
Chapter 1188

HK1171 is very fierce and violent, chicken dogs can’t stay!


Yinjia Nation time, July 5th, 3 am Forty-four points.

The Yinjia military defense personnel in the town of Mitra, which has only suffered a round of Second Generation The Steel and Iron, has shown an unbearable horror.

Second Generation The Steel and Iron is flying fast, with a maximum combat speed of 340 kilometers per hour; First Generation The Steel and Iron’s maximum combat speed is also one hour 240 kilometers.

When Second Generation The Steel and Iron cleaned up the defense personnel of Mitra Town in an instant, First Generation The Steel and Iron ‘slow in arriving ‘, did not teach the defense personnel of the Yinjia military, they have already hid in the building. Inside the object.

The Fearless Lion d Combat System is slower and can reach a maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour with a flat road. The current road is in poor condition and they take at least two minutes to reach the town of Mitra.

The original First Generation The Steel and Iron can also enter the small space to fight. However, the defense of First Generation The Steel and Iron is weak. According to feedback from the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, the number of people in the building shelter is too much, and The Steel and Iron is the food.

In this case, the issue can be easily solved by directly using the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, but Shi Lei does not intend to use the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile.

Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile is the ace in Shi Lei’s hand to deal with these Third Brothers. Can they afford to watch their own Right?

“Izual, Fearless Lion d Combat System, how long does it take to arrive in Ah?” Shi Lei did not participate in the battle for the time being, but with Tao Wenxian, he led the overall situation.

Even if Second Generation Dawn’s performance is very strong, Shi Lei will not easily take the risk. It’s definitely not the same concept to participate in the action and participate in the battle in person.

Shi Lei prefers to hide behind the scenes if it is a last resort!

“Sir, Fearless Lion d Combat System, will arrive in the combat zone after nine 12 seconds, System automatically cross-platform resource integration. Fearless gets the Second Generation The Steel and Iron Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector scan image in advance, pre-analyze the battle plan, pre-target the enemy Position information.” Izual responded to Shi Lei and provided a surprise to Shi Lei.

Izual controls both First Generation and Second Generation The Steel and Iron. There is also the Fearless Lion d Combat System, which controls the three combat components, Izual’s Deep Natural Logic Thinking Module, automatically integrates the resources of the three combat equipment, and integrates cross-platform shared resources.

“Very good!” Shi Lei showed a smile, and Shi Lei was very satisfied with the answer to Izual’s. Although Shi Lei had mentioned cross-platform resource sharing with Izual, Shi Lei had no time to write the corresponding program. Didn’t he think that Izual was automatically accomplished?

Could it happen that Izual’s Intelligent Core happened again?

The Yinjia military defense personnel in the town of Mitra hide in the building bunker. Listening to the propeller noise generated by First Generation The Steel and Iron, they simply did not dare to come out.

Benson thought, how should they get rid of the current disadvantages, “Does anyone carry the rpgrocket launcher?” Benson thought for a moment and asked aloud.

More than 30 personnel and Benson are hiding in the two-storied little building. No one is carrying the rpgrocket launcher. This time the raids happened so suddenly that they did not expect the enemy to be so powerful.

Benson frowns, continued: “You speak out loud, ask other people, and let others pass orders, if there is a rpgrocket launcher. Report it now!”

The soldiers hiding in the small building, some close to the door, some near the window, shouted loudly, “Does anyone carry the rpgrocket launcher?”

The loud noise spread quickly throughout the town of Mitra, about two minutes later. Benson received a response with a total of three rpgrocket launchers. Benson ordered again, commanding the person with the rpgrocket launcher, taking a closer look at the opportunity to launch an attack on the Helicopter in the sky.

But this order. Not yet communicated, Benson heard a strange sound, which seemed to be the roar of the high-powered Engine.

When Benson hadn’t thought about what the sound was all about, an awkward Steel and Iron monster entered their two-storied little building. This Steel and Iron monster has four metal legs. On the body supported by the metal legs, a gun barrel machine gun is rotated from slow to fast.

In just less than three seconds, the gun barrel machine gun issued a roar of death!

Dá dá dá dá dá dá ~ ~~

The ultra-high speed of the gun barrel machine gun instantly shot the metal Storm. In the two-storied little building, more than 30 people turned into an unrecognizable flesh.

The Fearless Lion d Combat System, using the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, scanned a circle and confirmed that all enemies had died after continuous infrared heat radiation was detected.

The same thing happens in the bunkers of the various buildings in the town of Mitra. The strength of the twenty Fearless Lion d Combat System made the defending personnel of the Yinjia military unable to fight.

However, the Fearless Lion d Combat System is not without loss. The Yinjia military’s defense personnel have a total of three rpgrocket launchers. These three rpgrocket launchers have played the most critical role, successfully injuring three Fearless.

The Fearless Lion d Combat System has a strong defense that can withstand close-up shots of Sub-machine Guns, assault rifles, and even snipe rifles, but it can’t stop the rpgrocket launcher.

Izual monitored the Fearless Lion d Combat System at any time, but when the three Fearless were destroyed, Izual First reported to Shi Lei. “Sir, three Fearless were hit by the rpgrocket launcher and temporarily lost their combat capability.”

“What is the situation? Is there any mobility?” Shi Lei asked.

Here is the territory of Yinjia Nation. If the Fearless Lion d Combat System loses its mobility, it is not convenient for on-site maintenance. Although the Fearless Lion d Combat System adopts the standard Modular Design, Shi Lei does not consider the maintenance situation. No replacement parts were carried.

“Sir, please wait a moment, currently self-test…” Izual replied, and Izual now controls three damaged Fearless Lion d Combat Systems for a comprehensive self-test.

By self-testing the part that is controlled by the System, the confirmed uncontrolled part is determined to have the damaged part.

“Sir, three Fearless Lion d Combat Systems, were severely damaged and all lost their mobility. According to System analysis, three Fearless land systems are used to restore the damage of two Fearless by replacing damaged parts with each other; The parts can be interchanged to fully recover the full combat power of one of the Fearless Lion d Warfare Remote Controlled Machines.” Izual presented the System Analysis solution.

“How long does it take?” Shi Lei frowned.

“Sir, if you take option one and restore the mobility of the two Fearless Lion d Combat Systems, System expects Twenty-seven minutes; if option 2, restoring the full combat power of a Fearless Lion d Combat System, it takes about two hours. “Izual’s voice has no feelings, accurately calculating the time of each program.

Shi Lei snorted, whether it was two hours or Twenty-seven minutes, Shi Lei couldn’t find time!

“Izual, launches three self-destructing devices of the damaged Fearless Lion d Combat System! The timing is set to one hour and the remote Remote Control is maintained.” Shi Lei issued a new command for Izual.

One hour at a time, this is to prevent accidents, three damaged Fearless, can be self-destructed according to the accomplish of the scheduled plan; remote Remote Control, it is convenient to start self-destruction whenever and wherever needed.

“Understand!” Izual responded affirmatively.

Losing three Fearless Lion d Combat System, Shi Lei’s is not in a good mood. Even if Fearless is defined by Shi Lei as the cannon fodder for this action, Fearless will be thrown away regardless of the success or failure of the action.

But taking the initiative to drop Fearless and being destroyed by the enemy is two different concepts! Is it the same as a monk and a beggar?

“Izual, statistics on the number of enemies in the town of Mitra!” Shi Lei’s tone is not very friendly.

After about ten seconds, Izual replied to Shi Lei: “sir, statistical complement, according to the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector scan statistics, the number of enemies in the town of Mitra is between 268-282, due to the scan accuracy of the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, System cannot accurately determine the number of enemies.”

The Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector does have the drawbacks of this aspect, especially when humans come together, the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector cannot accurately identify multiple human thermal radiation images.

“There are still so many?” Shi Lei is a little surprised.

After the sweeping of the Fearless Lion d Combat System, the defending personnel of the Yinjia Nation military survived a little while, and had to say that the Third Brother was strong!

“Sir, the enemy’s divisions are scattered. The tie-down Lion d Combat System can’t completely destroy each other at one time, and three of them are destroyed by the enemy, so the enemy has more remaining.” Izual responded to Shi Lei with humanity. It is as if looking for reasons to shirk responsibility.

“Well, I know!” Shi Lei used the Second Generation Dawn’s hudMonitor to view the images sent by Izual and analyze the distribution of the remaining defense personnel in the town of Mitra.

‘Dare to play my Fearless, you are so bold! ‘Shi Lei in the heart coldly snorted, ‘Izual, dispatch The Steel and Iron to fight with Fearless, don’t let go of any target, I don’t want to stay in the entire Mitra town!”

“Sir, after five five In The Steel and Iron’s Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector scans, there is no chicken and dog in the town of Mitra, the infrared heat radiation signature of the two creatures.” Izual answered Shi Lei with due diligence.

Shi Lei was answered by Izual’s and made some didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Damn Izual, I mean, annihilate every enemy, don’t let any enemy escape!” Shi Lei made a clear order.

Shi Lei is very fierce and violent. The whole Mitra town, chicken dogs can’t stay!
