
Chapter 1145

HK1130 Broken Hidden Treasure MAP, killing Mr. Gold!


Within Brave’s World, a System announcement entices the Gamer, who has all the lottery boxes.

Even Gamer got the Legend Rank Equipment!

Originally, the Gamer thought that the lottery box was just a trick for Dream Entertainment Company to perfuse Gamer. Because, in the Top 10 round, the lottery box with too much too much was released.

The Gamers also used their own practical actions to prove that most of the things in the lottery box were garbage.

However, at this moment, a Gamer who did not want to be exposed, even got the Legend Rank Equipment through the lottery box, which significantly stimulated the enthusiasm of the Gamers.

Get the Musicer Reward’s Gamer, the requirements are very simple. It’s just a Hope that gets a good thing, even if they can’t get rewards themselves, but they need a Hope, even if this Hope is very embarrassing.

Now, this Hope is in front of them. Legend Rank’s Equipment can actually be obtained through the lottery box, and the rest of Gamer’s lottery box, naturally, it is possible to obtain Legend Rank Equipment.

What is the value of a Legend Rank Equipment? If a Gamer owns the rest of the Endless Glory Set and then negotiates with Storm, it is possible for Storm to open a high price for Hundred-thousand.

A Virtual Equipment only, value Hundred-thousand Xia Nation Yuan !

According to 2007’s consumption standard, Hundred-thousand Xia Nation Yuan, you can even buy a suite!

Storm has long been at the Official Gamer Forum, posting a post to acquire all kinds of Goods. According to Storm’s original post: ‘Don’t be afraid that I don’t have money, just worry about whether your Equipment is good enough! ‘

Based on Storm’s reputation. The Gamers didn’t take this post as a joke. Some Professional Players and Profession Studio have even signed long-term cooperation agreements with Storm.

This time Legend Rank Equipment is now available. Storm First is just about to buy it. But after thinking for a while, Storm gave up. Since the other party chose to broadcast the full server announcement anonymously, this proves that the other party is not famous for Hope, and naturally will not sell Legend Rank weapon.

Storm sighed, looking at the ten lottery boxes in front of him, hesitated for a moment, he was thinking about whether to open the box. After a little hesitation, Storm made up his mind.

“Dīng! Whether to open the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. Victory Reward Mysterious Prize Box?” The Main System issued a prompt.

vrGame Helmet’s internal preset speakers, selected Li Jian Nation’s famous boseCompany products, make vrGame Helmet sound very good.

Storm didn’t talk, just nodded. This was the convenience of the Motion Operating System. The nodded action was recognized and the lottery box was opened immediately.

“Dīng! Congratulations. Get a copper coin reward!” The icy voice of the Main System hints, but the reward is just a copper coin.

Storm was bitter, and at the Official Gamer Forum, a Gamer built a voting sticker to let the rest of the Gamer vote. Count what rewards they have received.

After a short vote, more than 70% of Gamer, the rewards are ‘a copper coin’. Because of this reward, the lottery box was dubbed the ‘One Coin Box’.

Eight lottery boxes were opened in succession. All are rewards for a copper coin, and Storm is somewhat driven mad. Secretly complained: “Shi Lei, that guy, it’s really awkward!”

Looking at the last two boxes in front of him, Storm didn’t think much, opened the box on the left.

“Dīng! Congratulations on getting the Treasure Mapfor one broken sheet.” The Main System finally made a different reminder, and finally it was no longer a reward for a copper coin. Storm almost had a tearful feeling.

The lottery box on the table disappeared, a yellowed paper was left on the table, and Storm took the paper up and observed it. This yellowed ‘Broken Hidden Treasure MAP’ is obviously not a short history. The edge of the Treasure Maphas some broken traces, as if it were wormed.

Storm didn’t care much about it, but on the Treasure MAP, the words ‘Endless Glory’ were marked in Xia Nation. Just as Storm is more proficient in Xia Nation, he certainly knows.

“Is it the rest of the Endless Glory Set?” Storm’s mind was alive.

There are six Endless Glory Sets, and Storm has three pieces. If this broken Treasure Mapis related to an Endless Glory Set, then Storm has almost got a Legend Rank Equipment!

The Broken Hidden Treasure Mapwas taken into the Endless Glory’s Notch belt, and Storm opened the last box. Although the last box was a copper coin, Storm still had a good mood.

Storm is ready to take Treasure Mapto Green-clothed Maiden for a look, because Storm and Green-clothed Maiden are very close, and Storm has felt something. Maybe by giving the Broken Hidden Treasure Mapto Green-clothed Maiden, there will be any unexpected gains.


Xia Nation, Capital City.

Country Money-bags Thunderbolt and Capital expensive Young Sir Thunderclash, both in the same suite, participating in Brave’s World’s First Martial World Struggle for Power Competition.

“Thunderbolt, are you all winning?” The Second Generation Motion Sensing Operation Platform used by Thunderclash is not vrGame Helmet, so the two can communicate in real world, Freedom.

“En! Thunderclash, are you all winning?” Thunderbolt asked.

The two are friends from childhood, belonging to the kind of wearing a pair of open pants, they play with the mud, and the brothers are very deep.

“Of course!” Thunderclash said affirmatively, a pair of it should be by rights, “Open the box first, see if we can get Shackled Grade, or the legislation of Legend Rank!”

The two men finished the box, and Thunderbolt first said: “Tragedy, I am out, all are rubbish!”

“Me too!” Thunderclash is also suffering with a smile. “Go, go to the Forum and see other people’s prizes and see if there is any thing we need. Then take a break and prepare for the Eleventh round. Our opponents are getting stronger and stronger!”

“Yes! Without the Motion Sensing Operation Platform, I’m afraid it’s not someone else’s opponent!” Thunderbolt also exclaimed.

The two are in the Official Gamer Forum to see the glamorous stickers of the Gamer’s Sun Prizes. Looking for the thing they need. Inside the Official Gamer Forum, every second has a numerous post popping up. Want to find exactly what they need, basically like clean out treasures.

In the Official Gamer Forum, some of the Gamer bought a good thing at a low price, and some of the Gamer were deceived by profiteers at high prices. Such examples are not uncommon.

Nearly fifteen minutes later, Thunderbolt suddenly shouted: “Thunderclash, come see this!”

“What thing?” Thunderclash immediately exited the Motion Sensing Operation Platform and went to Thunderbolt’s Motion Sensing Operation Platform. Look at the items displayed by the projector.

‘Compass Locating Talisman: In Talisman, write down the name and identity number of the person who needs to be located. Talisman will automatically obtain the location of the person who is positioned for the duration of ten minutes. ‘

‘Team Teleport Talisman: Write down the specific coordinate information and the name of the person to be transferred in Talisman. Talisman will transfer up to five people to the corresponding coordinate position, the maximum number of transmissions 2/2 times. ‘

The poster of this flaunting sticker directly illustrates the role of two Talismans, who are traveling at home. A must-have for killing! See who is not used to it, you can transfer the past, kill the other party, and then send away.

“Thunderclash, don’t you have any thoughts?” Thunderbolt asked Thunderclash’s opinion.

“Buy it?” Thunderclash asked. “In any case, the price is not expensive. Two Talisman packages are available for purchase. The other party is asking for 20,000.”

“Good!” Thunderbolt nodded affirmatively, then immediately contacted the poster and quickly bought two Talisman. “Thunderclash, do we have any plans now?”

“Patience, first draw three helpers. Then choose a target, then kill each other!” Thunderclash said with a sneer. “Brave’s World’s Death Penalty is not the same as the average game. Even if we all exceed Tenth Grade and have a chance of a Cycle of Rebirth, if we die with a non-complete body? This is a good chance to fight against the opponent!”

“You mean…” Thunderbolt smiled. “If the opponent we face later is too strong, not the existence we can confront, then we use these two Talisman to kill him?”

“Yes!” Thunderclash hā hā laughed. “The 20,000 block, I bought a promotion opportunity, it’s just forget about it!”

After Brave’s World Thousand Strong, the name of the player and the time of the match will be given in advance, which is a preparation time for Gamer.

“Yes!” Thunderbolt added.

Going to the cheaper two people, continue to wander around the Official Gamer Forum and try to get a cheaper one.

Xia Nation Time, June twenty days, nine o’clock in the morning.

Thunderclash at the Official Gamer Forum, found another showdown, this showdown is very disgusting, actually opened the mapgun, directly bombardment the entire Xia Nation Gamer. Even with the death of Xia Nation Gamer, Woer Sang Nation’s Gamer was not spared.


The dross in the Xia Nation area, look at this Old Uncle’s Cangya! 》

Cangya : Peerless Quality Shackled Grade

Grade Requirements: Level 30

Attack :39-40

Additional power: 6

Additional bleeding damage: 10 points per second for 10 seconds

Additional weapon sharp feature, Shackled Grade following Equipment, percent twenty possibility to break

Persistence: 40/40

I am Nanchao Nation Gamer Mr. Gold, and I am very grateful to Dream Entertainment Company for the fairness of the same, which gave me the best Dadao.

In return for the Dream Entertainment Official, I would like to express my gratitude, I must use Cangya to get one of Brave’s World’s First!

In the Xia Nation area and the Wo Sang Nation area, you can wash your neck and wait!

Finally, my id number is 99344017328, welcome to the full woman of the world to add friends, add friends, please send a high-definition codeless life big picture photo verification, thank you!


Peerless Quality Shackled Grade’s weapon is not powerful. Thunderclash silently remembers the excellent Grade Iron’s Iron Sword. The attack is only 7-8, which is simply a rhythm that can’t be compared!

“Thunderbolt, I think we just bought the thing, there is a place to use it!” Thunderclash suddenly started talking.

Thunderbolt also read Mr. Gold’s post. His eyes turned and apparently understood the Opinion of Thunderclash. “We, kill Mr. Gold! Grab his Cangya!”


Ps:youmaybeoutofmysight,butneveroutofmYM ind.