
Chapter 1144

HK1129 Ten rounds of competition, the legend appears!

Xia Nation Time, June twenty days, zero o’clock zero seconds.

Brave’s World Online Gamer, officially breaking through a thousand 2 Million people, all the Gamer in Brave’s World, received the Main System prompt:

“Esteemed’s Gamer, First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition is about to open, and all contestants will receive the Void Shuttle Token. Any Gamer who wants to enter the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition will be able to purchase the Audience Admission Ticket. Transfer to the main venue. For detailed rules, please check the system message.”

“First Round competition will be officially opened in ten minutes. This round of Gamer will be attended by 11,797,327 people. The audience will not be present at Gamer 38,109. All the participants in Gamer, System automatically randomly select two pairs of battles, and Gamer directly advances to win the prize; Gamer, who did not arrive, had an eight-hour extension and participated in the competition within eight hours. System automatically arranged the players. Over eight hours, they were treated as abstentions.”

“The countdown is ten minutes. After ten minutes, the Main System will start to transfer to the participating Gamer. Please ask all the participating Gamers to prepare in advance!”

Brave’s World’s Main System, also known as Izual, reminded all online Gamers five times in a row that the First Round game is about to begin.

Ten minutes later, the First Round competition officially started. Nearly one thousand 2 Million participated in Gamer. Under the watchful eye of Gamer, it was transferred by the Main System and entered the Space Layering Arena arranged by the Main System.

Eleven minutes after the start of the First Round game, all Gamer matches, and Storm undoubtedly became the winner, with a half set of Fortieth Grade’s Legendary Set. Storm’s combat is very powerful.

After the First Round, the Main System issued a total of nearly six million copies of the Victory Reward. Victory Reward is a lottery box, good luck Gamer. There is even a chance to open the Epic Rank Equipment; the poor luck Gamer is likely to offer a comfort bonus for a copper coin.

Of course, most of the Gamer luck is not good!

Only a handful of Gamer did not choose to open the lottery box, but saved the lottery box.

The Second Round game continues, whether it is Izual’s Logical Judgement or Shi Lei’s subjective determine. Neither stopped the Second Round because of the absence of the Forty Thousand.

First Round’s winning 5,898,664 name Gamer continues the Second Round game. The break interval for the Second Round game was reduced to three minutes.

None of the participating Gamers left the Space Layering competition map, and the New System was randomly assigned by the Main System to continue the mapon the Space Layering competition. The game started again.

The Second Round game is obviously more intense than the First Round. But the extent is only a little bit. With more than 10 million Gamers eliminated, the remaining Gamer is unlikely to be Excelent. The vast majority of participating Gamer is still just for mixing Victory Reward.

However, although it was only a little more intense, it reduced the time of the game to eight minutes. Eight minutes later, the Gamer who entered the Third round was lowered to the 2,949,332.

This round of Victory Reward lottery boxes is required. It is also so much. Most of the Gamer still chose to open the lottery box immediately. Just like the last round. Most Gamer is a bad luck egg.

But this round of prizes, but there is a lucky one! A Nankeo Nation’s Gamer got a Peerless Quality Shackled Grade Dadao – Cangya!

Brave’s World’s Equipment is divided into seven Twenty-eight products, seven Grades from low to high, respectively, Ordinary, Excellent, Outstanding, Shackled, Legend, Epic, Myth.

Each Grade contains four grades, namely Basic Quality, Mid Quality, Top Quality, and Peerless Quality.

Dadao of Peerless Quality Shackled Grade, just a few lines away from Legend Rank Equipment!

The lucky man of Nanchao Nation was named Mr. Gold. He asked the Main System if he was hiding his name. When he released the Full-service Announcement, Mr. Gold chose to reject the anonymity.

Full-service Announcement, EQ uivalent to a great ad!

Even though Brave’s World allows Gamer to use the exact same Nickname name, Full-service Announcement is still the best way to promote the name! How does Mr. Gold give the same choice of ‘Brocaded Clothing Worn At Night’ to anonymously release Full-service Announcement?

“Congratulations to Gamer Mr. Gold, by opening the lottery box and getting Peerless Quality Shackled Grade Equipment: Cangya!” Izual just made a full server announcement. Cangya is just the Weapon of Shackled Grade, even if it is Peerless Quality, even with Legend Rank Equipment, it is just a line.

But Shackled is Shackled!

The original Gamers were still complaining that Brave’s World’s lottery was too embarrassing. After hearing the System announcement, the Gamers re-raised Hope. Besides, many of Gamer also took some good things, but did not cause System announcement.

These good-selling Gamer, before the start of the Third round, directly signed the Official Gamer Forum from Brave’s World Signed In and posted the item mapin the Forum. These Gamer’s ostentatious behavior stimulated a part of Gamer, the stimulating Gamer, to start secret planning.

The Third round was started three minutes after the Second Round and a total of 2,949,332 names Gamer participated. The Gamer standard of the Third round is slightly improved.

After all, winning two times in a row, in addition to the lucky Gamer, consecutively met the two times ratio, the other Gamer has more or less standard.

This round of competition lasted about half an hour before and after!

Half an hour later, the 1,474,666 victory Gameer was decided. After three consecutive rounds, this part of Gamer got a half-hour break.

The reason for giving half an hour of rest is for High-end Player. The Motion Sensing Operation Platform used by High-end Player, after three consecutive games, the high-end Player’s physical fitness should be no small consumption.

Shi Lei told Izual to send an information to Gamer using the Motion Sensing Operation Platform, so that this part of Gamer can rest and recover.

From Izual’s feedback information, after nearly one hundred 500,000 advances to Gamer, there is about 800,000 Gamer, using the Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

In addition, there is a Gamer that uses Motion Sensing Operation Platform more than 400,000. Fortunately, Izual once again showed the big data statistical information, which exceeded the Motion Sensing Operation Platform Gamer that 400,000 was eliminated. Only the Hundred-thousand people were killed by the Ordinary Gamer, and the rest were all used by other Motion Sensing Operation Platform Gamer. Turn it over.

This is the same root, why is it too urgent!

After half an hour of rest, the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition Fourth round begins. This round of competition is still half an hour. The Main System intelligently adjusts the time of the game and limits the longest match to three. Ten minutes, to avoid the delay time of the Gamer Unrestricted.

If the winner is not determined within the specified time, the Main System will actively determine and select one of the winners.


Emerald Building, 37th floor.

Shi Lei yawned and looked at the data information projected by the projector. After four rounds of competition, Brave’s World operated normally, whether it was the load of the server, the internal data of the game, and the operation of the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition. It is very normal.

“Old Xie, I am going to sleep for a while, you look at it. If there is any issue, you wake me up.” Shi Lei lay on his back on the leather sofa and told Xie Hui.

It’s nearly two and a half in the early hours of the morning. Without Emergency Situation, Shi Lei can’t stop the sleep.

“Okay, Chief Shi!” Xie Hui nodded affirmatively. He couldn’t object at all. Shi Lei told him to look at Brave’s World, not only because Shi Lei wanted to sleep, but also because of Xie Hui. trust. If Shi Lei doesn’t trust him, how can he be independent of Brave’s World?

Shi Lei entered the dreamland comfortably, and Xie Hui drank espresso to resist the tiredness.

In Brave’s World, the Gamers seem to be unaware of the passage of time, including Gamer in the Xia Nation area. The vast majority of Gamer in the Xia Nation area has already prepared the game time in advance.

Numerous youngsters leave for work, leaving Brave’s World in the real world, with no small impact. The student gamers are happy, and at the end of June, they are basically on vacation, and they can play for as long as they like!

One night, Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, played ten rounds. After ten rounds of competition, only the 11,521 name Gamer remained.

Brave’s World’s Main System finally announced the suspension of the game. Starting from the Eleventh round, the game time will be looser, leaving Gamer with a lot of rest time.

At the same time, after ten rounds of competition, it was also waiting for the Gamer who did not log in to the First Round. Those Gamer had a total of 38,109 names. The number of Gamers. After ten rounds of competition, according to the principle of round-the-air promotion, there should have been 38. People advance. However, given the small number of Gamers in this part, the chance of the round is getting bigger. In total, there will be five rounds and five new places will be added.

Therefore, the Main System made a restriction, and this part of Gamer was promoted by 38 people and reduced to 33.

As a result, the Gamer in the Eleventh round will be 11,554.

Xia Nation Time, 9:37 in the morning.

Corresponding to Li Jian Nation time, twenty at night is thirty-seven points. Storm has won ten consecutive victories and became a Quasi Ten-thousand Strong player, standing in the forefront of the 10 million Gamer.

Storm is now in Dojo’s private room. On the table in front of him, there are a total of ten lottery boxes. This is the Victory Reward of the ten rounds.

Just as Storm is ready to open, Brave’s World Main System has an announcement:

“Congratulations to Anonymous Gamer, get the Basic Quality Legend Rank Equipment: Splitting Skies! Who is the battle? Surveying The World From Within, only Epic!”

The Main System continually announced three times, letting all of the online Gamers of Brave’s World know that the Victory Reward’s lottery box actually opened the legendary Equipment.

Storm’s brows are deeply wrinkled. Only Storm with Legend Rank Equipment knows the power of Legend Rank Equipment…

(To be continued.)
