
Chapter 1146

HK1131 layout and lure!


Mr. Gold’s post on the Official Gamer Forum apparently caused public outrage. Xia Nation Gamer and Wo Sang Nation Gamer, extremely rare, are united together in the post of Mr. Gold, attacking Mr. Gold.

A lot of Gamer let out, if you meet Mr. Gold in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, you will definitely learn Mr. Gold. Since the Death Penalty inside Brave’s World is too serious and the supervision of the Imperial Court is severe, Gamer usually does not take the initiative to kill.

The crime of murder is very heavy. If it is caught, it is very hard to send it to the prison.

Gamer from other regions, watching the good show. Some of Xia Nation’s proverbs have been circulated overseas through the Official Gamer Forum, such as ‘doing nothing, not working hard’.

The overseas Gamer, who is out of the game, obviously does not intend to participate. They are more of Hope Xia Nation and Wo Sang Nation’s Gamer, besieging Nanchao Nation’s Gamer, and it is better to have a big fight.

This can weaken the strength of the three Nation’s Gamer overall.

There are also some overseas Gamer, shameless in the spray of Mr. Gold, and actually left the id number, openly in the Official Gamer Forum about the younger sister. This kind of behavior of simply being a bed friend should definitely be crusted!

Inside Brave’s World, Thunderclash and Thunderbolt, currently discussing how to kill Mr. Gold.

“Thunderclash, that Mr. Gold, got Peerless Quality Shackled Grade of weapon, we want to beat him, should not be an easy thing. Not as good as we invite to participate in how Storm? Storm rumors have Legend Rank Equipment, he must fight Got Mr. Gold!” Thunderbolt said.

Thunderclash directly denied, “No! We don’t say that Storm has Legend Rank weapon. Why do you think Storm is going to kill Mr. Gold with us? Even Storm will doubt it. Will we be against him! After all, Storm is nothing, we can’t attract him!”

Storm’s is indeed nothing, money and money, some people, who is alone in danger?

Among Brave’s World, the only two Third Grade Factions, one of which is exactly as stated Storm’s Storm Stronghold. And Storm has recruited a full 500 people. At the same time, in this time Quasi Ten-thousand Strong, Storm’s Faction has more than one hundred and successfully advanced to the Eleventh round.

Third Grade Faction, the member of Storm Stronghold, is not comparable to Freedom Faction. To get into Storm Stronghold, you need to undergo a rigorous assessment, you also need to pay real Identity Information, and sign a rigorous contract.

Of course, so many rules have entered Storm Stronghold. There are also many benefits. As long as you enter Storm Stronghold, even the most basic ordinary member, you can get a fixed monthly salary for Storm.

That’s right, it’s salary!

Storm treats Faction member as if it were a company personnel. Salaries are paid regularly every month. Because of this, Storm Stronghold’s Faction member. The cohesiveness is very high, and even if they know the death, they will rush to it. Anyway, I’m dead, and there’s also Storm, which gives me a lot of compensation.

Storm’s is indeed the Gamer in the Brave’s World Official rankings, ranking first, and in this case, what reason does Storm have to be alone? Is there any reason to participate in Thunderclash and Thunderbolt to kill Mr. Gold?

“Thunderclash, only with the two of us, plus the Expert in Faction, can’t deal with Mr. Gold. The pressure brought by Cangya is too great, especially the attribute of ‘cracking’, we are on Mr. Gold, very Very bad!” Thunderbolt sensible analysis.

Thunderclash hēi hēi smiled, “Let’s look for Monarch No Regrets!”

An Idea Turns Demonic, Monarch No Regrets !

The presence of Brave’s World Grade leaderboard, the current Grade has reached Twenty-sixth Grade, is the only one of Brave’s World, the only one of Twenty-sixth Grade.

And, very few people know that Monarch No Regrets didn’t join Brave’s World in the first place, but after halfway through the house, they rushed to Ranking List First.

“Hey? Grade is ranked First?” Thunderbolt hesitated. “Is the other party willing?”

Thunderbolt’s subtext is: Since the other side has Grade first, is it still bad?

“Ken! Monarch No Regrets is not in good condition in Reality. According to the news I got, Monarch No Regrets will definitely help us if we give Monarch No Regrets the money that can’t be rejected. Again, this time Mr. Gold is open. Provoking our entire Gamer in the Xia Nation area, Monarch No Regrets wouldn’t refuse.” Thunderclash apparently did some homework and investigate the Personnel associated with the Ranking List.

“If Monarch No Regrets is willing to participate, our winning percentage is significantly promoted!” Thunderbolt is slightly sighed in relief, although Monarch No Regrets is only Tenth Place on the power charts, but at least higher than Mr. Gold.

“En! Let’s choose two bows and arrows from Faction, plus you and me, and Monarch No Regrets. With five to one, Mr. Gold can’t run!” Thunderclash said confidently.

After making the decision, Thunderclash immediately started to contact Monarch No Regrets, while Thunderbolt chose inside the Faction for the bow and arrow Expert. Their Faction is the co-author of their names. However, the same as Third Grade Faction, their Thunderbolt Clashes is a lot worse than Storm Stronghold.

Not only did not fill the personnel, the Expert in the Faction is also lacking, the Quasi Ten-thousand Strong Expert, they only have less than five people.

“Monarch No Regrets, I need your help!” Thunderclash sent the flying pigeon carrier directly to Monarch No Regrets. The two haveformed the intersection and added friends, so you can use flying pigeon carrier.

Monarch No Regrets quickly replied: “What?”

“Help me kill a person!” Thunderclash did not sneak a temptation, but said it directly.

Monarch No Regrets doesn’t like the kind of covert behavior, “Who kills?” Monarch No Regrets bluntly asks, and doesn’t ask why Thunderclash wants to kill.

“Nanchao Nation’s Mr. Gold, id number 99344017328.” Thunderclash responded.

“Cost?” Monarch No Regrets asked straightforwardly that his relationship with Thunderclash was a general one. Maybe he would only nod and say hello, and it would not be possible to help Thunderclash kill free.

In Brave’s World, the cost of death is very high, and Monarch No Regrets will not kill people without cause.

“Fifty thousand, Xia Nation Yuan!” Thunderclash said a sincere price.

“No! Finding targets will waste numerous time. Not enough!” Monarch No Regrets directly rejected, how big is Brave’s World’s map? It’s just land area. It is more than 630,000 square kilometers.

What concept is this?

The land area of ​​Great Britain is only 240,000 square kilometers, which means that Brave’s World’s land area is more than 2.5 times that of Great Britain!

Looking for a fixed Gamer in such a large map, even with the Instant Communications System, is very, very difficult.

“Don’t rush to refuse!” Thunderclash continued. “We have an item that can directly detect the location of Mr. Gold. We also have the item that directly passed the past. Also in other words, you only need to be responsible for Killer! We have four people working with you.” Thunderclash explains the situation.

“Is there such an item?” Monarch No Regrets in the heart Surprised, such an item is simply a weapon for rob and kill important people.

In fact, in Brave’s World, the number of Compass Locating Talisman and Team Teleport Talisman is very rare. It can even be comparable to Substitution Puppet. However, no matter the seller, or Thunderclash and Thunderbolt, they don’t know it. They don’t know the rareness of these two items.

Again, inside Brave’s World. In many places, direct transmission is prohibited. Including Gamer’s private space, some Underground labyrinths, private domains within the city, including the inn’s Room, the money bank’s vault, and more.

“Well. That’s right! Monarch No Regrets, I want you to know Mr. Gold Right?” asked Thunderclash. In fact, Thunderclash is testing, and Monarch No Regrets is also interested in Cangya.

“The Gamer who got Peerless Quality Shackled Grade weapon Ah? You can rest assured that I don’t need Cangya! If it’s as you describe it, you can find the other person directly, I promise you to help him!” For Mr. Gold in the Forum The post, Monarch No Regrets, although not in person, but the surrounding Gamer has to discuss, Monarch No Regrets also knows.

In the face of Mr. Gold, who provoked the entire Xia Nation Gamer, Monarch No Regrets obviously didn’t like him.

“That would be great! You are busy first, after I am ready, contact you again! Right, you are still in Tianxuan City Right?” Thunderclash asked, Tianxuan City is his city with Thunderbolt and the location of Faction. If it is not in the same area, Team Teleport Talisman will not take effect.

“Well, still, ready to call me!” Monarch No Regrets cut off the flying pigeon carrier.

Thunderclash didn’t mind that Monarch No Regrets cut off the communication, his eyebrows turned look towards towards Thunderbolt, started talking: “Monarch No Regrets got it!”

“I’m done here too. There are two Arrows Experts in Faction, each giving a Five Thousand block reward. But I haven’t explained the details of the Task yet, just tell them to kill!” Thunderbolt responded.

“well done!” Thunderclash boasted that the structure of their Faction member is not as stable as Storm Stronghold. In case there is a member who can’t help but seduce and sell the message to Mr. Gold, the ones waiting for Thunderclash will be counter. Calculate, they may be killed by the counter!

The personnel who killed Mr. Gold were ready, and Thunderclash began the plan of the Second Phase.

Second Phase’s plan, exact as stated looking for a beautiful woman, taking the initiative to contact Mr. Gold, and drawing attention to Mr. Gold, and then related arrangements for Mr. Gold.

It is best to ask Mr. Gold’s location information directly and let Mr. Gold walk right into a trapto save Compass Locating Talisman and Team Teleport Talisman.

Thunderclash is the famous Capital expensive Young Sir, how many beautiful women in Capital?

Just a moment later, Thunderclash contacted a person who was playing Brave’s World’s beautiful woman. After Thunderclash negotiated with the other party, the beautiful woman took the initiative to contact Mr. Gold.

Mr. Gold quickly fell into the trapafter seeing the photo of the beautiful woman. The so-called knives on the head of the color word, the beautiful woman falling from the sky, may also be a disaster!

Beautiful woman communicates with Mr. Gold. According to Thunderclash’s instructions, the beautiful woman has succeeded in tempting Mr. Gold to come to Tianxuan City. The reason to lure Mr. Gold is also very simple, beautiful woman said that there is not enough Relay Station travel expenses.

Although there is no transmission array, Brave’s World has Relay Station as a fast traffic. Brave’s World’s mapis too big to allow Gamer to walk or ride to other cities, so it takes too much time.

Although you have a Relay Station, you can quickly reach other cities, but this is very expensive and the Ordinary Gamer can’t afford to pay for it. Therefore, the beautiful woman said that there is no Relay Station travel expenses, and Mr. Gold has no doubt that it can be said directly.

For such a result, Thunderclash and Thunderbolt are naturally overjoyed. Although they don’t understand the value of Compass Locating Talisman and Team Teleport Talisman, they can be saved for other uses, which is a better choice.

Shuangqing City, Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei has just returned from the Emerald Building and is currently viewing the prizes from the Victory Reward Mysterious Prize Box inside Brave’s World.

When she saw the Basic Quality Legend Rank Equipment Splitting Skies, Shi Lei was a little surprised. It was really lucky that she got the Legend Rank weapon ! What surprised Shi Lei was that Storm actually got the lead Treasure Mapfrom Endless Glory Set.

That Treasure Mapis actually a triggered Treasure Mapthat automatically retrieves the best Equipment in the Gamer to generate the corresponding Treasure Mapthread.

But what really surprised Shi Lei, exactly as stated Compass Locating Talisman and Team Teleport Talisman!

Ordinary Gamer only sees these two Talisman is a good thing to kill, but they are really useful, but it is not like this!


Ps: Support the genuine, give it to the mountain!