
Chapter 1179

HK1162 broadens ideas, Construction Robot


July 1st, more than two o’clock in the afternoon.

Jingya Garden, in the living room of No. 3 Room, Li Cai explained to Shi Lei, “Big Brother Stone, if we have our own Large-scale construction machinery, then we can build Yellow Triangle Region more conveniently. R&D and manufacturing base.”

Without waiting for Shi Lei to ask, Li Cai continued to explain: “Big Brother Stone, you think about it, although we finally decided to build a ground-based R&D and manufacturing base in the Yellow Triangle Region, but if we have our own Large-scale building. Machinery, regardless of the rental cost of Large-scale machinery, and a confidential issue, we can still build Underground Base after accomplishing the ground base!”

For underground construction operations, there may be a risk of leaking if you use a rented Large-scale construction machine. The construction of the Underground Base has a high demand for confidentiality. It is impossible to completely eliminate the external personnel after the completion of the construction.

Li Cai chattered about the benefits of his own Large-scale construction machinery. Shi Lei originally planned to buy the Large-scale construction machinery. He said, “Little Plum, you don’t have to say much, we buy the Large-scale building ourselves. Machinery. This matter is handed over to you, what kind of Large-scale construction machinery is needed, you list a list, and then find Mu Shuang grants.”

“Èn!” Li Cai smiled and nodded.

“How long does it take for Little Plum, the base of the Yellow Triangle Region, to be completely completed?” Shi Lei asked.

The base of the Yellow Triangle Region, as a very important part of Shi Lei’s layout, will take on cutting-edge science and technology research and experimental product manufacturing, as well as quantitative production of mature products.

Throughout the R&D and manufacturing base, Shi Lei prepares for numerous use of automated mechanized controls, which has the benefit of reducing human resources investment while increasing production and reducing production error rates.

The automated mechanized assembly line has the advantage of too much compared to manual production. Shi Lei holds the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Izual and it is impossible to not use the automated mechanical assembly line.

Once the base of the Yellow Triangle Region is completed, it will produce Shadow Dragon, The Steel and Iron. Dawn and the Lion d Combat System can both be mass-produced, instead of relying on Li Cai’s small workshops.

“Big Brother Stone. According to estimates, the main building of the base can be completed in January of the next year. However, a series of experimental equipment and manufacturing equipment, the fastest need for the next year of June, in order to arrange installation and commissioning accomplish Li Cai replied to Shi Lei’s issue.

Shi Lei frowned, now is the beginning of July, if the month of next year, then it is not half a year? As for the accomplish all kinds of equipment layout, it is more necessary to quit the June in the next year. In total, it takes almost a year.

“Little Plum, time is too long, can you be faster?” Shi Lei asked.

Li Cai shook his head, “Big Brother Stone. It’s a quick plan! After all, whether it’s building a building or installing all kinds of machinery, it takes time!”

Shi Lei still can’t accept it for almost a year before he can compcomplish the base of the Yellow Triangle Region. “Little Plum, is there any unconventional method. Can you shorten the engineering cycle?”

Li Cai thought carefully, as if to say to himself: “If we can let the construction of the Rongcheng Military District help us build the base, then this progress can be significantly increased! However, the Rongcheng Military District is definitely not willing, they Know that we want an independent portal. It will definitely not help us.”

“If you recruit more workers and build a plastic roof above the site, ignoring the effects of rainy weather, then you can twenty four hours of uninterrupted construction. However, this way, high strength construction work, workers Safety may not be guaranteed and will affect the quality of the project.” Li Cai is still talking to herself.

“Unless we can develop a mechanical device that replaces the construction work of most workers, thus achieving four-hour twenty-hour uninterrupted construction, we can significantly shorten the construction period.” Li Cai looked towards Shi Lei, and explained the solution.

After the solution was proposed, it was Shi Lei’s turn to make it difficult!

The solution Li Li said is actually implemented. However, a key technical support is needed, the IRE Image Recognition Engine.

Only with this technology is it possible to design and manufacture the Construction Robot and let the Construction Robot autonomous Logical Analysis architectural drawings to build the work according to the drawings acccomplish standards.

Fantasy Science and Technology Company Graphical aspect of the Engine, developed the areDynamic Behavior Recognition Engine, freHuman FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine, wreWord Recognition Engine, but there is no IRE Image Recognition Engine.

Because IRE Image Recognition Engine, EQ uivalent to are/fre/wre, and more image recognition technology, we can develop an image engine with the recognition ‘Natural Graphics’.

“Big Brother Stone, can’t we develop a Construction Robot? Robots like Dawn let Robot replace human accomplish construction work.” Li Cai looked at the silent Shi Lei and asked.

Shi Lei shook his head with a smile. “Little Plum, you are overestimating the technical strength we have mastered. We are not enough to develop the Construction Robot.”

“Why? Is there any technical difficulty in this?” Li Cai’s perseverance.

Shi Lei explained, from how the Construction Robot identifies the building materials, how the Construction Robot should follow the design drawings, and how the Construction Robot should determine the issue of the engineering quality aspect.

After that, Shi Lei sighed, “Little Plum, now you understand, why can’t we make Construction Robot? Right?”

“Eh! Big Brother Stone, you penetrated into a bull’s horn for Right?” Li Cai not only did not understand, but said that Shi Lei’s own ideas have an issue.

“What is the opinion?” Shi Lei is not pissed. The strength of a person is limited. It is not impossible for his ideas to go wrong.

Li Cai first talked with Izual and let Izual show a detailed architectural drawing, which was explained later. “Big Brother Stone, we made Construction Robot, not let it completely replace humans, but let it help humans. With accomplish construction work. As you said, Construction Robot can’t accurately identify building materials issue, this is not a problem.”

“How are you going to solve this issue?” Shi Lei still didn’t want to understand.

Li Cai looked at Shi Lei eccentrically and replied: “Big Brother Stone, Construction Robot’s program does not recognize Natural Graphics. Can it recognize words and numbers? I remember Fantasy Science and Technology Company’s Word Recognition Engine, which recognizes Right. ? We only need to write the standard text in the corresponding building material storage place, indicating what this is, can it be identified? Whether it is cement and river sand, or hrb400e steel, etc., you can directly print out the corresponding name. , let Word Recognition Engine determine Right? ”

“Eh!” Shi Lei scratched his head and said this through Li Cai. It seems that it’s really the same thing! Shi Lei has just fallen into a cycle of thinking, just thinking about how to make the program recognize natural images without thinking about assisting program recognition.

If you give the building materials a corresponding name, then the Construction Robot can identify all the building materials.

“Little Plum, the issue of the identification material solved, how to solve the Construction Robot to identify the architectural drawings? After all, only the identification of the drawings can accurately compcomplish the construction work Right?” Shi Lei asked.

Li Cai shook his head and said negation, “Big Brother Stone, you have penetrated into a bull’s horn! Fantasy Science and Technology Company’s Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine, is it possible to recognize human Dynamic Behavior?”

“Yes!” Shi Lei affirmatively answered, “Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine is very accurate, even if two people do the same thing, Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine can determine the difference.”

The Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine can determine the human’s Dynamic Behavior Signature, Dynamic Behavior Signature EQ uivalent to fingerprint, and each human’s Dynamic Behavior Signature is different.

“Big Brother Stone, since the accuracy of the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine is so high, can you identify the action of the construction worker? Then record it and feed it back to the Construction Robot and let the Construction Robot simulate it?” Li Cai prompts Shi Lei.

Shi Lei thought a little about it and understood Li Cai’s opinion. Izual has an Autonomous Induction Learning Judgement Module. The Construction Robot does not need to identify architectural drawings at all. It only needs to learn the Dynamic Behavior of the construction worker through the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine. simulation.

Specifically, if a construction worker moves a brick or picks a cement, the Construction Robot can learn to be able to perform several times more efficiently than a construction worker.

“Little Plum, I understand! The final quality issue, there is no need for Construction Robot determine, you can arrange someone to monitor the quality. But my idea is too extreme, and all the work is handed over to the machine and the program, really not What a good way!” Shi Lei sighed.

“hā hā hā !Big Brother Stone, now knows three skunks, played Zhuge Liang, Right?” Li Cai hā hā laughed.

Shi Lei doesn’t feel any hurts. Instead, he learned from the recent things that he thought about the issue and should be more open.

“Well, Little Plum, thank you!” Shi Lei said solemnly.

“Hey, Big Brother Stone, you don’t be so serious, I feel very uncomfortable!” Li Cai waved again and again, “Big Brother Stone, the Construction Robot I just said, should be able to design and manufacture Right?”

Shi Lei affirmed: “Software Control System aspect, certainly no issue! As for the hardware aspect, I am not proficient in mechanical design, this thing, you need to deal with it. Little Plum, how long do you have to design the Construction Robot? ”

