
Chapter 1141

HK1126 ultimate ownership

Dream Entertainment Official Virtual Goods Trading System, three sets of vrGame Helmet and Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform, a set of somatosensory, currently hot auction.

Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm received a reminder from Brave’s World Main System at First Time that Dream Entertainment will present him with a set of vrGame Helmet and Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform in recognition of his work on Dream Entertainment and Brave’s World. contribution.

After receiving the information, Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm immediately entered the Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website within Brave’s World to see a detailed introduction to the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

In the case of vrGame Helmet, Storm is almost already known. But the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform is a strange thing. Dream Entertainment Company has not announced any advance notice of this product, but a new product that suddenly popped up.

After reading the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform’s information, Storm’s eyes brightened. Although the Second Generation Motion Sensing Operation Platform’s experience for oneself is also good, it makes Storm feel uncomfortable and imperfect.

Now with the advent of the new Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform, Storm finally feels that the experience of oneself of the Motion Sensing Operation Platform should not be any issue. As for the real situation, it is only after waiting for him to receive the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform and personally test it.

Brave’s World’s Main System, Izual, General’s Virtual Goods Trading System, auctioned three sets of somatosensory set operations, and sent it to Storm.

Although Storm has already received a set of Motion Sensing Operation Sets, Storm still wants to get more. This is not a skill that Storm has a avatar. Nor is Storm ready to be used by subordinates, but simply buy more Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform to prevent Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform from being acquired by other Gamers. Thereby increasing combat effectiveness.

In order to win, Storm obviously uses all the means available.

Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm entered the Official Virtual Goods Trading System. At this time, three sets of vrGame Helmet and Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform, each set was speculated to the high price of million.

The Nouveau Riche-class Gamer who participated in the auction, each clearly knows the price of the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform. It is absolutely impossible to be too expensive. But Dream Entertainment Company chose the time, and the performance of the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform was very Outstanding, analyzed by Nouveau Riche. The Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform is indeed capable of promoting Brave’s World’s operation experience for oneself and combat strength.

There is another factor, vrGame Helmet. Although the official price is Forty Thousand Xia Nation Yuan, Official is temporarily not shipped, just accepting the reservation. Currently vrGame Helmet is put out. Although the price is very expensive. But not the thing that can’t be bought!

Like some cell phone merchants in the afterlife, the speculative cards and price/performance ratios blow the products, but in reality, the number of shipments is very small. What is the price/performance ratio? You can’t buy the thing, no matter how good it is.

Therefore, the Set of Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform and vrGame Helmet is likely to be auctioned at such a high price!

Storm has Signed In his account in the Official Virtual Goods Trading System. He did not immediately take the shot, but turned back to the Official Gamer Forum. Storm also knows about the Official Gamer Forum. The hottest topic of the last two days, precisely as stated mysterious experience voucher.

Before, Storm almost thought about it, but now Storm understands it. The wake-up Storm, in the Official Gamer Forum, released the acquisition of the mysterious experience voucher.

From the Gamer post that had previously exposed mysterious experience voucher screenshots, Storm knows that the mysterious experience voucher can be transacted, that is, there is a possibility of a transfer.

Storm’s high-profile postings bought mysterious experience voucher’s post, the price is not yet fixed, only said one, waiting for the highest result of the auction. Obviously, Storm is going to buy the mysterious experience voucher at the highest rate of auction.

Storm’s purchase of a purchase sticker, specifically using Brave’s World copper coin, applied for a topping and restriction response. Only Gamer with mysterious experience voucher is allowed to reply in the Storm’s post. Of course, this special reply restriction is not used by Unrestricted. Because Izual’s resources are limited, and the reply to the post is restricted, the condition determine will be made, thus consuming Izual’s resources. So, using the reply determine condition will also consume Brave’s World’s copper coin.

In the Official Gamer Forum, a post is required, Hundred-thousand copper coin is required, time restriction is twenty hours, and special conditions are used to filter the restriction reply, which also requires Hundred-thousand copper coin. According to the current black market exchange price, Hundred-thousand copper coin needs Ten Thousand Xia Nation Yuan, which is also translated into US Dollar, which is also a full amount of 1,250 yuan. This is not a small amount.

Ordinary’s Gamer does not use the Forum’s top function or special conditions to filter the restriction reply function. Only the Nouveau Riche-class Gamer will have the capital to play with the special features of the Forum.

The special features of the Forum are also a type of Brave’s World currency recycling mechanism. The currency of Nouveau Riche Gamer does not appear out of thin air, but is collected from the purchase of the numerous Gamer. Through the Official Gamer Forum, you can effectively adjust Brave’s World’s currency circulation issue.

Storm is Brave’s World’s best-known Exceed Grade Gamer and Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche. For Storm’s posts, including Little Nan, four Gamer holding mysterious experience voucher, all tempted.

vrGame Helmet and Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform, for the Ordinary Gamer, it’s a bit too high-end. To be honest, even if they get vrGame Helmet and Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform, there is no corresponding front end to support the entire Motion Sensing Operation Platform.

First of all, the front end that vrGame Helmet needs is the Personal Game Server. Ordinary Gamer is hard to bear the price of Personal Game Server, even though the lowest grade of Excellent Grade Personal Game Server, nor the Ordinary Gamer can play.

Next is the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform, the Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform from Dream Entertainment Company, which does not include eight HD cameras and related installation services. Dream Entertainment Company only provides the corresponding manual and camera installation diagram. The price of eight high-definition cameras is definitely not cheap, even with the price of the Excellent Grade Personal Game Server, there is a great possibility.

After all, the Excellent Grade Personal Game Server is only Ten Thousand six thousand Xia Nation Yuan. The price of buying eight HD cameras is very likely to reach Ten Thousand for $6,000.

It is because of the high cost of the front-end equipment, plus the interior space required for the Motion Sensing Operation Platform, which is not available to the Ordinary Gamer. Ordinary Gamer has acquired vrGame Helmet and Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform, and choosing the right price for sale to other Gamer will be a very good choice.

Shi Lei also took this into account and set the ‘Cannot Be Dropped, Tradeable’ attribute to the mysterious experience voucher instead of the ‘pick binding’.

Dream Entertainment Official Virtual Goods Trading System, three sets of Motion Sensing Operation Set, the auction time is set to eight minutes, also in other words, the auction end time is two 12 points thirty. If you don’t set a time restriction, do you have to keep auctioning?

The price of the Motion Sensing Operation Set, after reaching seven digits, is very slow. Nouveau Riche’s ticket is not a slapin the wind, the price of the Motion Sensing Operation Set, in their price in the heart, there is also a more accurate positioning, not an unlimited increase.

Storm observed the auction price and has now reached 120 Seventy Thousand, which is slowly rising by one or two thousand. The Nouveau Riche Gamer, which is currently chasing prices, is not the Top Level. The Nouveau Riche Gamer at the top level, not for the time being, they are waiting a few seconds before the end of the auction time.

In these few seconds, Top Level Nouveau Riche Gamer will directly report his psychological price and make a full effort.

Storm is also waiting for this opportunity. Storm not only wants to get the Motion Sensing Operation Set in the hands of the Ordinary Gamer, but also Hope to get the Motion Sensing Operation Set originally belonging to Nouveau Riche. If Storm once again monopolizes the Motion Sensing Operation Set, Storm is confident to make another profit!

Two 12 points, Twenty-nine is divided into fifty seconds.

From the Dream Entertainment Official Virtual Goods Trading System, the auction of three sets of Motion Sensing Operation Sets was completed in just ten seconds. Storm still hasn’t shot, and Storm is waiting for the last chance. He has entered all the quotes for the three sets of Motion Sensing Operation Set into the corresponding bid box, and only waits for the last few seconds to be confirmed.

In the last five seconds, Storm made the final offer for each Motion Sensing Operation Set at a very fast hand speed. Storm’s offer is very simple, three sets of Motion Sensing Operation Set, each set is two hundred zero Thirty Thousand.

Before the Storm bid, the price of each set of Motion Sensing Operation Set is up to 100 500,000. However, Storm has killed 2 Million in an absolutely strong posture.

2 Million is a hurdle, and Gamer is a bit hard to overcome the obstacles in the heart. After all, buying a set of products that might have been worth only Hundred-thousand dollars, in the Ordinary Gamer’s view, it’s definitely a teasing.

It is a pity that at the last minute of the moment, the auction system of the Motion Sensing Operation Set has reappeared in numbers.

The final offer price has reached 2,818,880,888!

Just from the bidding analysis, this should be the Gamer of the Asian Area. Only in the East Asian cultural circle, such a ‘good luck’ digital quotation will appear.

In the circle of Western Gamer, it is not too sensitive to numbers. At least not blindly worshipping ‘8’ is the same homonym as ‘fat’.

Like Storm, Storm bids for two hundred Thirty Thousand. According to Storm’s own determine, he speculates that few people bid on 2 Million or above. Even with the number above 2 Million, Storm has more Thirty Thousand finale!

However, at the last moment, Storm was counter-attacked, and it was hit by nameless Gamer. Three sets of Motion Sensing Operation Sets were taken away by a Stormer whose Storm is temporarily unknown.

The ultimate ownership of the poor Storm and the three sets of Motion Sensing Operation Sets is lost!

(To be continued.)