
Chapter 1190

HK1173 cannon fodder strategy, Dawn rushes!


The defense of the Mitra military base is indeed very powerful. Shi Lei and Izual consumed six Swift Arrow aAir-To-Surface Guided Missile before and after, and finally broke the defense wall of the military base, but why Dawn has not rushed in to kill a pass. ?

“A’Feng, what’s the situation on your side?” Shi Lei asked Ye Feng through the on-board Communications System.

Ye Feng responded: “Boss, we are temporarily deadlocked with the defense personnel inside the military base. We should have eliminated 30 to 50 defense personnel, but there are at least 50 defense personnel gathered in the defense wall. Near the hole, we are temporarily unclear about the other’s weapon situation. If we rush in, there may be an unknown danger.”

“Èn! Then you are careful, the clean-up operation in Mitra town has been achieved, The Steel and Iron and Fearless Lion d Combat System, currently proceeding to the military base. The Steel and Iron is expected to arrive within one and a half; Fearless is expected to be four minutes later , arrived at the combat position.” Shi Lei snarled.

Second Generation Dawn’s defense, compared to the First Generation Dawn, has been enhanced, but this does not mean Second Generation Dawn impervious to sword or spear. Large-caliber machine guns, rockets, Guided Missile, high-explosive grenades, etc., can still harm Second Generation Dawn.

“Okay, Boss!” Ye Feng didn’t say that he wanted to force the attack. In the face of the unknown danger, Ye Feng was not Idiot. He could avoid it as much as possible.

This is not Ye Feng afraid of death, but does not want meaningless sacrifice! If there is a necessary reason, even if you know that you must die, as long as Shi Lei orders, Ye Feng will not have the slightest hesitation to implement. But now there is obviously a better choice, Fearless Lion d Combat System, isn’t that better cannon fodder?

Inside the Mitra military base, the highest military Senior Officer Emodi Kensin Organization arranges personnel, seals and keeps all kinds of confidential data, and some data that is too late to process, is ready to be destroyed at any time. As long as the base falls, Emodi will not order the slightest hesitation to order Destroy data. It won’t let the enemy get it.

“Samara, hasn’t communication been restored yet?” Emodi stood behind a middle-aged man and asked loudly.

The middle-aged man is a specialist inside the base, and Samara’s forehead is cold and sweaty. He is overhauling the circuit, in front of him, a dense string, as much as his hair, he is currently thinking of ways to break the obstruction of the interferer and reactivate the wired route communication.

“Emodi, you don’t want to be noisy! You interrupted my thoughts again!” Samara said without returning her head.

Emodi clenched his fists and his forehead was straight, “Samara. You have to give me an accurate time, how long will it take you to resume communication?”

Samara replied angrily: “Emodi, you Idiot, I said, telling you not to make trouble! The enemy not only detonated the empElectromagnetic Pulse Bomb. It is also around our base all around, with a powerful interferer. If only Route was destroyed by emp, I have already resumed the communication issue, now it is to break through the interference of the powerful interference, understand? If you don’t understand, give me a shut up!”

At the moment of life and death, Samara does not care that Emodi is the highest military senior officer at the base, and his tone is very bad. If the communication cannot be resumed. They can’t call support, just relying on the base’s defense, I am afraid that there will be more fierce.

Emodi bit his teeth, his face changed, and he didn’t open his mouth, just the quiet standing behind Samara. Watching Samara work.

After waiting for a few minutes, Emodi and Samara heard the explosion outside at the same time, and the faces of both of them became very bad.

Samara involuntarily speeded up his hands and tried to restore the Communications System as soon as possible. There was a series of explosions coming from outside. Emerson finally couldn’t help but say: “Samara, try to hurry!”

“Crap!” Samara did not say much, continue to deal with complex routes, in order to fight against powerful interferers, Samara currently makes a route protector.

“Report!” When Samara made the protector, a soldier found Emodi. “Senior Officer, Anick Senior Officer reported that our defense wall was destroyed. I don’t know how long it will last. Hope will contact you as soon as possible!”

“Know it!” Emodi nodded and responded with a calm response: “Tell Anick, we have already repaired the Communications System and let him withstand, waiting for support!”

The soldier who reported the report was happy, and after a military ceremony, he quickly left.

After the soldiers left, Emodi said to himself, “We have reached the most critical moment. If we have not stabilized the communications, I am afraid that we have not resumed the Communications System and will soon spread throughout. Base. By that time, the soldiers had no courage to fight, and we were completely defeated! So, Samara, now everything is up to you!”

Samara nodded and said with a solemn tone: “I will do my best!”

The complicated route, under the control of Samara’s dexterous hands, gradually formed. When Samara put the last red line into the route, it was directly connected to the pass microphone in the route, and the voice of the inquiry came.

“Mitra base, Mitra base, here is the Northern Overall Army Unit. Please reply, please reply. You have not reported safety information to us for more than seven minutes. We will send investigate Squadron after three minutes. Please report the situation immediately after receiving the information!”

The Northern Overall Army Unit is the largest military command center in the Northern region of Yinjia Nation. The Mitra military base communicates with the Northern Overall Army Unit every 25 hours.

If it takes less than ten minutes to report safety information by plan, the Northern Overall Army Unit will send investigate Squadron to the town of Mitra for investigate.

This piece of information, neither Shi Lei nor Tao Wenxian found it!

If they find this information, they will choose the time to take the attack after the Mitra military base has just reported Safety information to the Northern Overall Army Unit. As a result, they have a full Forty minute; instead of choosing a bad time, they are launching an attack at the Mitra military base, which is about to report safety information to the Northern General Army Unit.

“hū called the Overall Army Unit, called the Overall Army Unit, here is the Mitra military base. We were attacked. We were attacked. The situation was very urgent. The base’s defense wall was broken. The enemy had air power. We urgently need support! Emodi held the microphone and said loudly.

“The Northern Overall Army Unit received and currently arranged power support. It is expected that the first batch of air support will arrive within six minutes! Second batch support will arrive within fifteen minutes. Please Hold On!” Northern Overall Army Unit The support is very fast, because there is a support team specially prepared for the Mitra military base.

“Thank the Heavens, Thank the Earth! Please support the team as soon as possible! The attacker is very powerful!” Emodi urged.

“The Northern Overall Army Unit understands that the first batch of air support forces are currently taking off, please stick to it!” The personnel of the Northern Overall Army Unit answered Emodi.

About 30 seconds after the Northern General Army Unit dispatched air support, Tao Wenxian inquired about the related information in the Yinjia Nation Military Network.

“Big Brother Stone, Yinjia Nation Northern Overall Army Unit sent air support forces. Because the information is unknown, I don’t know how much air support is there!” Tao Wenxian reports to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei personally accessed the network controlled by Tao Wenxian and looked at the situation of Yinjia Nation military use network. “Izual, retrieve, Is there a Large-scale military use Airport in Yinjia Nation Northern?”

“Sir, retrieve accomplish, the data on the plain surface of Yinjia Nation does not indicate the existence of Large-scale military use Airport.” Izual replied to Shi Lei, Izual only queryed the basic situation in the military use network.

Deeper Gradation’s data, Izual and Shi Lei have no authority to acquire. To get more data, the cost is too high. Shi Lei doesn’t want to be with Yunjia Nation’s military duel.

“A’Feng, Number One, Yinjia Nation’s air support forces are coming, we have to speed up the action!” Shi Lei told Ye Feng and Shi An. “You are ready, The Steel and Iron will arrive on the battlefield!”

First Generation The Steel and Iron is much faster than the Fearless Lion d Combat System, and they reach the periphery of the Mitra military base faster, although they are not as thick and thick as the Fearless Lion d Combat System, but The Steel and Iron will not stupidly rush into the hole in the defense wall!

The Steel and Iron is a flight unit that can fly over the defense wall and attack the personnel inside the base from the air.

Ten First Generation The Steel and Iron, after arriving at the battlefield, immediately entered the Mitra military base and gave Destroy a blow to the defense personnel assembled in the d6 area.

Second Generation Dawn was unable to rush into the base, accurately as stated. Worried about the defense personnel behind the hole, the Weapon with Great Destructive Force. If the defense personnel behind the hole is completely cleaned up by The Steel and Iron, Dawn can naturally rush in.

“dá dá dá ~ ~”

The mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun of The Steel and Iron on-board is a powerful killer. The Steel and Iron of Rongcheng Military District, the standard on-board weapon is the seven-nine Mini Sub-machine Gun.

However, it was obviously impossible for He Zhenbang to hand over to Shi Lei’s The Steel and Iron, with the weapon with the obvious Xia Nation characteristics, so it was replaced with the mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun.

With The Steel and Iron’s internal settlement of the Mitra military base, the personnel gathered near the walls of the defense wall are rapidly decreasing. Shi An is in Dawn’s on-board Communications System, started talking: “Captain Ye, I am taking people Go in, you are behind the cover, how?”

Ye Feng thought for a while, didn’t refuse, but told him, “Number One, you are careful! When you enter, use the Alloy Shield to keep it in front!”

“Okay!” Shi An responded. “Brothers, rush in with me!”

Six Second Generation Dawns, led by Shi An, rushed in through the holes in the defense wall. However, after Shi An just rushed in, he screamed in the on-board Communications System: “Damn!”

