
Chapter 1166

HK1150 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? conspiracy!

Brave’s World, Rubble Hillock venue.

Mu Feng’s own trick, ‘Within the heart exists a sword, Myriad of objects all have swords’, escaped Qiao Mo’s killing trick. Moreover, with the anti-shock force transmitted from the right finger sword, Mu Feng pulled out the Splitting Skies inserted in the ground again during the retreat.

In just two times and Qiao Mo’s battle, Mu Feng has fallen into a downturn, but Mu Feng’s strength has still conquered the Gamers who watched the scene.

In particular, the homemade trick ‘Within the heart exists a sword , Myriad of objects all have swords ‘, is a lot of watching the Gamer, exclaiming Dugu Nine Swords.

Mu Feng retired five meters away. Although the index finger and middle finger of the right hand were numb, Mu Feng expressionless’s right hand-held sword was ready to welcome Qiao Mo’s Third wheel attack.

Qiao Mo looked at Mu Feng cautiously and did not launch an attack. Instead, she praised: “Mu Feng brothers, you are myriad of objects all have swords, very good!”

“Brother Qiao, thanks for the compliment! However, in the eyes of Brother Qiao, these are just trails!” Mu Feng said modestly.

Qiao Mo laughed happily. “Mu Feng brothers don’t have to be self-effacing. Looking at the world, the previous move of Mu Feng brothers doesn’t belong to any Sword Method!”

Mu Feng smiled and didn’t respond. ‘Within the heart exists a sword, Myriad of objects all have swords’ is Mu Feng’s own initiative, which can grow with Mu Feng, from low-end martial arts to high-end martial arts. Even if Mu Feng reaches Ninetieth Grade, this trick can still be used.

Therefore, Storm gave such a high evaluation.

“Mu Feng brothers, then, I have to be serious. Hope, be careful!” Qiao Mo twisted his neck and snorted, though he said it. The content is arrogant, but it is very sincere from Qiao Mo’s mouth.

Mu Feng’s expression was awkward, and it took half a day. Before it was almost a second, was Qiao Mo not serious? The audience of the Gamer on the scene also whispered. Discuss how powerful Qiao Mo is.

“Okay, Brother Qiao, let go!” Mu Feng nodded calmly.

Qiao Mo Dadao held in the right hand. Wrapped in a layer of khaki-coloured Blade Force, Blade Force is at the tip of Dadao. In this case, it is not that Qiao Mo’s skill is not enough to support Blade Force, but Blade Force is about to go further.

Splitting Skies sword in Mu Feng’s hand. Also covered with a layer of pale-blue Sword Force. He looked at Qiao Mo with a gloomy face, and finally bite his teeth and choose to take the initiative to attack.

The slender Splitting Skies, which draws a path of s’s sword glow in the air, hangs Qiao Mo in it. If Qiao Mo can’t resist Splitting Skies Sword, even if it doesn’t die, it will be seriously injured.

However, in the word glow, Qiao Mo’s voice came out. “One Blade Breaks Ten-thousand Styles !”

I saw a solid smudge of Blade Qi, which rushed out of the sky. It broke Mu Feng’s sword power and also knocked Mu Feng back a few steps.

Qiao Mo didn’t chase this time, but raised the tip of the knife. Just want Mu Feng and asked: “Mu Feng brothers, do you want to continue?”

Mu Feng looked at the game character, the crack of the chest clothes, already knows the result, Qiao Mo has just defeated him, but did not die, it is to give him a face.

“Brother Qiao, thanks to subordinate!” Mu Feng put away the Basic Quality Legend Rank Splitting Skies, inserted it into the scabbard, and contacted the Main System to accept the loss.

“Hey, the contestant Qiao Mo won the Twenty-second round of the First Round and became one of Three Strong!” The Main System first released a congratulatory information to the winner.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Feng also received the Main System’s information. “Gamer Mu Feng, after the Twenty-second round, will participate in the play-offs and compete for Heaven List Powerhouse qualifications. Note that the play-off is an instant match, once Gamer is five minutes. If it is not present, it will be regarded as an active waiver.”

Mu Feng shook his head with a sigh, but Mu Feng took part in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, not to win First Under Heaven, he just came to the competition.

As for the ability to get the Heaven List Powerhouse’s Title and get the 300,000 US Dollar reward, this is not bad.

In the First Round competition, the results of Qiao Mo and Mu Feng did not exceed the expectations of Gamer. Qiao Mo has already gained the trust of Gamer. He has been designated as First Under Heaven by Gamer.

After the first round of the wonderful game, the Second game of the Twenty-second round was even more exciting.

The Second game is a competition between Xia Nation and Wo Sang Nation. No matter what the game, when it comes to Xia Nation and Wo Sang Nation, it will rise to an incredible High Degree.

This time, Monarch No Regrets and HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami, both in Xia Nation and Wo Sang Nation, have attracted a lot of attention.

Xia Nation here, Shuangqing Television Station Crazy promotes the battle between Monarch No Regrets and HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami, and describes Monarch No Regrets as a glory for the country. Although this kind of propaganda has a bit of a vulgar taste, whether it is the audience of the real world, or Brave’s World’s Gamer, it is really a shame to eat this one!

The NHK Television Station of Wo Sang Nation is even more exaggerated. The scale of their promotion is more than that of Shuangqing Television Station. NHK Television Station always likes Black Xia Nation, and Wo Sang Nation Official not only does not care about NHK Television Station, but secretly supports NHK Television Station to discredit Xia Nation, which makes NHK Television Station even more arrogant.

The promotion of NHK Television Station was reprinted in the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum by some of Gamer, who is proficient in Japanese, and suddenly caused dissatisfaction with Xia Nation Gamer.

The numerous Xia Nation Gamer, in the Official Gamer Forum, posts Monarch No Regrets, and Hope Monarch No Regrets can humiliate HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami.

For the posting of Xia Nation Gamer, Wo Sang Nation Gamer certainly refuses to show weakness. With Brave’s World’s promotion and Brave’s World’s Outstanding game experience for oneself, although it is a game developed by Xia Nation, Wo Sang Nation’s Gamer currently is a large-scale Come in.

Wo Sang Nation’s Gamer, in the Official Gamer Forum, slammed Xia Nation’s Gamer. Two Nation’s Gamer, in the Official Forum, are arguing.

Fortunately, Brave’s World’s Death Penalty is too serious, otherwise, these emotionally out of control Gamer will definitely play in Brave’s World. However, given the cost of death, they can only play Mouth Artillery at the Official Gamer Forum.

The farce of the Official Gamer Forum continues, and in Brave’s World, the match between HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami and Monarch No Regrets will be on sale.

Xia Nation Time, June Twenty-nine Day, night 12 Point Forty-seven points, Brave’s World Main System, transferred HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami and Monarch No Regrets to the venue.

The so-called enemies meet extraordinarily, even Monarch No Regrets and HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami, not an enemy. But they are direct competitors, and they represent the two Nations, and the relationship is still complicated.

The second game was officially started in three minutes. The three minutes were reserved for HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami and Monarch No Regrets.

HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami took the initiative to provoke: “Monarch No Regrets, how do we choose the competition map?” HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami is Wo Sang Nation’s unique hidden Profession Roving Samurai, if you let HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami choose the map, Monarch No Regrets probably will suffer.

In the previous game, there was rarely a mapof Gamer’s own choice. Unless you know that you can’t beat each other, you can choose your own venue and make a life and death.

Monarch No Regrets is watching HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami, “Wo Sang Devil’, are you so afraid of not being my opponent? Before, you were not very arrogant at the Official Gamer Forum?”

After Brave’s World Main System announced the order of the Twenty-second round, HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami expressed his experience in how to defeat Monarch No Regrets and humiliate Monarch No Regrets and Xia Nation Gamer in the Official Gamer Forum. It’s a mess.

However, the current performance of HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami seems to be completely opposite to the Official Gamer Forum.

HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami complexion changed, loud: “Main System, I want to appeal, Monarch No Regrets publicly insults our Nation, I represent all of Nation’s Gamer, apply for the tournament Monarch No Regrets competition qualifications!”

“Apply dismissed! But given Gamer Monarch No Regrets warning, it is forbidden to insult again Gamer HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami, otherwise it will be subject to Main System punishment.” Brave’s World Main System’s ruling plan, in the entire Xia Nation and Wo Sang Nation Gamer information System Prompt in.

Although Shi Lei also often refers to the guy of Wo Sang Nation as ‘Little ‘Devil’ ‘啥, but on the face, this discriminatory language, Dream Entertainment Official can’t open and aboveboard support.

Otherwise, this is the rhythm of tragedy!

Monarch No Regrets light snorted, “HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami, this is the Three Strong power struggle, can you not do this?”

HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami pretended not to hear the challenge of Monarch No Regrets and ignored Monarch No Regrets.

“HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami, if I am so sloppy, I will definitely not participate in the competition. I should go back to the novice village area and raise the rabbit! That job is more suitable for you. Every hour, there are twenty or thirty copper coins to take. Reluctantly mixed, still not issued!” Monarch No Regrets fell HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami.

The work of raising rabbits in the novice village area, under normal circumstances, there is no Gamer to do, the Task does not have any danger at all, just need Gamer to help feed the rabbit.

In Brave’s World, a Gamer is described as timid as a mouse, and this Task is used to smash each other. This is a unique language body of Brave’s World, not Brave’s World’s Gamer.

Even though suffered such an insult, HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami still did not counterattack. This makes the watching Wo Sang Nation Gamer very depressed. In contrast to Xia Nation Gamer, the morale is high and humiliates the Wo Sang Nation Gamer.

Some good people have also synchronized the game to the Official Gamer Forum.

Monarch No Regrets provoked HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami, but HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami did not counterattack, which made Monarch No Regrets feel something wrong. ‘Mo HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami, is there any conspiracy? Is this guy getting the Profession like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the more he bears the burden of humiliation, the more powerful he can explode? ‘

HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami It is impossible to get the Profession of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but he does have a conspiracy!

(To be continued.)

Ps: If there is a typographical error, please contact within the group!