
Chapter 1189

HK1172 tough resistance, break the defense!


“Boss, we have been tough resistance, the defense wall of the military base, unexpectedly sturdy, and has Great Destructive Force defense weapon, requesting remote support!” Ye Feng through Second Generation Dawn on-board Communications System, Contact Shi Lei.

Shi Lei’s offensive target for the ten Second Generation Dawns is the Mitra military base, the largest secret military research base in Yinjia Nation Northern, with a fairly powerful defense system.

The exterior reinforced concrete defence wall has a thickness of more than two meters at the bottom, a height of six meters, and a reinforced concrete thickness of more than one meter at the top. This level of defense, even though Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery, at least in the same place, continuous bombardment dozens of times, it is possible to break a small hole.

However, the top of the reinforced concrete defence wall is not only equipped with the high-altitude Air Force machine gun, but also the Gatling Vulcan Cannon, even the rocket nest launcher.

Second Generation Dawn’s defense Although strong, but with the large-caliber Air Defense machine gun, or the Gatling Vulcan Cannon, or even the rocket nest launcher, the Second Generation Dawn is definitely a disadvantage.

“Received! Pay attention to covertness, remote support arrives within 30 seconds!” After Shi Lei responded, he reviewed the joint operations of First Generation The Steel and Iron and Fearless Lion d Combat System.

Under the joint efforts of the ground and air, the Yinjia Nation Third Brother, which lacks heavy weapon, has no resistance at all and is strangled by the single aspect of The Steel and Iron and Fearless Lion d Combat System.

“Izual, lock the position of the 12 Second Generation Dawn’s!” Shi Lei told Izual.

Izual immediately showed ten Dawn’s positions on hudMonitor, and Shi Lei glanced at it and found the right attack position. I chose the defense wall of a Mitra military base as an attack target.

“Izual, use two Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, target points marked by attack!” Shi Lei locked the specific attack target position with the Vision Focus Locking System.

“yes.sir!System has automatically mobilized a First Generation The Steel and Iron, locking the target position, counting down three seconds to launch attack, three, two, one, attack!” After the short countdown of Izual, the night sky above 500 meters In the middle, two fires flew from top to bottom.

The Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile has a second speed of 240 meters per second. Due to the launch of Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile’s First Generation The Steel and Iron, it is not over the vertical of the target, the flight range is more than 800 meters.

The two beautiful lights were striking in the night sky, and they dragged the tail flames to the Mitra military base.

Inside the Mitra military base, the highest military deputy Senior Officer Anick Myru. Looking at the two dazzling lights in the sky, his face changed dramatically and shouted: “Hidden! Hidden!”

Anick naturally recognized, these two lights are Guided Missile, in the Anick’s view, the two Guided Missile naturally attacked the interior of the base, so he was stunned.

however. The situation was not what Anick predicted. The two Guided Missile landed on the defense wall of the Mitra military base. Two Guided Missiles were in the bottom of the defense wall, blasting a deep hole, but did not blow up the defense. wall.

This is because the bottom of the defense wall, the thickness of the defense is enough to reach two meters, two Small-scale Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, can not destroy the thickness of more than two meters.

“A’Feng, Number One, you collectively use Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery. Attack Guided Missile blasts the gap!” Shi Lei told the Dawn in the on-board Communications System.


“Roger that!”

Ye Feng and Shi An responded almost simultaneously.

“Izual, once again mobilize two Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, target before bombardment!” Shi Lei gave Izual a command again, since two Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile. No accomplish Task, then add two additional Guided Missile!

At the bottom of the ten Dawn attack defense walls, two more lights in the sky, The Steel and Iron’s Second Round attack launched.

In just less than ten seconds, Anick has already thought about it, the enemy’s Guided Missile, why not attack the personnel inside the base, but the attack defense wall. This is because the enemy must have a strong ground force and wait outside to rush in.

In the case of the town of Mitra, Anick had also observed it at the top of the defense wall. The situation outside was terrible. Anick in the heart was ready for the worst, that is, the defense personnel of Mitra town were completely annihilated, Mitra military The base is fighting alone.

“All Alert, pay attention to the defense d6 area, once the enemy breaks through the defense wall, immediately give them the most deadly blow!” Anick made the correct determination.

In the face of the threat of air power, the ground forces are more dangerous, they must defend the defense wall. Otherwise, the defense wall is broken through, and ten Second Generation Dawns rush in, they are dangerous!

The Mitra military base was not subjected to the knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery air strike from Second Generation The Steel and Iron. Therefore, their defense personnel, after the Anick issued an order, did not care about the power of the air and gathered directly into the d6 area.

Two Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, once again hit the previous target, a violent explosion, overturning the cement of the defense wall, a strong shock wave to distort the steel, and the bottom of the defense wall of the d6 area was finally Four Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile blew a gap.

“Boss, the defense wall was blasted, but the width was not enough, we couldn’t get in, we still need to continue attack!” Ye Feng reported again that Ye Feng had seen the gapon the wall of the defense through the Second Generation Dawn’s optical observation system. It is not enough for the Second Generation Dawn to pass.

If Dawn uses his own Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery attack, it can open the gap, but it takes a little more time. They are currently lacking the exact as stated time.

Here is Yinjia Nation! The sooner their actions end, the better! Because no one knows, when will the reinforcement of Yinjia Nation appear.

Shi Lei, a group of terrorists, attacked the secret military base in Yinjia Nation and thought with his toes. The reinforcement of Yinjia Nation will be very powerful and will definitely send Fighter.

If Fighter appears too early. That would be too much trouble!

“Received! Air support arrives immediately!” Shi Lei responded to Ye Feng, two Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, almost at the same time, shooting to the previous target position.

“hōng ~ hōng ~ ”

Two Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, hit the target position again. This time. They expand the gapat the bottom of the defense wall into a hole more than three meters!

The violent explosion shock wave, let the inside of the Mitra military base, the personnel of the defense in the d6 area, also retreat a few steps. Fortunately, the internal defense personnel of the Mitra military base. Not close to the defense wall and not injured in the explosion.

“All Alert!” Anick personally took part in the battle, and Anick yelled after the defense wall in the d6 area was exploded. “Everyone pays attention to me, wait for a moment, no matter what thing, come in from the hole in the d6 area. Give me a fight! What is Great Destructive Force weapon, just say hello to Great Destructive Force weapOn !”



“No issue!”

The defense personnel inside the Mitra military base responded unevenly.

Outside the military base, the dozen Second Generation Dawn, currently through the hole to observe the situation inside the military base, although the defense wall has been broken, but they did not rush into the reckless.

Ye Feng drives the interior of the Second Generation Dawn. hudMonitor, prompting Ye Feng, found infrared heat radiation images of numerous humans inside the military base. At the same time, the night vision scan of the Optical Watch System also reminded Ye Feng to discover the Dynamic Behavior Signature of the numerous human.

All the signs show that behind the hole, there is a numerous base inside the defense personnel, waiting for them to come to the door!

“Captain Ye, what do we do?” Shi An asked Ye Feng. In this action, Shi An put his position low, except for the absolute obedience to Shi Lei’s arrangement; in action, he basically took the lead of Ye Feng.

“Number One, we don’t move for a while. Use Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery and kill the defense personnel inside!” Ye Feng said cautiously.

Ye Feng clearly knows the identity of Number One. Although Shi An listened to his instructions, Ye Feng did not really regard himself as Uncle, calling for the personnel of Rongcheng Military District. Ye Feng’s good attitude won the approval of Shi An, so Shi An was willing to listen to Ye Feng’s instructions.

“Good!” Shi An replied briefly.

Each of the ten Dawns took out the exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery, aiming at the hole in the wall of the defense, and according to the scan results of the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, killing the personnel inside the base.

“suo suo suo ~ ~”

The sound of high-speed objects cutting the air, which sounded one after another, the defense personnel inside the base killed more than 50 people in an instant. The remaining defense personnel, all looking for cover, avoided the area where the holes directly radiated.

Anick was very fortunate to avoid the attack and looked at the dark red area on the ground in the d6 area. Anick’s eyes were red, and his gnashing teeth’s close confidant, whispered.

The cronies even connected the points, indicating that they had left the d6 area with more than a dozen people. They went to the secret task arranged by Anick, a special method for the defense d6 area!

Outside the town of Mitra, seventeen Fearless Lion d Combat Systems, combined with ten First Generation The Steel and Iron, cleaned the entire Mitra town like the Hell messenger.

No matter how good the hiding personnel of the Yinjia military are, they can’t escape the search of the Fearless Lion d Combat System. Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, used to detect human’s own heat radiation, it is a matter of grasp!

“Sir, the town of Mitra was cleaned, and the five steels of The Steel and Iron, through the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, did not find any human thermal radiation images.” Izual reported to Shi Lei.

“How is the loss?” Shi Lei drove the Second Generation Dawn and stood on a hill overlooking the town of Mitra.

“Three Fearless lost their combat power, two Fearless armors were damaged, and one of The Steel and Iron’s armor was broken, losing some combat power, without loss of mobility.” Izual accurately reported.

The loss of the three Fearless, or the previous three, is not a new loss. Such losses are acceptable to Shi Lei. He switched to the battlefield observation screen, and through the hudMonitor, he looked at the ten Dawn’s actions, but found that Dawn had not yet entered the Mitra base.

According to Shi Lei’s, after breaking the defense wall, the ten Dawns should be able to easily break through the defense of the Mitra military base!
