
Chapter 1182

HK1165 weapon assistance, early preparation!

The relationship between Shi Lei and the Rongcheng Military District, which is honey-regulating, is currently in an intimate period.

If Shi Lei needs what weapon, he never buys in the weapon transaction black market. Even if Shi Lei has numerous money, he can buy a lot of very powerful weapon, but Shi Lei does not touch the weapon black market. .

Shi Lei needs the weaponry, usually, directly as stated directly to the Rongcheng Military District to ask for a purchase. According to the cooperation relationship between the two parties, as long as Shi Lei is willing to pay a price, the Rongcheng Military District will not meet the demand of Shi Lei’s weapon.

Especially when the Rongcheng Military District needs Shi Lei to help with some things that the Rongcheng Military District is not convenient to do, they usually give Shi Lei an overweight weapon. It is based on this kind of partnership that you hold my handle, I keep your evidence, and both sides need each other. Therefore, the cooperation between Shi Lei and Rongcheng Military District is particularly stable.

Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian have been discussing for a while, how should I go to Yinjia Nation to grab the plan of the Levitation Slate, Tao Wenxian is arranged by Shi Lei to use GPS Global Positioning System to analyze the situation in the whole town of Mitra, and Shi Lei needs to deal with more Things.

July 2, 8 am.

Shi Lei got up early in the morning and drove to the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters. He needed to ask Ling Yumo’s dad for some help.

After driving to the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, Shi Lei successfully found Ling Yuguo in the Bureau Chief Office.

“Ah, Uncle Ling, long time no see! Recently I received some good tea, but I don’t drink tea! Little Mo said Uncle Ling wants to drink tea, so I sent it to Uncle Ling!” Shi Lei took a large box of high-grade tea and placed it on the coffee table.

“Shi Lei. You brat, one doesn’t visit a temple without a cause, there is something to say directly!” Ling Yuguo unknowingly debunked Shi Lei’s excuse. Obviously, Ling Yuguo didn’t believe that Shi Lei just came over to send tea.

Shi Lei scratched his head and the complexion didn’t change. “Uncle Ling. Where do you want to go? I came here today, it is indeed a tea delivery! But it has come over, and I want Uncle Ling to prove it for me.” ”

“What?” Ling Yuguo glanced at Shi Lei, his face showing a faint smile. ‘Shi Lei, this little fox, finally revealed fox’s tail|evil intentions! Send tea? Losing this brat wants to come out! ‘

Although Shi Lei knows Ling Yuguo. It is known that he is not independent to send tea. But Shi Lei didn’t feel embarrassed at first, but calmly said: “Uncle Ling, my Hope, you prove that Yinjia Nation’s group of curry-flavored nuisances have taken my ancestral baby from me!”

“Hey? Did they steal your ancestral baby?” Ling Yuguo asked, unclear. He really didn’t know, Shi Lei had any ancestral treasures, and it was worthy of Yinjia Nation’s big move to Xia Nation.

“A mysterious slate!” Shi Lei said in a serious way, “The mysterious slate. Levitate can be in the air! The agent of Yinjia Nation, I don’t know what channel. I know I have this baby, so they took it away! ”

“ke ke ke!” Ling Yuguo coughed up, he stared at Shi Lei, “Shi Lei brat, are you kidding?”

“Of course there is no joke! I have already found the whereabouts of the baby. Yinjia Nation took it away from me. I naturally want to get it back! That is my ancestral baby. If I was taken away by Yinjia Nation, how can I? Is it true that Shi Lei’s righteous words are spoken? It seems that there is really one thing.

Ling Yuguo knows what it is, it is clearly that Shi Lei wants to grab Yinjia Nation’s Levitation Slate. When it comes to Shi Lei, it becomes Yinjia Nation and snatched his thing. He just grabbed it now?

Ling Yuguo thought about it for a while and asked: “Shi Lei, how confident are you? I received some information here, the Levitation Slate, which seems to be stored in a military base for secret research by Yinjia Nation, but that is a A special combat force base with a very strong combat capability.”

Shi Lei thought about it and didn’t say anything too full. “Uncle Ling, we have already found the specific location of the military base. About 80% is possible, grab it back! Even if the action fails, Yinjia Nation Indian also wants to leave me a guest!”

“If that’s the case, then okay! I will give you a certificate! As for Yinjia Nation, it is Yinjia Nation!” Ling Yuguo also made a joke. He knows that Shi Lei needs this proof, not to find Yinjia Nation, but to find the benefits of Rongcheng Military District.

The relationship between Shi Lei and Rongcheng Military District, Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, has long been clear about investigate!

When Shi Lei said that he was looking for trouble with the Yinjia ** base, Ling Yuguo guessed it. Shi Lei wanted to find Rongcheng Military District to help him find a help to help Rongcheng Military District ‘self-deception’ . It is not necessary for Shi Lei to directly find the Rongcheng Military District to be weaponry. The Rongcheng Military District has no steps.

When leaving the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, Shi Lei held a document in his hand and the certificate issued by the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters indicated that Shi Lei had lost a magical slate. However, the proof does not indicate that the Levitation Slate was taken away by Yinjia Nation, only that the Levitation Slate belongs to Shi Lei.

After obtaining the certificate issued by Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, Shi Lei returned to Shuanghu District. After returning to Jingya Garden, Shi Lei immediately called He Zhenbang of Rongcheng Military District.

The phone was quickly connected by He Zhenbang. He did not wait for Shi Lei to speak. He Zhenbang said it first, “Shi Lei? Just right, I have something to look for!”

“Cough, Commander He, what are you looking for?” Shi Lei asked.

He Zhenbang didn’t go around the circle and cut into the topic directly. “Shi Lei, you honestly tell, where did Thunderclash Raw Stone find it?”

“Hey, Commander He, what are you asking for?” Shi Lei didn’t answer He Zhenbang. If He Zhenbang asks, Shi Lei said, he still has a hair!

“Second Generation Dawn’s combat power is far beyond our imagination. We intend to build a special battle Squadron with Second Generation Dawn as the main force, which requires more Second Generation Dawn.” He Zhenbang did not conceal Shi Lei. Directly said the reason.

“Commander He, the origin of Thunderclash Raw Stone, you won’t know Right? I remember I accidentally said it in the Bermuda Triangle area. I don’t know where it is.” Shi Lei follows the previous rhetoric, intact Said without moving.

He Zhenbang suspicion: “Really?” He didn’t believe it. It was because Shi Lei said it so easily. According to He Zhenbang, Shi Lei’s understanding, wanting Shi Lei to be honest, is definitely not a piece. Easy things.

“Of course it is true!” Shi Lei said vowed.

“No, how did you brat say so so happy?” He Zhenbang expressed his unbelief attitude.

Shi Lei said with a smile : “Commander He, you know! I call you, naturally there is something to find you. In order for you to help me, Thunderclash Raw Stone’s information will tell you! Anyway, I am In the Bermuda Triangle area, there is no power at all. It is very difficult to find Thunderclash Raw Stone. It is better to let your Rongcheng Military District find it. After you find it, you can give it to me.”

“Give it to you? You dream!” He Zhenbang without a second thought refused Shi Lei.

“Hey, Commander He, don’t be so sure! We are in the Second Generation Dawn project, that is an intimate partner!” Shi Lei reminded He Zhenbang, if Second Generation Dawn, no mar private iOperating System, empty Thunderclash Raw Stone is also useless!

Besides, Shi Lei handed over the Second Generation Dawn to the Rongcheng Military District and made a certain modification. The biggest change is the change in the energy storage system. The Second Generation Dawn of Rongcheng Military District cannot directly identify Thunderclash Raw Stone, which is N235 Metal, which only recognizes Thunderclash Electrolyte.

But from N235 Metal to Thunderclash Electrolyte, it’s only in the hands of Shi Lei’s. Although Zheng Sanpao knows, will Zheng Sanpao tell Rongcheng Military District?

“Hēng!” He Zhenbang can hear Shi Lei’s opinion, only snorted. “Shi Lei brat, what are you looking for?”

“Commander He, I need a lot of weaponry!” Shi Lei explained the cause and effect of the matter, and then angrily said: “Commander He, you said Yinjia Nation, should the Indians be cleaned up? They actually took me away. So important thing!”

“Get it, don’t act!” He Zhenbang hēng hēng said, “Let’s say, how many weapon?”

Shi Lei complexion One hi, the lion said loudly: “Commander He, you can rest assured, all weapon I buy at the market price! Small-scale Guided Missile of the Swift Arrow Series, give me one hundred! Crush Sea Series Guided Missile, the same ten! Right, Lion d Combat System’s Fearless, I want to twenty! And The Steel and Iron, I want to twenty! Fearless and The Steel and Iron related bullets, all Filled up!”

“Shi Lei! You are dreaming again in the daytime! Are you a Guilded Missile of the Swift Arrow Series? Is it a hundred? Is it brat to open a war?” He Zhenbang said with a black face.

“Oh, the same fifty are also Possible!” Shi Lei said in a serious tone.

On the phone, “dū dū dū ~ ” came directly to the continuous blind tone. Obviously, He Zhenbang hangs up directly.

Shi Lei put down the phone with a faint smile on his face. He didn’t call He Zhenbang any more, but he was going to go to the Rongcheng Military District in person. The reason why the lion is open is not really to get so many Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile.

Rongcheng Military District will not give him so much Guided Missile anyway!

If you really gave him two hundred Guided Missile, wouldn’t you condone Shi Lei to launch a war?

(To be continued.)
