
Chapter 1183

Guided Missile of HK1166 Li Jian Nation, dupe support!

At noon on July 2, she had lunch, Shi Lei had drove to Fallen Jade Mountain Training Field, and the Rongcheng Military District dispatched military use Helicopter to take him to the Headquarters in the Rongcheng Military District. Watermark ad test watermark ad test

Less than two in the afternoon, Shi Lei and He Zhenbang were sitting in the tactical discussion room, preparing to continue the unfinished topic on the phone and discussing how much we should support Shi Lei.

“Commander He, you can’t be too embarrassed. This time, I have to personally participate. If weaponry is not enough, if it is turned over by Yinjia Nation, then I am not a die without a burial site?” Shi Lei expression.

The hidden meaning of Shi Lei’s sentence is that if he is tragedy in Yinjia Nation, his cooperation with the Rongcheng Military District will naturally end. Rongcheng Military District would like to get follow-up technology, let alone set up Second Generation Dawn’s special War Squad.

“Shi Lei, you brat less dupe me! Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, type A and type b give you 10 pieces! As for Crush Sea Series Guided Missile, you don’t even think about it! Lion d Combat System’s Fearless can give you Two. You still need to ask us for The Steel and Iron? You can’t produce it yourself?” He Zhenbang said incomparably.

Although Shi Lei sold the full set of The Steel and Iron technology to the Rongcheng Military District, in the technology transfer agreement, the terms are specifically marked. Shi Lei can independently produce The Steel and Iron, but not for sale. Use it yourself.

Currently, Mirror Science and Technology Group’s The Steel and Iron has more than one hundred. Second Generation The Steel and Iron has also produced five. However, if the Steel and Iron can be brought from the Rongcheng Military District dupe, Shi Lei does not want to use his own Steel and Iron.

“Commander He, this is not very good Right? It’s not so shabby!” Shi Lei obviously doesn’t satisfy so many weaponry.

“Would you like to call Guided Missile?” He Zhenbang slammed the table and glared at Shi Lei.

Shi Lei was completely unpressed by He Zhenbang’s momentum, but smiled and said: “If you want Hana to know a Guided Missile value 300,000. He definitely accepts!”

“Shi Lei, I don’t understand, just a slate. Why do you want to go out in person? You have a lot of subordinates in the subordinate. Why do you have to take risks?” He Zhenbang persuaded Shi Lei. Trying to let Shi Lei not personally participate in the actions of Yinjia Nation.

Shi Lei shook his head and said, “No! Commander He, this is a different matter. I have to attend it myself!”

Levitation Slate’s special attribute with electromagnetic interference, a little inattention, there may be unexpected situations, Shi Lei must personally participate. To ensure an unexpected situation, you can resolve the issue anytime, anywhere.

“Since you brat have to participate, I don’t have much to say. The Steel and Iron and Fearless can give you a twenty frame. The Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile gives you a Forty piece, a type of t and a type of t, which can be assembled. Ten The Steel and Iron. The other ten The Steel and Iron are used as cover screens. Guided Missile of Crush Sea Series can’t give you, but can give you four Li Jian Nation’s Great Destructive Force Guided Missile.” He Zhenbang said generously. With.

Forty Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, has surpassed Shi Lei’s expectations, the steel frame The Steel and Iron and Fearless. It is directly in line with the needs of Shi Lei before the Lions mouth.

“What Great Destructive Force Guided Missile of Li Jian Nation?” Shi Lei turned his eyes, “Commander He, how can you have Li Jian Nation’s Great Destructive Force Guided Missile?”

He Zhenbang complexion calmly said, “We always need to understand the strength of the enemy Right? Knowing ourselves and knowing each other, we can fight every battle without defeat! We still have two aim-9xAir-To-Air Guided Missile, and two agm158 combined with the defense zone outside the Guilded Missile.”

aim-9xAir-To-Air Guided Missile, there is also a name called ‘Sidewinder ‘Guided Missile, which is Li Jian Nation’s famous Leader. agm158 combined with the defense area outside the Guilded Missile, in fact, a member of the HellfIRE Guided Missile family, is also a famous, currently in the military system of Li Jian Nation, the same is the main force Air-To-Surface Guided Missile.

The real situation of these two Guided Missiles should be the intelligence personnel of Rongcheng Military District. In the black market of weapon, Li Jian Nation’s Guided Missile was purchased, and then secret was transported back to Rongcheng Military District for the Weapon SpeCIA list of Rongcheng Military District. Study research.

Shi Lei’s eyeballs, using aim-9xSidewinder Guided Missile and agm158Guided Missile, are definitely better than Crush Sea Series Guided Missile, not only more powerful, but once you leave any evidence, you can completely evade Li Jian Nation.

He Zhenbang knows that this time Shi Lei is going to do a big job, obviously ready to frame the rhythm of Li Jian Nation!

Yinjia Nation Although wearing a pair of pants with Great Britain, Yinjia Nation and Li Jian Nation are also eyebrows, trying to collude together for Xia Nation. If you can make a gapbetween Yinjia Nation and Li Jian Nation, it is not a good thing.

“Commander He, is there more Guilded Missile?” Shi Lei asked greedily.

He Zhenbang shook his head. “Li Jian Nation’s monitoring is very strict. I think you know it better than me! These four Guided Missiles, we spent a lot of effort to get our Rongcheng Military District.”

Shi Lei snorted, He Zhenbang This is definitely in dupe!

If the Rongcheng Military District has only such a small inventory, they are willing to give Shi Lei? I will definitely stay and split the research! Since they are willing to give Shi Lei four, this shows that there must be other stocks.

“Okay! Four for four!” Shi Lei is no longer greedy and swallowing, but concludes: “Commander He, a total of the steel frame The Steel and Iron, the twenty-frame Fearless, and the Forty Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, and two aim-9xSidewinder Guided Missile and two agm158 Grounded Missile, isn’t that right ?”

“En! The Steel and Iron and Fearless charge you the price, a total of 4 Million; Forty Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, a total of one thousand 3 Million, but not Right? The last aim-9x and agm158, half sold and half sent For you, count as 3 Million. Combine it with us for 20 Million, a friend’s price for conscience!” He Zhenbang said the price in advance.

Shi Lei nodded, in the heart secretly dripping blood, the world’s most profitable business, not heroine powder, nor black petroleum, but the same arms sales!

“No issue! Commander He, what is the financial account of your Rongcheng Military District, I will send it to you immediately!” Shi Lei did not attempt to directly hand over the money to He Zhenbang, to the status of He Zhenbang, can not afford money ?

He Zhenbang reported the financial account of Rongcheng Military District to Shi Lei, Shi Lei directly used cell phone, and sent an information to Izual. Izual quickly sent the finance account of Rongcheng Military District to 20 Million Xia Nation Yuan.

“ok! 20 Million arrives!” Shi Lei is a gesture.

He Zhenbang also does not verify that Shi Lei and Rongcheng Military District’s partnership, is it necessary for Shi Lei to lie?

“Shi Lei. This batch of weapon where are we shipping to you?” He Zhenbang proposed a good after-sales service for delivery. Did not let Shi Lei mention it.

Rongcheng Military District’s defense territory is bordered by Yinjia Nation, “Commander He. Send it to the marginal area of ​​Yinjia Nation!”

“No issue!” He Zhenbang said very refreshingly. “Yes, what other needs do you have? This batch of weapon, how are you going to ship into Yinjia Nation? Do you need the help of our Rongcheng Military District?”

Shi Lei shook his head. “Commander He, you forgot, I have a little strength in the Yellow Triangle Region! It is not difficult to get into Yinjia Nation through the power of the Yellow Triangle Region.”

Shi Lei is based in the heroine powder business in the Yellow Triangle Region, although mainly facing Wo Sang Nation and Li Jian Nation. However, Yinjia Nation is also a potential customer area and has established relevant partnerships.

With the relationship network of the Yellow Triangle Region, the smuggling heroine powder business is used as an excuse to ship a large number of weapon into Yinjia Nation. It’s not a difficult issue at all.

“Oh, I forgot, you brat is still a Great Drug Lord!” He Zhenbang played with with a smile.

“Don’t tell! Commander He, don’t say me! I am in the Yellow Triangle Region, but I am a good citizen who is law-abiding. I am currently building Factory, ready to recruit local residents, let them get rid of the life of planting heroin flowers! In this way, I am a good person!” Shi Lei flaunted her reputation.

“Since you are a good person, then I have one thing, you need help!” He Zhenbang said the snake on the stick.

Shi Lei has no choice but to spread his hand. “Commander He, can you tell me I can refuse you now?”

He Zhenbang smiled and said: “Shi Lei, this time you will be dispatched Second Generation Dawn Right? I need Dawn’s battle record and data test record. Anyway, you will also do these records Right?”

“Hey? Commander He, haven’t you tested the Second Generation Dawn?” Shi Lei’s eyes twitched and turned.

How could Rongcheng Military District not test the Second Generation Dawn in detail?

“We have tested! However, Second Generation Dawn has not been tested in actual warfare. You have to go to Yinjia Nation this time, just to record the data of Second Generation Dawn in actual combat. Copy a test data to us, not What a problem!” He Zhenbang said with a slight headache, he was afraid of what conditions Shi Lei would raise again.

Shi Lei said with a smile : “Of course it is not a problem!”

“That’s good! This is the case, you need the weaponry, I will arrange it in the past.” He Zhenbang said quickly, for fear that Shi Lei changed his mind.

“Slow!” Shi Lei called the stop. “Commander He, since you want to know the actual situation of Second Generation Dawn’s, why not send the Second Generation Dawn belonging to your Rongcheng Military District and participate in this action in person?”

He Zhenbang was silent for a moment.

Seeing He Zhenbang’s silence, Shi Lei continued: “Commander He, although this action seems to be adventurous, but we have so powerful power, Yinjia Nation can’t stop us! Let your Dawn join in, never will Any accidents!”


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Book number: 3227860

High War Emperor:

Formerly, in this World, the wind warrior represents the ultimate speed; the Lei warrior represents the Exceed Grade explosive force; the gold warrior represents the invincible sharp; the wood warrior represents the endless vitality; the water warrior represents the As the spring water is endless, the endurance of the fire; the fire system represents the ultimate destructive power; the soil warrior represents the strongest force.

However, when Lee thought that he lost from Earth to this world, this ingrained rule collapsed.

Because Li wants to be the strongest in any field, so only he is worthy of the name of ‘highest’! Therefore, he is the Supreme War Emperor!