
Chapter 1185

HK1168 quietly enters the village, don’t shoot!


On the edge of Xia Nation’s border with Yinjia Nation, Shi Lei and Shi An waited for the time. He took out a WIRE less communicator and started the contact Ye Feng.

Ye Feng first entered Yinjia Nation and got through the opposite relationship, which facilitated the shipment of a large number of weapon into Yinjia Nation.

“kā zī ~ ”WIRE less communicator signals the interference of the interference, “hū called Night Hawk! Call Night Hawk!”

“Night Hawk received! Report Old Nest, Night Hawk is ready, do you start?” Ye Feng’s codename is Night Hawk, Shi Lei’s codenamed Old Nest, Ye Feng has bribed the Yinjia Nation border defense’s personnel, ready to act .

“Night Hawk, act now! Repeat once, Night Hawk, get started!” Shi Lei, through WIRE less, ordered Ye Feng to immediately implement the scheduled plan and drive the prepared sealed van to facilitate the delivery of The Steel. And Iron, Dawn, and Fearless.

“Night Hawk received it and started the action!” Ye Feng responded twice and then quickly launched the action. Ten huge sealed vans, smoothly entering the Xia Nation from Yinjia Nation, came to the designated location.

After Shi Lei and Ye Feng quick joints, Shi Lei ordered Izual to control the steel frame The Steel and Iron and Fearless, neatly and orderly into the cargo box of the sealed van.

The six Second Generation Dawns of Rongcheng Military District, Shi Lei commanded Shi An, who drove the Second Generation Dawn directly into a sealed container to keep fighting at any time and anywhere. Once any unexpected situation occurs, the six Dawns put First time into battle.

For such an arrangement, Shi An also expressed his approval. Even if Shi Lei does not arrange this, Shi An is prepared to be so implement.

Twenty minutes was consumed before and after, and all the weaponry were loaded into the sealed van. And fixed accomplish. Ye Feng personally drove a van, and Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian sat in the co-pilot.

“A’Feng, Yinjia Nation’s border defense got Right? If they are against the water, are we a danger?” Shi Lei asked. The target of the van is a bit too big, if the border guard of Yinjia Nation temporarily changed his mind. The van will become the First hit target.

Ye Feng smiled and said: “Boss, rest assured, Yinjia Nation will not be capricious. This time, we have come up with 2 Million US Dollar, which is 100 Million Yinjia rupee, those border defense personnel. We buy it.”

It seems that in order to make Shi Lei more reassured, Ye Feng went on to say: “Boss, we have a hundred Lonely Massacre Elite fighters in the border defense area, even if those guys have any changes, Lonely Massacre’s Elite fighter. Never will let They are better. Even if they have the strength to destroy Lonely Massacre’s Elite fighter, the van we drive has an extraordinary defense force, even though sniper rifle, it needs to be within 200 meters to penetrate the cab.”

Shi Lei listened to Ye Feng’s explanation, in the heart sighed in relief. “A’Feng, I am not saying, do you need Lonely Massacre’s personnel to participate in this action?”

“Boss, Lonely Massacre’s personnel only deal with the issue of the Yinjia Nation border defense personnel. Once we pass the border, they will return to Nanyue Nation.” Ye Feng explained to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei nodded, not blaming Ye Feng for his advice. Ye Feng was driving while he was sighed in relief.

The sealed van traveled for about ten minutes and came to the border of Yinjia Nation. Shi Lei, through the windshield, looked at the outside armed checkpoints, and those Lonely Massacre members wearing black-clothed, carrying Li Jian Nation standard EQ uipment, in the heart gave birth to a surprise.

“Lonely Massacre’s member. Actually used Li Jian Nation’s standard EQ uipment?” Shi Lei turned to ask Ye Feng.

Ye Feng smiled and said: “Boss, this is the profit that our Dark Hell uses the heroine powder business. It is the High Grade Equipment for Lonely Massacre’s Elite fighter. Li Jian Nation’s standard EQ uipment is powerful and what has happened. Issue can also be pushed off to Li Jian Nation.”

“Not bad!” Shi Lei did not ask Li Jian Nation’s standard EQ uipment. How much money it cost, it’s the heroine powder business, it’s a pity to use it.

Yinjia Nation’s border armed inspection checkpoints were not inspected for ten huge sealed vans and were directly released. The ten vans all passed the inspection level of Yinjia Nation. After more than half an hour, the stone hanging in Shi Lei in the heart fell.

It seems that Yinjia Nation’s ‘corrupted black ‘issue is more serious than imagined. Ten huge, unidentified vans, they did not conduct any inspections.

Lonely Massacre’s Elite combat member, who did not follow the van truck team, also needed to return to Nanyue Nation to protect the N235 ore mining at Meishan Island.

Ten vans are driving on a road that is not very flat on the road. The sky outside is dark. It is now Xia Nation Time close to the middle of the night, and it is only nine o’clock when it is converted into Yinjia Nation time.

“Jazz, calculate, how long does it take us to get to the destination?” Shi Lei asked Tao Wenxian on the right.

Tao Wenxian is holding a heavy military use notebook and is ready to provide route planning through the GPS Global Positioning System. “Big Brother Stone, according to our current speed, is expected to take about 16 hours.”

“Twenty-six hours? Now is Yinjia Nation at nine o’clock in the evening, telling the rest of the team, we are on the road today!” This sentence is for Ye Feng, Ye Feng is the leader of the van truck team, the rest The driving crew of vans are all from Lonely Massacre. The driving crew of each van is two, which is to alternately drive and prevent fatigue driving. The person who is driving the change with Ye Feng, at this time, sleeps in the container behind the currently.

“Okay, Boss!” Ye Feng immediately ordered Shi Lei’s command. For the order of the night, whether it is Ye Feng or the driving crew of the other nine vans, there is no opinion at all.

“Jazz, find a suitable rest point on the map, plan a trip, this rest point, preferably at Yinjia Nation time, arrive before 6 am tomorrow. We rest during the day, so as not to cause unnecessary attention.” Shi Lei Tao Wenxian proposed the requirements for route planning.

Ten huge sealed vans will definitely attract considerable attention if they are on the road during the day. Therefore, Shi Lei chose to hurry at night and rest during the day to rest.

For a total of 16 hours of travel, Shi Lei intends to split into two Phases. Today, and tomorrow morning, it will take almost eight hours to travel, and the remaining eight hours will be repeated tomorrow night to the early morning.

If there is no issue in the itinerary, they will arrive in Mitra Town, Uttar Pradesh State Lucknow, from 3 am to 4 am on July 5, attacking the military use base where the Levitation Slate is kept.

“Big Brother Stone, find the right place to rest!” Tao Wenxian turned the military use Notebook Computer and turned it to Shi Lei.

After Shi Lei glanced at it, he said: “Then follow the planned itinerary.”

Under the night of Yinjia Nation, ten vans ‘quiet’ were driving in the night. The Yinjia Nation authorities did not know that a force threatening their secret military base had entered Yinjia Nation.

Yinjia Nation time, July 4th, 6:37 in the morning.

Ten sealed vans arrived at the resting point planned by Tao Wenxian, a small village with ten huge vans parked in the woods outside the village, sheltered by the shade of the sky.

Shi Lei, a line of personnel, did not enter the village to rest, but chose to rest in the van. The van selected by Ye Feng is very large, and the condition of the container is good, not only the air conditioner, but also the ventilation system. After sleeping with a sleeping bag, sleeping in the cargo box is not an issue at all.

After the police personnel were arranged, the rest of the team’s personnel, all rest in the cargo box, strive to rest in the daytime rest, restore a good spirit, in order to cope with the fatigue of continuing to drive in the evening.

During the rest of the process, there was no accident. Although the villagers of the village expressed their curiosity about the arrival of the team, Shi Lei arranged the personnel to communicate with the villagers, paid a small amount of money, and acquired some villagers’ soil. The special product sent a curious villager. Shi Lei has made strict regulations on the acquired souvenirs. After the team is on the road, all of these native products need to be discarded.

The personnel involved in the operation all carried enough rations, and Shi Lei did not Hope to eat the specialties of Yinjia Nation, which caused accidental acclimatization.

Rested throughout the day, Yinjia Nation time, at seven o’clock in the evening, the sky was getting darker. The entire group, after having had a simple dinner, set foot on the journey again.

Most of the Yinjia Nation roads are not very good, let alone the road safety monitoring system. In a very small number of areas, there is a road safety monitoring system, but in this accompanying personnel, there is not only one World Grade Hacker, but also a World Summit Grade Hacker. The road Safety Monitoring System is not an issue at all.

Tao Wenxian’s military use notebook has long been marked with the existence of the road Safety Monitoring System, and all of them are harmonious when the team passes.

After seven hours of solitary overnight driving, ten vans were parked only five kilometers from the town of Mitra. According to the plan, the vans would not enter the town of Mitra if they entered the town of Mitra. The target is too big.

On the back of the hills five kilometers from the town of Mitra, all the war machines came out of the van, the mission of the van, the personnel of Lonely Massacre, drove them off and headed to the nearest city.

Lonely Massacre’s personnel, just use them to go to the nearest city. After arriving in the city, they will abandon the van and transfer to other means of transportation to return to Nanyue Nation.

“Boss, Shadow Dragon’s information, the military base of the town of Mitra, there are not many patrol personnel!” Ye Feng reports to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei nodded. “Explore and explore again to make sure everything is safe!”
