
Chapter 1181

HK1164 military base, plan to grab!


July 1st, 8pm.

Tao Wenxian sent away Jian Wushuang and returned to Jingya Garden. He did not immediately return to his nest, but came to Shi Lei’s Room next door.

Just as Shi Lei just quit from Brave’s World, solved the issue of Free Team Struggle for Power Competition, otherwise Shi Lei has no time to communicate with Tao Wenxian.

“Jazz, is there anything?” Shi Lei handed a bottle of frozen cola to Tao Wenxian sitting on the couch.

Tao Wenxian took a sip and put down the glass bottle, then said: “Big Brother Stone, I have found the specific whereabouts of the Levitation Slate!”

“Really?” Shi Lei’s eyes lit up. “How did you find it?”

“By tracking a set of data, I found the reality address of that set of data, which was determined.” Tao Wenxian continued to explain: “The set of data is the research data of the Levitation Slate, I paid attention to that set of data half. After a long month, I finally discovered that it is the research data of the Levitation Slate.”

“Where is the location?” Shi Lei has a very big interest in the Levitation Slate. For this mysterious, Levitate in the air without relying on any external force, Shi Lei Hope developed Levitation Tech and Anti-gravity Science and Technology through research on it.

But no matter what Shi Lei wants to do, the premise is that you need a Levitation Slate. Just like the upcoming Qixi Festival, no matter how much romance is prepared, if there is no girlfriend, is it a tragedy?

“Big Brother Stone, Levitation Slate at Lucknow, Yinjia Nation Uttar Pradesh State, here!” Tao Wenxian told Izual to show the location of the Levitation Slate through the projector.

The area of ​​Uttar Pradesh State is Yinjia Nation Fourth. Although the industry is underdeveloped and the economy is dominated by agriculture, Uttar Pradesh State has become the Yinjia Nation economy Ranked Second because the population is the largest province of Yinjia Nation. Province.

On the projector, Lucknow shows a small town called Mitra, in the town of Northern. Mark a red dot, obviously it is the Reality address tracked by Tao Wenxian.

Shi Lei looked at the map, started talking: “Jazz, have you used GPS Global Positioning System. Check the situation in this place?”

Tao Wenxian masters the Level 3 Control Authority of GPS Global Positioning System. If Tao Wenxian wants to use satellite, check the situation here, you can definitely see it clearly.

The GPS Global Positioning System is highly accurate. It is not only a Positioning System, but also has the function of an optical satellite. Observing the ground from outer space is not a big issue.

“No!” Tao Wenxian’s negative answer, “Big Brother Stone, I found out after the situation. According to your instructions, instead of beat the grass to scare the snake, the traces were cleared and the investigate was suspended.”

“Very good!” Shi Lei sighed in relief, “It’s best not to act rashly! In this place. In the presence of the ground anti-reconnaissance System, we are not allowed to transfer the Levitation Slate immediately after we have the grass to scare the snake.”

“Big Brother Stone, what do we do now?” Tao Wenxian waited for Shi Lei to make a decision.

Shi Lei thought about it for a long time, started talking: “Jazz, we invaded the town’s public network, through the town’s Safety Monitoring System. Look at the target’s defense. At the same time, according to the Monitoring System, draw our course of action and Unexpected withdrawal plan.”

Not thinking about defeat first!

Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian are preparing to enter the Yinjia Nation in person, and they must have a perfect solution. Otherwise, there will be a little accident, and it is possible to die without a burial site.

“Good! Big Brother Stone. How about going over my side? The equipment on my side is more convenient!” Tao Wenxian took the initiative.

In the No. 4 Room in 2001, Tao Wenxian has more computer EQ uipments and related projection equipment, which is more convenient than Shi Lei.

“En!” Shi Lei agreed.

The two came to the No. 4 Room in 2008 and sat in front of a high-performance computer. Invaded the public network of the town of Lucknow Mitra.

A World Summit Grade and a World Grade Hacker, invading a small town’s public network, is simply overkill. It took them less than thirty seconds to enter the public network of Mitra Town and found the Security Monitoring network in the public network.

The network security Surveillance Camera in the town of Mitra is so pitiful that there are only three!

Shi Lei is not too disappointed with the fact that there are only three network security Surveillance Cameras in the town of Mitra. The infrastructure of Yinjia Nation is notoriously poor. There are three network security Surveillance Cameras, and Shi Lei is glad.

Through the three network Security Surveillance Cameras, Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian analyzed the limited situation, mainly from the combination of the terrain and the mapin the surveillance camera, determining the difference between the real situation and the map, and then planning the offensive route according to the map. And escape the route.

“Big Brother Stone, it seems that the terrain of Reality is different from the map?” Tao Wenxian said hesitantly.

“Èn! Yes! This Mitra town is indeed weird, MapData is virtual Fake!” Shi Lei affirmed Tao Wenxian’s determine, and then continued: “It seems that only GPS Global Positioning System can be used to check out this town. The truth is!”

The regional time difference between Xia Nation and Yinjia Nation is relatively large. It is now Xia Nation Time’s twenty point at night, which is converted into Yinjia Nation time. It should be the Forty-seven point at 17 o’clock in the afternoon. The sun has not yet set, and the visibility is considerable.

“Big Brother Stone, do we use the GPS Global Positioning System?” Tao Wenxian confirmed.

“Use it! Now that there is considerable visibility, let’s see what the situation is!” Shi Lei made up his mind that if their observations were discovered, Yinjia Nation attempted to transfer the Levitation Slate, the most However again the location of the investigate Levitation Slate is exactly as stated.

Levitation Slate has a special interference Electronic Equipment attribute, plus Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian have advanced Network Technology and want to find the Levitation Slate, which is not too difficult.

With the assistance of Izual’s, Tao Wenxian quickly connected to the GPS Global Positioning System, mobilized the satellite of the GPS Global Positioning System, and observed the Mitra town of Yinjia Nation Uttar Pradesh State Lucknow in outer space.

Izual displayed the optical image of GPS Global Positioning System satellite on the projector. As more and more clear images appeared, both Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian were a little dazed to look at the picture.

“This…this…Big Brother Stone, this is the military base Right?” said Tao Wenxian swallowed saliva and said.

Shi Lei Difficult nod, the image displayed in the picture is indeed a military base! Although this military base is not large, all around it stands a sturdy high wall and guard tower.

At the same time, inside the military base, there are several things like armored vehicles or tanks. The images from the optical satellite are a bit fuzzy and cannot be accurately determined.

“It looks like a military base!” Shi Lei said affirmatively.

Tao Wenxian coughed, “Big Brother Stone, what if we are in the military base of the Levitation Slate? Or else give up temporarily?”

“No!” Shi Lei directly denied, “Jazz, if we gave up this Levitation Slate, have you found more Levitation Slate information in so many data in investigate recently?”

According to data reported by Izual, only two Levitation Slates have been discovered, one at Xia Nation and the other at Yinjia Nation. If you give up the piece of Yinjia Nation and want to find the next Levitation Slate, don’t know when you will go!

“But, this Levitation Slate is in the military base! How do we get it back?” Tao Wenxian Although he already knows Shi Lei well, it is obviously not enough to understand Shi Lei.

If he knows that Shi Lei is in his own interest, he can use the slightest hesitation to provoke disputes in Southeast Asia, and even attack other Nation troops. He will never ask Shi Lei for such a simple issue!

“What about the military base?” After the initial surprise, Shi Lei’s tone, with a trace of disdain, “Jazz, find a way to enter Yinjia Nation’s Military Network, check out the military base, how many people, and weaponry Case.”

“Eh?” Tao Wenxian’s face changed slightly. “Big Brother Stone, are you planning to attack this military base?”

In Tao Wenxian’s view, actively attacking other Nation’s army is definitely a courting death. The army, that represents absolute power. What’s more, Yinjia Nation’s military strength is very strong, not comparable to Nanyue Nation, Yinni Nation, Tai Yaoguo and other small countries.

“Is it difficult for them to take the Levitation Slate to us?” Shi Lei asked.

“It doesn’t seem to be! But Big Brother Stone, is the power we have, really strong? This military base looks very uncomfortable!” Tao Wenxian said worriedly.

Shi Lei stood up and patted Tao Wenxian’s shoulder. “Jazz, maybe it’s time, let you know more! This is a good opportunity to let you know, our Mirror Science and Technology Group, How powerful!”

Mirror Science and Technology Group, it’s really powerful now, it’s a stalwart.

In particular, Second Generation Dawn’s Strong Combat Power, if it is fighting in the city, is an invincible King. The rest of the war machine, whether it is The Steel and Iron, or the Lion d Combat System, or Shadow Dragon, which one is not Outstanding?

“Okay! Big Brother Stone, anyway, my life is saved by you. This time I will give my life with the nobleman. The worst and worst result is that those who are cursed by the Third Brother are killed! Eighteen years After that, no, after 12, I am a hero!” Tao Wenxian said tragically.

“Jazz, you are enough! Don’t worry, you will never lose your life!” Shi Lei said confidently.

Shi Lei wants to find the trouble of the Yinjia Nation military base. Does the Rongcheng Military District not fund some of the weapon? Even if He Zhenbang is not happy, I always give Shi Lei a lot of weapon assistance!

