
Chapter 1149

HK1134 promoted lottery chance, powerful Cangya!

.Xia Nation Time, June twenty days, 11 am. Brave’s World, the Eleventh round of competition officially began.

Starting from the Eleventh round, until the birth of Hundred Strong ‘Reputation Shocks Jianghu’ Expert, the match time of each round is relatively loose, allowing Gamer to adjust the Freedom to a certain extent.

At the beginning of the Eleventh round, Brave’s World Main System released announcement:

“Esteemed’s Quasi Ten-thousand Strong Grade Expert, starting with the Eleventh round, the Victory Reward Mysterious Prize Box, promoted to the Victory Reward Exquisite Prize Box, the chances of getting a reward increase dramatically!”

The Victory Reward Mysterious Prize Box, dubbed by the Gamer as ‘One Coin Box’, has the potential of 70% and can only be awarded with a copper coin.

In fact, this is also a no way! After all, the Victory Reward Mysterious Prize Box, in the first ten rounds of competition, issued a total of nearly a thousand 2 Million copies, how can it be set to too much good thing?

If you set a good thing of too much, it will definitely impact Brave’s World’s Virtual Goods market. Therefore, the rewards of the Victory Reward Mysterious Prize Box are more embarrassing.

Starting from the Eleventh round, Gamer who participated in the competition, a total of 11,554 people, after Izual’s statistics, this Ten Thousand many people in a short period of time, there have been a lot of combat downsizing, determined to participate in the game, leaving 11,382 people. In just a few hours, there was an 172 name Quasi Ten-thousand Strong Expert, which was poisoned by other Gamer.

Have to say that this is a pity!

Although there is a complaint from Gamer that Brave’s World’s Death Penalty is too serious, it is inside Brave’s World. The cost of killing other Gamers is also very large, basically the end of a death rebirth.

Brave’s World has a complete law system, even though Nouveau Riche class Gamer. If you want to buy the rest of Gamer and help you get rid of your competitors, you should be arrested and find your home. Brave’s World’s law, there is the saying of ‘buy murderous’, behind the scenes of the Nouveau Riche level Gamer, if things are not clean, will definitely be arrested and sent to the government’s prison.

Again. Even if the competitors are killed, System will re-arrange the players randomly and will not let Gamer easily advance! I want to get rid of my competitors to get promoted. Even though Bai Qiang’s fixed opponent is not likely!

Brave’s World’s Main System is Izual, High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System’s artificial logic is very powerful, how can it be easily drilled by the Gamer rules and regulations flaw?

Gamer gets into the Eleventh round of competition qualifications. The chances for Brave’s World promoted Victory Reward lottery. All expressed welcome. This Ten Thousand Multi-Gamer, in the first ten rounds of the Victory Reward, many bad luck eggs all drawn a copy of the copper coin reward, have to say that the bottom!

After promotingd the lottery chance, they thought, should get a little good thing Right?

Brave’s World, Thunderclash and Thunderbolt are not sleeping, they are rob and kill Mr. Gold. Both were very excited and ready to play in the Eleventh round.

Anyway, the opponents are randomly assigned. There is basically no difference between starting the game first and delaying the game.

Thunderclash and Thunderbolt applied to the Main System for the Eleventh round. The Main System randomly assigned two opponents, and they both got five minutes of preparation time. At the same time, their opponents also got five minutes of preparation time.

Thunderclash looked at the opponent’s basic data, could not help but laughed, Thunderclash’s opponent, turned out to be a dissatisfied Twentieth Grade Swordsman, the combat score is also very low, such a Gamer, killed the Top 10 round, it should be luck Burst.

“Thunderbolt, my luck is very good, I chose a soft persimmon!” Thunderclash smiled at Thunderbolt.

Thunderbolt was crying and stunned, and he took an Expert!

“Thunderclash, I have a big trouble! The opponent is Wo Sang Nation’s Gamer, the Grade is up to Twenty-fifth Grade, and the combat power is very high!” Thunderbolt looks at the basic data of the opponent ‘Kinoshita Harumi River’, up to the Twenty-fifth Grade’s Grade This means that the other party is at the top of the Graded Gradation in Brave’s World.

Throughout Brave’s World, only Monarch No Regrets reached Twenty-sixth Grade!

Thunderclash frowned, “Thunderbolt, you are Twenty-second Grade, this Kinoshita Harumi River, actually a Bladesman warrior, your situation is a little danger!”

“Yes !Kinoshita Harumi River is Wo Sang Nation’s Exceed Grade Gamer. It is rumored that the other party’s technology is very good. Whether it is Grade or technology, I am not his opponent!” Thunderbolt is a little discouraged.

“Wait!” Thunderclash suddenly clap, “Cangya! We have Cangya! Thunderbolt. With Cangya, you may not be able to defeat Kinoshita Harumi River!”

“Cangya?” Thunderbolt’s eyes lit up, Cangya had an evil attribute, and a percent twenty chance to break the Grade of Shackled Grade.

Kinoshita Harumi River Although it is an Exceed Grade Gamer, how to look at it is not like Nouveau Riche with Shackled Grade Equipment!

“Thunderclash, you are right! Kinoshita Harumi River is even better. If there is no weapon, can you still fill the white blade with empty hands?”. Thunderbolt hā hā laughed.

The so-called empty hand into the white blade, in general, will only appear in the huge gapbetween the Grade. Otherwise, using ** against weapon, only about snake sperm can be done. Brave’s World is just an ancient Wuxia’s World, not a god of magic, flying over the robbery, and Yuan Ying is not as good as the dog’s Xianxia World.

“The countdown is ten seconds and will be sent to the venue. Please prepare for Gamer! Ten, nine, eight…”

Ten seconds later, Thunderclash and Thunderbolt were sent to the Space Layering venue. Before the Bai Qiang competition, the venue used Space Layering technology, and only when it arrived at the Bai Qiang competition, it will be divided into separate venues.

Space Layering The venue is very rudimentary. It is just a square cyan stone platform with a side length of 100 meters. There is no special terrain choice, all of which is uniform terrain.

Thunderbolt looked at the Kinoshita Harumi River, opposite the other, with a robes in the wind and a standard Wo Sang Blade around his waist, looking at himself with a cold face.

Since it is already an Expert of Quasi Ten-thousand Strong Rank, Brave’s World is the Anti-Cheat System for the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, which has been slightly relaxed.

Both parties allow communication. The original standardized clothing regulations were also temporarily canceled.

“Kinoshita Harumi River?” Thunderbolt to ask a question, when already knows the answer. Not only will System prompt the opponent’s name, but Gamer can query the opponent’s data autonomously. How could he not know the identity of the other party?

Kinoshita Harumi River nodded arrogantly, “Xia Nation’s Gamer?”

Thunderbolt light snorted, he can hear the disdain in the tone of Kinoshita Harumi River, “Wo Sang dog, die!”

“You Xia Nation, it really is a group of sprayers! With the strength of your Twenty-second Grade, I have to overcome you. It only takes a minute!” Under the wood, Chuang Chuang created the Wo Sang Blade at the waist. This Wo Sang Blade is very slender. Maybe one meter or so.

The path of the blade reveals a path of natural moiré. The cutting edge looks very sharp, this is a good knife!

Thunderbolt took out Cangya, and Cangya’s style was rather plain, just like the Ordinary’s short-handed knives. It only has a restrained atmosphere.

Kinoshita Harumi River once again disdained look towards towards Thunderbolt. I saw the Kinoshita Harumi River, like a catkin in the wind, drifting to Thunderbolt, the Wo Sang Blade in his hand, flashing a cold light, cut to the neck of Thunderbolt, seems to be a behead.

Thunderbolt showed a tense look, and the figure was retreat several times. It was dangerous to avoid the attack of Kinoshita Harumi River.

However, Kinoshita Harumi River is unreasonable. The slender Wo Sang Blade, the knife’s deadly attack on the critical position of Thunderbolt, as long as there is a knife in the Thunderbolt, then Thunderbolt is not dead or seriously injured.

Thunderbolt, which has been repelled again and again, is close to the edge of the playing field. Once it falls, Thunderbolt will be judged as a failure. At less than a metre from the edge of the field, Thunderbolt suddenly stopped the retreat and chose to hit the Kinoshita Harumi River.

Just Thunderbolt was first stunned by Kinoshita Harumi River. For a time, I forgot that weapon is the Peerless Quality Shackled Grade Divine Armament, which has an attribute that cuts off the other’s weapon.

Thunderbolt, who was almost forced out of the playing field, woke up and directly worked with Kinoshita Harumi River. The Cangya of Peerless Quality Shackled Grade and the slender Wo Sang Blade collided and even sparked.


First hit, the slender Wo Sang Blade is resisted by Cangya and can’t threaten Thunderbolt’s chest!


Second hit, Thunderbolt’s retreat step, his attribute is not as good as Kinoshita Harumi River, and it is normal for the opponent to repel.


Third hit, Kinoshita Harumi River’s brow wrinkled!

Because of the collision between the slender Wo Sang Blade and Cangya, there was a gapin the size of the rice!

“dīng~ kā chā ~ dīng~ ”

Fourth hit, the Wo Sang Blade broke into two pieces, one of which fell off the ground! Kinoshita Harumi River looked at the remaining half of the Wo Sang Blade in his hand, and his eyes were strongly unbelievable.

The Grain of the Wo Sang Blade reached the Top Quality Outstanding Grade and was cut off by the other party’s weapon?

Kinoshita Harumi River When stare blankly, Thunderbolt waved Cangya unceremoniously and cut it to Kinoshita Harumi River. Seeing that Cangya could break the Kinoshita Harumi River, Kinoshita Harumi River lifted the remaining half of the blade. Before Cangya.

“dīng~ kā chā !”

The blade of the half-So Sang Blade is obviously not the opponent of Cangya, but it is cut off directly!

The broken blade in the hands of Kinoshita Harumi River is only the last bit of it, like a shrinking dagger with a blade length of less than ten centimeters. No matter whether it is offensive or defensive, you can’t do it.

Thunderbolt sneered , “Wo Sang dog, Drop Dead!”

The Cangya of Peerless Quality Shackled Grade, which was wielded by Thunderbolt, Kinoshita Harumi River evaded for a moment with a dexterous movement technique. Eventually, the back was accidentally chopped by Cangya and suddenly blood came out.

Hey, you are sick!

Thunderbolt caught the flaws of Kinoshita Harumi River, Cangya cut directly on the neck of Kinoshita Harumi River, and the figure of Kinoshita Harumi River slowly disappeared and disappeared on the field.

“Congratulations to Gamer Thunderbolt for the Eleventh round, System rewards the Exquisite Prize Box, please check in your personal space!” The Main System sounded to represent Thunderbolt.

Thunderbolt took Cangya, hā hā laughed, and Cangya’s toughness was completely beyond the expectations of Thunderbolt. When Mr. Gold was successfully rob and kill by them, it was a lucky blessing! .

(To be continued…)

Ps: Thanks for supporting genuine!