
Chapter 1186

HK1169 intelligence error!


Yinjia Nation time, July 5th, three o’clock in the morning; Uttar Pradesh State Lucknow Mitra town, due east to five kilometers.

12 Black mAT&T e’s Second Generation The Steel and Iron, under the cover of the night, is almost indistinguishable to the naked eye, and in the shadow of the night, they bring a sense of oppression that is deeply fearful.

Twenty Fearless Lion d Combat System, at this moment has started the sly Third state! Fearless’s Third state, like a four-legged spider, the 2.2-meter High Degree, with the fierce and tough’s revolving machine gun, Fearless is like an ancient behemoth, ready to choose people!

Fearless’s transfer machine gun is equipped with six thousand rounds of bullets. At the same time, there are two light machine guns, which are also equipped with two thousand bullets. Mainly positioned in combat and Destroy’s Fearless, it has extremely powerful combat power.

If you don’t use Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery, even though Second Generation Dawn, it’s better than the Fearless with the machine gun.

Five Second Generation The Steel and Iron have been launched, four of which are equipped with two Swift Arrow a Air-To-Surface Guided Missile and a Type B Air-To-Air Guided Missile; the remaining one is equipped Li Jian Nation’s aim-9xSidewinder Air-Guided Missile and agm158 Air-Guided Missile.

The first generation of The Steel and Iron has not yet lifted off, and their noise is not small. In the silent night, the Third Generation The Steel and Iron is a great tragedy if it is lifted off collectively! The noise they create will wake up the residents of the entire town of Mitra!

“Big Brother Stone, Shadow Dragon returned the image, from the infrared thermal radiation image analysis, Mitra military base, there has not been an abnormal situation, the base of the defensive personnel is very small, most of the personnel currently sleeping.” Tao Wenxian driving Second Generation Dawn, Quickly adapted to the Second Generation Dawn’s mode of operation, it is already possible to drive Dawn’s. Use a military use notebook.

Shi Lei looked at the picture of the military use notebook. In Dawn’s driving cabin, Shi Lei’s smiled on his face. “Not bad! These guys. Not at all aware of our arrival! After a minute, attacking the Mitra military base, Do you have any issues?”

“No!” Six people from the Rongcheng Military District responded to Shi Lei through Dawn’s on-board Communications System. The four men of Punishment Merc Warsquad also responded positively to Shi Lei.

Only Tao Wenxian made a different voice. “Wait! Big Brother Stone, it seems that the situation is wrong?”

“What’s wrong?” Shi Lei quickly asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Big Brother Stone, we sent out a total of ten Set-up Shadow Dragon. Monitor the entire Mitra town. Just the No. 9 and No. 10 Shadow Dragon, the infrared heat radiation images that were sent back, detected the town of Mitra. Residents seem to have discovered Shadow Dragon, and their behavior is abnormal.” Tao Wenxian quickly explained the situation.

“What behavior is abnormal?” Shi Lei walked behind Tao Wenxian. Looking at the screen of the military use notebook, Ye Feng and Shi An also came over and looked at the situation together.

“Big Brother Stone, you see here, there is here! This is the area monitored by No. 9 Shadow Dragon. About a minute ago, No. 9 Shadow Dragon just detected it. Within 30 seconds, there was a total of monitoring The infrared heat radiation images of ten people are gathered, which shows that these ten people should have discovered Shadow Dragon and gathered accomplish within thirty seconds. This is unscientific, it is now more than three in the morning. How can they do this? Quick collection accomplish?” Tao Wenxian said his doubts, “The area that No. 10 Shadow Dragon detects is almost the same!”

“Jazz, you marked the area of ​​the No. 9 Shadow Dragon and No. 10 Shadow Dragon in the same map!” Shi Lei sharply grasped the key points of the issue. Immediately tell the Tao Wenxian implement the corresponding operation, so that he can verify the idea of ​​the heart.

Tao Wenxian After operating under Shi Lei’s, Shi Lei complexion sank, No. 9 Shadow Dragon and No. 10 Shadow Dragon explored the area at the southwest and eastern of the Mitra military base, which are protected by a corner. Mitra military base.

“Boss, No. 9 Shadow Dragon and No. 10 Shadow Dragon are detected by the hidden sentry of the Mitra military base. They found Shadow Dragon, so they quickly got together.” Ye Feng also found the issue.

“Big Brother Stone, the Mitra military base is also in an abnormal situation. The infrared thermal radiation image shows that within the Mitra military, their Combatant is quickly assembled!” Tao Wenxian reported a bad information.

Just as Shi Lei hesitated to force the attack on the Milat military base, Tao Wenxian found more abnormal situations. “Big Brother Stone, all Shadow Dragon found abnormal conditions, Mitra town, numerous Personnel began to assemble. However, due to the blockage of the building, Shadow Dragon only detected the human body heat radiation through the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, and did not capture the night vision image, unable to analyze the assembled personnel, what is the situation? “”

Shi An, who has been silent, suddenly started talking: “No. 0, those assembled people, all Combatant! The whole Mitra town, there are no residents of Ordinary, they are all Combatant. This Mitra town is estimated to be Concealing the existence of the military base and affiliated with it.”

“Well? Number One, are you confirmed?” Shi Lei asked Shi An.

“Uncertain! But this possibility exceeds the probability of 80%! This situation is not the exclusive security measure of Yinjia Nation.” Shi An replied to Shi Lei, concealing the expression, also in Xia Nation. Case.

Shi Lei nodded. “Understood! It seems that our intelligence has an issue. This town is not simple!” Shi Lei sighed, through the intelligence of the network investigation and the information of the real world, more or less There are some gaps, but the gapis a bit outrageous now!

“Big Brother Stone, No. 7 Shadow Dragon lost the link!” Tao Wenxian reminded Shi Lei that the so-called lost link should actually be shot down.

Before waiting for Shi Lei to answer, Tao Wenxian continued: “No. 4, No. 6, No. 9, No. 10 Shadow Dragon lost links!”

On the screen of the military use notebook, ten monitor sub-windows, five of which have been dimmed, indicating that the remote image transmitter has lost connectivity.

“Oh! In a short time, Shadow Dragon in many areas was destroyed. It seems that Number One is right. This Mitra town is really attached to the existence of Mitra military base. The residents inside, I am afraid all It is Yinjia Nation’s active military personnel!” Shi Lei said with a slight depression.

Five different areas of Shadow Dragon were shot down, which illustrates the town ‘residents’ in at least five areas, with firearms, and a good shot!

“Big Brother Stone, Shadow Dragon is all gone!” Tao Wenxian reminded Shi Lei.

Shi Lei snorted. “Since the other party is so unfriendly, then we don’t need to be polite! Jazz, you don’t need to participate in the battle, follow our pre-plan plan, shield the Mitra town’s external contact! Whether it’s Wireless Network , or wired network !”

“Understood! Fortunately, the interference device of Shadow Dragon has been accomplished, or else I really can’t guarantee that I can cut off the external contact of Mitra Town!” Tao Wenxian said with a smile, then on the keyboard of the military use notebook, I entered a bunch of source code and pressed the enter button.

Inside the Mitra town, the interference device dropped by Shadow Dragon was activated after Tao Wenxian issued the activation information. The communication in the entire town of Mitra was completely interrupted in an instant, including the wired route connection, which was also destroyed!

Shadow Dragon In the small town of Mitra, the powerful empElectromagnetic Pulse Bomb was dropped. Yinjia Nation’s bandit Third Brothers, there is no means of defense Electromagnetic Pulse weapon, all Electronic Equipment are all miserable.

Due to the empElectromagnetic Pulse weapon, the directional and short range effects were used, which did not threaten the Steel and Iron force five kilometers away.

After the emp eruption, Tao Wenxian smiled and said: “Big Brother Stone, has blocked all external contacts in the town of Mitra, but is not sure when their wired connection will return to normal. But I will monitor Yinjia Nation Trends, once there is any reinforcement, I will be notified by First time.”

“Very good! Jazz, you stay here, don’t participate in the battle.” Shi Lei once again told Tao Wenxian not to join the battle, Tao Wenxian did not accept Dawn’s professional driving training, even if driving the Second Generation Dawn, Tao Wenxian’s combat power is not It would be too powerful, but it is more important than his remote support for the Steel and Iron forces.

“A’Feng, Number One, the person who led you, immediately killed the Mitra military base! If you encounter resistance, kill without mercy!” Shi Lei issued an order to the ten Second Generation Dawn.



Ye Feng and Shi An responded separately, and the ten Black mAT&T e Second Generation Dawns exploded at an extremely fast speed and culled the past in the town of Mitra.

“Izual, Interweave Net Miwang and Supercomputer Lightning’s computing resources are ready to accomplish?” Shi Lei asked Izual.

Twenty Fearless Lion d Combat System and twenty Five The Steel and Iron, all controlled by Izual, require huge computing resources, and the intercomave Net Miwang and Supercomputer Lightning computing resources can meet the needs of remote control.

“Sir, all resources are ready to compcomplish, Main System is connected to Fearless, Main System is connected to First Generation The Steel and Iron, and Main System is connected to Second Generation The Steel and Iron.”

“currently perform a synchronous network test, test acccomplish, Synchronization Rate meets the demand!”

“currently conduct differential fault tolerance testing, pass the test, and the Main System has a total of Forty-five combat units!”

Izual integrates Intercomave Net Miwang and Supercomputer Lightning’s computing resources to control Forty-five combat units!

Shi Lei waved his hand and pointed to the distant town of Mitra, light snorted: “Destroy it!”



Sub-moderator: I am accompanied by Gudu and should be renamed: Go to Gudu

This is not the mountain black, but the black inside him!

When you get to Gudu, your hands and feet are soft!