
Chapter 1151

HK1136 privilege, banned!


June Twenty-seven day, evening.

CCTV Television Station’s Deputy Station DIRE ctor Yue Dexuan, who personally led the team, came to Shuangqing City, Dream Entertainment Company’s Headquarters, in an attempt to reach out to Dream Entertainment Company about Brave’s World Live Broadcasting Right.

However, Shi Lei is a vengeful person, and Yue Dexuan’s nephew formerly makes a slapin the face of Mu Shuang. How can Shi Lei easily relax?

Shi Lei didn’t give Yue Dexuan a half-point, and in the wake of the humiliation of Yue Dexuan, even if Yue Dexuan is a clay figurine, there is a bit of temper. Together with Yue Dexuan’s in the heart, Hope Dream Entertainment Company refused to cooperate.

Therefore, Yue Dexuan stood up slowly, CCTV Television Station, accompanied by the personnel, nervously looking at Yue Dexuan, for fear of what yrational things Yue Dexuan made.

This is the domain of Dream Entertainment Company. For the reputation of Dream Entertainment Company, CCTV Television Station’s personnel, more or less understand. In the event that Yue Dexuan is hot and active, courting death, they will follow bad luck!

Yue Dexuan’s unexpected calm, even with a smile, “Since Mr. Shi Lei is not willing to cooperate with our CCTV Television Station, then don’t bother, see you again later!”

“Hey?” Shi Lei looked at Yue Dexuan strangely. ‘It’s weird! Yue Dexuan This Old Ghost, as the solid authority Deputy Station DIRE ctor of CCTV Television Station, is so swallowing? Could it be this old fox, is there any conspiracy? ‘

Shi Lei stared at Yue Dexuan’s back, thinking in the heart, CCTV Television Station has no privilege, can get stuck in Dream Entertainment’s neck. Although the privilege of CCTV Television Station is very large, its privilege and Dream Entertainment Company are not at all. Shi Lei can’t think of it. CCTV Television Station can catch Dream Entertainment somewhere.

‘Hēng! The old fox that is pretentious! ‘Shi Lei in the heart dark snorted.

“Shi Lei, you just…” Mu Shuang looked at Shi Lei and had some helplessness on her face. She didn’t say Shi Lei directly, because Xie Hui was still in the conference room. If she said Shi Lei directly, what is wrong. That Shi Lei’s face can’t be hanged.

Xie Hui’s initiative: “Chief Shi, Chief Mu, if there is nothing else, I will leave. There is something to be done there.”

“Go!” Shi Lei responded.

Xie Hui quickly walked out of the conference room and took the wooden door of the conference room with ease.

In the conference room, Mu Shuang sighed: “Shi Lei, why do you want to do that? Even though don’t cooperate with CCTV, and should not actively anger Yue Dexuan. This person’s volume is very small, I am afraid he has any crafty plots and Machinions, we have to be careful.”

Shi Lei’s expression of carelessness, his right hand pressed on the conference table, sat up and looked down at Mu Shuang. Whispered: “At the beginning, you were so stupid, how can I easily let go of CCTV?”

Mu Shuang’s face is reddish, and in the heart rises sweet.

“Shuang Shuang, we have no connection with CCTV Television Station. Their terms of reference and interference are not enough for us. If it is Network Entertainment Audit Department, I might give them some face. As for CCTV Television Station, why? Give them face?” Shi Lei hā hā smiled and just humiliated Yue Dexuan, making Shi Lei very cool!

“We are still careful.” Mu Shuang said that he was careful. But there is no CCTV Television Station in mind. There is no interest in the relationship. Dream Entertainment Company is really not afraid of CCTV Television Station.

On the other side, Yue Dexuan kept a faint smile until the original smile disappeared after leaving the Emerald Lake Building. A face is gloomy terrifying.

The accompanying three, kept silent, for fear of becoming a punching bag for Yue Dexuan.

‘Shi Lei, Dream Entertainment Company, very good! ‘Yue Dexuan in the heart, thinking coldly. He suddenly stopped and glanced at the three people behind him, lightly snorted: “Back to Capital City!”

The three people nodded quickly and did not dare to have any objections.

The four people of CCTV Television Station, just arrived in Shuangqing City soon, they took the plane back to Capital City. If it is really planned to cooperate, then this trip is absolutely abnormal!

The flight from Shuangqing City to Capital City is a two-hour flight. After Yue Dexuan returns to Capital City, it is close to 0:00. However, Yue Dexuan did not go straight to the rest, but came to the Headquarters Large Building of CCTV Television Station.

In the Headquarters Large Building of CCTV Television Station, Yue Dexuan called the person in the night, commanded a path of command, let the value of the person record the command, and then handed it to the person who will go to work tomorrow.

Yue Dexuan is done, he thinks he can deal with Dream Entertainment Company!


June Twenty-eight, 7 am.

Inside Brave’s World, the schedule of the next three days of the game is listed in advance. After 17 rounds of one-way knockouts and screenings for the play-offs, there are still 100 players in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition.

From the three-day period from June Twenty-eight to June 30, only two rounds are held each day. At Xia Nation Time twenty points and two 12 points respectively.

The time of the three days and six rounds is all fixed and more biased towards Xia Nation Gamer. Although the evening twenty point and the two 12 points, converted to Li Jian Nation time is 8:00 and 10:00 in the morning, it seems to be more suitable for Li Jian Nation’s Gamer.

But in fact, this time is indeed biased towards Xia Nation Gamer!

Because of the evening time, neither work nor study, the Gamer in the Xia Nation area, whether it is to participate in the competition or to watch the game, can better arrange the time. And Ga Jian of Li Jian Nation, and other Gamer in the day zone, who want to pay attention to Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, are not so good. If you have a job or a school, you need to take a vacation!

Dream Entertainment Company has been dubbed the ‘Overseas Company’ by Xia Nation Gamer, and this time of the game has reversed this image. At the crucial moment, Dream Entertainment Company stood firmly behind the Gamer in the Xia Nation area. After all, Gamer in the Xia Nation area is half of Brave’s World’s total Gamer.

As for the fixed game time, what about the Gamer in other time zones, please refer to the World Cup for this issue. People in the Xia Nation area, in order to see the World Cup, aren’t they waiting for three or four in the morning?

Shuangqing City, Shuangqing Television Station.

At 7 o’clock in the morning, Shuangqing Television Station was busy. Although there are only two rounds today, each round is very exciting, and the game between Gamer is no longer rigidly set to a fixed length of 100 meters. site. Instead, I joined the selection with the Airport.

This choice of venues for the Airport scene may be forest, it may be plain, or it may be desert. There may also be canyons, etc. As long as the nature has it, the playing field can be simulated.

Shuangqing Television station is negotiating which Gamer games they want to broadcast live. Although Dream Entertainment Official has not announced the Gamer battle list, Dream Entertainment Official announced the name of Bai Qiang Gamer. Shuangqing Television Station only needs to select some Gamer games, and it can be broadcast live. Is there any difference between these Gamer opponents?

It’s like the Gamers are watching the Storm’s game, and who the Storm’s opponent is, there is no difference!

Decided which Shuangqing Television Station to choose which Liver. It is not the upper level of Shuangqing Television Station, but the Brave’s World Gamer in Shuangqing Television Station.

It is said that ‘everyone has their own field of specialisation’, Brave’s World’s Gamer, and it is clearer which Gamer is more popular. If you say. Shuangqing Television Station Live the game of Wo Sang Nation Exceed Grade Gamer HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami, this is definitely the rhythm of courting death!

Ordinary Gamer and real world viewers who don’t know the truth, their favorite Gamer is Storm, not only because Storm is Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche, but also because Storm’s name in Brave’s World is very handsome.

Storm’s name in Brave’s World is called ‘Dugu Qiye’ and there is a flawless aesthetic.

Plus one of the Fortieth Grade Legendary Set, Endless Glory’s Discipline. The appearance of this sharp edge is very dazzling; and Storm cleanly settles the opponent’s fighting style, making him the most popular and popular Gamer of Brave’s World.

“Station DIRE ctor Xu, I think we should choose Dugu Qiye, which is Storm. There are also Xia Nation’s Exceed Grade Gamer Thunderclash and Thunderbolt, and Heart Shipper!” A youngster with glasses made his own suggestion.

“Hey? Little Lin, you talk about the reason?” Deputy Station DIRE ctor Xu Bo looked at the glasses youngster, indicating the other side to explain the reasons.

“Storm is the most popular Gamer. Even if he is a foreigner, his popularity in our Xia Nation area is indeed high. First, we play Storm’s games, there is absolutely no lack of ratings. Thunderclash and Thunderbolt are our Exceed Grades for Xia Nation Gamer, they designed rob and kill Nanchao Nation’s lucky Gamer Mr. Gold, and snatched each other’s Peerless Quality Shackled Grade Divine Armament, which allowed Thunderbolt to advance to Bai Qiang. They are also good hype points.” Little Lin pushes I pushed the glasses and said nothing.

“As for the Heart Shipper, this Gamer name is unknown. The Grade is not high and the combat power is not strong, but he has hardly entered the former Hundred Strong. After my investigate, this Heart Shipper is not a small person! It has been reported before. The Heart Shipper seems to be able to gain real world, real physical exercise and awareness enhancement through Brave’s World’s Motion Sensing Operation Platform. He is formly alone in the Wangfu Business Center area, subduing the armed gangsters, which caused a lot of sensation. ”

“Right, this real name of Gamer is Qi Xinzhou, Capital City, Heart Shipper is his Second character, and the previous character is called Seven Heart Bells. It seems to be due to accidental death. Therefore, Heart Shipper is the Grade of this account. War force data, did not catch up with First Group, but his real combat power, definitely can not be underestimated!” Little Lin calm analysis.

Xu Bo’s eyes slammed. “You mean, Brave’s World’s Martial Arts, can you bring them out?”

“ke ke ke!” Little Lin coughed a few times and looked helpless. “Station DIRE ctor Xu, I just guessed that Qi Xinzhou, the Gamer, seems to have such ability. As for whether it is true or not, I am not I know. But this person has indeed done some incredible things.”

“Yes? I am very interested in this Gamer, Little Lin, you continue to follow investigate! Well, this live broadcast will be around these four Gamer!” Xu Bo made the final conclusion .

However, when Shuangqing Television Station just made a decision, CCTV Television Station sent an Executive Order asking Shuangqing Television Station to ban any content related to Brave’s World.

CCTV Television Station has a special privilege for issuing Executive Order to the rest of the Television Station. The way Yue Dexuan sanctions Dream Entertainment is simple: let Shuangqing Television Station be banned! Reducing exposure to Brave’s World’s and undermining Brave’s World’s promotion with Shuangqing Television Station.

However, after Singqing Television Station was banned, what impact did it have on Dream Entertainment and Brave’s World?
