
Chapter 1187

The power of the HK1170 Steel and Iron army!


Yinjia Nation, Uttar Pradesh State, the town of Mitra in Lucknow.

There is very little record in the town of Mitra in Yinjia Nation Official. According to the data of Yinjia Nation Official, this is a poor and backward town. But in fact, the town of Mitra is not a normal town.

The significance of the Mitra town is simply to cover the Mitra military base. The Mitra military base is the most advanced secret research base of Yinjia Nation Northern, and is involved in the research of several cutting-edge science and technology of Yinjia Nation.

In order to protect the Mitra military base, the Yinjia Nation military, in particular, established the Mitra town and arranged for 600 active military personnel in the town of Mitra to be ready to deal with all kinds of accidents.

When Shadow Dragon hovered over Mitra town and explored all kinds of data, the Yinjia Nation soldiers stationed in the town of Mitra discovered Shadow Dragon and, in a very short time, not only did the defense work, but also The intelligence was notified to the various combat units.

Due to the defense personnel of the town of Mitra, only the Set-up Shadow Dragon was discovered. Although they were vigilant, they did not report further to the higher-level combat units.

However, they lost the last chance to report, and after Tao Wenxian detonated the empElectromagnetic Pulse Bomb, the entire Electronic Equipment in Mitra Town collapsed!

The highest military Senior Officer Emodi Kensin inside the Mitra military base immediately realized that there was a big problem after the empElectromagnetic Pulse Bomb Destroy took the base of Electronic Equipment.

“Anick, ringing the alarm, firing the flares, we were attacked!” Emodi immediately told the adjutant to let him down. Emodi has more important things, he needs to find a way to contact other support.

At the same time, Emodi also needs to transfer and archive important research project data. There are a lot of confidential projects in the Mitra secret research base. If you lose confidential documents, Emodi as the base of the highest Senior Officer, certainly can not blame.

The military’s military deputy Senior Officer Anick Myru quickly passed Emodi’s orders and he was not idle. It is the power of fast organization to counter the counterattack.

In the small town of Mitra, the military personnel who protected the military base, after launching the flares at the Mitra military base, also quickly fired flares.

“pēng pēng pēng ~”

Thousands of white dazzling flares. For a time, the entire Mitra town was as white as it was.

Ten currently moving black mAT&T e Second Generation Dawn, exposed, Ye Feng immediately asked Shi Lei, “Boss, we are exposed, what should I do?”

“Since it is exposed, it will change from sneak attack to assault! You should not fight with the personnel of Mitra town. Your Task is the defense to tear open Mitra military base. Disintegrate the resistance of the entire base. The personnel of Mitra town, pay Deal with Fearless and The Steel and Iron!” Shi Lei issued the latest combat command.


“Roger that!”

Ye Feng and Shi An replied separately.

Shi Lei and Izual kept their contact after converting the two people’s communication channels to silent state, “Izual, report the situation!”

“Sir.Twenty First Generation The Steel and Iron, after Forty-seven seconds, is expected to enter the effective attack range. Ten of The Steel and Iron will be directly involved in the battle; six The Steel and Iron with Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile It will hover at an altitude of 500 meters; four of The Steel and Iron, which are not equipped with the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, will serve as a cover for the Swift Arrow Series guided bomb The Steel and Iron.”

“Twenty Fearless Lion d Combat System will join the battle after two and fifty-five seconds. Navigation System and Optical Recognition System. The best route has been planned for Fearless!”

“Five Second Generation The Steel and Iron, targeting the remote sniper, using on-board Third Generation Electromagnetic Artillery, remote attack enemy armor target, heavy fire target and remote snipe target.” Izual responded to Shi Lei’s inquiry.

Five kilometers away, for the First Generation The Steel and Iron, it only takes more than a minute. They are very fast, although the noise is a bit louder, blemishes cannot obscure jade’s luster!

The propeller of First Generation The Steel and Iron was transmitted to the town of Mitra, where the Yanjia military was located outside the town. The highest military Senior Officer Como Dekate, his face became a bit unnatural.

“Sniper is ready, the attacker has air power!” Como commanded the subordinate’s personnel.

However, all snipers are the priority targets of The Steel and Iron, especially the Second Generation The Steel and Iron, which is hovering at high altitude. They are equipped with the Third Generation knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery, which is more powerful than the average sniper rifle.

Any of the Second Generation The Steel and Iron’s Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector and Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine, the determination of ‘snipe targeting ‘Dynamic Behavior, directly became the target of Second Generation The Steel and Iron.

Como commanded the sniper attack Helicopter, but it was also helpless. The town of Mitra is not lacking Air Defense weapon, they even have Surface-To-Air defense Guided Missile. However, the previous empElectromagnetic Pulse attack caused the Surface-To-Air defense Guided Missile to be damaged and could not be used normally. Therefore, I was helpless to play Helicopter with sniper rifle.

The sniper attack Helicopter is not the body of the attack Helicopter, but the driver of the attack Helicopter through the cab.

A Yinjia military snipe Elite, in a place less than ten meters from Como, set up a sniper rifle, ready to attack the upcoming Helicopter. However, he just made a ‘snipe aiming’ action and was identified by Second Generation The Steel and Iron.

“suo ~ ”

The sound of a high-speed object being penetrated by a high-speed object sounded at a height of 500 meters above the town of Mitra. The initial velocity of the Shot Generation Electromagnetic Artillery project reached 2800 m/s. In less than 0.3 seconds, Third Generation Knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery issued a projectile that hit a snipe Elite less than ten meters from Como.

The great kinetic energy of the Electromagnetic Artillery projectile allowed the snipe Elite to be hit by the back, as if it had been exploded from the inside by the liquid bomb in the body. Como’s face suddenly hurt, and he reached out and touched it, a bloody piece of meat.

Rao is Como, who has been Veteran for many years, but can’t help but vomit in the heart!

Five hundred meters high, the sound of ‘suo suo suo ‘ is constant, almost every sound, it represents a Death God trial!

“Report! Senior Officer, we have lost Twenty-seven people, the enemy is in the sky!” Vice-commander Benson, reminding Como, pointing to the five Second Generation The Steel and Iron hovering in the sky.

Como suppressed the vomiting in the heart, complexion paled the order: “Put those airplanes down!”

“Senior Officer. These Helicopters are weird, and although their flight High Degree is not low, they look too small, unlike the combat Helicopter!” Benson responded. “If it’s not a sniper, our weapon, it’s hard to hit them!”

Como frowns; “Since snipers can shoot them down, let the sniper go!”

“Senior Officer, the Twenty-seven people we lost, all snipers!” Benson reported a tragic news.

“What? How could this be? Do they know our snipe …pā~” Como, who is talking at the current, suddenly stopped the sound, his head seems to have fallen from the watermelon on the top of the twenty floor, broken into slag!

Benson, standing next to Como, was squirted by Como’s blood and white brain. The middle-aged Veteran did not have any vomiting action. Instead, he flew forward and quickly changed his position and looked for a bunker.

At the moment he left the original position, a projectile launched by Third Generation Electromagnetic Artillery hit his previous position. If he hesitates for another second. His end is probably the same as Como!

Benson is a battlefield Veteran. It is definitely not the gold-plated shelf for flowers Office Veteran of Como. After avoiding the attack of Second Generation The Steel and Iron in the sky, Benson immediately said loudly: “All personnel, immediately looking for architectural bunkers, and Notify the nearby personnel.” After the explosion of pElectromagnetic Pulse Bomb, the Yinjia Nation military defense personnel in the town of Mitra. Lost all means of communication, and combat orders can only be passed through the original amnesty.

After Benson’s order was issued, the military personnel of Mitra’s town was immediately implemented. This is not the soldier of the Yinjia Nation military. It has reached such a high level of combat quality, but the death of the Twenty-seven sniper. Let them feel the inexplicable fear.

The power of the Third Generation knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery is too powerful. The visual effect of the direct impact on the human body is very shocking. The morale of the Yinjia Nation military’s defense soldiers has been severely hit.

So after Benson’s order was issued, they quickly entered the building. Avoid the attack from the sky.

This move is indeed very effective, or the Second Generation The Steel and Iron tempted the attack several times without fruit, then no longer attack. After all, the town of Mitra was attached to cover the existence of the Mitra military base. The defense of the town building was very good. Even though the force of the Third Generation knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery exceeded the average sniper rifle, there was still no way to penetrate the building. The roof.

Benson is hiding in a two-storied little building. About 30 people are hiding with Benson. The two-storied little building has a higher safety factor. Even if the bullet is broken through the roof, there is a ceiling block. With.

‘Who is the attack on us? Ba Ji Nation ? Or Xia Nation? ‘Benson in the heart secretly guessed. There are only these two Nations around, which may attack Yinjia Nation.

The rest of Nation is simply impossible to impudent to Yinjia Nation. Not only is there no hatred, but also because there is no strength. Don’t look at Ba Ji Nation is not big, but Ba Ji Nation is not weak, especially Ba Ji Nation has Nuclear Weapon, and the reserves are not small, at least more than Yinjia Nation.

The relationship between Ba Ji Nation and Yinjia Nation is very bad, surpassing the tangled relationship between Yinjia Nation and Xia Nation. This is because Ba Ji Nation and Yinjia Nation were originally a Nation, but the 1947 Partition of India made Yinjia Nation split into two. Since then, the relationship between Yinjia Nation and Ba Ji Nation has been extremely harsh!

“Sir, Second Generation The Steel and Iron detected the defense personnel in the town of Mitra, all hiding in the building bunker, temporarily unable to attack!” Izual reported, and at the same time, the Second Generation The Steel and Iron’s Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, The scanned data is sent to Shi Lei’s Second Generation Dawn and viewed by Shi Lei through hudMonitor.

After Shi Lei finished reading, he smiled and said: “Don’t worry! They just felt the power of Second Generation The Steel and Iron. Next, they will feel the power of Fearless! Let this group of Third Brothers enjoy it. The steel and iron army is amazing!”
