
Chapter 1180

HK1163 Junior’s Secret Plan!


Shi Lei is a Hacker, not a omnipotent God.

Although Li Cai explained that the construction software of Construction Robot can be developed, the hardware of Construction Robot needs to be designed by Li Cai achieve.

After knowing that Li Cai listened, he laughed again. “Big Brother Stone, Big Brother Stone, where you need to design Independent Construction Robot, use Dawn’s template directly! Just modify a small part of the solution and reduce the configuration. And the manufacturing materials, converted into Construction Robot is completely stress-free.”

“Hey! Also in other words, can we directly process the production? Right, if you use Construction Robot, Little Plum, you estimate how much the engineering cycle can be reduced?” Shi Lei asked.

In the Yellow Triangle Region project, the Construction Robot was invested to reduce the construction period. If the construction period cannot be reduced, why should Shi Lei invest in the Construction Robot?

Li Cai thought a little bit about it, as if calculating the Construction Robot in his mind, and how much he can play after joining the project.

“Big Brother Stone, I can’t give you an accurate answer right now! After all, the Construction Robot has not been officially manufactured, and to what extent it can be achieved, I am also Unable to Judge.” Li Cai scratched his head and said.

It seems that I am afraid that this answer cannot impress Shi Lei. Li Cai continues: “Big Brother Stone, if the Software Control System has no issue, we can join the Construction Robot at least two months in advance! Each Phase is two months ahead of schedule. And, in the subsequent Under construction, these Construction Robots can also play a big role!”

The base construction of the Yellow Triangle Region is divided into two Phases. The first Phase is the main building of the base. According to Li Cai’s previous description, the base building needs to be in the year of the next year to be compcomplish, and the construction period is six months. The second Phase is the placement of various test equipment and automated assembly lines, this Phase of Accomplish time. In the next year of June, the period is five months.

If each Phase is shortened by two months, the entire cycle will be reduced from eleven months to seven months. Shortened by four months, Shi Lei is quite satisfied.

Besides, as Li Cai said, Construction Robot is not a one-off product, and it plays a big role in the subsequent Underground complex project.

The two discussed the specifics of the Construction Robot. The whole afternoon passed by. In the evening, at 6 o’clock in the evening, the two men almost confirmed the detailed design and control plan of the Construction Robot. Li Cai could not even eat together. . He rushed to the temporary R&D base of the Emerald Lake Building, where he prepared to make the Construction Robot’s Hardware Design plan overnight.

Shi Lei, who was supposed to go out to eat with Li Cai, can only give up. It was just that Izual also informed him to enter the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition at Brave’s World.


Shi Lei’s next door. 2001 No. 4 Room.

Here is the nest of Tao Wenxian, who escaped the tracking of Angel Parliament and settled down in Shuangqing City. The daily life is very good.

“A’Li, what do you want to eat at night?” Tao Wenxian asked as he tapped the keyboard.

A female voice with little emotions sounded, “Jazz. Can you eat tomato egg fried rice?”

“Of course there is no issue!” Tao Wenxian hēi hēi responded, “A’Li, wait a moment, I want to accomplish the last track!”

Tao Wenxian currently Yinjia Nation’s network, tracking a data flow, in order to track this data flow. Tao Wenxian has been preparing for half a month. Because, Tao Wenxian suspects that this data flow is related to the Levitation Slate.

The female voice talking to Tao Wenxian is not Tao Wenxian golden house to keep one’s mistress. This 16-year-old devil does not have the golden house to keep one’s mistress. The female voice with almost no feelings is Izual!

That’s right, it’s Izual!

Tao Wenxian asked Izual to simulate the voice of Virtual Anime character Rei Ayanami. This is because Tao Wenxian likes Rei Ayanami very much. He wants to cross the world of eva and must give Rei Ayanami a happiness.

Ten minutes later, Tao Wenxian finally accomplished the tracking. He grabbed the real ipaddress of the data flow and investigate to the Reality address. After getting the data, Tao Wenxian no longer swayed, but saved the information and started cleaning up all the Track record.

Handling all the tracking records, Tao Wenxian started talking: “A’Li, let’s go, let’s go eat together!” He picked up the car key and cell phone on the table and went outside.

Driving the Audi car, Tao Wenxian’s cell phone rang and the car Bluetooth system was connected to the call. “Hey, Wushuang brat, what are you looking for?”

Jian Wushuang is also sixteen years old. He and Tao Wenxian became friends under the accident. Because of their age, the friendship between the two quickly warmed up and formed a stable small partnership.

“Jazz, where are you? Have you eaten yet?” Jian Wushuang asked directly.

“I am in Shuanghu District! I am going out to eat, how?” Tao Wenxian replied truthfully.

Jian Wushuang quickly replied: “I am also in Shuanghu District, and I have no food. I have something to tell you in the back street.”

“Good!” After Tao Wenxian replied, he rushed to the back street.

Backstreet, halogen three fresh.

This is a small shop that sells pot-stewed. Although the store is not big, it tastes very good and is very popular with the University. Tao Wenxian parked the Audi sedan on the side of the road, and went straight into the store of the halogen Sanxian, despite the hot eyes of the female student around.

Jian Wushuang has been waiting for him in the store, Jian Wushuang with a significant sunglasses and a duckbill capto hide his eyes and ears. After all, Jian Wushuang was a Fugitive of the Shuangqing City Police Department, and even if he made up his own death, he did not let Shuangqing City Police revoke the wanted.

Fortunately, the entire Shuangqing City camera is in the hands of Mirror Science and Technology Group. Jian Wushuang will not expose identity as long as it does not kill the main action.

“Here!” Jian Wushuang greeted Tao Wenxian.

Tao Wenxian walked over to Jian Wushuang and sat down. He knew that Jian Wushuang was wanted. In public, it was not called the name of Jian Wushuang. Instead, he changed to a nickname. “Little Jian, you have to tell me. whats the matter?”

Jian Wushuang hides the eyes behind the sunglasses and flips the roll one’s eyes. He repeatedly opposed the nickname ‘Little Jian’ but it has had no effect.

“Jazz, that’s the result!” Jian Wushuang whispered.

“Well?” Tao Wenxian’s face was a little surprised. “Are you sure? Where did you find the technology? This technology seems like…”

“You forgot my identity? I want to get the relevant technology. It’s not difficult. But the really difficult thing is the capital consumption of this technology. According to our plan, if the complete implement goes down, it consumes Money, I am afraid it is based on 100 million yuan!” Jian Wushuang expression helplessly said.

Tao Wenxian Eyeballs turn, “The money thing don’t worry, give me a way to find it! Besides, it is impossible to invest hundreds of millions of funds in a single time?”

“Well, of course not! The investment of First step requires 5 Million at most. I have about 600,000 in my hands. This is not enough money, what about you?” Jian Wushuang looked at Tao Wenxian.

Tao Wenxian showed a helpless expression. “I have no money in my hand! Big Brother Stone only gave me a Hundred-thousand block of Bank Card for my daily use. At the beginning of each month, the balance of this card Automatically fill Hundred-thousand.”

“Hey! It seems that we have to find a way to make money!” said Jian Wushuang sighingly.

“No! Little Jian. I want to go out with the Big Brother Stone this time. If the Task is successful, I will find a Big Brother Stone for a thousand dollars. It is not a big issue!” Tao Wenxian said affirmatively.

“Hey? What Task?” Jian Wushuang curiously asked.

Tao Wenxian explained it in a low voice. Tao Wenxian has already found the location of the Levitation Slate. He will invade Yinjia Nation with Shi Lei and rob the Levitation Slate. If the Levitation Slate can be successfully brought back, its value is simply incalculable. Tao Wenxian would like to find Shi Lei for some rewards, Shi Lei will not be embarrassed.

“Little Jian, you use your 600,000 first, prepare for the advance, and wait for my Task accomplishment here, then invest in numerous funds.” Tao Wenxian said in a guaranteed tone.

Jian Wushuang doesn’t care either. Just nodded: “Good!”

“This thing, we have to hide the Big Brother Stone for a while, and we can’t let Big Brother Stone know.” Tao Wenxian whispered.

“This…” Jian Wushuang frowns, “I’m afraid we can’t get Big Brother Stone! If you ask Big Brother Stone for money, even Big Brother Stone doesn’t ask where the money is going. Izual will also track it automatically. Just Big Brother Stone asks Izual We can’t help it at all.”

Tao Wenxian also frowned. “If you know it by Big Brother Stone, he will stop us! Don’t let Big Brother Stone know!”

“Jazz, I have a good way to not let Big Brother Stone know, but also get enough money.” Jian Wushuang said a little hesitantly.

“What?” Tao Wenxian asked quickly.

“Jazz, do you play Brave’s World?” Jian Wushuang did not directly say the solution, but asked Tao Wenxian another issue.

Tao Wenxian nodded, “Play! But the Grade is not high! It is basically impossible to get the money of numerous from Brave’s World. We can’t ask some internal news from the Izual mouth. So, Little Jian, if You want to get enough money from Brave’s World, I advise you to give up that idea!”

“hēi hēi !Jazz, we can’t get enough money from Brave’s World, but what if we look for Storm? Since you play Brave’s World, you should know Storm Right? That guy has the same beliefs as us, but he I like Brave’s World’s Non-player Controlled Characters.” Jian Wushuang said with a smile.

Tao Wenxian thought about it and understood the impact of Jian Wushuang. “Your opinion is, pull Storm into our plan?”

“Yes! I am sure that Storm 100% will join our plan!” Jian Wushuang said affirmatively.

“Good! Let’s try to win the Storm!” Tao Wenxian made the decision.

Two young secret organizations have a mysterious plan, about to expand…

