
Chapter 1163

HK1147 Six Strong Listings, hit Lightning again!


Shuangqing City native Exceed Grade Gamer, Mu Feng has Legend Rank weapon?

The Gamers who were present were shocked by the Legend Rank weapon Mu Feng. However, some of the memory-friendly Gamer immediately thought about it. The Victory Reward Mysterious Prize Box, which was previously dubbed the ‘One Coin Box’,formly opened the Legend Rank Equipment Splitting Skies.

However, Gamer, who obtained Splitting Skies, did not publish Identity Information.

Until this moment, Mu Feng took the initiative to report the Splitting Skies’ information, and the Gamer knew that the Legend Rank weapon the lottery was in the hands of Mu Feng.

“Splitting Skies Sword?” Liu Rufeng’s face has changed, and each piece of Legend Rank weapon has a story in Brave’s World’s history.

Liu Rufeng knows the story of the Splitting Skies sword!

The Longsword, known as Splitting Skies Sword, has a very powerful attack attribute, even among the Legend Rank Equipment, which is not at the top of the Cold-frost Sword.

Liu Rufeng bit his teeth, he is now only Hope’s swordmanship in Mu Feng is not strong, he can win the Mu Feng and Splitting Skies sword with his brilliant swordmanship.

However, can you survive the twenty round and enter the top ten Gamer? Is there really a lucky one?

“Yes! It’s Splitting Skies!” Mu Feng answered affirmatively and slowly raised the right hand of the sword. “White-clothed Swordsman Liu Rufeng, as a Famed Swordsman, why is it because of the sword?”

Although it was the Non-player Controlled Characters, Liu Rufeng’s body trembled after hearing Mu Feng’s words.

Mu Feng continued: “In my generation, when I trust the sword in my hand, there is a sword in the person, the sword is dead, and when I can realize the true meaning of the sword!”

Liu Rufeng didn’t care about Mu Feng’s relative posture with the sword after listening to it. “Mr Feng, thank you for your advice! I understand my flaws in swordsmanship. Thank you!”

Mu Feng nodded calmly.

“Dīng! Gamer Mu Feng wins, get Heaven List Powerhouse candidate qualifications!” Brave’s World Main System icy prompts, let Mu Feng look at White-clothed Swordsman Liu Rufeng with surprise.

Liu Rufeng smiled lightly, “Mr. Mu Feng. I was still looking forward to it. You just rely on Basic Quality Legend Rank Splitting Skies Sword and you reached the final ten. But after you just taught, I found out that I already I was blinded by the heart of winning and losing, and I forgot to send my love to the sword! If I play against Mr. Mu Feng, I will lose if I am in the 90th. So, it is better to take the initiative and admit defeat.”

Mu Feng nodded and took Splitting Skies Sword back to the scabbard and looked at Liu Rufeng. “Awaiting a play-off. You have to be careful… Dugu Qiye.”

Storm’s is very famous, and the Gamers usually refer to him as his id’Storm in the Official Gamer Forum. He would not be called at Brave’s World’s id’Dugu Qiye ‘. But Non-player Controlled Characters only recognizes ‘Dugu Qiye’ and does not know ‘Storm’.

“Dugu Qiye?” Liu Rufeng did not think that Mu Feng would actually point him to him. He said with a little hesitation, “Mr. Mu Feng, the Mr. Dugu Qiye, I have seen his game, his Sword Method is not very clever.”

After that, Liu Rufeng immediately explained: “Mr. Mu Feng, please don’t misunderstand. I just think that Mr. Dugu Qiye, for Sword Dao, is far less profound than your understanding!”

Who says Non-player Controlled Characters is less intelligent?

Liu Rufeng This Non-player Controlled Characters, the skill of flattering, I am afraid that many of Gamer also sighed!

Mu Feng chuckled. Nothing to say, but if you take a deep look at Liu Rufeng, “Be good! See you again later!”

The two men quit from the competition venue. The original Gamer thought it was a smashing War between Swordsman and Swordsman, but did not expect it. Mu Feng is the same as Naruto Uncle, just using Mouth Artillery, they defeated their more optimistic Liu Rufeng.

How can such a result convince the Gamers?

To know the vast majority of Gamer, in the official betting, the object of the bet purchase is White-clothed Swordsman Liu Rufeng! The two Swordsman’s showdowns, if there is a move, do not send, they directly admit defeat?

The numerous Gamer, contact Official customer service Center, file a complaint|sue official covert activity, just the copper coin that the black Gamer bet. However, Dream Entertainment Company Official’s customer service center is the intelligent response of the Main System. It doesn’t complain about Gamer’s complaints at all, just slowly answering Gamer’s issue.

The Gamer didn’t get a satisfactory answer at the customer service center and moved the battlefield to the Official Gamer Forum. A huge number of Gamer, posting in the Official Gamer Forum accused Dream Entertainment Official of the White-clothed Swordsman Liu Rufeng’s surrender.

This remark was supported by a lot of Gamer. Whether it was Gamer in Xia Nation or Gamer in overseas, their betting bet basically chose Liu Rufeng.

Liu Rufeng’s direct admittance of the act, how can not make the Gamer convinced, Mu Feng is more powerful than Liu Rufeng.

The attitude of Dream Entertainment Official, as always, hangs, ignores Gamer’s file a complaint|sue. In the face of such a game Official, the Gamers can only accept nothing.

Fortunately, the Twenty-first round of the Fifth game is very exciting, from Ogura in the Africa Kenya area to HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami in the Wo Sang Nation area.

At the last moment, HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami defeated Ogura by hiding the advantages of Profession and obtained Heaven List Powerhouse candidate qualifications.

There are three places in the Heaven List Powerhouse, the Second Place to the Fourth. After three knockouts in the next round of Six Strong, the three losers can also compete for the Title and Bonus of the Fourth Name of Heaven List Powerhouse.

With the HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami winning in the Fifth game, the play-off for the Six Strong position began. The play-offs were divided into three rounds. Five entrants, First Round, two pairs of victors advanced, and the direct promotion of the round; Second Round is still the same, and the round Gamer is promoted again.

In the final round, the winner of the exactly as stated Second Round will compete with the Round Round, and the winner will win the name of Six Strong and enter the Twenty-second round.

After three rounds of competition, Sword Qi Inheritance’s Storm, as it should be by rights, got the final qualifying qualifications. At the same time, Storm did not reveal the secret of Sword Qi Inheritance.

The six strongest winners of the Twenty-second round competition are Scorching Sun Violent Chop Qiao Mo, Shengguang Shenguan, Monarch No Regrets, Mu Feng, HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami and Storm.

Xia Nation Gamer and Li Jian Nation Gamer each had two people, and Wo Sang Nation also survived a Gamer. The last is the Qiao Mo of Non-player Controlled Characters, the powerful Qiao Mo.

On the Twenty-nine day of June, in addition to the Twenty-first round, the Twenty-second round, the six-in-three game, also needs to be accomplished today. Also, the two rounds of the play for the Fourth name will also need to be accomplished on Twenty-nine Day.

Xia Nation Time, at twenty and fifty in the evening, Brave’s World Main System announced the match against the Twenty-second round.

The First Round game is Qiao Mo vs. Mu Feng. Faced with this result, Mu Feng can only express his wry smile.

Qiao Mo’s strength, among the Six Strong, well-deserved First. Even though Mu Feng, very confident about himself, but he also has no confidence to beat Qiao Mo.

After all, Qiao Mo has both Sword Qi and Sword Force. It can both attack and melee. There is basically no weakness. Such an opponent is hard to beat!

The second game is a feuding battle that Gamers love to see!

Monarch No Regrets vsHAT&T ori Iwami no Kami !

Monarch No Regrets is the Top Level Gamer in the Xia Nation region, and is ranked first in the Gamer Grade list. Even though participated in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, and delayed the leveling, Monarch No Regrets is still Grade First Under Heaven!

HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami is Brave’s World First Death Gamer. In the history of Brave’s World’s Gamer, he proved one thing to other Gamer. Brave’s World’s stern Death Penalty is definitely not a joke.

However, after the death of HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami, I was angered by the slogan, doing the task, doing the Task, and changing the Equipment. Nowadays, the hard work of HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami has paid off. He became one of Six Strong and became the most powerful Gamer of Wo Sang Nation.

Xia Nation and Wo Sang Nation, Gamer of the two countries, in Brave’s World, gratitude and grudges have a long history. This time, Grade ranked First’s Monarch No Regrets, and went to Wo Sang Nation First’s HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami, which immediately became the focus of two Nation.

Gamer in the previous two games confirmed that the match against Gamer in the Third field also became the focus. Because, Li Jian Nation’s two Gamer, actually in the same game experience/meeting with!

This also means that Storm and Shengguang Shenguan must fight!

The entire Twenty-second round, starting with First Round, all three games, all wonderful. Real world, after a few days of live broadcast, the non-player of the numerous real world, also knows some basic conditions of Brave’s World’s.

For the three games of the Twenty-second round, I am also very looking forward to it.


Jingya Garden, Building Ten, 2001 No. 3 room.

Shi Lei also looked at the battle arrangement of the Twenty-second round. When he found Mu Feng experience/meeting with Qiao Mo, there were still some regrets in his heart. However, Shi Lei felt a bit better when it was determined that Storm and Shengguang Shenguan ‘inside the bucket’.

The current opponents should be more advantageous for the two Xia Nation Gamers. Because, if two Xia Nation Gamer ‘civil wars’, then depressed!

“Sir, Supercomputer Lightning, was attacked again, Honeypot Trapsucceeded Seize prey, and current reverse tracking the detailed ipaddress of the prey.” Izual’s suddenly reminded and interrupted Shi Lei’s thinking.

“Hey? Was it invaded again?” Shi Lei showed a sneer.

Supercomputer Lightning, built entirely from AMD Company’s Server cpu, has a fatal Hardware Flaw that allows the Hacker who masters the flaw to bypass all defense mechanisms and enter the server.

But the Yinjia Nation’s Hacker couldn’t think of it anyway. Shi Lei had already known the AMD Company Server cpu’s Hardware Flaw ‘in advance’ and set a trapwaiting for him!

