
Chapter 1140

HK1125 high price voucher!

An’rui City.

In a neatly furnished living room, a middle-aged woman holds a piece of paper cut from a yellow-brown cardboard box and writes the word ‘medicine’ on the piece of paper.

The middle-aged woman is currently playing the mother of Brave’s World’s young woman. The middle-aged woman is holding a piece of paper. Before entering the door of the young woman, she sighs with a sigh: “Little Nan this child, the body was originally It’s not good, why do you have to play games for a long time!”

After that, the middle-aged woman pushed the door into the door, holding a yellow-brown piece of paper and placed it in front of Little Nan, the innate deaf and mute, which was the way she communicated with Little Nan.

Although there is a little more convenient sign language communication, middle-aged women know that Little Nan will not pay attention to the opinion that her sign language should express when playing games. So, when playing games at Little Nan, the communication between them simply became a way of text.

Little Nan currently View the specific information of ‘mysterious experience voucher’, the specific attribute of mysterious experience voucher is very simple, but marked with ‘important items’, and clearly shows the specific information published time is Xia Nation Time June Twenty-three day Two 12 points two 12 points.

After more than a month of struggle, Little Nan knows more about the items in Brave’s World. At least, Little Nan is sure that the items she orly own, or the items she knows, are not yet an item, and will be labeled with an ‘important item’ information.

I don’t know what mysterious experience voucher is. Little Nan controls the game character and returns to the Safe Zone in the novice area, standing up from the old computer. Use sign language to express your own opinion.

‘Mom, I just caught a cold, after taking medicine in the morning and at noon. It feels better now! ‘Little Nan looks at the wrinkles on her face. The real-aged middle-aged woman is ten years younger than her appearance. Her mood is very uncomfortable. She really wants to earn numerous money in Brave’s World to change the dilemma of this family.

The middle-aged woman also began to gesticulate and forced Little Nan to take medicine. Little Nan could only obey the obedient medicine. After eating quickly. Little Nan returned to his own room and is ready to continue playing Brave’s World, mainly to check the information about mysterious experience voucher.

Little Nan is just innate deaf and mute. Absolutely not innately handicapped !

Therefore, if there is anything that does not understand, Little Nan likes to consult the Official Gamer Forum. The official Gamer Forum has a very large amount of information, and the retrieve system is very convenient. What information content you want to query. Basically, it is a check.

However, to disappoint Little Nan, when searching for the keyword ‘mysterious experience voucher’, no information was found. Little Nan is not willing to contact Brave’s World online customer service, which is Brave’s World’s Main System. The answer is the same as that of mysterious experience voucher. I can only wait until Xia Nation Time June Twenty-three day 2 12 point 2 12 points. In order to get detailed information.

Faced with such an answer, Little Nan can only temporarily put down the confusion in the heart. Continue to the accomplish Task in the novice area and wait until after that time. You can get the answer.


Time has passed, Lin’an Underground Base.

Shi Lei has been here, adjusting the control system of vrGame Helmet and the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform, and repairing some bugs in continuous testing.

June Twenty-three day, four o’clock in the afternoon.

Shi Lei left the Lin’an Underground Base with nine sets of vrGame Helmet and the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform. The transport Helicopter of Rongcheng Military District sent Shi Lei back to Shuangqing City.

This time, vrGame Helmet and the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform, a total of 10 sets of Handmade, exceeded the original eight sets of scheduled plans. Among them, one set was expropriated by Li Yuan for free, and in the other nine sets, Shi Lei was prepared to leave a set for himself.

The time to return to Shuanghu District is already seven o’clock in the evening. Mainly, the shipping issue of the nine sets of somatosensory sets consumes a lot of time. vrGame Helmet is not big, like a motorcycle helmet, where can it be bigger?

The new Motion Sensing Operation Platform is not a small size, basically a standard one cubic meter cube carton with wooden frame protection. Nine of these cartons, Shi Lei stopped at the Porsche Cayenne at Fallen Jade Mountain Training Field, and couldn’t fit it!

Finally, from the Shuangqing City Bureau, I borrowed a truck that transported supplies. Shi Lei returned to Shuanghu District with nine sets of somatosensory sets.

These nine sets of somatosensory sets are all stored in the Headquarters of the company in the Emerald Building. If they are piled up in the Jingya Garden’s Room, it will not be stacked.

Shi Lei still needs a little time to renovate the 2002 Room, and he is ready to transform the 2002 Room into an entertainment space dedicated to playing games.

After finishing the handling of the Somatosensory Set, Shi Lei casually ate a few things, returned to Jingya Garden and fell hū hū to sleep, these two days Shi Lei in Lin’an Underground Base, constantly testing vrGame Helmet And the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform, every day is very busy, which makes him very tired. After returning, Shi Lei most wanted to do something, exactly as stated to supplement sleep.

Shi Lei hū hū Sleeping, naturally I don’t know the Official Gamer Forum. At the moment, I am currently conducting a big discussion about mysterious experience voucher.

According to Shi Lei’s plan, the ownership of eight sets of Motion Sensing Operation Platform is divided into three parts. Among them, the four sets assigned to the Ordinary Gamer determine the ownership of the Motion Sensing Operation Set in a random drop and the way the Task rewards the mysterious experience voucher.

Since it is a ‘voucher’ way, the attribution of the screening, the Gamer who obtained the certificate, I do not know what the item body reward is. Therefore, the ownership rights of the four sets of Motion Sensing Operation Sets were first confirmed.

The three sets of Motion Sensing Operation Set assigned to Nouveau Riche Gamer will be officially launched on the Official Virtual Goods Trading System after Xia Nation Time June Twenty-three Day 2 12 point two 12 points.

Presented to the Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm’s Motion Sensing Operation Set, also at this point in time, will automatically send System announcement to the Storm by Brave’s World’s Main System.

Xia Nation Time, June Twenty-three day, at 8 o’clock in the evening.

Inside the Official Gamer Forum. In addition to Little Nan, the other three Gamer will each receive the mysterious experience voucher. The screenshot was sent to the Forum and asked for help from other Gamer to guess what the mysterious experience voucher is.

The three mysterious experience voucher are obtained in different ways. One of them is the one obtained by the Task, the Gamer posting, and the composing a difficult Task. I got mysterious experience voucher. Due to the difficulty of the Task, the Gamer who got the mysterious experience voucher thought it was very important.

The other two ways to get mysterious experience voucher. It’s a lot simpler, it’s all in the wild when fighting, killing monsters directly. Two Gamers who got mysterious experience voucher didn’t know what was going on at first. Inside Brave’s World. Kill non-human-shaped monsters. Basically, only raw materials can be obtained, even the copper coin can not be obtained, and how could it be similar to a bamboo slip?

When they look at the ‘important items’ and ‘non-dropable’ of the item profile, they agree that the mysterious experience voucher is good thing.

However, after three Gamers who got mysterious experience voucher, after the Post of the Official Gamer Forum, the comments of Gamer were very cumbersome.

The vast majority of Gamer has fully played Lenovo. The ‘mysterious experience for oneself’ is automatically added to the ‘things that the people love to see,’ which is commonly known as the ‘big treasure sword’.

Part of Shuangqing City native Gamer. Leave a message, Hope gets the mysterious experience voucher’s Gamer and sells the voucher to them. This kind of ‘favorite thing’ should only be enjoyed by Shuangqing City’s native Gamer!

Little Nan is not convinced that Gamer is getting more and more unreliable guesses. Little Nan doesn’t believe it, Dream Entertainment Company will invite Gamer to Shuangqing City to enjoy ‘Da Baojian’.

No matter how unreasonable the Gamers are, the time will not stay for half a second. When the time reaches two 12 points and two 12 points, the Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website home page, Brave’s World Main System, Official Gamer Forum’s home page announcement announcement, and the detailed information of the mysterious experience voucher.

Also, on the homepage of Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website, Izual also automatically released a detailed introduction of vrGame Helmet and the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform. The new Motion Sensing Operation Platform was named “Freedom ‘Motion Sensing Operation Platform” by Shi Lei.

So named because the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform can basically do this, let Gamer Freedom operate Brave’s World’s character, and break through the restrictions of the previous two generations of Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

As the mysterious experience voucher’s information was detailed by Official, those who guessed that the mysterious experience voucher was a ‘like to hear’ thing, only then found that they were very wrong.

In the mysterious experience voucher introduction page of the Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website home page, the mysterious experience voucher submission channel is included. As long as Gamer verifies that there is a mysterious experience voucher in Brave’s World, you can fill in the specific personal information and let Dream Entertainment Official shipping included Home delivery.

In the Official Virtual Goods Trading System, three sets of Motion Sensing Operation Set auctions are online at the same time. These three sets of Motion Sensing Operation Sets are clearly toys belonging to the Nouveau Riche.

Xia Nation’s Nouveau Riche first joined the battle, Capital City’s Thunderbolt, directly invested in 1 Million, and the price of the Motion Sensing Operation Set was seven figures.

Although the official price of vrGame Helmet is Forty Thousand Xia Nation Yuan, Dream Entertainment Official has not announced the sale of the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform, the price of the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform, which is an unknown number for the time being.

Together with the introduction page of the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform, it describes in detail the advantages of the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform. Moreover, on June Twenty-three, this time is very subtle. If Expert Gamer wins the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform, it may easily surpass the previous competitors.

Let Gamer get better results in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, which is the advantage and value of the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform!

Little Nan also read the introduction of the new Motion Sensing Operation Platform, and what is vrGame Helmet, Little Nan is also very clear, but at this moment, Little Nan only pays attention to the price of the Motion Sensing Operation Platform Set.

1 Million, in her eyes, is already a high price!

(To be continued.)

Ps: return.

There are two additions this month, one of which is the ova theatrical version.