Feng understood it, he ended the communication.

Because the air support of Yinjia Nation arrived!


Ps: Thanks again for the alliance lord: nonsense, plus more!

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