
Chapter 1164

HK1148 finds identity and counts again in the fall!


AMD Company’s Server cpu has a fatal Hardware Flaw. Currently, there is only two people who hold this Hardware Flaw Hacker. One of them is Shi Lei and the other is the original discoverer of the flaw, Maha Kamal.

Shi Lei knows the Hardware Flaw of AMD Company Server cpu, or because in later generations, Maha Kamal opened to the public the hardware-level flaw he found.

At present, the 2007 year of the era, Maha Kamal does not open to the public this secret. To put it another way, that is, the secret theory is only known to Maha Kamal alone.

Therefore, Shi Lei is sure to invade the Supercomputer Lightning Hacker, which is exactly as stated Maha Kamal!

Although Shi Lei knows that it is Maha Kamal, ‘Maha Kamal’ is just a Hacker Sockpuppet code, and Shi Lei wants to find Maha Kamal’s real identity.

Maha Kamal is the Hacker of Yinjia Nation. After the end of Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian are just going to Yinjia Nation to handle one thing.

If Maha Kamal’s real identity is found, Shi Lei does not mind that this threat is also obliterated.

Shi Lei entered Supercomputer Lightning through Number One Server. Since the last invasion by Maha Kamal, Shi Lei has not only patched the Server Fpu’s Hardware Flaw, but also produced a huge Honeypot System.

This Honeypot System uses Supercomputer Lightning’s mirroring simulation, and the entire Honeypot System is unparalleled. Even though Maha Kamal has the strength of World Grade Hacker, when faced with an unfamiliar Supercomputer, he is directly involved in the Honeypot System and is unaware of it.

Shi Lei looked at Maha Kamal’s invasion of information, Maha Kamal currently Honeypot System, retrieving the Honeypot System, it seems that I want to determine the details of Supercomputer Lightning, to further control Supercomputer Lightning.

Poor is. Maha Kamal didn’t know at all that he had fallen into the carefully arranged trapof Shi Lei, Shi Lei currently reverses investigate his real ipaddress!

‘Hēng! ‘Shi Lei observes the unscrupulous scanning behavior of Maha Kamal, in the heart coldly snorted. ‘I really think that mastering the hardware-level flaw, can you be lawless? ‘

“Izual, Interweave Net Miwang resource preparation accomplished?” Shi Lei asked Izual, because Maha Kamal is currently inside Supercomputer Lightning, if you call Supercomputer Lightning resources, you might be alarmed and let him evacuate from Supercomputer Lightning. Lost tracking target.

“Already prepared for accomplish!” Izual opened the Interweave Net Miwang computing resources interface to Shi Lei, which makes Shi Lei easy to call.

After obtaining the computing resources of Interweave Net Miwang. Shi Lei immediately increased the anti-tracking of Maha Kamal, and he quickly and concealed the transfer server used by Maha Kamal.

These relay servers provide Maha Kamal with a hidden protection of the real ipaddress. If the anti-tracker’s strength is a little worse, it will be resisted by the relay server’s defense, thus giving Maha Kamal. Provides time to clean up real ipaddress traces.

As an anti-tracker, is Shi Lei’s poor?

Shi Lei, the World Summit Grade Hacker, is also at the top of the Hacker World. Tracking the real ipaddress of Maha Kamal, Shi Lei will never go wrong if time permits.

‘There is already Twenty-seven Taiwan Transit Server. And each transit server, all meet the standards of First Grade Zombie, Yinjia Nation’s computer Industry, really very developed! ‘Shi Lei currently handles Maha Kamal Twenty-eighth Platform Zombie.

After almost ten seconds of processing, Shi Lei bypassed the Twenty-eighth Platform Zombie without causing the Zombie Server defense mechanism. Killed down to the Platform Zombie.

Twenty-ninth Platform Zombie, also did not resist Shi Lei for more than ten seconds, Shi Lei easily broke through the server’s defense. As Shi Lei was ready to continue, Shi Lei found a weird thing.

Thirtieth Platform Zombie is actually a transit server that he broke before. Also in other words, Maha Kamal uses a Loop Transfer Zombie Network to protect the System.

Shi Lei formerly has encountered this defense protection scheme, but the previous Loop Transfer Zombie Network protection system, which only met three Platform Zombie Servers, constitutes a small loop.

But this time, the Loop Transfer Zombie Network used by Maha Kamal protects the System, but it uses the Twenty-nine Transit Server!

Formerly, Shi Lei’s Hacker technology has not yet become a big success, he also likes to use the Loop Transfer Zombie Network to protect the System and protect his real ipaddress.

The Loop Transfer Zombie Network protects the System, although it can effectively confuse the anti-tracker, but it is not without defects. In this protection system, each additional Zombie Server needs more powerful technical strength.

In accordance with the strength of Maha Kamal, the Twenty-nine Taiwanese Zombie Server was built in the Loop Transfer Zombie Network Protection System. He does have the strength of World Grade.

When Shi Lei discovered Maha Kamal and used the Loop Transfer Zombie Network to protect the System, Shi Lei temporarily stopped tracking. The Loop Transfer Zombie Network protects the System, as the name suggests, it is a looping Zombie Network. The so-called loop network can be simply understood as a circular semi-closed network.

As an example, the actual ipaddress of the Loop Transfer Zombie Network Protection System will be tracked to describe the start and end points of a circular pattern. How should I find it? Obviously, if there is no strict restriction condition, it is absolutely impossible to find.

Shi Lei now needs to find the Loop Transfer Zombie Network Protection System, under the cover of the real ipaddress.

The Loop Transfer Zombie Network protects the System and has a fatal flaw in addition to its strong technical strength. It is because of this flaw that the real Hacker Summit Expert will never use this method to cover up the real ipaddress.

The fatal flaw of this Loop Transfer Zombie Network protection system is that in order for the Loop Transfer Zombie Network to protect the System and protect the real ipaddress, the real ipaddress needs to be placed in the Loop Transfer Zombie Network Protection System.

Also in other words, the Loop Transfer Zombie Network protection system used to protect the real ipaddress implies a real ipaddress. This is like finding a starting point for a circle. It is not easy to find under normal circumstances. But what if the starting point of the circle is marked by red?

The current situation is like looking for a starting point marked by red in a circle. With the strength of Shi Lei’s, it can really be found easily.

After confirming that the Loop Transfer Zombie Network protects the System, Shi Lei changed the tracking scheme. As an alloy that uses the Loop Transfer Zombie Network to protect the system, Shi Lei is very aware of the flaws in the Loop Transfer Zombie Network protection system.

In less than thirty seconds, Shi Lei discovered the exception of the Twenty-first relay server. In the Twenty-first relay server, Shi Lei carefully searched for it. After a while, he found suspiciousness.

“Ah, grab you!” Shi Lei analyzed the ipaddress of the transit server a little, and found that this is a cover address, the real ipaddress, also hidden inside this Zombie Server.

After getting the real ipaddress of Maha Kamal, Shi Lei immediately started investigate the real ipaddress, corresponding to the real world address.

According to Shi Lei’s speculation, Maha Kamal is very confident about the Server Fpu’s Hardware Flaw, and he will not worry about someone tracking his true ipaddress. Then, in this case, the real ipaddress used by Maha Kamal is very likely to have not been done, and in other words, through the real ipaddress, you can investigate to Maha Kamal’s Reality Identity Information.

“Izual, retrieve route information!” Shi Lei told Izual to retrieve network route information, and he himself invaded the network service provider of Yinjia Nation Uttar Pradesh State.

Maha Kamal’s real ipaddress, corresponding to the real world location, in the Uttar Pradesh State of Yinjia Nation. For further detailed information, Shi Lei also needs to invade the network service provider of Uttar Pradesh State, and combine the corresponding real ipaddress to query the result.

Uttar Pradesh State’s network service provider, the defense strength is not high, Shi Lei did not spend much effort, has entered the Uttar Pradesh State network service provider Data Server.

Inside the Data Server, Shi Lei performs the query comparison according to the actual ipaddress of Maha Kamal. After a while, Shi Lei obtains the matching data.

Network service registration address: Uttar Pradesh State Lucknow 1037, West Ding Street; registered person: Madsen Kamal.

Shi Lei looked at the matching data and smiled on his face. He immediately invaded the network of the Uttar Pradesh State’s population information bureau of Statistics. In the network of the population information bureau of Statistics, all the data of Madsen Kamal was extracted. .

These data, together with Izual and Shi Lei’s, give a result from the side: Madsen Kamal has superb computer technology, he is exactly as stated Shi Lei looking for Maha Kamal!

“It turned out to be you!” Shi Lei chuckled, but did not immediately deal with Maha Kamal, allowing the other party to investigate in the Supercomputer Lightning’s Honeypot TrapSystem.

Shi Lei has no time to deal with him. Shi Lei needs to sit in Shuangqing City and protect Brave’s World’s Main Server in person to prevent the Main Server from being invaded by Hacker.

Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, has come to an end, Shi Lei does not appear any issue with Hope. Because, there is any issue, exactly as stated deadly issue!

As for Maha Kamal, Shi Lei has already found his real Identity Information, read the Human FaCIA l Feature, and wants to pack him up, anytime, anywhere, after the fall.

At this moment, Shi Lei is more concerned about the battle between Qiao Mo and Mu Feng!
