
Chapter 1143

HK1128 suspected, officially started


June twenty days, ten o’clock in the evening.

Shi Lei sits in Xie Hui’s Office and directs the Dream Entertainment Company’s personnel, ready to respond to Emergency Situation in Brave’s World.

Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo have returned to Sunlight Garden. At noon and evening, Shi Lei was with two younger sisters. Until nine o’clock, Shi Lei persuaded the two younger sisters to rest on the grounds that ‘younger sister lacked sleep and the skin would deteriorate.’

Xie Hui walked in from outside of Office and sat opposite Shi Lei’s, actively reporting: “Chief Shi, all personnel have entered Brave’s World, waiting for the order!”

Shi Lei nodded, Dream Entertainment’s personnel, entered Brave’s World just to prevent it. Although Izual is a High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, when I open the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition inside Brave’s World, it is difficult to guarantee that Izual cannot solve the issue.

At this time, manual managers are needed. Dream Entertainment Company’s staff personnel, after entering Brave’s World, do not have a Management Authority. Their Management Authority, all of which are temporary grants. The manual manager is only granted when Izual detects an issue that cannot be resolved, and the temporary management authority is turned on.

“Patience wait!” After Shi Lei finished, there was no image lying on back on the leather sofa, eyes closed.

Shuangqing City, Shuangqing Television Station.

Despite being late at night, Shuangqing Television Station is still brightly lit, as they have Brave’s World’s World Broadcasting Right and can play Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition.

Due to Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, the opening time is zero. And it will continue until the end of the ten rounds. Follow Dream Entertainment Official. The game time given is predicted, and the ten-round big date takes an overnight time. Therefore, Shuangqing Television Station will also broadcast live inside Brave’s World overnight.

For the overnight game, Xia Nation Gamer protested, but Dream Entertainment Company ignored it and caused a lot of complaints from Xia Nation Gamer. Dream Entertainment Company, always so cool. Basically, they will ignore the protests of Gamer.

Besides, the Dreaming Company’s awarding ceremony will be held in the Xia Nation area, and overseas Gamer must also be present in person. The First Day Pass is also a measure of balance.

This time, host the Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, Host of the opening period. It is Shi Lei’s old acquaintance, Shuangqing Television Station’s well-known gold medal Host Hu Ke.

“All personnel notice, 30 seconds later, officially began to broadcast live!” said a middle-aged man standing by, said. This middle-aged man is Deputy Station DIRE ctor Xu Bo of Shuangqing Television Station and belongs to the absolute power of Shuangqing Television Station.

The personnel of the site. After a quick action, thirty seconds later, Shuangqing Television Station began to broadcast to Braille’s World’s information for the audience of Shuangqing City.

“The audience in front of the TV, hello. Hello, I am Hu Ke. I am very happy, late at night. Bring a good news to everyone, Dream Entertainment Company’s network entertainment game Brave’s World will be officially at zero this evening. Open the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition.” Hu Ke briefly introduced the situation.

At this point in time, it is usually the time of the TV series, only the young Gamers are waiting to watch TV. There are also some unemployed youths who have called the family to watch the news of Shuangqing Television Station. They are going to use the reports of Shuangqing Television Station to persuade their families to let them become Professional Players.

“Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition is a very high prize, won First Place ‘First Under Heaven’, will receive Dream Entertainment Company, offer 3 Million US Dollar reward, equivalent to Xia Nation Yuan more than two thousand 4 Million Yuan!” Hu Ke said in an excited tone, “A game of a game, even such a high bonus, if not I will not play the game, I must try!” After the call, Hu Ke Laughed.

In front of the TV, many Gamer clenched their fists. 3 Million US Dollar is an absolute astronomical figure for the people of Xia Nation. Most people can’t get it for a lifetime.

“In addition to the generous bonuses, Brave’s World will bring a huge popularity to Gamer!” Hu Ke showed a girlish naughty smile and continued, “Because, in addition to our Shuangqing Television Station, Worldwide has a total More than the twenty TV media, the live broadcast of Brave’s World’s will be synchronized, and the total population covered is expected to exceed the Billions!”

“Want to be a high-profile person? Want to be a Network Entertainment Star? Please rise up at Brave’s World! Try to beat one opponent after another and climb to the top!” Hu Ke said excitedly, a beautiful The face, even because it is too excited, becomes flushed.

Fortunately, Shi Lei did not look at Shuangqing Television Station, otherwise Shi Lei must think that Xie Hui gave Hu Ke a benefit. Otherwise, why is Hu Ke so active in helping Brave’s World’s promotion?

Far away Li Jian Nation, it is still more than ten o’clock in the morning. Storm has received the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform, as well as vrGame Helmet, and has the front-end equipment needed for the Motion Sensing Operation Set.

Storm currently experimented with vrGame Helmet and the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform, bringing a new game experience for oneself. When Storm follows the instructions, wears the hanging part, brings vrGame Helmet, and chooses to enter Brave’s World’s moment, Storm is deeply earthquake!

With the powerful Personal Game Server, vrGame Helmet presents Storm with the most impressive First-person vision, which is like the sight that the naked eye actually sees, so Storm in the heart can’t help but admire.

He tried to move two steps, and the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform brought a lighter pace and lower physical energy consumption. Storm tries to look up at the sky, and when using the previous generation of seamless mosaic technology to do this, it will fall out of the game environment.

However, the first person vision provided by vrGame Helmet, and the display screen will move with the head, no matter how the Gamer moves the head, the Vision Frame will be displayed synchronously anytime, anywhere.

As Storm’s looked up, the blue sky, the white clouds, and the slightly dazzling sunlight, Storm raised his hands again. He couldn’t help but sigh: “Dream Entertainment Company’s technology can reach this level! Maybe in the future They can really open Virtual …”

“junior male student, what are you talking about Dream?” A green girl appeared behind Storm and unearthly patted Storm’s shoulder.

Storm hā hā Smile, “Senior Sister Lu’er, I said that my Dream is the first place to win this time!”

“keep it up !junior male student, if you get First Place, senior female student wants to give you a present!” Green-clothed Maiden looks at Storm.

For this Non-player Controlled Characters, Storm has a special feeling. Even if Storm reminds himself again and again, standing in front of this Green-clothed Maiden is just a virtual, cold figure, even the appearance of Green-clothed Maiden, and then similar to the three-dimensional girl, can still Determine that she is a two-dimensional character.

But even though, Storm also inevitably has a strange feeling about this Green-clothed Maiden. Storm is famous not only because of his wealth, but also because of his relationship with Green-clothed Maiden.

A lot of beautiful female players, at the Official Gamer Forum, exposed all kinds of data, Hope caused Storm’s attention, but the feedback from Gamer was full of ridicule.

For example, the most responses from Gamers are exactly as stated : ‘Storm ? You said that Nouveau Riche who likes npc and uses npc as a girlfriend? You are still a province, people like the girl of the second yuan! ‘

Storm looked at the green-clothed Maiden in front of him, and for a moment he was a little dazed and muttered: “For you, I must get First Under Heaven!”

Green-clothed Maiden’s face is red, like a real human, “junior male student, what do you say! Hey, with your jack of all trades, 10 million don’t lose your life!”

Storm surprisingly did not refute Green-clothed Maiden, just watching Green-clothed Maiden smirk.

Green-clothed Maiden seems to be unable to bear Storm’s gaze, squatting and screaming, glanced at Storm, turned and ran to the distance, and a crisp voice came from the air. “junior male student, Master called you past, it seems What a great Sword Method to teach you!”

Storm stared at Green-clothed Maiden until Green-clothed Maiden came out of sight, and Storm said to himself: “This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible! With the technology of Dream Entertainment Company, absolutely do There is no such detail! The character of the actual person, as well as the change of the face and the expressiveness of the white eyes, may be just a cold digital program? This is absolutely impossible! Dream Entertainment Company, what secret is hidden?”

Storm’s face changed, he wanted to quit Brave’s World immediately, and called Shi Lei to ask a clear one. But he did not do this sensibly because he knew that even though he asked Shi Lei, Shi Lei would not answer, or a formulaic answer.

‘Brave’s World’s Main System, what secret is hidden? Why can you simulate the true humanity of more than millions of Non-player Controlled Characters? Senior Sister Lu’er is a program, or really… ‘Storm in the heart’ messed up.

After a few minutes, Storm deep took a deep breath, vrGame Helmet inside, cold air, let Storm calm down a bit. He looked again at Green-clothed Maiden’s direction and his eyes were firm.

‘Since Brave’s World hides secret, let me uncover it! ‘


Two hours passed by, and Shi Lei woke up at the prompt of Xie Hui. After a short break for two hours, Shi Lei’s spirit was restored to a small extent.

“Chief Shi, First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, and a minute to open.” Xie Hui said to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei took out the cell phone and brought the Bluetooth headset. After dozens of seconds, the time points to the zero point on the fiveth day of June. Brave’s World officially opened the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition!
