
Chapter 1150

HK1135 Hundred Strong are born, CCTV is coming!


June twenty days, four o’clock in the afternoon.

The Eleventh round is over, and the total number of 5.691 Gamers has been promoted. This round will have a chance of a round of Gamer. This opportunity of the round may be born to any one.

Whether it is the Gamer of the first random selection opponent or the Gamer of the last random selection opponent, it is possible to become a Gamer in the air. So, Gamer don’t worry about fair issues.

The Twelfth round match with the Thirteenth round match, both in June twenty five days accomplish, accomplished the Thirteenth round of Gamer, will get a break.

In the June twenty five-day match, only the Eleventh round, the Twelfth round, the Thirteenth round, and the Thirteenth round competition, which is already Xia Nation Time at 9:00 pm.

After the Thirteenth round, the 1,423 name Gamer is left. They will participate in the Fourteenth and Tenth five rounds again on June 6th.

Gamer, who lost in the Fourteenth round, has a chance!

The 711 name Gamer defeated by Fourteenth will compete for the 288 name of Thousand Strong Gamer. Thousand Strong Gamer has 1000US Dollar bonus. In 2007 year, 1000US Dollar is not a small amount. For Ordinary people, it is counted. It is a small windfall.

On June Twenty-seven, the Sixteenth round and the Seventeenth round were played. The Seventeenth round was only the 89 winner, which means that the Seventeenth round loser will also play the same model as the Fourteenth round. The 89 players will play the additional round again, select the winning 11 people, fill the Bai Qiang Gamer quota, and prepare for the final Bai Qiang power struggle War!

The schedule for the six-day and Twenty-seven days is not tight, the winner only needs two games, the defeat of the Fourteenth round. Although a play-off is required, the Thousand Strong place is decided. But they have no more games, and the pace of the play-offs is not tense.

Two days passed by, after 17 rounds of the race. And the playoffs of the Seventeenth round losers. The Top Hundred Expert of Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition was all confirmed.

This one hundred Expert. Will receive the Title of ‘Reputation Shocks Jianghu’! This one Title, with an additional attribute gain of series, is a very good reward.

Shi Lei looks at the list of Bai Qiang players, which is on the list. The familiar Gamer is basically included.

Storm, Monarch No Regrets, Mu Feng, Shengguang Shenguan, Blue Ocean, Thunderbolt, Thunderclash, Heart Shipper, HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami, Kawashima Shinji, Lion celot, etc.

Thunderbolt was able to enter the final Bai Qiang ranks, and Cangya gave him a lot of help. If there is no Cangya, Thunderbolt may even stop at Thousand Strong.

Relying on Cangya to get Bai Qiang’s success, Cangya’s information in Thunderbolt’s hands spread, Thunderbolt is not hidden, but it is very much in the Official Gamer Forum. Provocative Mr. Gold.

Thunderbolt posted on the Official Gamer Forum, which will seduce the entire process of Mr. Gold, completely revealed, and the collapse of Mr. Gold is worthless. Finally, I also expressed my gratitude to Mr. Gold. Without Cangya, Thunderbolt will definitely not be among the ranks of Bai Qiang!

Mr. Gold looked at Thunderbolt’s post and was almost vomited. He only replied with three words after the post: ‘You Just Wait And See ! ‘

Obviously, Mr. Gold is not ready to let go of Thunderbolt!

How can Mr. Gold fight Thunderbolt and Thunderclash? Thunderbolt and Thunderclash in the Brave’s World, have Third Grade Faction, they are bigwig, one is Nouveau Riche, no shortage of money, no shortage of rights, can not fight a real world of hair?

Back to Ten Thousand Steps, Mr. Gold is in Brave’s World. If you want to find Thunderbolt and Thunderclash, he must have at least some strength to run Right? Mr. Gold’s game character is rob and kill, he only I can re-establish my account and want to catch up with Thunderbolt and Thunderclash. How can I still need three months?

Brave’s World’s Death Penalty is very serious. After Gamer’s death, it takes a certain amount of time to catch up.

Real world.

With Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, it took three days to have Brave’s World Official Live Broadcasting Right’s Television Station, which has earned enough ratings for this period of time.

In Xia Nation area, the ratings of Shuangqing Television Station, in just three days, directly hit the national standard of Third. Originally, the ratings of Shuangqing Television Station have been in the last few places for a long time.

The ugly program of Shuangqing Television Station is a recognized thing for the people of Shuangqing. Shuangqing Television Station loves the series of dramas from the anti-war battles, from the spy war to the intelligence contest, to the all kinds of ‘single team’ without brains. In short, the program of Shuangqing Television Station is not good, and the ratings are naturally not high.

This time, Shuangqing Television Station is the only TV station in Xia Nation, which has won the Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition Live Broadcasting Right. They used the live broadcast of Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition to achieve the ratings. National Third, just the income of the ad insertion, and the sponsorship fee for the implantation of ad, let Shuangqing Television Station earn windfall profit.

For the ratings and revenues brought by Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, Shuangqing Television Station is very satisfied with the staff members from top to bottom.

Throughout Shuangqing Television Station, Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition was promoted. Especially the upcoming Bai Qiang power struggle War!

The previous game, although very exciting, is nothing compared to Bai Qiang War. Bai Qiang power struggle War How wonderful it is, how intense the confrontation between Gamer is, and only after the start of the game can they be presented one by one.

Capital City.

In a quadrangle, an old man sits in the yard drinking tea, and another man who looks like fifty is sitting opposite the old man, and his attitude is respectful and somewhat restrained.

The man who seems to be somewhat restrained is the Deputy Station DIRE ctor Yue Dexuan of CCTV Television Station. He is the solid authority character of CCTV Television Station. In addition to Station Director Tang Gaole, Yue Dexuan has the largest privilege.

It is such a solid authority character that is bound in an old man face Top 10!

“Dexuan, I heard that Dream Entertainment originally intended to cooperate with our CCTV, Hope CCTV live broadcast Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, right?” old man left the teapot with his left hand. Put the teapot mouth in the mouth, lift the teapot and take a sip of tea.

Yue Dexuan’s forehead, a dense cold sweat. He started talking: “Elderly Tang. This is the case.”

“Why didn’t I promise Dream Entertainment at the beginning?” Surnamed Tang old man asked indifferently, although the tone was very dull. There is a momentum that is not angry and angry, Yue Dexuan has more cold sweat on his forehead.

At the beginning, CCTV Television Station sent Yue Dexuan’s nephew Yue Shangyun to lead the team to discuss with Dream Entertainment. Yue Shangyun is a dandy, and she has avaricious to Mu Shuang, so she is half-lengthed by Shi Lei.

For this reason, Dream Entertainment and CCTV Television Station directly fell out, CCTV Television Station has the idea to cooperate with Dream Entertainment Company, but Dream Entertainment Company under the leadership of Shi Lei’s, refused to cooperate with CCTV Television Station.

“This…” Yue Dexuan unable to answer. I don’t know how to answer.

Surnamed Tang old man coldly snorted, looking at Yue Dexuan with a gaze, “Your nephew, nothing is going on! Let him roll from CCTV. I don’t want to see him again at Capital City!”

In order to calm the anger of Shi Lei and Dream Entertainment, CCTV Television Station did not recognize the identity of Yue Shangyun and others, but Yue Dexuan recruited Yue Shangyun back to CCTV and arranged a relatively easy job.

Today, surnamed Tang old man speaks, Yue Shangyun not only has to get out of CCTV, but also get out of Capital City. Yue Dexuan didn’t even have the power to resist, because the identity of this old man is no different!

“Okay, I understand!” Yue Dexuan without the slightest hesitation nod.

“Understand it! Go to contact Dream Entertainment Company, our CCTV Television Station, you need Brave’s World’s Live Broadcasting Right.” Surnamed Tang old man casually, as if you don’t need to consider the Dream Entertainment Company.

Yue Dexuan flashed a trace of inexplicable look, ‘Hēng! Dream Entertainment Company, I would like to see, you are not interested in this time! I am Hope, you are not interested, when…”

CCTV Television Station missed Brave’s World’s Live Broadcasting Right, cheaper Shuangqing Television Station, and Shuangqing Television Station in the last three days, almost created the viewer Miracle. But this does not mean that CCTV will let Shuangqing Television Station continue!

Overseas regions.

Worldwide’s well-known Television Station, all broadcast live at Brave’s World, which has set off a wave of Brave’s World in the whole world, which has played a very good role in promoting the culture of Xia Nation. Given the situation of Brave’s World, the Xia Nation executives have basically maintained a popular attitude.

So Brave’s World is promoting the Xia Nation culture, or Brave’s World is not guaranteed to be harmonious according to Xia Nation.

June Twenty-seven day, evening, eight o’clock.

Deputy Station DIRE ctor Yue Dexuan of CCTV Television Station personally led the negotiating team to Shuangqing City to discuss and cooperate with Dream Entertainment Company.

Meeting room at Emerald Building, Dream Entertainment Company. Mu Shuang represented the Dream Entertainment Company and hosted the CCTV Television Station team.

Yue Dexuan Although he is 53 years old, he is an old satyr. However, Yue Dexuan has investigate to understand the identity of Mu Shuang. He dare not blatantly swear Mu Shuang.

“Chief Mu, hello, I am Deputy Station DIRE ctor Yue Dexuan of CCTV Television Station. Come to Shuangqing City, our CCTV Television Station, I plan to cooperate with you Dream Entertainment, live coverage Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition The matter of our CCTV Television Station, you can come up with the Fifth channel and broadcast the content of Brave’s World’s matches with Brave’s World around the clock.” Yue Dexuan said richly.

The CCTV Television Station Fifth channel is a dedicated sports channel. If this channel broadcasts Brave’s World’s games around the clock, there are also benefits for Brave’s World and Dream Entertainment.

Mu Shuang’s eyes were a bit unpleasant, and she hated Yue Dexuan’s well-hidden eyes, which made her extremely disgusted.

“Station DIRE ctor Yue, sorry for the inconvenience, Dream Entertainment, I am afraid I can’t do it. I need Mr. Shi Lei, CEO of Dream Entertainment Company, to make the final decision.” Mu Shuang pushed the issue to Shi Lei.

“What about Mr. Shi Lei?” Yue Dexuan asked with a smile.

“I have already informed Mr. Shi Lei that he will come to the company soon, and you will talk about it later.” Mu Shuang said coldly.

At this moment, the wooden door of the conference room was pushed open, Shi Lei was wearing a pair of slippers and beach pants, and a flower shirt came in. This kind of attire is very inappropriate in formal occasions. It also represents Shi Lei’s attitude and does not pay much attention to CCTV cooperation!

Shi Lei glanced at Yue Dexuan, and the pinch pinched: “Don’t talk about it!”

“Hey, Mr. Shi Lei, are you planning to work with us CCTV?” Yue Dexuan asked affirmatively.

Shi Lei looked at Yue Dexuan with pity, and snorted. “Yue Dexuan, I have to admire your acting skills. It is the Deputy Station DIRE ctor of CCTV Television Station. Your acting skills have already impacted Oscar’s best actor!”

Yue Dexuan complexion unchanged looked at Shi Lei and asked again, “Mr. Shi Lei, are you planning to work with us CCTV?”

“Guess?” Shi Lei hēi hēi sneer.

“I think that you Dream Entertainment will definitely cooperate with our CCTV!” Yue Dexuan confidently answered.

Shi Lei shook his head helplessly. “Your shamelessness really shocked me! As for the cooperation between us, I can only tell you three words, you…do…dream!”



Ova preview: Pacific Rim