
Chapter 1152

HK1137 Main Server was invaded, foreign enemy?

Shuangqing Television Station When receiving the Executive Order of CCTV Television Station, Xu Bo complexion was extremely angry. He took the CC of CCTV Television Station Executive Order and made a group, then tore into pieces!

“Damn Your Mother’s CCTV!” Xu Bo disregards the image of the big picture, as the Deputy Station DIRE ctor of Shuangqing Television Station, this time Xu Bo is working with Dream Entertainment Company to broadcast Brave’s World First Period Martial World through Shuangqing Television Station Struggle for Power Competition.

After playing the Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, Shuangqing Television Station won the overall victory of the ratings. As a promoter of cooperation, Xu Bo’s status in Shuangqing Television Station also followed the straight line.

Shuangqing Television Station’s Station Director is about to retire. It is rumored that during the 2008 year, Shuangqing Television Station’s Station Director will retreat to the second line. When the Station Director is located, who will fall on the head, the current situation is still unclear.

Originally, Xu Bo’s live broadcast with Brave’s World’s will be very rewarding, increasing his winning percentage. But CCTV Television Station, a paper of Executive Order, destroyed all of Xu Bo’s efforts.

Can Xu Bo be angry?

Hu Ke is also frowns. She could have used this opportunity to reinforce her status again, but she was promoted by CCTV Television Station Destroy.

“Station DIRE ctor Xu, what do we do now?” Hu Ke asked Xu Bo.

Xu Bo is very angry, but for Hu Ke, Xu Bo can’t take her as a pump. “What else can I do? The CCTV group Uncle has given orders. What else can we resist?”

“Station DIRE ctor Xu, I heard about Yesterday evening. CCTV Television Station came to find Dream Entertainment. It seems that they have two part on bad terms. You said this is an Executive Order. Will it be a CCTV Gazette?” Hu Ke reminds Road.

Xu Bo’s original angry expression was startedled, and then I thought about it. CCTV Television Station came to Shuangqing City to find Dream Entertainment at this time. The purpose is self-evident. It is natural to find Dream Entertainment Company and want to get Brave’s World’s Live Broadcasting Right. .

There have been rumors that Dream Entertainment Company and CCTV Television Station are not in the right place. It seems that it should be that Dream Entertainment Company rejected CCTV Television Station, CCTV Television Station was naturally angry, but it was not Dream Entertainment Company. It is inexplicable in the Shuangqing Television Station that is simply just by being present.

‘If CCTV wants to get Brave’s World’s Live Broadcasting Right and doesn’t get it, their Executive Order, exactly as stated, will suppress our Shuangqing Television Station. So come. You can go to file a complaint|sue on the side of the General Administration. Humph. Although the General Administration is more inclined to CCTV, this time, the General Administration does not give an account, I am afraid it will not go too far! ‘Xu Bo in the heart, secretly planning, which places should be drawn to the Television Station, and put pressure on the General Administration.

The repeated deviations from CCTV’s behavior have caused a lot of dissatisfaction with Television Station. If Xu Bo picks up the girders, blows the horn that counters the CCTV. Many places, Television Station, are willing to help Shuangqing Television Station.

Before the showdown to the General Administration. Shuangqing Television Station played Brave’s World’s channel and directly played the banned announcement, indicating that Brave’s World was temporarily suspended, provoked the anger of the audience, and made an early stage for the protest to the General Administration.

For the case of Shuangqing Television Station, Shi Lei received a message at First Time. Shi Lei didn’t care about Shuangqing Television Station being banned from CCTV by CCTV!

Shuangqing Television Station live broadcast of Brave’s World, which can really bring a lot of publicity and influence to Brave’s World, but Brave’s World has already formed a scale, even without the promotion of Shuangqing Television Station, its influence will not be reduced to too much.

Especially on the network, most of the recent topics are related to Brave’s World. Even the biggest Instant Messaging Application, Big Penguin silently blocked Brave’s World’s news, and did not provide any news about Brave’s World’s to users, but Brave’s World has become the absolute news focus throughout the Internet, as long as Gamer is online, it will Know Brave’s World’s situation.

At the same time, although in the real world, there is less live broadcast of Shuangqing Television Station, there are more than a dozen World-renowned Television Stations in the world, and live broadcasts of Brave’s World.

It is for these reasons that Shi Lei is not afraid of CCTV Television Station’s ban on Shuangqing Television Station!

“Yue Dexuan, shameless, do you think that this will make our Dream Entertainment Company lose? It really is too naive!” Shi Lei got up early in the morning and he regularly looked at the data information inside Brave’s World.

Just a few minutes after 7:00, Izual awakened Shi Lei, prompting Brave’s World’s Main Server, and Supercomputer Lightning was attacked by Hacker attack. Brave’s World’s Main Server migrated to Supercomputer Lightning, while the source server, Izual’s Parent Server, remains the Supercomputer Origin at the Emerald Building Basement Fifth Level.

The computing performance of Supercomputer Origin is not comparable to Supercomputer Lightning. Supercomputer Origin is completely in the hands of Shi Lei’s. No matter what the issue occurs, the worst consequence is to cut off the communication between Supercomputer Origin and the Internet, so that it will not be irreparable. Loss.

Supercomputer Lightning’s performance is superior, but it is not completely in the hands of Shi Lei’s. If you rush to transfer Izual’s Parent Server, once an issue occurs, it will go beyond Shi Lei’s control.

Shi Lei close collected by the information retriever. CCTV blocked the information of Shuangqing Television Station and continued to check the situation of Main Server Supercomputer Lightning being attacked.

Main Server Supercomputer Lightning is an attack situation, there are some complications!

Izual reminded Shi Lei Main Server that Supercomputer Lightning was attacked, and Shi Lei looked at the situation of Main Server Lightning, but did not find any attack at all.

Even the Log record of System has not left any clues!

This is absolutely abnormal!

Shi Lei is very convinced that Izual, as a High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, Izual has a chance of error, infinitely close to zero. Even if Izual Unable to Judge is present, Izual will not take the initiative to ask, but will ask Shi Lei as an administrator. Therefore, Izual prompts Main Server Lightning to be attacked. That is the attack, it is definitely not the Izual determine mistake.

“Izual, is it tracking the intruder’s information?” Shi Lei took the Wireless headset. Asked about Izual.

“Sir, did not track the intruder’s information. System automatically statistics, the intruder launched a total of three tentative attacks, each intrusion time is less than ten seconds. The intruder did not face the FIRE wall, the intruder did not scan the flaw, the intruder The hardware of Main Server Lightning was not explored.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

“Well?” Shi Lei asked in confusion. “Izual. Since the intruder did nothing, why did he issue an alarm?”

Hacker invades an unfamiliar computer, and the First step is exactly as stated to determine the computer’s Operating System. As well as hardware information, only when these two kinds of information are determined can the corresponding intrusion strategy be made.

This guy who invaded Main Server Lightning did nothing. What did he invade? Is it funny?

Izual responded again: “Sir. The intruder went directly to Main Server Lightning through unknown means, but when the intruder attempted to copy the data, it was blocked by Endless Defense System.”

“What?” Shi Lei complexion changed !

The intruder went directly to Main Server Lightning? Is this a joke? Shi Lei’s face is very gloomy. As Brave’s World’s Main Server, how strict the Supercomputer Lightning’s defense is, Shi Lei is very clear.

Together with Supercomputer Lightning’s Operating System, Izual’s Subsystem is directly used as the control center. How can an intruder go directly to Izual’s Subsystem without being discovered by Izual?

I want to do this level of invasion from the outside. Even though Angel Giant’s First Giant is not likely to be done!

The only explanation, only one, is the internal invasion!

No matter what type, what standard FIRE wall products have a common shortcoming, that is, the internal defense is seriously insufficient. If Supercomputer Lightning is invaded internally, Izual is not found at First Time, but it is also true.

“Izual, analyze Exceed Grade to calculate the Safety Monitoring System video of the Lightning Machine Room layout, and query all suspicious personnel.” Shi Lei told.

Supercomputer Lightning, although within the scope of AMD Company, is out of Shi Lei’s Core control, SuperComputer Lightning is surrounded by Shi Lei’s Safety Monitoring System, and loaded with Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine and Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine, no matter what the personnel , enter the Supercomputer Lightning Machine Room, which will be recorded by the Safety Monitoring System.

Since the Safety Monitoring System does not have an alarm, this means that the person entering the Supercomputer Lightning Machine Room has a person who has entered the authority. Otherwise, the Safety Monitoring System will issue an alarm at First time.

However, a few minutes later, Izual gave Shi Lei a bad news!

From the Supercomputer Lightning’s Safety Monitoring System analysis, there was no personnel in the Machine Room before Supercomputer Lightning was invaded. In the previous seven 12 hours, there were only three people in the person who entered the Machine Room.

The three are Dirk Mayer, AMD Company’s Director-General; Tom Cruise, AMD Company’s High Grade Vice-DIRE ctor General, currently responsible for the gpu business unit; Atwood Iven, the chief designer of the AMD Company, responsible for the AMD Company’s cpu design.

No matter which person, it is the AMD Company’s most Core personnel, all of whom hold shares in AMD Company, and their possibility of invading Supercomputer Lightning from inside is very low.

Besides, the three of them were Dynamic Behavior in the Machine Room, all recorded by the Monitoring System. After Izual’s analysis, the three were not close to Main Server Lightning, and in other words, they did not have the opportunity to put any internet conNEC tion device. Or Storage Equipment, connected to Supercomputer Lightning.

Shi Lei combined Izual’s analysis, swearing at the gimmick, said to himself: “Is there really any foreign enemy, can you do this? Headache, if the enemy is really so strong, it must be in Bai Qiang War solved the issue before!”

If this powerful foreign enemy invades Dream Entertainment’s Main Server Supercomputer Lightning at a critical moment, the damage is fatal. Even Brave’s World will be invaded by Mainer Lightning and fall into the Gamer trust crisis, causing the entire Brave’s World to crash. !

Brave’s World is in the business plan built by Shi Lei, occupying a very Core position. Brave’s World will be the future plan of Shi Lei, taking numerous cash. If Brave’s World has an issue, Shi Lei’s future plan will be fundamental. Can’t implement.

Therefore, Shi Lei will protect Brave’s World at all costs!

(To be continued.)

Ps: Younger sister in the group, so good!