
Chapter 1153

HK1138 Big Penguin ? Hardware-level flaw !


June Twenty-eight, 9 am.

Shi Lei repeated the investigate, Supercomputer Lightning was invaded by clues. Originally he thought it was an internal crime, but through the Safety Monitoring System, it was determined that there is no internal crime conditions.

After excluding internal crimes, Shi Lei could only accept it with helplessness. Supercomputer Lightning was externally invaded. Moreover, the external intrusion of personnel, with unknown means, bypasses the external defense of Endless Defense System, and Izual’s authentication, directly into the interior of Supercomputer Lightning.

Shi Lei is very confident in Endless Defense System and Izual. According to Shi Lei’s prediction, the Even Giant of the Even though Angel Parliament can’t break through the defense of Supercomputer Lightning.

What is the power of Hacker that breaks through the defense of Supercomputer Lightning?

“Izual, logically infer the identity of the intruder.” Investigate for more than an hour, Shi Lei still found no evidence, only dead horses as a living horse doctor, told Izual logic to reason the intruder’s Identity Information.

Logical reasoning Hacker’s Identity Information mainly relies on the operational command characteristics of the determine intruder to determine the possible identity.

“Sir, according to System logic reasoning, the intruder may be Big Penguin Company.” Izual said a possible answer.

Shi Lei’s brows are wrinkled, and the technical strength of Big Penguin Company, Shi Lei is clear, they can never bypass the Endless Defense System and enter Supercomputer Lightning.

If Big Penguin Company has such technical strength, they are competing with Dream Entertainment Company. Not too bad to be defeated!

“How high is this possibility?” Shi Lei asked.

“I can’t give accurate data, there is no benchmark. System logic reasoning has only one answer.” Izual unable to answer Shi Lei’s issue, this issue can’t be specifically digitized.

Shi Lei licked his temples. Although he did not believe that Big Penguin had such technical strength, he still prepared to investigate, at least this is a clue.

In language, you can despise Big Penguin Company, but in action, you can’t take Big Penguin Company too flat!

“Izual. Integrate Interweave Net Miwang resources!” Shi Lei operates the Number One Server and acquires Interweave Net Miwang resources from a Second Grade web page of the Big Penguin Company to the Big Penguin Company’s Internal Network.

The Big Penguin Company’s booth was a bit large, and with Shi Lei’s strength, it broke into their Internal Network casually. In the Internal Network, Shi Lei commands Izual. Query the information content related to Supercomputer Lightning.

If Shi Lei asks for himself, it is just as difficult as Fish A Needle From The Sea!

About two minutes later, Izual issued a message stating that an abnormal information was found in the Big Penguin Company’s Internal Network.

“Sir, found suspicious connection ipaddress System record Log. After system comparison, the connection ipaddress is Supercomputer Lightning network address !”

Izual’s prompt, let Shi Lei look at the screen of Number One Server and pop up a display interface. Shows the System Log record information obtained by Izual from the Big Penguin Company Internal Network.

Looking at a server from Big Penguin Company. Directly connected to Supercomputer Lightning, Shi Lei’s expression is a bit odd.

“Is it really Big Penguin Company?” Shi Lei said to himself, Izual found the Big Penguin Company’s Server and accessed the evidence of Supercomputer Lightning. Shi Lei also began to suspect that the invasion of Supercomputer Lightning was related to Big Penguin Company. .

Shi Lei personally investigate the Big Penguin Company, the Internal Network, the Server’s System Log. Shi Lei looked very seriously, although the previous System record Log was removed by System. However, Shi Lei extracted most of the System Logs through deep disk recovery technology and fragmentation integration technology.

By analyzing the System log, Shi Lei found a suspicious point.

That is, Big Penguin Company’s Server, although directly linked to Supercomputer Lightning, is not a source of intrusion, it is just a transit server, which is Zombie Server.

Before the Shi Lei investigate Big Penguin Company, the Big Penguin Company’s Server was already under the control of other personnel. If not Shi Lei’s Data Recovery Technology is smart enough, most of the deleted System records are recovered. Then, the Big Penguin Company will be properly framed, and the Dream Entertainment Company and Shi Lei will only smother the Big Penguin Company and will not continue to investigate.

‘Insidious guy! ‘Shi Lei in the heart coldly snorted, based on the Big Penguin Company’s Server, once again started investigate the Black Hand of the Big Penguin Company.

Shi Lei doesn’t think that the other party is so expensive, just to frame the Big Penguin Company. In this weird invasion, Big Penguin Company is only in the implied just by being present, it is just a blind eye behind the Black Hand, attempting to interfere with Mirror Science and Technology.

The Hacker that really invades Supercomputer Lightning is still hidden in the fog!

‘Who is it? Although the Big Penguin Company is not very powerful, it is not an cat and dog that can be bullied. The other party can control the Big Penguin Company’s Server, as a transit springboard, but not discovered by the Big Penguin Company, but also deliberately leave the connection ipaddress as a trap, this guy is definitely not easy! ‘

Shi Lei’s brow has become a ‘chuan’ word.

To play Big Penguin Company between applause, you need at least World Grade’s Hacker Expert. However, if you want to invade Supercomputer Lightning silently, Shi Lei doesn’t know what Grade’s Hacker can do.

Hacker of World Summit Grade, definitely can’t do it!

World Summit Grade Hacker among First Generation Hacker can’t do it!

To say an exaggeration, even though Internet’s Lion d of Origin, DARPA Advanced Bureau can’t break the Endless Defense System silently, deceiving High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Izual.


Shi Lei suddenly thought of a situation, his face changed dramatically!

Before reborn, World Top 500’s Supercomputer. 99% uses the Server cpu from the Intel Company and the Supercomputer from the AMD Company Server cpu. Very few, comparable to ‘national treasure’.

It is precisely because of this situation that Shi Lei is subconsciously neglected. Supercomputer Lightning, exactly as stated, is built using the Server cpu produced by AMD Company.

In the last generation, the Server cpu produced by AMD Company was difficult to be elegant. More is applied to the Medium to Small-scale business. At a Hacker Technology Discussion Conference, a Hacker published his new discovery, the Server cpu from AMD Company, which has a deadly Hardware Flaw.

That’s right, it’s Hardware Flaw!

AMD Company’s Server cpu, there is a very fatal Hardware Flaw. As long as you master this Hardware Flaw, Hacker can enter directly. The server built with AMD Company Server cpu completely ignores any FIRE wall and Safety System, and directly masquerades as a CPU’s Core Procedure, avoiding all the troubles.

Is it the Hardware Flaw? ‘Shi Lei in the heart thought about it, his hard work, the original Hacker who published AMD Company Server cpuHardware Flaw. Which one is it.

From the current situation to analyze, invading the Supercomputer Lightning personnel, it should be that Hacker.

Although the other party announced the time of AMD Company Server cpuHardware Flaw, it is still several years later, but no one is sure. When did the Hacker discover the Hardware Flaw?

Shi Lei’s memory is very good, if it is important information. As long as you slowly remember, Shi Lei can remember.

‘I remembered! It is Maha Kamal! ‘Shi Lei’s face showed a touch of joy, hands on the keyboard, and quickly entered the name ‘Maha Kamal’.

The name is not the real name, but the name of the Hacker’s ‘Sockpuppet’.

“Izual, retrieve Internet, about ‘Maha Kamal”s information! Right, the other party is Yinjia Nation, mainly concentrated in the Yinjia Nation area investigate information.” Shi Lei commanded.

Maha Kamal is a Yinjia Nation person, and Shi Lei is not mistaken. At the original Hacker Technology Discussion Conference, every participant had to use the real Sockpuppet Signed In. When Maha Kamal introduced himself, he voluntarily admitted that he was a Yinjia Nation.

Yinjia Nation’s overall national strength is far less than that of Xia Nation, but the software technical strength aspect, Yinjia Nation people are very powerful. They built a world-wide software industry chain and became the world’s software outsourcing service provider.

After analyzing the possible suspected personnel, Shi Lei significantly sighed in relief.

Powerful enemies are not terrifying. Really terrifying is an unknown enemy! The unknown enemy makes it easy for people to feel powerless.

“Maha Kamal, Hēng!” Shi Lei’s tone with a touch of disdain, Maha Kamal’s Hacker technology, reached World Grade, but not enough World Summit Grade.

As long as Shi Lei knows the other’s means, he is not afraid of the hardware-level flaw that the other party has mastered. This flaw, the other formally open to the public, Shi Lei also personally verified.

In the afterlife, the Supercomputer and Large-scale Server using AMD Company Server cpu basically do not exist. This hardware-level flaw is very tasteless, so Maha Kamal will be announced and increase its reputation.

Shi Lei tried to break into Supercomputer Lightning with Hardware Flaw as the breakthrough port. As Shi Lei guessed, he easily entered the interior of Supercomputer Lightning, neither causing a counterattack from Endless Defense System nor causing Izual’s alerts.

“Sure enough!” Shi Lei sighed.

After finding the crux of the issue, Shi Lei immediately began to work on the Hardware Flaw of the AMD Company Server cpu, wrote the corresponding defense assistant program, and completely blocked the Hardware Flaw with the help of the defense assistant program.

Also, once someone uses Hardware Flaw again and attempts to enter Supercomputer Lightning, they will be counter-tracked by the defense helper until they find the real ipaddress of the other party.

After handling the Hardware Flaw’s defense assistant program, Shi Lei began to look forward to it. He would like to see Maha Kamal, what a bit of skill!


Ps: Shanshan: I guess the ending, but there is no guessing process! Germany won the championship, but it is overtime! Damn Asian plate! Set up automatic update at night, you see you again later, I want to go to rooftop!